Witches Be Burned: A Magic & Mayhem Novel

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Witches Be Burned: A Magic & Mayhem Novel Page 8

by Stacey Kennedy

  Horror filled Thalia’s eyes—so profound it raised Nexi’s eyebrows. Who knew a Vampire Mistress still had enough humanity to care. “My vampires are interacting with dark magic?” At Zia’s nod, she sneered. “First betrayals, and now they are siding with our enemy.” She glanced back to Maddox behind her. “I’m disgusted.”

  It became clear enough, even to Nexi, that Thalia had no part in this, though she kept her attention on Maddox as he nodded, his gaze flicking to Kyden. “This revenge they spoke of, did it involve Thalia?”

  Nexi noted that Maddox was more concerned about this landing on Thalia’s doorstep than caring over what had happened to Trefan. While she stored that in her mind not to forget they weren’t a hundred percent on their side, she also understood. If the roles were reversed, her loyalty would be to the Otherworld, and her concern would remain there.

  Kyden didn’t seem bothered, either, and replied, “We didn’t hear that Thalia was involved in any way. Though, in truth, from what the witness told us, not much was discussed. While the Council, of course, didn’t believe Thalia had involvement in such a tragic event, we had to look into it.”

  “Of course,” Maddox replied.

  Thalia dismissed Kyden with a flick of her fingers. “I’m not offended. I would’ve done the same.” She pinched her lips together, yet her beauty seemed amplified by the intensity on her face. “I haven’t been made aware of any of my vampires losing control of their fledglings.”

  It really, really annoyed Nexi how beautiful Thalia was. How elegant. How powerful. How perfect. She could see why Kyden had interest in Thalia, and that twisted Nexi’s gut. She was just her, simple, and new to this world, which was proven when she had no idea what they were talking about. “Which matters, because…?”

  Kyden’s piercing eyes, still wildly amused by her earlier show of jealously, met hers. “The sires of the vampires who have betrayed Thalia should have told her they’d lost control of them. They should have come forth and indicated their vampires no longer fight on her side. As it seems, the sires are protecting their fledglings.”

  Nexi pondered, coming to one conclusion. “Because they’re doing something she disagrees with?”

  “Exactly,” Kyden agreed with a firm nod. “Attacking the Council’s Guard is considered a threat to the Otherworld. Meaning Thalia is held responsible for any vampires under her territory who have threatened war, so to speak, against the Council.”

  Nexi nibbled her lip, considering this further, and then asked Thalia, “And that is a bad situation for those vampires to be in, I take it?”

  “My rules are not to be broken,” was Thalia’s hard reply.

  While Thalia held an incredibly gentle air about her, Nexi also noticed a ghostly darkness in her eyes. Nexi figured there was a very good reason those sires were staying silent—fear. “Why would they not only go against you, but join this witch? What purpose could it serve them?”

  Thalia frowned. “That is an answer I do not have.”

  Silence settled in, and Nexi hadn’t realized there was soft classical music playing in the distance, but she wondered if Maddox had left open whatever door he came out of, spilling the music into the house.

  Zia finally broke the more-than-awkward silence. “Have you had any issues within your territory?”

  “Normal things—vampires turning lovers without my consent, and things such as that.” Thalia leaned against Maddox, who stood at her back. He hastily rubbed her arms, showing a love between them. Lovers or platonic, Nexi didn’t know, but the sense of love was evident.

  Thalia shut her eyes, apparently relishing the touch, before she looked back to Zia. “But nothing that would have them defying my laws or leading anyone to attack the Council’s Guard.”

  “Furthermore,” Maddox added, with rich vampire power blazing in his eyes, “I wonder why this has been kept from us. Why would their sires not come forward and say their fledglings had gone against Thalia’s rules?”

  “Maybe they’re scared,” Nexi offered her earlier thought.

  Kyden’s fingers, which had been tracing delicate swirls over her shoulder, tapped her skin. “I suspect that’s exactly the case.” He asked Thalia, “What would you have done to these sires if they’d come forward?”

  “Killed them,” Thalia said flatly.

  Clearly, he’d asked not for his benefit, but so Nexi would understand. He didn’t seem at all surprised by her response. Nexi, on the other hand, snorted. “Guess that explains why they were tight-lipped about it.”

  Thalia bowed her head, blowing out a long, slow breath, which Nexi knew was habit more than the need to breathe. When she lifted her head, her expression had immensely saddened, eyes tight with despair. “I can’t believe they have done this to one of your dear friends, Kyden.”

  Maddox wrapped his arms around her, dropping his head into the base of Thalia’s neck. “I will kill them for their betrayal.”

  Kyden’s thigh touching Nexi’s stiffened. “Not if we kill them first.”

  Nexi couldn’t tear her focus off Thalia. As much as she wanted to hate Thalia, she simply couldn’t. The pain ripping across Thalia’s expression made Nexi soften up to her. Within the ranks of these creatures that could kill in an instant and who had proved to be cruel were ones like Thalia. Vampires who still had a conscience. To Nexi’s utter annoyance, it made her like—and quite possibly respect—Thalia. Before she could stop the insanity about to come out of her mouth, she heard herself saying, “I’m sorry that they’ve betrayed and clearly hurt you.”

  The Mistress Vampire moved away from Maddox’s hold and her despairing eyes flicked to Nexi. “Thank you. It is a shame.” She strode toward the bay window and stared out into the dark night.

  Nexi wondered what Thalia’s next move would be, but she didn’t have to wonder long before Zia said, “I’m afraid we don’t have a lot of time and you are our best lead. Can you help?”

  Thalia never looked away from the window. “I will do that and more. Maddox, call for a summit and schedule it for tomorrow night.” Thalia’s voice lowered to an ice-cold tone, one that sent a shiver straight through Nexi, as she added, “You’ll get the information you need, no matter the cost.”

  Chapter 6

  The Guardians’ House, located on the north side of the Otherworld’s castle, was eerily quiet. Kyden figured with the news of Trefan’s death, most guardians would be either out joining the trackers, even if they hadn’t asked for help, or banded together in mourning. He made a mental note to find Finn to ensure that his friend managed to get through this ordeal, but first he had someone else to deal with.

  After leaving Zia in the Council’s Foyer, Nexi strode in front of him through the wide hallway. She didn’t hesitate at their apartment; she opened the door and entered without a hitch to her step or a single look back to him. Nor did she give the kitten a second look as it meowed, waiting at the door for her.

  Kyden heaved a sigh, following behind her. Tension rippled through him at the conversation with Thalia. The summit had been arranged for tomorrow night at midnight, allowing for all of her vampires to gather.

  He didn’t want Nexi to go to the summit and be in a room full of vampires, knowing some of them had betrayed Thalia. The danger that put her in, especially considering her blood was tempting to vampires, did not please him. But he also knew what Nexi’s answer would be if he told her to stay behind.

  Hell, no!

  Another heavy sigh spilled from his lips as he shut the door behind him and then turned, watching her head straight for the bedroom, still not saying a word. Perhaps keeping his past relationship with Thalia a secret wasn’t ideal, but he’d done it for her benefit. If Nexi had known before meeting Thalia, the first introduction wouldn’t have gone over as well.

  While Nexi stated her position of belonging to Kyden well enough, which in supernatural terms was expected and respected, if Nexi had shown a great dislike for Thalia when they first shook hands, Thalia would’ve sensed it. Kyd
en needed Thalia to like Nexi. Having a Mistress Vampire on your side was never a bad thing.

  Aware of the looming conversation, he entered the bedroom, finding Nexi removing her scabbard and placing her sword on the wooden dresser. He also removed his, leaving it at the doorway, thinking it best to give her some space.

  When she finally looked at him, she glared, and he couldn’t help but smile. “You’re jealous.”

  “Got that, did you?” she growled, eyes ablaze. “And would you stop looking so damn happy about that?”

  “Oh, but this is amusing.” The diversion removed all his tension as he crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame. “Do tell me, why would a woman who has been determined to put me in my place when I get territorial now be jealous?”

  Not that he minded the fierceness she displayed.

  More and more, Nexi was leaving her human side behind. And that pleased him—the quicker she accepted the supernatural way of life, the safer she would be. And supernaturals—especially guardians—protected their own. While he was fond of the sweet human side of her, it also made her vulnerable.

  Her nostrils flared. “Don’t you dare put that back on me. Thalia is gorgeous; of course I’d be less than happy that she shared your bed.”

  “Well, she didn’t really share my b—”

  Nexi’s eyes slowly narrowed. “If you want to live another night you will not finish that sentence.”

  Though he knew it might sign his death sentence, he chuckled, taking a step toward her. “Besides, you are far prettier than she could ever be.”

  His compliment didn’t register on her face. In fact, her frown deepened. “She’s elegant.”

  “Yes, she is very elegant.” He took another step forward.

  While he knew tonight with Thalia would be interesting, he was pleased no other past lovers would act in such a manner. Every other lover before Thalia was in a long-term relationship now. And that made him damn happy. He didn’t mind Nexi showing her ownership of him, but he also didn’t enjoy seeing her doubt what they have.

  “You slept with her,” Nexi accused.

  “I did.” He shrugged and thought it best to admit, “And a handful of others, too.”

  Her eyes went huge, a dark red flush creeping over her cheeks. “Oh my God, you seriously need to work on what you say to me. Do guardians have no common sense?” She threw up her hands and began pacing in front of the bed. “Do you honestly think that’s supposed to make me feel better?”

  “No sense ignoring the truth, and now that I’ve discovered you have a jealous side, I do think for my own safety it’s best to be forthright.” He slowly approached her, loving seeing her this way. Nexi had been a virgin when Kyden met her, with very few mortal relationships in her past—and he figured that happened only because Nexi, as a supernatural, wouldn’t have been sexually attracted to mortals when growing up. He suspected she dated humans because that was perceived to be the normal thing to do.

  Unable to stand the distance between them, he closed in on her, taking her hand and placing it on his heart. “While others may have shared my body, no one has ever had this.” Nexi had stolen that from him. Only her soul could possess it. So giving. So loving. So unselfish. So fiery. “My heart is yours.”

  She held his stare for a long few seconds, then her eyes lost a bit of heat. “Okay, keep talking, I’m starting to forgive you.”

  Case in point, this is why he loved her. The sass, the quick wit, the fire—it all captivated him. She was mentally, emotionally, and stubbornly as strong as him, and he found it thrilling. Pressing her hand tight against his bare chest, hoping she could feel the beat of his heart, he added, “It’s only you, and always will be you, who stays right here in my heart and on my mind, Álainn.”

  Her shoulders lowered as she exhaled obvious tension, reaching up to run her hands over his quivering biceps from the heat of her fingers. “You should have warned me that Thalia was an old lover of yours before we went.”

  “Possibly that might have been better, but…what would have happened if I did?”

  Without a single hesitation, she spat out, “I would’ve bitch-slapped that vampire just because your lips—and other parts of your body that we are not going to talk about—have once touched hers.”

  “Precisely.” He restrained his chuckle, tapping her nose. “You need Thalia as an ally, whether you like that or not. I wanted you to like her and for her to like you as well. I knew once you met her with more of an open mind, you’d see she has a kind heart and only friendship remains between us.” Gods, this woman warmed him. The way she looked at him with those soulful eyes stopped his world from moving. She also made him rock hard, and he pressed such evidence against her belly. “I knew all of that, because your sweet heart is one of the reasons I love you.”

  Again, she heaved a long sigh. “Fine, you’re right—I did notice all of the above. But it also doesn’t mean I have to become BFFs with her.”

  “I never said that you did.” Trapped in the passion that burned so brightly between them, he dragged a finger across her cheek, seeing flares of possessiveness dancing in her eyes. “Nonetheless, I didn’t want your first introduction to Thalia to be about what has happened with me in the past.”

  “You are not allowed to say past anymore,” she retorted, with a cute scrunch of her nose. “That makes me think of things that I don’t want to. Please spare me the details.”

  Loving her—at most times—smart mouth, he dropped a quick kiss on her lips. “Now then”—he ground himself against her—“let’s see to making you feel relaxed.”

  Her response was immediate and drenched in sensual invitations. “Touch me. Kiss me.” She leaned against him, welcoming him to take her, and her voice became thicker…huskier. “Make me forget her hands ever touched you. And show me that those hands belong to me now.”

  He didn’t need to hear more and crushed his mouth against hers. Staying right in the moment with him, she returned the kiss with equal fervor. Her moan brushed deliciously across him, and he drew in her sweet scent, needing to capture all of her. Intensity fueled her kisses, both hard and demanding. Her tongue was forceful, diving into his mouth as if to clear away any woman before her.

  Heat burned through his muscles as she reached for the clip on his kilt, letting it fall to the ground. Then, when her fingers tucked under the rim of his boxer shorts, he didn’t want to waste time and shoved his shorts down, needing her, craving her, lusting to be so deep inside her. His hefty erection was freed, and he groaned as her mouth continued to dance across his. He reached behind her, unhooking her bra, while she removed her kilt and shorts in the same moment.

  She backed away when her hand reached for his cock. Her molten stare held his as she stroked his erection, hardening him to steel. With each long tug, he groaned as pleasure swept through him. Every playful, territorial look she gave increased his desire, until he moaned and shifted his hips with the jerks against him.

  “Mine,” she rasped.

  “ ’Bout damn time you declared it,” he growled.

  The blast of possession pouring out of her made him ache because he’d never been with a female guardian. Before now Nexi acted very human in their lovemaking. Now she claimed her mate as a guardian would, and fire rushed through his veins, tightening his muscles. The answering growl she gave belonged to a female who owned her guardian, and she pushed on his chest, moving him back toward the bed.

  When his legs met the bed, he scooted back as she climbed onto his lap. Her breasts were the right size for his hands, and she was neither too muscular nor too thin—she was flawless, and she was his. From her soul, to her beauty, to the way she felt so right under his hands, she was made for him.

  His cock throbbed in his hand as he held himself up to her, waiting for her to claim him. Using the other hand to grasp her hip, he assisted her in sliding down onto him and he groaned, “Gods, that’s perfect.”

  Her eyes fluttered shut as she lowered her body fl
ush against his. “Damn right it is.” She began shifting her hips, not softly and gently but roughly and urgent.

  Consumed by her with the same passionate demand, he stayed right there with her, right in the moment of ownership. Hell, he’d marked her all the same, and continued to do so as often as she allowed. Even now, with all his tension from wanting to keep her out of this danger, his body vibrated to wrap her in his arms and keep her in his safety.

  Beauty and power bounced on top of him, squeezing at him in a demand to give her all of himself, as she slid her marvelous wet and warm body against his, making him pleased that supernaturals had magical protection against pregnancy. To not feel all of her would have been a certain torture he couldn’t have endured. Her breasts jiggled, giving him a view so fine that he couldn’t stop himself from sliding his hands up the curve of her hips.

  Being close to her made all his thoughts fade, made everything right, when so much in Nexi’s life had been wrong. Here, with their bodies connected, things worked and life was very simple. There was no argument between them. No attitude. Just love.

  Possessed by that knowledge, he ran his hands up to her taut nipples and tweaked the tight peaks. Her gasp was immediate and she rocked harder, moving up and down, until she found a rhythm that had his groans echoing hers.

  Inner muscles were squeezing him as she looked into his eyes, spurring a need for him to grasp both hips, assisting her in moving faster against him, until skin smacked against skin, and the lone scent in the room was from their lovemaking. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as added wet warmth spread out between them and her sex convulsed with the beautiful arch of her back. Her breaths grew raspy and increased his desire to make her scream.

  Eager to watch her explode around him, he dug his fingers into her hips, helping her gain further speed, and tightened his legs, penetrating her deeper. Driving up into her from underneath, she pressed her hands against his chest and her mouth dropped open, eyes widening from pleasure.


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