Witches Be Burned: A Magic & Mayhem Novel

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Witches Be Burned: A Magic & Mayhem Novel Page 15

by Stacey Kennedy

  Though looking at Kyden’s taut expression, the strength in the depths of his eyes comforted her. Tonight they had the entire Otherworld behind them. They would not fail.

  His brows drew together as he dragged a finger over her cheek. “Be safe.” Then he yanked her tight against the hard planes of his body. “Don’t forget that you are mine. Protect what is precious to me. Don’t be a hero tonight.”

  She stood on her tiptoes, dropping a kiss on his mouth. “I’ll be safe. Promise.”

  One sleek brow arched. “I will hold you to that promise.” Then he swept her away in one of his mind-blowing kisses that almost made her forget why they were there tonight.


  A rush of heady fright snapped her mind into focus and she leaned away from Kyden, glancing to Haven. While Nexi was concerned, she wasn’t that scared. Haven, on the other hand, was terrified—her eyes were wide, frantic. Nexi reached for her hand, squeezing tight. “Stay close to me.”

  Haven nodded. “I will.”

  While Haven’s magic was brilliant, she also wasn’t as strong defensively as Nexi. Haven wasn’t there to fight tonight because she enjoyed it or for vengeance, she was there to fight for Trefan. Nexi understood the need that drives someone to avenge another’s death all too well—and the satisfaction that came along with the revenge.

  Breaking the thick silence, Talon called, “Ready?”

  “Yes” was shouted in unison.

  Darkness spread across Talon’s expression before he launched forward, leading the way toward the lodge. Nexi stayed behind Kyden as promised—which she agreed to because she didn’t mind staying behind him. She could keep an eye on him that way, too. Not that she’d ever tell him that—male pride and all.

  Her lungs constricted, muscles burning with every stride she took. She welcomed the awakening of her body and of her heightened senses, knowing soon she’d need all her power at the ready.

  Which happened to be a second later as the group descended on the lodge, instantly fanning out and approaching the entrances they’d been assigned to. A growl ripped from Kyden’s throat as he pushed the glass door open, and when Nexi entered the lodge, she discovered a large foyer, lit by candelabras. A dark wood staircase at the back of the room drew her focus, but for only a moment, because her bigger concern was the raw power that hit her so hard she nearly dropped to her knees. Yet it wasn’t the vampires’ power—no, this power came from a darker source.

  Nexi locked her knees, battling to remain upright. A vampire’s power felt like waves of thick energy. Astoria’s was a thick cloud of pulsating power stealing the air out of the room, yet somehow it felt oddly familiar. Nexi scanned the room, searching for the black witch, and found her not a second later.

  Astoria stood in the corner of the room with a sweet-as-sugar smile on her mouth. But those eyes, which Nexi knew were blue from the vision, couldn’t make her forget what Astoria was…pure evil.

  Finn stepped in front of Haven, shielding her. Nexi moved in close to Haven. Then Nexi noticed that Thalia hadn’t lied about wanting to protect her—she stayed close. Nexi decided that no matter what Thalia’s purpose for helping tonight was, at this moment she didn’t mind Thalia there. Not for herself, but for Haven. She said to Thalia, “If you want to earn my trust back, you will help Haven if she needs it. Deal?”

  Thalia smiled easily, as if they hadn’t just walked into a war zone. “Deal.”

  The side doors crashed open, startling Nexi as she watched the other members of their team storm into the lodge. Then eerie silence filled the space, and all Nexi heard was the race of her heartbeat and the sounds of her deep breaths. No one moved, locked in a stare-down. Though Astoria wasn’t cowering in fear, either, she remained fixated on Nexi, and Nexi didn’t look away.

  Talon called, “You know why we’ve come.”

  A long and lean vampire, who stood in front of the group, snarled, “To die.”

  Nexi had one second to see Talon’s sword sparkle off the light before hell in every sense of the word broke loose. A blur of bodies erupted in front of her, thrown in the air and smashed against the hardwood floors. Seconds seemed like minutes as loud screams of pure agony and death echoed the sounds of breaking bones.

  She drew her sword, the weight of it offering comfort and protection, as she stayed beside Haven. Astoria hadn’t moved, and the confidence oozing from the witch chilled Nexi to her bones. The challenge to fight lay hard in Astoria’s expression, yet the calmness she portrayed was a dead giveaway of the power she possessed.

  Astoria didn’t look afraid.

  There was no question this witch was out for blood.

  The other witches formed a line behind Zia and a strong Fire Witch, Briar, all kneeling down on the ground, preparing to ignite their magic—which was the drawback to magic: Not all witches were gifted with the ability to ignite magic without touch. Nexi was pleased she held such powers, as did Zia.

  Nexi blinked once before magic soared through the lodge. Fire blasted up the walls, yet didn’t burn the lodge, as that wasn’t where the magic was directed. The orange-and-blue flames traveled toward Astoria, and the swirling Air magic in the room was fueled by the Fire that Briar unleashed, being a wall of flames no one could dare outrun.

  Alongside the blast of Air, Zia’s Water magic flew like a giant wave through the large room as the vamps fought to remain on their feet. Though Astoria was powerful, she also didn’t look as relaxed anymore; her eyes were focused with intent. It was then Nexi realized that black magic wasn’t to be underestimated.

  She had expected Zia and Briar would kill Astoria in a second flat once they unleashed their magic, but Astoria held strong against them. Not a single flame from Briar’s or Zia’s magic had reached Astoria, as black smoke circled around the witch, deflecting the flames. Then a blast of energy that was as dark as it was brutal moved like a heat wave toward the fire, evaporating the flames as if they had never existed.

  Nexi had one second to spot and absorb the sheer force of Astoria before she noticed a few vampires running straight for her and Haven. “Stay here,” she yelled to Haven.

  She sprang forward into the horde of rabid vampires, smacking into bodies, determined to kill. Loud screams echoed in her ears mixed with the intense roar of the magic, making everything sound as if it were a far distance away. The metallic scent of blood rushed through her nostrils and she tightened her muscles, prepping for the fight.

  Consumed by thoughts of revenge, she jumped over headless bodies and forced her boots to hold against the slippery floor drenched with blood. Though blessedly, within seconds of the vamps’ deaths, the bodies and blood vanished, helping her regain her speed and footing. She drew in closer to her first target and noticed that Kyden, Talon, and Finn had already killed six vamps.

  She intended to increase that number.

  Charging toward a vampire snapping his fangs, she held her sword low, not giving him the advantage of anticipating her next move. Only when he got close, and with a scream from deep within, she used all her strength to slice at the vamp’s neck, sending his head tumbling.

  In nearly the same second, another vampire reached for her and she spun, digging her sword into his back. He dropped face-first to the floor with a hard thud. The wound wouldn’t kill him, but it’d keep him down until she could finish the job. Spinning to face her next target, a vampire slipped behind Kyden, lunging at her. When the vamp was a hairsbreadth away Nexi raised her sword, but suddenly his head detached from his shoulders.

  The body fell, revealing Kyden standing there staring with conviction, almost as if he didn’t even see her. Blood dripped off his sword onto his hand and his body was equally covered in crimson liquid before it all vanished with the magic. Without a word or even an acknowledgment of her, he turned and killed the other vampire that was ready to attack him.

  A body rocked Nexi from the side, sending her skidding along the hardwood floor, as a vampire bit into her arm. She screamed as fangs scraped a
gainst bone, and her tendons were being pulled like elastics. Consumed by the blinding pain, it took all her strength to rock her hips up to shove him off her, but the action made him bite harder. She raised her hand to punch him, but then the vampire was ripped off her and tossed to the ground. Maddox stuck a dagger into the vamp’s neck and dragged it from side to side, sending blood sputtering from the wound.

  Thalia lunged at Nexi almost in the same second, her eyes wickedly twinkling. Nexi gasped, scrambling to get away. She didn’t think the vampire would kill her, but…

  The Mistress Vampire grabbed Nexi’s arm, dropping to her knees. Then, as if they weren’t in the middle of war, she began licking Nexi’s wound. The fight around Nexi faded as the shock of what Thalia was doing settled in. Not a single vampire came near them as Maddox kept a shield up in front and killed any vampire that got close. All the while Thalia moaned, licking her way along the open wound as if Nexi were a lollipop.

  Nexi gaped, watching the wound slowly but surely seal up. Thalia’s involvement in helping tonight now made perfect sense. The Mistress vampire counted on Nexi being injured to have her taste, and Nexi knew there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it. How could the Council punish Thalia for healing Nexi’s wounds?

  They couldn’t, and Thalia knew that.

  Fucking sneaky vampires.

  The pain vanished from Nexi’s arm, and Thalia, with vampire speed, stood, wiping her mouth with a sweet grin. Nexi hopped to her feet, happy the pain from her arm was gone, but still…“Repairing our friendship, my ass.”

  “You needed healing.” Thalia winked, sucking the tip of her finger. “I provided it. I have done a great service to the Council by ensuring you are safe.”

  “Bullshit,” Nexi snapped.

  Before she could decide if she should thank Thalia or gut her, Talon’s voice echoed through the lodge. “Get them, Alazar.”

  Nexi jerked her head in the direction he looked, finding that vampires were running out of the room. Cowards! Alazar and the members of his team—who had shifted into their wolf form the second they entered the lodge—rushed out the doors with fierce growls.

  Finn roared, “Help. Now.”

  Nexi glanced over Thalia’s shoulder, spotting more than five vamps attacking him. The speed Finn had to use to keep them away impressed her and worried her all the same. Pulse pounding, she pushed Thalia aside and pounced forward. A quick punch got the first vampire away, and a flick of her sword ended his life. Though another vampire was running at full vamp speed toward her, so she raised her sword to charge him, when Thalia appeared.

  With a loud pop he was no longer a threat. Thalia turned and gave a gentle smile. “That is to repair our friendship.” She spun around to the next vampire flying toward them. “And so is this.” The vamp’s head dropped to the ground a second later. Then Thalia moved to the next vampire charging her. “And this.”

  Nexi didn’t plan on counting how many vampires Thalia killed for her, and she thought it would take far too many deaths for Nexi to ever trust that vampire again, no matter that Nexi knew Thalia had simply found a loophole to get what she wanted. She stayed focused on the next vampire approaching.

  The tall, beefy man with black spiked hair snarled, with his fangs glistening against the light. She softened her knees, readying to pounce, as the air rippled in front of her, almost like a blistering wave of heat. She wheezed against the surge of energy stealing her breath. The rush increased tenfold, creating goose bumps along her flesh, until the energy snapped away with a loud sizzle.

  A large form appeared, alarming Nexi. She jumped back in shock, slipping and landing on her butt. Squinting against the view, she was sure as shit her eyes were betraying her. Though even after two blinks, the sleek black panther shielding her and growling at the vampire remained.

  “What. The. Fuck?” she managed.

  The vampire who’d been charging stopped dead, staring with huge eyes, as did the four other vampires around him. They all stood quite still, glancing at one another, then back to the panther. That pause gave Nexi just enough time to see that the large cat had an orange-tipped tail.

  “Willow,” she breathed.

  Of course, it’s me. I would have been here sooner, but it was my first shift and just so you know it was awful and painful. You try having your bones and skin ripped apart!

  Before Nexi’s brain could catch up, Willow growled, so deep and vicious, a sound that simply didn’t belong to her cat, and sprang forward. Within sheer seconds, Willow ripped the vampires apart, leaving their dead bodies at her feet. The sleek animal glanced over her shoulder, grinning, with her tongue wagging. I did good, right?

  “Ah, yeah,” Nexi muttered in disbelief.

  Willow took a few steps backward and pressed her warm, thick body against Nexi’s thighs. That means I deserve a big juicy steak.

  Nexi glanced down at Willow’s huge frame, forcing herself to remember that while not in protector mode Willow was a cat and not a panther that could rip her freaking head off. “You kicked ass, Willow. Two big steaks for that.”

  Willow purred, sounding more like a growl in panther form. Finally, the treatment I deserve.

  Feeling safe enough with Willow guarding her, Nexi scanned the room, looking for her next target. Maddox and Thalia helped the other guardians, vampires, and werewolves, and by all appearances, their group was taking care of things just fine. Maybe they were a little worse for wear, but nonetheless still alive.

  Wounds could be fixed by magic.

  Deaths could not.

  Briar and Zia, plus the other witches, attacked Astoria with force. In the most remarkable display of magic Nexi had ever seen, Astoria’s thick black smoke surrounded her, keeping at bay any magic thrown her way. That didn’t mean the lodge wasn’t consumed with every type of natural disaster possible.

  “Get off me, you peasant,” Thalia shouted.

  By the time Nexi turned to Thalia, the vampire attacking the Mistress Vampire was headless, and she tossed his head like salt over one’s shoulder. Before Nexi could absorb such a sight, Haven’s scream cut through the air.

  Fear that did not belong to her coursed through Nexi’s veins. Haven’s terror cut through Nexi’s soul like a sharp sword to the gut. She spun on her heels, frantically searching for Haven, regretting that she’d been so focused on everything else that transpired that she’d lost proximity to her soul-sister.

  Finn screamed Haven’s name, adding to the tension, making it hard for Nexi to breathe. She continued to scan the room, but in the chaos of bodies both alive and dead, magic and mayhem, Nexi couldn’t find her.

  Time slowed.

  She turned to Finn again, and his fixed stare pointed her in Haven’s direction. He was closer to Haven than Nexi was, but he couldn’t get past the two vampires he fought. His eyes were filled with panic and he yelled her name with much fear in his voice.

  A sound that meant death was creeping in the shadows.

  Haven was stuck in a corner, trapped by a vampire hunting her. While the ground beneath the vampire rocked and rumbled, Haven used her Earth magic, but the vampire kept coming. Even Thalia, with vampire speed, couldn’t get there in time. “Keep me safe,” she called.

  Willow’s answering growl declared she’d heard her.

  “I’m here.” Thalia rested her hand on Nexi’s shoulder.

  Even though Thalia’s touch made Nexi almost shudder, the protection was appreciated. Nexi couldn’t trust that if she conjured magic she’d be safe. These things needed concentration, since she was so new to her powers, and she didn’t want to die in the process.

  She closed her eyes, cutting off the world and praying her magic wouldn’t fail her. Bursting heat rushed through her veins, building with each passing second. Her chest tightened as the flames within burned red-hot. The elements inside of her tingled, happy to be allowed out to play.

  Only when the fiery touch of the Fire element burned in her chest, fierce and ready, did Nexi open her eyes
. She didn’t hesitate; she raised her hands, aiming them toward the vampire. And as the vamp reached for Haven’s throat, Nexi begged the flames to burn evil instead.

  A shiver cascaded through her veins as the orange flames, tinted with a light purple, soared toward the threat. The fire barreled like lassos eager to strangle and take a life, and the rich energy roared through Nexi’s soul, mixing with her anger and propelling the elements to move faster.

  When the flames struck the vampire in the back, he dropped to the ground, and a split second later the lasso of fire engulfed him from head to toe. Nexi ran forward as Willow took out any threats coming toward her. She crinkled her nose, avoiding the vamp’s remains, as the ash stirred up with her shoes, barreling into Haven. “Okay?”

  “Yes.” Haven squeezed Nexi’s arms. “Yes. I’m fine.”

  Nexi breathed a sigh of relief but was drawn away when an odd energy rushed across her. She turned around, almost as if compelled to. Astoria’s black smoke thickened around where she stood and her body vibrated, her long hair fluttering over her face. As Astoria looked to her right Nexi did the same, instantly horrified to see more than ten vampires rushing Kyden.


  Her heart slowed, not raced as expected, but slowed in those scary moments of danger. Kyden could not see the attack coming his way.


  Fear nearly crippled Nexi as the looming danger hovered over him. Once she’d watched her mortal family die brutally. Once she almost lost Kyden. And because of evil she never truly knew the supernaturals who gave her life. She refused to witness anyone else die, and she roared at Willow, “Protect Haven.”

  Willow’s fierce growl of refusal echoed in Nexi’s ears, yet her familiar obliged the order, and Nexi ran for her life toward to Kyden. Her sword was a heavy weight in her hand, calling for the blood of anyone who threatened someone she loved again. The vampires were closing in. Too close. Nexi ran harder, pushing against the strain of her muscles.

  A vampire reached out to Kyden, but Nexi was there, right at Kyden’s back, when suddenly she noticed a flicker over the vampires, almost as if they weren’t real and were a vision produced by magic.


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