Witches Be Burned: A Magic & Mayhem Novel

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Witches Be Burned: A Magic & Mayhem Novel Page 19

by Stacey Kennedy

  The elements were strong within and they fought alongside to gain purity. Nexi had lived once as a human and had been okay with that; she didn’t need to be stronger. Pulling on everything good inside her soul, she fought to find the little pieces of herself that made her her.

  She remembered all those that she loved more than herself. Memories flashed in her mind of Haven’s smile; her human parents’ love; the love from her birth father, Drake, even if she had only experienced it for a few short months; and Zia’s support throughout these past six months. Last, the sensation of being held in Kyden’s arms engulfed her, and how his touch made her feel alive.

  She remembered these things, experiencing his love and protection, and that was her final recollection—that she never wanted the evil present in her. She had never asked to be magical. This power didn’t—and couldn’t—control her. And while she was grateful it had saved her life, Nexi had never desired it and what it offered. She never wanted to be special. She wanted to be herself.

  And with the love and light of those she cared for, her soul grew stronger, banishing the dark spell. The thick magic screaming in a sound that belonged in Hell slowly, but surely, was cast out. The poison-like sensation faded. The evil lacing her veins washed away. She quaked from the darkness that lurked now all around her.

  “Your soul is strong,” the low, masculine voice said. “I’m impressed you could push away the power as you’ve just done.”

  Nexi blinked, now realizing she was lying on the dirt ground. She blinked twice more until her vision adjusted. Smoke drifted from the trees that were no longer burning, but were left blackened from the fire. She inhaled the sooty air and a shadow next to her began to solidify.

  A man dressed all in black appeared. Nexi felt her eyes go wide, as he was no stranger to her. The warlock that she’d met near the Otherworld’s gardens had just saved her life.

  The haunting question remained: Why?


  A large log house surrounded by lush green grass, high trees, and thick shrubs held Kyden’s focus as he ran forward, holding in his hand a T-shirt that he’d grabbed from his apartment. Enormous wide windows decorated the front side of the home, and low lighting poured out. Four chimneys drifted smoke up into the sunrise.

  Before Kyden could even reach the steps, the front door opened and two werewolves stepped out. Kyden’s heart clenched as he spotted his close friend, Briggs, the Beta—second-in- command—to the Patriarch of Wolves. Usually, a smart-ass grin filled Briggs’s slender face, but that is not what Kyden found now. Briggs’s amber eyes were sharp and alert, apparently catching the scents of distress off Kyden.

  Kyden was sure that Briggs would catch the worry in his eyes even without his heightened senses as a werewolf. They grew up together all through childhood, as Briggs had originally trained to join the Council’s Guard. That was, until he’d met the Patriarch of Wolves, Valor, who had offered Briggs the role as second-in-command in his pack.

  Briggs was one of the Council’s best werewolves and next in line to take over the Master of Werewolves role. Kyden, being the Elite Guardian, was next in line to take over after Briggs. While the Council was less than pleased to lose Briggs, they also didn’t stop Briggs from leaving. No one would ever be forced into the Council’s Guard, and Kyden hadn’t cared either way. They had kept in touch, and where his friend lived didn’t matter to him. Besides, the Earthworld was safer with Briggs in such a commanding role, and their close relationship had given him a great ally with the werewolf packs in the United States.

  “What’s happened?” Briggs asked, with a faint British accent, which he’d picked up as he had spent most of his youth in London visiting his parents, when he wasn’t training in the Otherworld.

  “It’s Nexi,” Kyden replied. “I need your help.”

  Valor, as Patriarch of the Wolves, was the leader of all the Alpha werewolves who ran their own packs in the United States. While everyone in the Otherworld looked for wisdom from the Council, in the Earthworld all werewolves looked up to this man. Valor’s chocolate-brown eyes hardened, as his whole demeanor screamed strength. His cocoa-colored hair fell over his brow as he glanced to the T-shirt in Kyden’s hand and drew in a deep breath. Then he waved Kyden inside. “Yes. Come.”

  Kyden followed Briggs inside, entering the house and spotting the forty-foot-high ceiling, and the walls decorated with large paintings of frolicking wolves. The outdoorsy aroma reminded Kyden of the candles Nexi lit sometimes, a fragrance rich with nature.

  Valor entered the living room, and Kyden rushed in, finding a fire burning brightly and two oversized couches hugging it. He moved to the fireplace, relishing the warmth from the flames easing the coldness in his soul.

  “Explain,” Valor stated, taking a seat on the couch.

  Kyden ran his hands over his face, almost unable to believe the position Nexi was in. He didn’t know what she had done to deserve such a cruel fate, but fate seemed to have it out for her. “A black witch has captured Nexi.”

  Valor’s brows rose. “Captured her?”

  “It’s a long story that I’m afraid we don’t have time for.” Kyden began to pace the room. “But the witch has taken her through a portal to somewhere in the Earthworld.”

  Briggs asked from the doorway, “Zia hasn’t been able to get a track on her?”

  Kyden turned when he reached the wall and shook his head. “They cannot track her because it appears this witch has taken her to somewhere that disrupts her magic.”

  Valor rubbed the scruff on his face, his eyes searching Kyden’s. “Mountains.”

  “We suspect so,” Kyden agreed.

  “What would the witch want with Nexi?” Briggs moved closer to Kyden, as if attempting to comfort him.

  Even though he had an incredibly close relationship with Briggs, and respected the Beta to the highest degree, nothing could comfort him now. “From what we’ve learned, it appears that the witch was Lazarus’s mate.”

  “Bloody hell.” Briggs growled a wolfish sound.

  Kyden nodded at him, not needing to state the type of danger this put Nexi in. He turned to Valor. “I’m aware that you have no reason to help the Otherworld in this matter.” The treaty never brought the werewolves into a battle with the Otherworld. The worlds, while close, lived very separately.

  The only time Kyden could recall Valor helping the Otherworld was with the battle against Lazarus. Kyden didn’t doubt his close relationship with Briggs was part of the reason Valor offered to help, but Kyden thought the bigger reason was because of Nexi.

  She’d gained a friend during the fight with Lazarus; the two had bonded. From what Kyden had seen, Valor held a fatherly affection toward Nexi, and Kyden was pleased she made a friend in Valor. “I beg of you to help in any way that you can.” Kyden held up the T-shirt and noticed both Briggs and Valor drawing in Nexi’s scent.

  Valor regarded Kyden. “You want me to see if I can track her?”

  That was the one solution Kyden could come up with, and the reason he was asking Valor was because as the Patriarch his scenting abilities were stronger. He could track from longer distances than the average werewolf. “That, I fear, is our only option at this point.” Kyden dropped down onto the couch across from Valor, fisting his hands on his lap. “I will not wait for the witches to figure out what their next steps are. You might be able to catch her scent.”

  Valor and Briggs shared a long look before Valor replied, “I cannot fight the witch, Kyden. You know this. I wouldn’t stand a minute against her.”

  “I’m not asking you to fight,” Kyden replied, placing his face in his hands. The heaviness in his soul weighted him to the chair. “Let’s use your portal to quickly access every known area with mountains to see if you get a trace on Nexi.”

  Briggs’s heavy sigh echoed in the room. “The question needs to be asked: Are you sure Nexi is alive?”

  Kyden, of course, understood the question. As Valor’s second-in-command, Briggs was also th
inking of Valor’s safety. If Nexi was no longer alive, he didn’t want to risk Valor’s life by sending him after this witch. That didn’t insult Kyden; it made Briggs an honorable second-in-command to his wolf leader. “Zia believes she is,” he replied with a nod. “One of the witches can still see Nexi’s future.”

  “Good news, mate.” Briggs exhaled deeply, the relief reflecting in his eyes.

  Valor rose from his seat, examining Kyden. “What if I do catch her scent? Then what?”

  “You can run faster without me there, so when”—Kyden said the latter with a growl to his voice—“you catch her scent, find her exact location. Do you have a GPS?”

  Valor nodded. “On my cellphone.”

  “Good,” Kyden said in relief, glad werewolves cared about technology, as those in the Otherworld did not. “Once you have the GPS coordinates of where you are, call Briggs and tell him.” Then he looked to Briggs. “Come immediately through the portal to the Otherworld. I will return after we catch her scent to gather the others to be ready to fight the witch.” This was the fastest way to help Nexi, even if it ate at Kyden that he wouldn’t be the first one to find her.

  Right now he didn’t need pride. He needed her safe.

  Sadness reached Valor’s eyes, equally reflected in his voice. “If the witch is close to Nexi, I will keep my distance. I’m afraid that’s the best I can offer. I have no protection against this witch.”

  Kyden nodded. “I’m aware of that.”

  Briggs added to Valor, “Even if you stay at a distance, it will be close enough to get the Otherworld on the scene. It’s a good plan—it could work.” He held his chin high, staring firmly at his leader, which proved enough that Briggs stood on equal ground with Valor—any other wolf would be showing submission. All the same, Briggs stayed quiet to no doubt await Valor’s decision.

  While Kyden saw the clench of Briggs’s fists and believed that the Beta would help him, this decision belonged to Valor. If Valor helped now, it wasn’t out of duty, it was as a personal favor to Kyden.

  One for which Kyden would happily be forever in his debt.

  Valor approached and pressed a hand on Kyden’s shoulder, staring with soft eyes that were always a surprising trait in such a powerful wolf. “You are not the only one who cares for Nexi, my friend. If she is in danger, of course I will do what I can to help her.”

  “Thank you.” Kyden heard the desperation in his voice. “We cannot wait any longer. We must go.”

  Valor took the T-shirt from Kyden’s hand and placed it to his nose as he strode to the back of the house, where the portal he’d been gifted by the Otherworld was located. At the steel door, he glanced over his shoulder. “What will you do if I can’t find her?”

  “That isn’t a possibility that I will accept,” Kyden replied, with all the strength he had inside him. “Go.”


  Nexi blinked to be sure her eyes weren’t betraying her. She couldn’t move, even if she had wanted to. Whatever the hell went down between that energy and her elements left her nearing her grave. She stared into the gray eyes of the warlock she’d met in the Otherworld before she went to talk to Haven at her willow tree. Confusion swirled within, making her mind unable to grasp why he was there.

  What concerned her more was why he’d saved her.

  She couldn’t determine if he did so because he was helping or because he wanted something from her. First things first…“Who are you?” Her voice was hoarse and dry, and she didn’t sound like herself.

  The warlock ran his fingers gingerly up her arm and then pushed away the hair from her face. He stared down at her with a warm smile. “Magnus, Lord of the Underworld.”

  Her eyes would’ve widened, if she had the energy for such a thing. Though she supposed it made sense how he stood with her during the fight—she imagined as Lord of the Underworld his powers unmatched anything she could dream up. Especially considering he didn’t look at all tired from protecting himself from Astoria’s magic, and she could barely move a finger.

  While she knew fear should register at the knowledge of who he was, she couldn’t help but wonder how he got into the Otherworld without anyone knowing he was there. She finally surmised that the Lord of the Underworld had magic to keep his identity a secret, if he so chose to. More interesting, somehow while looking into his eyes, fear didn’t register. “Why did you help me?”

  Flames of red flicked through his intense stare, almost like electric currents. “Soon you’ll know the answer to that question.”

  Nexi wanted to think—wanted to understand what he meant—but her body refused to go there, exhaustion making everything hazy. Her head rested against the cold, rocky ground below, and all she could do was watch him. She sensed deep power within him, but that overwhelming evil she could sense in Astoria appeared hidden. It seemed he was making himself appear human, and that again raised the question: Why?

  On one knee next to her, he dragged a finger across her cheek. “To be more specific, tonight I assisted you to find powers you didn’t know were there, because I was curious if you had them.” His smile warmed, touching her in places he shouldn’t affect. “I’m pleased that you proved that you do.”

  He lowered his hand, and Nexi realized she was in desperate need for affection from apparently anyone because she mourned the lack of touch. He added, “I would like you to take over the position of Siren in my Guard.” At the obvious confusion crossing her face, he continued, “Think of it much like Zia’s position in the Otherworld’s Council—a strong witch who fights alongside me.”

  Nexi frowned, wishing he’d touch her again. She was just so cold. God, she needed to get home and be around those who should touch her. “Are you asking me to go live in the Underworld?”

  His eyes shifted, becoming more intense. “I want more than that, but for now, this is a start.”

  She forced a laugh, even if something in the way he touched her was familiar, something that she didn’t mind. All the same…“What gave you the impression I would want such a thing?”

  One sleek eyebrow arched, as the smoke from the trees drifted behind him. “I could offer you something you cannot get in the Otherworld.” He cocked his head, eyes searching hers. “You’re incredibly powerful, yet I’m not sure you even know it.” Hard lines of frustration formed along the sides of his perfectly sculpted mouth. “You’ve been too protected in the Otherworld, and they are not allowing you to grow and flourish, because they don’t understand you. They are not capable of exposing the magic you tasted tonight. I can teach you all that you’re missing and give you ways to keep yourself safe from any threat.”

  Nexi couldn’t deny the odd flutter of happiness sweeping into her soul. Hadn’t she wanted that—someone to support her and not fight against her? Magnus was, in fact, the direct opposite of Kyden. But even if this warlock was devastatingly handsome, and even if for some peculiar reason she didn’t feel uncomfortable around him, he was not Kyden. “You don’t know me. Or what I want.”

  His slow smile was dangerous, glinting at a secret she didn’t know. “I know everything I need to about you.”

  She heard him, kept thinking she should be rejecting all the things he said, but she couldn’t help but believe him. Worse than that, what he said tempted her. Her throat tightened, and even if her muscles were weak and tired, they tensed. His hand slid over her arm and a familiar heat burned into her core.

  She had enough fight to wonder: Why don’t I hate your touch?

  His voice lowered in a low hum. “I know exactly what you need and how you need it. I can offer you protection the others cannot.” Possessiveness flared in his eyes that both attracted Nexi and sickened her. “I’m the one who found you tonight and saved your life. Those you think you need failed to do that.” He tapped her nose, as if they were lovers. “Don’t make decisions so hastily.”

  “I’m impulsive, get used to it,” she muttered, confused and growing more unsettled by the minute.

  “If I have
one thing, it’s patience. Centuries of living provides for such a trait.” He brought his face closer to hers, his expression firming into a strong promise. “Believe me, Nexi, you will come to me. And when you do, it will be willingly.”

  She gulped, somehow unable to voice the words: That will never happen.

  He dragged his finger across her chin, and she shivered with the sensual feel of it. His touch didn’t chill her soul; it warmed the iciness in her veins. His piercing eyes glowed with red flickers—almost looking like flames of desire, and with that came trickles of power sending her into sensory overload.

  Heat rushed through her veins, leaving her breathless and arching her back from the pleasure. Her eyes fluttered shut, closing off the smoke in the air and the rising sun, as a sensation that made her feel vibrant and more alive than she ever had coursed through her veins. It was both beautiful and tantalizing, making her want to hold it, to never let it go, almost rejoicing that she finally was experiencing it.

  When the power slid away, she opened her eyes, his gray to her hazel.

  One arrogant brow arched. “That is exactly why I can be patient.” His voice lowered, seductive and sensual. “That is exactly what will bring you to me.”

  Nexi blinked, wanting to move away from him but unable to find the strength to do so…or even the desire to. Her mouth parted, nearly begging him to give her that sensation again. Though even now, she had an awareness that whatever he had done was not experienced to the fullest level. It seemed like a tease, and she wanted to feel the whole damn thing. Even so, she had enough sense to wonder if Magnus had done some demonic voodoo crap that bewitched her.

  Almost as if he were reading her thoughts, he dragged a finger over her bottom lip and murmured, “Lovely feeling, isn’t it?”

  She knew she should say something, yet somehow she couldn’t deny him. It did feel magical. It also felt right. All she could do was stay silent as he trailed his finger down her cheek, leaving a burn of heat in its wake.


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