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Alpha's Beta

Page 3

by Loralynne Summers

  “Please,” Erik begged.

  Jordan rose and lay on his side. “What’s wrong?” A comforting hand cupped the back of his head, and Jordan stroked Erik’s cheek with his thumb.

  “Promise not to laugh.”

  “I promise.” Jordan schooled his face into an overly serious expression, which drew a slight smile from Erik.

  Erik rolled onto his side to face Jordan. “I was afraid I wouldn’t last very long. I didn’t want to disappoint you.”

  Jordan’s lips bowed and he pressed a kiss to Erik’s forehead.

  “Little wolf, the only thing you could have done to disappoint me tonight would have been to slam the door in my face.”

  “I’m pretty sure if I’d tried that, my wolf would have taken over and burst through the door to get to you.”

  Jordan laughed and pulled him close. “We don’t want to get our wolves involved just yet, now do we?”

  Erik leaned in. As they kissed, he cautiously slid his hand down Jordan’s side to rest on the other man’s hip. Jordan reached between their bodies and wrapped his large hand around both of them, working himself and Erik at the same time. Erik tightened his grip on Jordan’s hip.

  “Let go, little wolf. Stop thinking. Just feel.”

  He buried his face into Jordan's shoulder, inhaling the deep musky scent of his mate. The feel of Jordan’s hand around him, their cocks sliding together, soon had Erik panting and close to release.

  “Come for me, Erik. Come with me.”

  The command was his undoing. He cried out, and Jordan’s stifled moan accompanied his.

  Chapter Three

  “Stay,” Erik whispered when Jordan began to move away.

  Jordan sighed. “I’d love to. But you know why I can’t.” Based on his relaxed body and even breathing, he’d thought Erik was asleep. He’d intended to clean himself up and cover Erik before leaving.

  Erik raised his head. His mate looked so peaceful, so sated, that Jordan nearly caved to the request.

  “I’m glad you came to see me.”

  Jordan’s heart soared.

  “Does this mean you’ll answer my texts now?”

  Erik laughed. “Yes.” Against his leg, Jordan felt Erik’s stirring once more as they kissed.

  “Damn the full moon mating fever. You’ll be the death of me, little wolf.”

  Erik’s hands grew bolder, his kisses more confident. Jordan felt the difference in him from the ball of anxiety that had greeted him earlier. He let Erik maneuver him onto his back and explore his body, much as he’d done to Erik. Hesitant kisses fluttered across his chest. He remained still and silent, waiting to see what his mate would do.

  “May I?” Erik asked, hand hovering over Jordan’s lengthening cock.

  “You’re my mate, little wolf. You may do anything you’d like to me.” To reinforce this idea, Jordan tucked his arms beneath his head. “I won’t stop you.”

  Erik gently took hold of Jordan, sliding his hand up the shaft and running his thumb over the head. He worked him for a few minutes, strokes growing stronger as Jordan grew harder. Jordan watched, fascinated by Erik’s journey of exploration of his own sexuality and Jordan’s body.

  Erik met his gaze, and a thrill went through Jordan when he saw gold eyes instead of brown. Jordan was amazed that Erik still held sway over his wolf and hadn’t shifted. More than once, when he’d fooled around with guys during the full moon he’d had to use his Alpha influence to overpower their wolves. Yet again he was forced to reevaluate his opinion of his mate’s strength. He’d seen Erik at past gatherings, shoulders down, looking purely submissive. Either that had been one hell of an act, or something had changed. Perhaps filling in as Beta for his Uncle had done it.

  Jordan’s thoughts were interrupted by the sweet embrace of Erik’s mouth on his cock. After a brief taste, Erik resumed stroking as he rose to kiss Jordan.

  “I want you,” Erik said. “I want all of you.”

  Jordan groaned. “That’s the full moon talking. You’re not ready.”

  Erik pulled back and met his eyes. “I’ve never felt this way for anyone, even on a full moon. I know what I’m saying.”

  Jordan flipped them, hands tight around Erik’s wrists as he pinned him to the mattress. Erik’s nostrils flared, his excitement evident in his eyes. Eyes that had returned to brown, with only the faintest trace of gold around the edges. Still, Jordan hesitated.

  “The meeting is next week. Once the merger of our packs is official—”

  “And what if things go wrong? What if we never have a second chance to be together?”

  Jordan rested his forehead against Erik’s chest. His mate’s heart pounded, but Jordan sensed no fear from Erik.

  “Please,” Erik said softly.

  Jordan let out a shuddering breath.

  “I don’t suppose you have any condoms?”

  “No. Have you always been safe?”


  He felt Erik’s shrug. “Then I’m not worried.”

  Erik’s complete trust amazed Jordan. After all, they barely knew each other.

  “We’ll need lube. Do you have any Vaseline? Or something like that?” Jordan continued to talk into Erik’s chest. He’d lose focus if he saw those big beautiful eyes and those lips swollen from his kisses. And he refused to rush and hurt Erik.

  “I do. In the bathroom.”

  Jordan closed his eyes. This was everything he wanted, but he remained concerned that Erik wasn’t ready for this. Fuck, Jordan wasn’t ready for this. He’d never been with a virgin before. When his own sunflower had been picked, he’d been drunker than an alehouse rat, and had experienced plenty of back door play beforehand. Not to mention the emotional charge of being with his mate. Knowing this man was the person he’d be spending the rest of his days with was seriously messing with Jordan. He’d known he’d have to settle down eventually, but hadn’t expected it to be with a man.

  Deflowering his mate truly hadn’t been his endgame when he’d decided to come here tonight.

  “Stay put,” he said, pressing a kiss to Erik’s abdomen. Jordan rose and retrieved the container from the other room. He unscrewed the cap as he settled between Erik’s knees.

  “Just breathe, Erik. Try to relax.”

  Jordan guided Erik’s legs up, spreading him wide. He started slowly, massaging one coated finger in a circle around the tight ring of muscle, occasionally pressing against the opening. Erik’s breathing deepened. Jordan pushed in, watching Erik’s reaction. His eyes were closed, head back, mouth slightly open. Jordan worked his finger in and out, and once Erik’s abdomen relaxed, added a second finger. Erik winced slightly, and Jordan leaned forward, taking Erik’s cock in his mouth to distract him. He was rewarded with a moan of pleasure. Jordan continued to work Erik with his fingers while he sucked until Erik writhed, panting, close to orgasm. He released Erik’s cock, and with his free hand he coated himself.

  “Look at me, Erik.”

  Erik’s eyes opened, pupils dilated, irises amber as both man and wolf looked at Jordan.

  “Last chance to tell me to stop.”

  Erik growled. “Don’t you dare.”

  Jordan smirked. “Just checking, little wolf.”

  He pulled his fingers out and positioned himself at Erik’s entrance. Gazes locked, he pushed in slowly, pausing halfway.

  Erik gave a slight nod.

  “I’m okay.”

  Jordan let out a half laugh. “Yeah, but I need a second.”

  His control was tenuous at best. Jordan’s wolf wanted to claim Erik, to make his mark, to conquer first and have the pillow talk later. Jordan refused to let that happen.

  After a moment, he began to move. He worked back and forth, taking his time to let Erik grow accustomed to the feeling, until he’d sunk fully into Erik’s tight ass. He wrapped his arms around Erik’s thighs, holding him in place as he increased the pace.

  “Oh, my God, that feels amazing,” Erik panted.

dropped onto one arm, cupping the back of Erik’s head with his other hand. The change of position drove him deeper. Erik gasped, eyes going wide as his grip on Jordan’s back tightened.

  Thinking he’d caused pain, Jordan shifted, but Erik shook his head.

  “No, don’t stop. So…oh…”

  Erik came hard, crying out Jordan’s name as he threw his head back. Jordan growled, his own orgasm tearing through him. His wolf rose and he turned his head, biting his own bicep to keep from claiming Erik.

  Jordan collapsed to the bed and pulled Erik close. He’d never been one for cuddling after sex, but he wanted to hold him, revel in their mixed scents, and make sure his mate was okay. Returning to Stone Point unseen was the furthest thing from his mind.

  “Wow,” Erik breathed as he curled along Jordan’s side, head resting on Jordan’s chest. Erik’s fingers skimmed over Jordan’s bicep where he’d bitten himself. The wound had already scabbed over, and would disappear once he shifted.

  Jordan kissed the top of Erik’s head.

  “Don’t worry about it, little wolf. It doesn’t matter.”

  “Why did you do it?”

  Jordan closed his eyes. Erik wasn’t stupid. He knew why. But he was going to make Jordan say it, and ruin the afterglow.

  “Because it was the right thing to do,” he eventually said. It was a half-truth. “Now hush. Sleep.”

  Jordan waited until he heard soft snores before sliding from the bed. He pulled the blanket over Erik and feathered a kiss to his temple. The sun was up, but it was the morning after a full moon. Almost everyone would be sleeping in, and Erik’s home was near the woods that buffered their lands. Jordan closed the front door quietly and trotted towards the same trees he’d emerged from hours before. He didn’t want to shift and run around Sandy Hollow in wolf form until the merger was official. No need to make trouble for Kieran.

  Speaking of Kieran … Shit. I was hoping to not run into anyone.

  “Morning,” Jordan said, acting as though it was perfectly normal for him to be walking around naked so far from home.

  Kieran raised an eyebrow and smirked.

  “You seem to be missing something, Jordan.”

  This wasn’t the first time the two had run into each other while Jordan was doing the walk of shame. This time was different though, and Jordan actually felt a bit embarrassed now that Kieran was mated to the Alpha.

  “Yeah, my mind for starters. If you find it, let me know?”

  Kieran tipped his head, a look of concern coming over his face.

  “Is everything okay? Can I help somehow?”

  “Probably not.” Jordan scrubbed a hand over his face and turned to look behind him. “Erik might need you. He won’t ask for help, of course, but can you keep an eye on him?”

  “No problem. Should I ask about the arm?” Kieran gestured toward Jordan’s bicep. “That’s an unusual place for a mating mark.”

  “Because it’s not.”


  “I need sleep. I’m going home. I’ll see you in a few days.”

  Kieran nodded, not pushing for more. He clasped Jordan’s shoulder.

  “Sleep well, my friend. You have my permission to shift while in Sandy Hollow. No need to wait.”



  Pack representatives were gathered once more in neutral territory. The sprawling Council Compound, as it was jokingly referred to, had houses built in a large semicircle facing the Great Hall at the other end of the wide lawn. The forest was kept at bay, a good distance behind the buildings. The large open space was intended to symbolize the openness that was supposed to exist between the packs. Access to the compound was limited to one single road, because though they were from different packs, they were all the same.

  It was a giant pile of steaming horseshit, if you asked Jordan.

  There hadn’t been any equality among the packs in more years than anyone alive could remember. And while all the open space was good for keeping an eye on the comings and goings of the power players, it made trying to get out and get Erik alone extremely difficult.

  I really hope Cassie knows what she’s doing. If this goes to shit, we’re all fucked. And certainly not in a way any of us want. Jordan strolled down the pathway toward the meeting house. People bustled all about the compound, taking care of last minute preparations for the ceremony the next day. Most houses were filled with attendees beyond the usual contingent of Alphas, Betas, and advisors. The wedding was a huge deal. If Jordan didn’t know at least some of what Cassie had planned, he’d be shaking with rage at the council trying to force her to marry that dickhole Alexsandr from River Run.

  Jordan skirted the hall and headed for the woods beyond. Shifting without permission was forbidden on the property, but he could still go for a walk. He couldn’t take being cooped up indoors any longer. He’d texted Erik, asking to meet in the woods. The reply had been a noncommittal, I’ll try. While it was nice that Erik was actually responding to him, he’d been distant and vague since their night together. Jordan knew he could only fix that in person.

  He waited in the clearing for an hour.

  With a heavy sigh, he finally accepted that Erik wasn’t coming. He rose from the tree he’d been sitting against.

  “Don’t be so sad, Jordan. We’ll go easy on you when we take over. We know you’re a sensitive guy.” The voice greeted him from the lengthening shadows off the path.

  Fuck. The last thing I need right now is to deal with one of Alex’s cronies.

  “Get bent, Kevin.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure you’d like to bend me over, wouldn’t you?”

  “Is that a request?”

  Kevin snarled.

  Jordan growled back and balled his fists. He’d love to take out some pent-up frustration on this asshole.

  “Everything okay here, boys?”

  Jordan glanced at Anton Merieux, the council head, as he approached.

  “Fine,” he spat. “Just a misunderstanding.”

  Anton looked between the two. “Well, Jordan, I believe your father is looking for you.”

  Jordan scowled. “I was on my way back anyway.” He shouldered past Kevin, intentionally bumping the smaller man back. Kevin’s eyes flashed gold, and Jordan could have sworn the surge of Alpha power he felt came from Kevin rather than Anton. But then, the inhabitants of River Run were good at keeping secrets, and if Kevin had Alpha blood, nobody would be the wiser. He tucked the information into the back of his brain for the future, something to pass on to Cassie and Kieran when this was all over.

  Chapter Four

  Erik knew leaving Jordan hanging was a dick move. He figured Jordan deserved it for taking his virginity and then leaving him to wake alone. That he understood the various reasons Jordan would give for his stealthy exit didn’t matter. Erik was still reeling from being thrown to the wind by his father, and now Jordan had done the same thing.

  The real kick to the nuts had been when Jordan bit his own arm to avoid claiming Erik.

  Yes, Erik’s actions had been in part spurred on by the full moon. But that didn’t change what he’d accepted after some rather awkward conversations with Kieran regarding the mating bond. Though he’d have preferred to get to know Jordan a little bit more, when Jordan had come knocking on his door, Erik had been ready to be claimed.

  So Jordan could damn well sit in the woods alone for an afternoon.

  Erik’s wolf, naturally, had other opinions on the topic. Since he couldn’t shift at will, his wolf would just have to wait for the next full moon to do something about it.

  Given the way Jordan was currently staring a hole through Erik as they waited for the start of this fake wedding ceremony, he clearly planned to change Erik’s mind sooner than later.

  Finally Cassie arrived, led by Nick. Behind him, Erik felt Kieran tense. By necessity, Cassie had left most of them in the dark regarding her plans to thwart the council’s decree, and that included Kieran to some degree. Erik s
hifted slightly on his feet, preparing for whatever might come next.

  He was surprised to see her wearing a traditional hooded white robe over her dress. While it was beautiful, it was definitely not her style. After all, she’d never been one to hold to tradition. When Nick helped her remove it as he ‘presented’ Cassie to Alexsandr, Erik understood her choice. Cassie wore her hair up, baring her neck. Kieran’s mark was impossible to miss.

  Several people nearby gasped. From the corner of his eye, Erik saw Jordan edge forward, trying to maintain a clear path to Cassie.

  Alexsandr sputtered, turning red.

  “What the hell is this? What do you think you’re doing?” he demanded.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I’ve been rude. William, would you please introduce us all to your companion? I don’t think everyone has had the chance to meet him.” Cassie kept her expression neutral, but Erik heard the note of triumph in her voice.

  His dad and Kieran stepped forward.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen of the North Woods, I would like to introduce to you my Alpha Heir, Kieran Kimball. Mate to Cassandra Kimball, Alpha of Stone Point, at a ceremony performed in Sandy Hollow, witnessed by members of both packs.”

  Erik tensed as Nathaniel Miklas, Alexsandr’s father and the Alpha of River Run, stepped forward, echoing his son’s outrage.

  “You can’t do this!” he cried.

  “Actually, I can. I was given the opportunity to find for myself a suitable mate before this ceremony was to take place. Knowing that I had turned down all available Alphas and heirs, Alexsandr agreed, believing my protest to be just that—a protest. You all know Kieran. You know him to be a natural-born Alpha. Recently he became a full member of Sandy Hollow at William’s request, to become his heir.”

  “How dare you!” Alexsandr roared. “You will pay for this, you little bitch!” He lunged for Cassie, and Kieran leapt for Alex. Erik groaned internally. Here we go.

  Kieran easily outweighed Alex and pinned him to the ground, pummeling him repeatedly.

  “Shit!” Erik swore when he caught an elbow to the face as he and his father wrestled Kieran off Alexsandr. They dragged him back, while Anton and Nathaniel did the same to Alex.


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