The Coolest Prince of Cats [Milson Valley 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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The Coolest Prince of Cats [Milson Valley 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 12

by Jo Penn

  Misha glared testily. “He will join if he wishes. Now, the matter at hand. The detective and my top computer analysts worked extensively overnight on tracing Sandstone’s location via his social media accounts. Unfortunately, he has patched and, I am told, used dummy accounts in Europe and Africa. There is no way they are able to trace him. They did however narrow his whereabouts to two specific areas. One is Martha’s Vineyard. The other a little town two hundred miles away.” Misha glanced at his tablet. “Cramont Village.”

  “Nice spot, good fishing,” Tripp murmured. “Also lots of abandoned shacks for hiding out in.”

  “Yes,” Misha agreed. “I have dispatched soldiers to search both areas. We can only hope we have some luck.” Misha glanced at Dominic. “Perhaps Chane can try corresponding with Sandstone. He may slip up and give away where he is hiding.”

  Dom nodded slowly. “I don’t like it, but at this stage, we need options.”

  “So we have nothing,” Baron growled.

  “No, we have options,” Vicus corrected. “We follow those and get soldiers out patrolling. I also suggest setting up soldier stations throughout the valley. Renegades are sneaking in and building nests. We need to fortify our boundaries.”

  “What, like mini security stations?” Tripp was nodding. “That’s a good idea. And we could have pack roaming the outer forests and near the caves.”

  “In groups. We lost three wolves in the last month going out alone,” Drax snapped. “We got one back, but we don’t take foolish chances again.”

  “Does that include you, Baron, and Vicus?” Drake quirked a brow at the big wolf Enforcer, the legend known as the three wolf. “Because you three are always out by yourselves roaming the valley.”

  Baron shifted in his seat and went to speak, but a pointed Alpha look from Drake had their cousin smothering a growl and looking away.

  “It is a good idea,” Lady Delia Armstrong, head of the W&W coven agreed. “We should discuss this more thoroughly soon. Mason and I have been discussing magical ways of helping alert to intruders and wish to experiment before confirming whether this can be accomplished. I have also been speaking to the fae in L.A. During my last meeting with the Magic Council, I heard the fae there were seeking a new location as their grounds are being encroached upon by ever-expanding developments.” Lady Delia smiled, amused. “A new skate park, I am told, right beside their grounds. I spoke to the second in charge there, a Lieutenant Visij, and encouraged him and his guild to look at Milson Valley. Having fae here would be an excellent advantage.”

  Everyone agreed. Fae were immortal and had magic unlike any others, even djinns. Having them would be an asset to the Alliance.

  “I’ll let Mayor Charmers know, see what properties he can suggest to the fae, and have our pack on its best behavior.” Urian gave a wolfish grin. “As good as can be expected for us, anyway.”

  “True. I know Prince Caspar. I will see what way he is leaning,” Misha commented. “He will wish to look over each location himself but will only bring a small entourage. I will speak with Xavier about his vacant house. It is large enough and has superb security.”

  Drake looked askew at the vampire. “It astounds me how you just forget Xavier is my mate! I will speak to him.”

  “My cousin and my second-in-command.” Misha smirked, flashing fang.

  Before that argument could escalate, as it often did between Drake and Misha, Lady Delia cleared her throat, smiling at both.

  “I am sure my grandson Xavier will be happy to provide his house for the fae’s stay.”

  Everyone chuckled, and then got back to the business of dealing with the latest threat. For Dominic, the threat was a big one. He’d only just found him mate and an insane ex-assassin was not only trying to take Chane from Dominic, but was terrorizing and killing anyone who stood in his way.

  The creature needed to be taken down, fast and hard. Before Sandstone got what he came to Milson Valley for—Dom’s mate.

  Chapter Seven

  Two weeks after the bomb that rocked the Durand coven, life had continued and moved forward. The vampire coven was even more riddled with security and bodyguards than before, and the normal rigorous protocols to gain admittance were tripled with regular checks done on all the members.

  Some might think the vampires within the coven would be up in arms, but in fact, they were in full support. Vampires could be arrogant and stiff. They were also very loyal and, like all paranormal groups, sought to keep their own kind safe and able to relax in their own home, their haven. The attack on the Durand coven had been a reminder to all to keep their homes safe and secure.

  Life had changed for Dom during this time. He was busy with work, family, training, and, of course, his mate. Chane was astounding, his acceptance of others, of Dom and his duties, were a constant reminder of how fortunate he was. His mate didn’t begrudge the hours he was busy helping others, the pride, and fulfilling duties. Chane didn’t get possessive or annoyed. He was simply there, brushing his thoughts with Dominic’s when they were apart, sharing the events of his day and caring to listen and help guide Dom through his.

  Very quickly, Chane had become a well-loved member of the pride, and Dom’s family adored him. Chane spent time with Ryder in the veterinary clinic, calming animals and rehabilitating them, he took time with Keeley and the cubs of the pride, never bemoaning a moment, he worked in his newly constructed greenhouses and small-scale production line, and he and Xavier became quite close. Xavier was extremely busy with his own work and could be a tad reserved, but Chane just seemed to have a way that let others approach in their time and feel they could be genuine. Xavier, like most in the family, was fascinated with Chane and his tales of his five hundred years and often asked how different creature groups had done things in centuries past.

  And a few times a week he taught his tai chi in the royal gardens with Ace, Ran, Linc, Archie, and a few others joining in. Ran and Vicus’s other mate, Deakin, had joined once, and after twenty minutes had a loud meltdown. He found it impossible and felt frustrated, Ran calming his mate down while Sebastian swiftly took the OCD mate away for a little psychoanalyzing.

  In between all this, Chane often showed his pissy side. Man, could the vamp get testy! Dominic admittedly enjoyed this side of his mate, loved soothing Chane’s ruffles, and then getting the vamp into bed!

  Unfortunately, they had no luck with tracking Carlo Sandstone. Between Vicus, Baron, and Enforcer Drax, scouts, and trackers, they were certain the creature was not in the Valley, or anywhere in the city. Drax felt that the vampire had probably gone to regroup after the bomb plans and snatching Chane had failed.

  The bomb had not gone off as planned. From what Vicus had obtained from Carlton Novak’s mind, the spy had worked his way into the Durand coven and was meant to plant bombs in the castle foundations. Unfortunately, Chane had seen the vampire, and he had been rushed, only setting a few charges, which, though they caused a great deal of damage, was nothing compared to the horror of what it could have been.

  Dominic found it very difficult to be away from his mate, even when he was busy working. He’d always been very close to his brothers—they were his best friends—but this was different, something so intimate and fulfilling that he found ways to make sure he spent as much time with Chane as his hectic schedule allowed. Which meant he was delegating more and more to his thankfully exemplary staff. He would sneak away and grab his mate for picnic lunches, lock the suite doors, and just talked for hours. He also spent a lot of time in Chane’s workrooms with his laptops and worked there so he could be close.

  And the feeling was mutual. They stayed close to one another, constantly sharing thoughts and physical touches. Their love life was explosive and loving, their connection deep and very caring.

  The only one in the family who wasn’t adoring Chane was Dom’s cousin Baron, which made sense considering Baron didn’t understand the creature’s beliefs about not fighting. As this confused the aggressive Alpha, he cont
emplated briefly, and then placed Chane in the same category as Ryder, who didn’t fight, Ace, and a few others, including his littermate Trent, who, though was a commander for the Sanchez pride, did not physically fight. Trent just orchestrated everyone like puppets. This was the category Baron deemed were to be protected and monitored.

  Dom was antsy though. He wanted the threat of Sandstone gone.

  So he badgered Baron, who growled and threatened to tear out Dom’s tongue. He called Vicus constantly until the Avenger stopped taking his calls and let his mate Deakin, the mostly human with some sprite in his biology and a whole lot of OCD attitude, talk to Dom. He quickly learned not to tick Vicus off and began calling Enforcer Drax of the Starters pack. That was until his cousin Sebastian followed Dom into his office one morning and advised that Dom stop hounding Drax or his best bud would creep into the palace and castrate him.

  Dom took the advice seriously. Drax Charmers was not a wolf you bothered.

  After a day of listening to a witch, djinn, and a human argue over magic legal rights, Dom was ready to go home and cuddle with his vamp, and maybe share a wine and some chocolates, while using the all-natural scented massage oil that Chane had made a week ago and was nearly all gone. The stuff was damn good.

  Though Drake and Baron had argued with Dom this morning over driving himself, Dom had won, needing to get away from the constant bodyguards, and he really wanted to give his hotted-up Jaguar XKR a run. It felt good to be behind the wheel and hearing the purr of the engine as he pushed his foot flat, and he was looking forward to the drive home. He might even take a side trek to the racing course they had seven miles out of town in an isolated spot where people from all over the Valley came to drag race.

  Of course, it was highly illegal and extremely dangerous. Fortunately, most of those who raced were good drivers with safety equipment on their cars. They were mostly all creatures too which helped and as the chief of police was also Alpha Urian Starters, who enjoyed drag racing as much as everyone else who attended. They didn’t have to worry over being busted. Chane was interested to see what drag racing was like and Dom was keen to show him, though he did adamantly refuse to let his mate behind the wheel, not after that incident with the Mercedes and a fence post a few days ago. His mate was just as good at speaking English as he was at driving a car, which meant that Chane sucked.

  Flooring the Jag once outside the city limits, Dom cranked the radio up and the heavy metal he enjoyed when driving and took a turn that let him open up fully and get a good run in.

  And of course, that was when trouble struck. Twenty minutes into the run, Dom’s back right tire exploded, causing the Jaguar to jerk and fishtail. He kept hold of the steering wheel and eased right off the accelerator, only to have his front tire explode. The car gave up and turned sideways, screeching toward a bank of trees on the side of the road.

  The impact would have been a lot worse if it weren’t for the safety roll bars inside the car and reinforced body. As the car spun out of control and tilted sideways, he managed to stop the spin and directed toward the trees on the side of the road. The impact shattered windows on the passenger side, covering him in glass and bits of trees that splintered, the loud noise of bending metal and wood breaking deafening as he was thrown around, smacking his head against one of the safety bars. Pain sliced through his head and arm, everything going black.

  He wasn’t out for long, snapping back to consciousness with a sharp pain radiating from the side of his forehead and voices somewhere nearby along with the sounds of fighting, someone grunting in pain.

  Dom would have liked to groan in pain, maybe moan and whine a bit, but he had the feeling if he didn’t get out of the mangled remains of his beautiful sports car, he’d be left more vulnerable than he already was. With a hiss, he turned and looked to the side, only to frown at seeing that where his window should be, there was crumpled steel and fragments of stuffing and leather upholstery. He shook his head to clear his vision and focused.

  It was fortunate he’d shaken his head as a piece of steel pipe came toward his head at high speed. Dom flung himself to the side and flattened down to the remains of his soft, buttery leather seats. He was getting pissed now. Turning a hand to a claw, he sliced through the safety belts that were damaged but still holding him, then sprung up, and grabbed the steel pipe as it came at him again with forceful precision. With a snarl, he used his supernatural shifter strength to push the pipe back toward the creature holding it, Carlo Sandstone, who stood on what was left of the Jaguar’s hood.

  Ignoring the pain in his right shoulder and arm, Dom grabbed one of the weapons he kept in the car from between the seat and the console and flung the knife at Sandstone, who was once again swinging the damn piece of pipe, probably hoping to smash Dom’s head in. The knife embedded in Sandstone’s left side, the vampire hissing and his momentum with the pipe lost. Dom used the opportunity to pull himself out beneath the pushed-in dashboard of his car and jumped through the windshield straight at the nut job assassin.

  Scoring a direct hit and knocking them both onto the ground, Dom winced at the pain and glanced down at his arm, noting the blood running freely.

  But he didn’t have time to do anything with the wound now. Sandstone was up and had Dom’s knife in his hand. So Dom unsheathed his claws and let his fangs down. It might not be an attractive look, but they were great in a fight.

  As was Dom. He was well trained. As in most things he did, he studied hard, practiced, and worked his way up to being a highly skilled fighter. He felt Chane in the back of his mind, touching briefly, and a flood of love and faith for Dom filled him before his mate quietly settled back and let Dom concentrate on their enemy.

  Off to the side was Avenger Vicus taking out a few creatures, Renegades by the look. Dom dismissed them, knowing Vicus had the situation well in hand.

  “You’re so predictable, shifter.” Carlo Sandstone smirked, twirling the steel pipe. “How did I know you’d be here? How did I get here ahead of you, you’re asking?”

  Dom really wasn’t. He just wanted to squash the little bastard, but no, he had to first put up with the vampire’s self-satisfied banter.

  “That was easy. Once my people saw you out by yourself in that tricked-out racing car, I knew you couldn’t resist giving it a run. After all, this is the exact road you take every single time.” The psycho vampire tutted and shook his head as though disappointed. “Too predictable, Sanchez. You need to change it up a bit. Anyway, I should thank you, shifter.” Sandstone smiled nastily, circling Dom. “You stopped Chane’s demise. Now, once you’re dead, I’ll have him all to myself again, and this time I won’t need to have magic users cast spells to extend his life and make him forget some little incidents.”

  Dom’s blood boiled, but he didn’t give the bastard the pleasure of seeing he’d hit a tender spot. No, Dom was going to ignore the jibes and get down to taking this sicko out once and for all. And that’s just what he did, advancing on the vampire and using his shifter speed, agility, and strength to keep coming at Sandstone, swiping here and there, pushing the vampire back and making him defend himself and not providing him with an opportunity to attack. It was what Dom was good at. He persevered, kept going, could see the weaknesses and strengths of opponents, and didn’t give chances for mistakes. With every swipe, he sidestepped a knife and talon, a kick and fist, he ducked and weaved and swiped again, rolled and punched, knocking Sandstone back and focused just on the fight, not on the torments and jeers. He used claws, fangs, brute strength, and persistence until Sandstone lost his cool, and yelling a cry of anger, leapt at Dom, talons out in front of him, face a mask of rage.

  And that was when it was over. Dom didn’t lose his cool. He was renowned for keeping level-headed in a fight and continuing to jab and wear his opponent out or make him lose it, as Sandstone did. With speed, Dom got to the side of the vampire as he landed and sliced deep across the man’s stomach that was unprotected with his hands up and talons outstretched. As
Sandstone roared and spun, Dom grabbed the vampire’s throat and lifted him with one hand, uncaring that a razor-sharp talon went for his weakened right arm and stabbed into the wound there.

  Dom flicked out his claws and watched as they sunk into the man’s neck. Blood spurted, gushing out, skin tore away, tendons gaped. Sandstone’s eyes widened in realization as the next moment his head disconnected from his body and fell to the ground. With disgust, Dom dropped the body in the dirt beside the head.

  “Shame.” Vicus wiped one of his many, deadly knifes on his suede pants.

  Confused, Dom looked down at the dead vampire. “Oh shit, did you want to read his memories?”

  “Your car.”

  Yeah, that was Vicus. The Avenger was just wired a little differently. Dom could appreciate that.

  “Damn, I was set to race Uri next week.” Dom winced and looked to where he heard cars. “Cavalry is here.”

  “Good, I have stragglers to pick off.”

  With that, Vicus shifted into his peregrine falcon, a magnificent bird that was the fastest in the sky. And as he was part wizard and had the gift, all his clothes and weapons magically changed with him whenever he shifted, unlike most shifters who ended up stark naked, their clothes in tattered if they didn’t strip before shifting.

  As soon as the cars pulled to a screeching stop around him, Drake was out and rushed over, Linc quickly following with his medical bag. Once he was seated with Linc working on him, Dom filled Drake in on what had happened.

  “Vicus must have been out scouting when he heard the crash.” Dom mused. “He’s gone to chase up stragglers.”

  “Good. We’ll send out soldiers to make sure none are left. Let’s get you home, brother. Your mate is stoically waiting.” Drake grinned and helped Dom up. “His brother is not stoically waiting. So far Archie has come up with a dozen ways you could have been killed.”

  Dom could just imagine Archie doing that while Chane either hissed or quietly tried to calm his brother down. He couldn’t wait to get home and hug his mate.


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