Operation One Night Stand

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Operation One Night Stand Page 3

by Christine Hughes

  It was nearing ten o’clock and I had yet to find a suitable bedmate for the night. When it came to guys, I was picky. Not that a one night stand was a necessary thing to cross off my list. The girls found it hard to believe when I said I’d never had one and I guess, at twenty-eight, it was time. But, like I said, the second we hit Murphy’s, I spotted my target.

  He was tall, with closely cropped blond hair and dark eyes and was surrounded by a group of guys. He looked older than the rest of the guys in his whole group did. Something about the way he stood. Self-confidence radiated across the bar. I had a feeling he was used to getting what he wanted and I figured that worked in my favor. It was more likely he’d see us as kindred spirits, even if it was just sex. And sex was like riding a bicycle right? No way was he going to back down from what I had planned.

  We made our way to the opposite side of the bar so I could get a better look at the man I’d be sharing a bed—or a floor, a wall, a stairwell—with later.

  Elbowing Sarah, I declared, “Him,” and nodded across the bar.



  “Bet’s on. Get ’em, girl. And remember, if at first you don’t succeed, destroy all the evidence you tried in the first place.” She nudged my ribs and ordered me a drink. Since it was a special night, I avoided my usual beer and sipped on two fingers of cinnamon liqueur on ice.

  The bartender was cute and seemed to be in a good mood, so I decided to bring him in on my little plan. If it was going to go my way, I was going to need him. I’d been planning the night for two weeks. So much for one-night-stand spontaneity. Then again, I was a planner.

  I waited until he came closer before I called him over. Up close, he was more than cute. I could picture him with an open belt and his jeans sitting low on his ass. Holy shit. I could get lost in those eyes.


  But he wasn’t the target.

  “I’m Caroline.”

  “Hi, Caroline. I’m Brian. Nice to meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you, too. I was wondering if you could help me out.”

  Eyeing my tumbler, he lifted an eyebrow, pushed his wavy brown hair out of his eyes, and responded, “Sure. What do you need?”

  Looking around to make sure Sarah and Mel weren’t listening in, I whispered to my new bartender friend, “I have a bet with my girls and I can’t lose. It would kill my buzz and I need your help. So, I need to send that guy over there”—I pointed slightly—“a drink. Something fun. Sexy.”

  “Sexy, huh?”

  The way his mouth moved when he said the word “sexy” had me wondering what it would be like to be sprawled across the bar with Brian on top of me, those teeth scraping my skin, that tongue sliding up and down my body. Unfortunately, I had to pull myself out of my own head because I needed to focus. It was just so hard to do so when his baby blues looked at me like that. Like I was the only person in the crowded bar.

  “Suggestive.” The word came out throatier than I anticipated and Brian’s eyes gleamed mischievously.

  “Suggestive. Sexy. Kind of like you.” He winked and a warm tingle spread between my thighs. Was that all it took to moisten the panties these days? Jesus, I needed to get laid. I was DEFCON 1 horny.

  Down, girl.

  “Which one again?”

  “Blond. Tall. With a bunch of his friends.”

  Bartender Brian was good. He looked at my target without actually looking at him. I’d have to ask him later how he did that.

  “Yeah. Something fun. A shot. Definitely a shot.”

  “Got it. Be right back.”

  I watched Brian mix a bunch of stuff into a shaker and pour a shot. When he brought it to the guy, he leaned in and whispered, barely tilting his head in my direction. The target lifted big brown eyes in my direction, nodded thanks as he lifted the shot, and threw it back before turning back to his friends.

  Shit. That didn’t work. It seemed like a good idea. I’d have to rethink.

  Brian poured another drink for some random college girl before returning to me.

  “What did you give him?” My hand reached for his and he slid his fingers along the back of my hand.

  “Sex Up Against the Wall.”

  “What?” I could feel my ears redden.

  “Like a Sex on the Beach but with a little Harvey Wallbanger.”

  Again with the wink. Bartender Brian was hot. I needed some air.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  “Giving up already?” He stood up and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Hardly.” I winked back at him and watched a slow, sexy smile spread across his face.

  I made my way across the room. I was going to have to pass tall, blond, and handsome to get to the bathroom. With a newly formed set of balls, I decided to brush past him, walking right through his little group of friends. Feeling slightly badass with my four-inch heels, I knew my ass looked great. It was my best feature. Score one for an hour a day at the gym.

  I quickly tugged my shirt, making sure to expose a little more cleavage while keeping my newly purchased bra under wraps. At least for the moment.

  Carefully, I kept my eyes on him. It wasn’t until I brushed against him that he looked. My hand barely swiped across his crotch. It was a fuller package than I’d imagined.

  Eyes locked, I mustered whatever brash sex appeal I could and hoped I was able to convey my desire silently. I was pretty sure it worked since he put his hand on my arm and whispered, “Hi.”

  I leaned in, prompting him to bend down slightly—he had at least a foot on me—and whispered the greeting back, making sure to keep my whisper breathy while grazing his earlobe with my lips.

  I moved on quickly, feeling his eyes watch me walk away. I heard his red-headed friend say something about “hitting that” and I flipped my hair over my shoulder.

  Once I finished in the bathroom, I avoided the target. A quick peek over at him, however, stirred the butterflies in my stomach. He was watching me. There is no better feeling than realizing someone you’re into is checking you out.

  I ran into a few people I knew and quickly exchanged pleasantries before heading back to Bartender Brian.

  “Caroline! Nice to see you came back. I saved your seat.”

  “You did?”

  “I saw those shoes. Didn’t think it would be right for you to stand on them all night.”

  “You noticed my shoes?” Was he gay?

  “Well, yeah. Something was making that ass swing when you walked away.”

  Not gay.

  Why did I care? He was not the target.

  “Give a girl the right pair of shoes and she can take over the world.”


  Bartender Brian slid a drink in front of me.

  “What’s this?”

  “From him.” He nodded across the bar. Target lifted his drink and nodded.

  “What is it?”

  He motioned for me to lean in, meeting me halfway across the bar. Tucking my hair behind my ear he whispered, “Screaming Orgasm.”

  He lingered a beat longer, long enough for me to feel his breath on my skin. When he pulled away, he smelled like cinnamon. I looked down; my original drink was empty. I ran my finger around the rim of the glass and looked at him.

  Shrugging, he said, “I was thirsty. Drink up.”

  Smiling, I lifted my shot glass and drank. My lips were moist and a drop of the alcohol slid down my chin. Bartender Brian reached over and wiped it away with his finger before putting it in his mouth.

  A change of panties would be required if this shit kept up.

  “Your turn.”

  For the life of me I couldn’t figure out what he was talking about. I touched my face where his finger was a moment ago. I felt that touch down to my toes.

  “Earth to Caroline.” He snapped in front of me.


  “Your turn.”

  “My turn for what?”

  “Drinks. Sexy. Suggesti
ve. Mr. Tall Blond and Dumb over there.”

  “He isn’t dumb!”

  Brian laughed easily. “If you say so. What’ll it be?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t think that far ahead. Um, Slippery Nipple?”

  Bartender Brian pursed his nibblicious full lips before saying, “You got it.”

  He tucked his towel in the back of his pants before retrieving a cell phone from his front pocket. He turned away from me and began making the drink. He stopped a few times along the way to pull a few beers for some other customers. I watched as some slutty girl lifted herself on the bar, leaned in, and kissed him on the cheek. He dipped his head and smiled, touching her nose with the tip of his finger. The same finger he used to wipe the small bit of my drink that slipped down my chin. Who is that bitch?

  I shook the thought from my head. Bartender Brian wasn’t my target but he did deliver the drink as promised. Once again Tall Blond and Dumb—er, Handsome—locked eyes with me and mouthed the words, “Thank you.” He quickly threw it back before leaning into Brian. Brian laughed and high-fived him. I wonder what they’re talking about.

  “Hey!” Melody yelled in my ear. “Get fucked yet?”

  She was always a bit of a close talker but when she was drinking, the closeness was magnified. Honestly, all I had to do was lick my lips at that moment and we’d be making out French style. Not that there’d be anything wrong with that. But at the moment, Melody’s tongue wasn’t on my list of things to do so I took a step back. Unfortunately, there wasn’t anywhere to go and I was practically bent backward over the bar.

  “Hey, Mel. No, I didn’t. What are you up to?”

  “I ran into that Jeff guy. Steven’s friend.”

  “Jeff is here?” My stomach lurched. Wherever there was Jeff, Steven wasn’t too far behind. A new start. I needed that without him. Operation One Night Stand needed Steven not to be there. I’d just finished my last day of work with him. I was beginning my new life without him. The last thing I needed was him anywhere near me.

  “Yeah. Steven’s not here. Yet.”

  The fact that Steven and I had broken up two months ago wasn’t lost on me. I’d barely escaped becoming a hermit. And yet, two months later, there I was with more confidence in my pinky than I’d had during any of the five years we’d dated. I was embracing my confidence and refusing to shirk away from my fears. It wasn’t easy. I didn’t expect it to be.

  I wondered, briefly, if Betsy the Intern would make an appearance. Of course, she was probably crying her eyes out on Steven’s shoulder. But I’m not angry. Not anymore. I’m not even that sad. As mortified as she was when Steven publicly declared that she didn’t matter, I was even more mortified that I would ever date someone who would do something as cliché as fucking an intern. I don’t have anything against interns—everyone has to start somewhere—but come on!

  “What can I get you?”

  Realizing I was still half sprawled on my back on top of the bar, I rolled my eyes upward. Bartender Brian looked down at me and smiled.

  “Hi.” He really had nice teeth.

  “Hi.” I started to get up.

  “No, no. Don’t get up on my account.” He gently placed his hand on my shoulder, effectively keeping me where I was. “So, need something to drink?” he asked Melody. I noticed her noticing him. I frowned a bit at the thought of her thoughts infringing upon the perverted scenes that ran through my head but I had to remind myself, yet again, that Brian wasn’t the target.

  “Sure. What do you recommend?” Melody leaned in and purred the question like she always did. I swear to God that girl was sex in heels.

  “Body shots.”

  “Say what?” I, again, attempted to sit up and once again, Bartender Brian placed his hand on my shoulder and Melody clapped.

  “Let me demonstrate.”

  I felt like my eyes were going to roll into the back of my head as I watched him pour a shot of tequila. With a shot in one hand and a saltshaker in the other, he leaned down and licked my neck. As he did, my eyes fluttered closed and I moaned.



  I heard him chuckle quietly.

  I wanted nothing more than the bar to swallow me.

  Before I knew it he shook salt onto my neck and leaned back down. Instead of merely licking the salt off, he added lips and teeth and oh my God.

  I gasped so hard for air I swear I was drowning. Then he placed a lemon wedge on my lips.

  This shit doesn’t happen to me. Ever.

  I didn’t see him take the shot but I heard the shot glass hit the bar top.

  I held my breath and waited as he raked his fingers through my hair, then bit around the lemon wedge, scraping his teeth on my lips. He must’ve bit the lemon because drops of juice and tequila fell onto my mouth. He used his lips and tongue to clean it up.

  “That was fucking hot!” Melody clapped her hands.

  “Thanks. I not only serve the drinks, I use them as entertainment.” With one hand in front of him and one behind, he bowed. Fucking bowed. I was a lick away from orgasm and he’s accepting applause.


  “A little help here.” I was not able to sit upright. Melody grabbed my hands and pulled me up.

  I whipped my head around. Bartender Brian was across the way chatting up a group of guys who were with my target, and a fresh drink was sitting in front of me. A few people sitting next to me at the bar clapped as I came to my senses. A loud chorus of cheers had me ducking my head to avoid the attention.

  “What the hell was that?” Sarah asked, laughing.


  “Look at you making out with the bartender! Looks like someone jumped off the celibate carousel.”

  “I did not! I was not making out with the bartender. He was just, he was just—” I looked at Melody for an answer.

  “Don’t look at me. Bartender Boy is hot! I say you focus on him!”

  I grabbed my purse and hopped off the barstool.

  “No. I made a deal and I picked my target. You’ll see. I’m going to win this bet!”


  Turning around, Bartender Brian smiled as he slid another drink my way. “Pink Panty Dropper.”

  “What!” How did he know what color my underwear was?

  He laughed, pointed to the drink, and said, “Pink Panty Dropper from Tall Blond and Dumb.”

  “Oh. Okay. Thanks.” I was a little unsteady and I didn’t think it had anything to do with the drinks. Determined not to let my focus wane, I downed the shot, slammed the glass on the table, and said, “Pop My Cherry.”

  Brian reacted just as I thought he would. The look on his face was priceless. Grabbing a hold of my lady balls, I leaned across the bar, took a page from his book, and whispered, “Send him a drink. Pop My Cherry.”

  Just as he had, I lingered a beat longer than I needed to, making sure to graze my lips against his cheek. Fuck it, I thought. If I am going to embrace my inner slut, I may as well bear hug her till she can’t breathe.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Brian white-knuckled his towel as he walked to the back of the bar and began mixing the drink. He snuck a glance at me, smirked, and shook his head.

  I needed to know my target’s name. “Bartender Brian!”

  “Yeah?” He yelled over the noisy chatter of the bar.

  “Find out his name!”

  “I already know his name.”

  “What is it?”

  “Not sure if I should tell you or not.” He walked away, drink in hand, down to the other end of the bar.

  “How’s Operation One Night Stand going?” Sarah placed her empty glass on the bar and sat on the suddenly vacant stool next to me.

  “It’s going.”

  “Get his name yet?”

  “Brian won’t tell me.”

  “Who the fuck is Brian?”

  “The bartender. Bartender Brian.”

  “Why don’t you go ask his name yourself? Maybe Brian doesn’t want you to kn
ow the guy’s name.”

  “Why would he care whose name I know?” I took a sip of my cinnamon drink, remembering for a moment how Brian smelled when he drank it.

  “Um. Hello?” Sarah rapped her knuckles on my head. “For such a pretty girl you are fucking dense. Brian’s into you.”

  “No, he’s not. He’s a bartender. It’s his job to flirt and whatever. He gets more tips that way.”

  “Tips, huh? I’ll give you a tip. Ditch Ken doll over there and get nasty with Bartender Brian. He is quite a bit yummier.” She licked her lips hungrily and growled, snapping her teeth together.

  “Will you stop it?” I smacked her arm.

  “I’m telling you. The bartender is the guy for you.”

  “You’re just saying that so I’ll lose the bet.”

  “Ugh. Caroline. Listen to me. I am your friend. Fuck the bet. I am telling you. Bartender Brian is the way to go.”

  “You ladies talking about me?”

  I nearly choked on my drink. How much had he heard?

  “Hi. I’m Sarah. Caroline’s roommate.”

  “Nice to meet you, Sarah.” Brian wiped his hands on the towel tucked into the back of his pants before offering it to her and shaking her hand. “What can I get you?” He picked up her empty glass, sniffed it, and said, “Amaretto and ginger.”

  “He’s good.” Sarah wiggled her eyebrows at me. I kicked her.

  “I’m pretty good at most everything I do. Right, Caroline?” His eyes sparkled dangerously. I was beginning to think Sarah was right.

  “I wouldn’t know. I haven’t seen most everything you do.”

  “We can fix that, you know. Say the word,” he said as he overpoured Sarah’s amaretto and splashed it with ginger ale.

  “Can we now? So you’re a handyman, too?” I chuckled.

  “That is, of course, unless you’re still stuck on Tall Blond and Douchey over there.”

  “Still weighing my options.”

  Sarah pinched my knee before she hopped down, drink in hand. I hadn’t even noticed I’d finished mine. When I placed the glass on the bar for a refill, a shot glass topped high with fluffy whipped cream was sitting in front of me.

  “Blow Job.”

  “I guess you expect me to swallow?” I asked suggestively.


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