Finding Love Again (Crystal Lake, Montana Book 1)

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Finding Love Again (Crystal Lake, Montana Book 1) Page 2

by Ann,Christa

  Ryan noticed that Steve only mentioned his sons and not his daughter. He worried that she still believed that her parents might get back together. “Alright, just let me tell my good for nothing sons I’m outta here.”

  “I know I can do everything right, so you must be talking about Dustin.” Colby, Dustin’s twin, came out of the house in sweatpants and a t-shirt. He looked the most like his father. Brown hair with blue gray eyes and even six-one. At twenty-three, he had a body of a running back.

  “Are you eating again? Or have you been out running?” asked Ryan.

  “Came in to get some sandwiches and iced tea. I got mud all over my jeans when I was fixing the fence out on the south ridge. Didn’t want to track it all over the kitchen because Rosa would have my ass.” Colby did not want to make the housekeeper mad. The last time that happened, he didn’t have clean clothes for a week, and she wouldn’t make his favorite cookies.

  “Steve and I are going to the diner to eat and might stop afterward at After Hours. Call me on my cell if the three of you need anything. Your sister is working until five. It would be nice of the two of you to eat dinner with her before you go to your place.” His two sons moved into the original cabin on the property that Ryan and his sister, Rena, grew up in. It gave them the space they needed while keeping them close. Then again, they still ate dinner at the main house and left their dirty laundry in the basket for the housekeeper. Neither one wanted Rosa in their cabin to clean or collect laundry. They were too afraid she’d show up when they had company—the female kind. He didn’t understand it really, as only Colby had a girlfriend as far as he knew. Still, he had a feeling that the three of them were up to something. Ryan knew of some couples involved in ménage relationships. He didn’t judge, not as long as no one forced them or got hurt. The ménage relationships he knew of are very happy. Not seeing Dustin with anyone made him wonder.

  “We got it. See you sometime in the morning.” Colby jogged back to the house, trying his best not to laugh.

  “Everyone knows, so let’s leave. I’m getting hungry.” Steve opened the driver’s side door and started up his truck. Ryan hopped into the passenger side and, before he got the door completely closed, Steve had already started to drive down the road to the highway. The crazy bastard.


  When Shannon reentered the diner, she noticed Nell had started to deliver their salads. She took her seat next to Bianca as she said, “Just in time. We thought we’d have to come out to get you.”

  Lisa looked up from her phone. “So how are Dylan and Alexis? Everything go okay?”

  “Yeah, everything is good. I should have called them when we landed. Alexis worried that we might have gotten into an accident. I felt bad,” Shannon replied. Lisa drove Shannon to the hospital when she’d gotten the call from the police about her husband.

  Erica joked about Shannon needing to be wrapped in bubble wrap when the bell on the door jingled. They all glanced up and Shannon fell into the most beautiful blue-gray eyes she had ever seen. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach and the palms of her hands started to get clammy. Oh my God, what is wrong with me?

  Erica leaned over and whispered to Nell, loud enough for them all to hear her, “Who are those two handsome men?”

  “Oh, that’s Ryan Collins and Steve Lawson.”

  “Married or single?” Lisa asked with a grin.

  Erica stabbed her fork into a cucumber before pondering out loud, “We’re renting the cabin from Mr. Lawson. I wonder if it’s the same man.”

  “Steve does rent out four cabins. In addition, to answer your question, Steve has never been married. Ryan’s divorce has been final for about three years now, thank goodness. His ex-wife is a real bitch. He has twin sons and one daughter. His sons work the ranch and his daughter helps out over at the bookstore,” Nell whispered.

  Shannon just couldn’t keep her eyes off the man with the gorgeous eyes.

  Nell called out, “Ryan, Steve, come on over here a minute.”

  As he made his way over, Shannon couldn’t help but notice how his blue jeans hugged him in all the right places, as did his blue and white flannel shirt. His chest and biceps stretched the fabric of his shirt in a way that made Shannon think it might rip apart. Brown hair showed under his black Stetson. His square jawline was darkened with a slight five o’clock shadow. As she moved her eyes upward, she again got lost in his gorgeous eyes. Everything started to fade away as she looked deeper into those eyes.

  At the light tap on her knee, Shannon cleared her throat. Her mouth had gone dry, and she wiped her hands on her jeans. Lisa leaned over. “Shannon, you doing okay? You look a little flushed. Something or someone getting to you?” Her smirk gave away the fact that she knew what bothered her.

  Shannon kicked her friend under the table and gave her a look that told her to shut up. She started to open her month when the two cowboys stopped next to Nell. Oh shit, what did Nell say their names are again? He’s much taller close up and… those eyes.

  * * *

  Ryan and Steve opened the door to the diner and scanned for an open table. The place is busy. Glancing around, he saw Nell talking to four ladies at the round table in the back. As soon as Ryan noticed a pair of big blue eyes that reminded him of the sky, Nell called them over. Steven said, “Looks like Nell needs us. Maybe we have four ladies to entertain.”

  “I only want to talk to the one with those beautiful sky-blue eyes.” Ryan hastily glanced at Steve and realized he’d said that thought out loud. “Forget I said that. You didn’t hear anything.”

  Steve stared at Ryan in shock. “So, you want to get to know the one with the blue eyes and brown curly hair? Let’s go over and see what we can find out.”

  “Steve, now don’t you…” Ryan began before Steve rushed over to Nell. He wanted to get the hell out of there before Steve made an ass of not only him, but Ryan, too. What am I thinking? I don’t need the complications of another woman in my life.

  By the time Ryan got to the table, Nell already introduced everyone. Steve talked to the ladies when they realized that he owned the cabin they were renting. Ryan didn’t want to be there. He just wanted to eat dinner, go home—after he kicked Steve’s ass.

  Nell turned to Ryan. “I just introduced the girls to Steve. This is Lisa, Erica, Bianca, and Shannon. They’re on vacation from Florida.”

  Ryan just shrugged. “That’s great. Nell, can we have two specials? We’ll go take one of the vacant tables.”

  “Oh, you and Steve can sit with us. We’ll be happy to make room,” Lisa offered with a big smile. Oh, she’s just as bad as Steve.

  “That’d be great, thank you.” Steve answered Lisa faster than Ryan. He planned to seriously kick his friend’s ass.

  Ryan and Steve grabbed chairs to join them. Lisa got up and shifted to allow one of them to sit by Shannon. Steve took the seat by Lisa, which left Ryan the seat by Shannon. As Ryan sat down, his knee rubbed up against Shannon’s. “Um, sorry,” Ryan muttered.

  The conversation continued around the table, but Ryan didn’t hear everything being said. He found himself too engrossed with the woman sitting next to him. They were close enough that he could smell the teasing scent of her—coconuts. It reminded him of coconuts. He wondered if was from her shampoo or body wash. Shannon didn’t meet his occasional glances her direction. Nell delivered everyone’s dinner. As the group ate and chatted, Steve asked Shannon a question.

  “Did I miss something?” The red flushing her cheeks let Ryan know he caught her off guard.

  “Lisa just mentioned that you have a son in the Army. I asked where he’s stationed and what he did.” Steven could only smile, knowing that Shannon kept looking at Ryan.

  “Oh, my son Dylan is stationed in Colorado. He’s in Special Forces. He plans to make it a career. My daughter Alexis goes to college and works as a photographer part time. She lives in Maryland near my parents.” She paused, face flushing even redder, then blurted, “Bibi has a three-year-old daught
er name Mia.” Shannon obviously wanted to get the attention away from her and on someone else.

  “We should all go to After Hours. Our friend, JP, owns the place. We can have a drink and dance. Right, Ryan?”

  Ryan plotted to throw his friend off the damn mountain.

  “Only if you’re up to it.” What else could Ryan say.

  “I’m not sure. We had a long flight and it drained a lot of my energy,” Shannon said shyly.

  Dessert arrived, delivered by the owner, Frank—three slices of apple pie and one of blueberry pie. Everything tasted absolutely delicious and Ryan could tell that Shannon started to relax. Food tends to do that.

  “You know, Frank, Bianca works in a bakery, and she makes the best key lime pie. You should try to convince her to make one before we leave.” Lisa spared the owner of the diner a sly grin.

  Ryan decided he should let her know that Frank and Nell were together before she caused offense with her overt matchmaking.

  Frank turned to Bianca. “I would love for you to make something. I’m always looking for new recipes for the diner, if it’s not too much trouble.”

  “Oh, sure, if I have time,” Bianca replied. Her blush was charming, but her knuckles whitened on the table, relaying her distress. Ryan glanced at Steve, and they both knew something was not quite right.

  They agreed to have the girls follow Steve to the cabin. Fifteen minutes later, they arrived. They planned to give them some time to settle in then meet up at the cabin at nine to go to After Hours.

  Ryan knew that all the cabins were gorgeous. Two bedrooms with full bathrooms attached, kitchen with modern applications, living room with a stone fireplace and television/Blu-ray player on a stand across from the sofa and love seat. The cabin the ladies had rented also had hardwood floors with area rugs everywhere. Steve stocked the kitchen previously with any basic things his renters might need for their stay.

  “I got that. Where do you want it?” Ryan asked Shannon as he carried in two suitcases.

  Shannon followed Ryan down the hall. “That’s mine and Lisa’s. So, one goes in each room. Thank you for carrying them.” Turning around, she added, “Bianca, we’re in the room on the right. Lisa and Erica will be on the left.”

  “Not a problem.” Ryan could only stare into her blue eyes. They reminded him of the sky on a clear day. “You have the bluest eyes that I’ve ever seen.” Shit, did I say that out loud?

  Ducking his head, he could see the slight blush on her cheeks. “Thank you.”

  They headed back into the kitchen and heard Steve’s last sentence. “So, we will be back here at nine o’clock. That enough time for everyone to freshen up?”

  “Good with us,” Erica answered.

  Turning, he said to Shannon, “I guess we’ll see you at nine.” He rushed for the door and Steve’s truck. His friend, soon to be ex-friend, would be getting an earful. Maybe.

  * * *

  As they headed back to the cabin to meet up with the ladies so they could follow them to After Hours, Ryan watched the scenery pass by. The sky was so clear that he could see the stars for miles and the mountain guarding the town. “So,” Steve began and Ryan looked at his friend. Oh man, here we go. “What do you think?”

  “About what?” Ryan knew he sounded irritated.

  Steve just rolled his eyes, “About the sky. What do you think I’m talking about, dumb ass?”

  Steve could be like a dog with a bone. He wouldn’t give up until Ryan answered his damn question. The thing was, it really wasn’t a question—more like a statement—but Ryan knew what he referred to. Shannon. He didn’t want to go there. So, he said the only thing he knew to say. “I don’t know.”

  “Okay, you’re telling me you didn’t notice any of them? I’m not that stupid, man. Come on. You looked at Shannon like she was a damn ice cream cone you wanted to lick, and she snuck looks at you. I thought the two of you were going to jump each other at the diner, what with all the heat between you two. Tell me I’m wrong?” Steve had a smile on his face that Ryan wanted to smack.

  Then it hit Ryan. She’d looked at him. Why? He didn’t notice. “Are you sure? I mean, not that I care or anything. Shit, I sound like fucking idiot.” Ryan rested his head on the headrest.

  “Well, you can ask her to dance at After Hours. I’m going to ask Lisa or maybe Erica.” Steve smiled at him.

  “What’s wrong with Bianca?” Ryan asked.

  Steve just shrugged. “Nothing. But, she’s a little quiet and shy. Not really my type.”

  Ryan raised his head as they pulled up to the cabin. He wanted to sit with Shannon and get to know her. Just listen to her voice. What does she like? Did she like sitting outside and watching the rain, or sitting on couch with a blanket in front of the fireplace when it got cold? Would she want to go horseback riding and eat lunch by the lake? What were her dreams? Ryan felt like a teenager going up to the front door to pick up his first date.

  The front door opened and Erica let Ryan and Steve inside. “We’re in the living room, relaxing and waiting for the damn party to start.”

  Ryan couldn’t take his eyes off Shannon. She wore blue jeans, a light blue blouse with flowers outlined in black, and black boots. She’d pulled her hair back in a turquoise clip and wore very little makeup. Steve was the first one to find his voice. “You ladies all ready to go?”

  As they left the cabin, Ryan hung back to wait for Shannon. “You look beautiful, Shannon. Save a dance for me? I didn’t think to ask if you two-step.”

  “Yes. I mean thank you and, yes, I’ll save you a dance,” Shannon answered.


  They got to After Hours in about twenty-five minutes. It looked like an equestrian building. Shannon stopped to get a better look at the building and Ryan stopped with her. “Is there a problem?”

  “Oh, no. It’s just the building looks like...”

  Ryan finished her sentence. “An equestrian building. Yes, it is or rather, it was. JP’s parents passed away, but he really didn’t like ranching. So he remodeled the building into After Hours. The barn has been changed into storage for the bar and other extra equipment. He worked hard to make this a place that the community would want to have. Now, we don’t have to drive to the next town—almost two hours away—to have a beer and dance. We come here. How do you know about equestrian buildings?”

  Ryan and Shannon headed into the building while she told him, “I grew up in Maryland and had horses. My parents boarded them at an equestrian center. I used to go there every chance I got. I don’t get a chance to ride much anymore, though. I miss having my own horse.”

  “I have ten horses now and some cattle. I prefer horses. Venus is pregnant and due any day. She’s a cross between a Tennessee Walker and Quarter Horse, and she’s expecting twins.” Ryan loved his horses. “Do you ride western or English style?”

  “Western, of course.” Shannon said it in a way that suggested the question was stupid. Well, maybe it was. Ryan found himself very impressed that she knew so much about horses. They had a lot more in common than he’d guessed.

  Entering from the side, they noticed the place was already crowded. In the back left corner, a mechanical bull stood proudly, and on the back right side, two pool tables were set up alongside two dartboards. The bar on the right side had stools lined up and racks behind it filled with glasses and all kinds of liquor. Table and chairs lined the front and on the other side, which left the middle for the dancers. However, the front right corner boasted a riser for a band to set up and play. A stereo system was wired with speakers attached to all four corners of the building. The bar had a main unit that controlled the music.

  Two very tall, large men stalked around the tables and, boy, they looked alike. “The bouncers are Max and Mitch. If you couldn’t tell, they’re identical twins,” Ryan told Shannon.

  Ryan noticed Shannon scanning everywhere as they approached one of the larger tables, and knew what she was searching for. “There’s a hallway between the pool
tables and the bar that leads to the restrooms. JP had to add them to the building.” He looked down at her while he pulled out her chair.

  “Thank you for letting me know. He definitely has a lot of different things here. Does he have a live band every night?” Shannon’s smile lit up the room.

  Before Ryan could answer, a waitress by the name of Stacy came over with two bowls: pretzels and peanuts. They all ordered beers. Steve asked her to let JP know that they’d arrived when she had a chance. Frank and Nell planned to join them once they closed the diner.

  “No, he doesn’t always have a band here. That’s why he installed a stereo system. But, he does try. Most of the bands are locals, no one famous or anything. Those two are bouncers, and they try to keep it peaceful. They’re also JP’s cousins. The waitress you met today at Frank’s Diner, Nell, is also JP’s cousin and she’s dating Frank. She helps out here when one of the waitresses gets sick and the other girls can’t come in to help,” Ryan explained.

  The music played. The two pool tables stayed busy and, every once in a while, the bull gave a cowboy the ride of his life. Steve told the ladies that the bull didn’t run all night. JP had set times and a sign-up sheet, so everyone knew who rode next and at what time. JP worked hard to keep the bar organized.

  When “You Look Good in My Shirt” by Keith Urban came on, Ryan ask Shannon to dance with him. Steve asked if one of the other three ladies would like to dance with him at the same time. Erica jumped at the chance to go for a spin around the dance floor. Ryan and Shannon continued to dance when the song ended. Every time Shannon stepped on Ryan’s foot, they would both start laughing. After “Rain Is a Good Thing” by Luke Bryan, they went back to the table to sit, talk, and enjoy everyone’s company.

  JP stopped by to see Ryan and Steve, and they introduced everyone. His cousins made a round or two, but they mostly talked to Bianca. Everyone had a great time, meeting members of the town and dancing. Ryan saved every dance for Shannon and had the time of his life. He only had one thought going through his mind. I shouldn’t enjoy being with Shannon.


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