Finding Love Again (Crystal Lake, Montana Book 1)

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Finding Love Again (Crystal Lake, Montana Book 1) Page 6

by Ann,Christa

  Shannon glanced over the see Mrs. Conway speaking softly to Carly. Boy, that girl didn’t look happy at whatever the older lady said. She obviously had a problem with Shannon. Carly might not like the fact that she had a date with her father. Shannon didn’t want to start a fight between Ryan and his kids. It was very important to her that, when and if she ever dated again, there would be no fight between the kids and parent.

  Maybe she should cancel the date with Ryan, even though she didn’t want to. She enjoyed his company and he was so easy to talk to. Even the silence between them was comfortable. They also had a lot in common. The most important ones were their love for their kids and horses.

  Shannon loved riding her horse through the woods back home in Maryland. Being able to go places that a car couldn’t go. Racing around the trees without having to hear the motor from a motorcycle or four wheelers. It was just freeing.

  They all headed to the front to pay for the books that they’d picked out. Shannon paused when she handed her book to Carly. Carly said nothing and neither did she. She paid for the book and said goodbye, but Carly still didn’t reply.

  They walked down to the diner and ordered coffee and four slices of pie to take back to the cabin. When they got the cabin, they relaxed on blankets outside, ate pie, talked for a while, then Shannon started to read her romance novel.

  They all took turns cooking during the trip, and Shannon and Lisa would be cooking dinner that night. While they cooked she heard her cell phone go off, so she went to retrieve the phone. She saw a text from the Ryan.

  Making sure we are still on for tomorrow. I’ll pick you up at twelve o’clock to have lunch.

  She quickly texted back. I’ll be ready.

  She hesitated to ask about the pregnant mare and the foals. It really wasn’t any of her business, but she couldn’t resist. How is Venus doing?

  About half an hour later, he finally texted back. Momma and babies are doing fine. Twin girls. Haven’t named them yet. You’ll see them tomorrow.

  That’s great. See you tomorrow. Can’t wait to see them. Shannon just stood there and stared at her phone, waiting for it to run off. She really was going to go out on a date with a man. What am I doing? Do I really want to do this?

  Ryan was the typical tall, dark, and handsome. Well, he’s fucking sexy in those tight jeans that hugged his ass. She loved his black Stetson, the way it shielded his eyes but didn’t hide those lips that she loved to taste. He had blue-grey eyes that Shannon could drown in. Then she’d run her hands up over his blue flannel shirt that didn’t hide his biceps because he stretched the seams apart. To top it off, he had those wide, strong shoulders, over the cords of his neck, to a strong jaw with the start of his five o’clock shadow. She would run her thumbs over his lower lip that she wanted to lick. More than anything, she wanted those lips on her; her neck, breasts…

  She snapped herself out of that line of thinking and placed the phone in her back pocket just in case he sent a text later. She really tried to avoid looking at Lisa as she returned to the kitchen, but as she walked past Lisa tapped her shoulder.

  “I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to take so long. What?”

  “You know what I want. So, spill.”

  Well, damn. “One of Ryan’s horses had twins.” She peeked at Lisa. Shit, one hand on hip. She wants more info. “We’re going out on a date tomorrow. To the diner or lodge. For lunch.”

  “Keep on going, girlfriend.” Lisa just stared at Shannon and waited.

  “Nothing else to say.” She turned around after she finished setting the table. “Okay, I haven’t been on a date in forever. I’m getting a little nervous now. What am I going to do? What do I want with him? I like being around him and talking with him…” She looked up at one of her best friends for answers and advice.

  Lisa faced Shannon. “Do you really think you can just ignore what you feel? You can’t and you shouldn’t. Go out with him. Have fun. Enjoy yourself.” She walked over to Shannon and placed a hand on her shoulder. “He may be the one for you. But you won’t know that unless you open your heart and just maybe find love again. Tom wouldn’t want you to be alone forever.”

  She knew that Lisa was right, but she still felt like going on a date equaled cheating on her husband. Damn it, her deceased husband who she loved, had two wonderful children with, and raised them together. She wanted more in her life, and was still young enough to want to share it with someone. Maybe it would be Ryan, but she wouldn’t know unless she dropped the walls around her heart and let someone in.

  * * *

  Rosa came into the kitchen and, to her surprise, found Ryan sitting at the table eating leftovers. “I thought you had a date tonight.”

  Ryan took a drink of his before answering. “I did, but with Venus having a hard time delivering the twins, I couldn’t just leave her. Shannon and I rescheduled. We’re going to the diner tomorrow for lunch. Then, I’m thinking about bringing her here to see Venus and the twin fillies.”

  “You didn’t have to stay. Hank and your sons could have taken care of that horse, and you know it. You need to let your sons do more around here without you peering over their shoulders all the time.” Rosa just stood there, glaring at him while she took him to task.

  Chucking, he said, “Okay, okay. I got it. And, damn it, stop looking at me like that.”

  Rosa made her way to the back door to leave and head home to her husband. “You better clear up after yourself, Ryan Collins. And watch your mouth.”

  He had to holler before the door closed, “Yes, ma’am.” Once she was gone, he laughed his ass off. Rosa had no problem telling anyone anything. Hank was one very lucky man.

  He could only wish to have a wife like her. Vicky was a fucking pain in his ass from day one, especially after the boys were born. They should have ended it then, but he believed in his marriage vows and wanted to make it work. Plus, he had gotten her pregnant and then he did what was right. He had married her.

  The hardest part of that time of his life was going to marriage counseling without letting anyone know. She didn’t want the town or the boys to know about their problems. And, in one drunken night, after coming home from After Hours, he fucked said wife. He forgot to use a condom and got her pregnant again. He didn’t regret it, because they made a beautiful baby girl. Carly.

  They agreed to stay together until Carly hit high school. What a long ass time. They both slept in separate rooms. By the time Carly was in ninth grade, Vicky had pretty much moved out of the house. That’s when they made it official and filed for divorce. Carly was the only one of the three kids that took the news hard. He had a feeling that she hoped they would get back together.

  But Vicky hadn’t told the kids yet is that she was engaged to be married. Good luck to the man that she marries. He’s going to need it.

  * * *

  Ryan woke up early the next morning to check on the mare and the foals before he had to leave. He was happy to see everyone doing well. While he fed Thunder, his phone vibrated. He answered the call a little too rough, “Hello.” Damn.

  “Well, hello to you, too, asshole. Bad night with Shannon or didn’t you get any?” Steve laughed his fool head off. Dumbass.

  That just pissed him the fuck off. “That’s none of your fucking business. And, no, I had to cancel my date with her last night because Venus went into labor and was having a rough time. We’re going out today.” And hopefully all night, too, but he wasn’t going to tell his friend that.

  “Damn, is she okay?” Ryan wasn’t sure if he was talking about Shannon or the horse.

  “Shannon was okay with changing the date. I told her I didn’t want to leave without knowing if everything would be okay with the foals.”

  “Okay, well I’m glad Shannon was okay with the change, but I was talking about Venus, ass wipe.” It was way too early for Steve to be up, and his sarcasm was starting to come out.

  “Yes, all three are doing great. I just checked on them. What the hell is your problem?
And why are you up so damn early?” Should Ryan be worried or not?

  Steve took a deep breath before explaining, “Look, I wanted to let you know something. I went into town, checking on my business, and apparently Carly wasn’t very friendly to the ladies. Especially Shannon. I’m not sure how your boys feel. You may want to talk to them, man, and soon.”

  Ryan wanted to strangle his kids. “Thanks, I will. Now, go back to bed because you need sleep so you aren’t an asshole all day.”

  He ended the call and put both hands on Thunder’s stall. “Damn it!” He was just starting to date again and his kids... He needed to talk to them and find out what was going on. What the hell?

  “Is there a problem with Thunder?” Well, let’s start with my sons.

  When Ryan turned around, Dustin stood ramrod straight. “Thunder, Venus, and the foals are fine.” As his son raised an eyebrow, Ryan continued. “Do you or your brother have a problem with Shannon? I want you to talk to me.”

  “Didn’t know you were seeing her officially. So, what is going on?” Dustin shifted his feet, letting him know he was nervous. Ryan wasn’t sure if his Dustin knew he shifted his feet when he was nervous or agitated about something.

  Colby came around the corner just then and noticed his father and his brother. “Something going on that I need to know about?” Colby rubbed his thumb inside his hand, his nervous habit. But, unlike Dustin, Colby knew. When Ryan looked up at Colby he turned red and shoved his hands into his front pockets.

  “I’ll ask you the same thing I just asked Dustin. Do you have a problem with Shannon? If you do, talk to me. Please remember, however, that I don’t answer to any of you.”

  Colby’s eyes widened, “I only saw her briefly, Dad. I don’t have a problem and neither does Dustin. Are you dating her?”

  Colby was always the calm and reasonable one. “Yes, we’re going on a date today, and she’ll be here to see Venus. It would be nice of the two of you to stop by and say hello. But only if you can be nice.”

  “We will. Won’t we, bro?” Colby elbowed Dustin. Dustin just nodded his head.

  He didn’t worry about Colby; he went with the flow. But Dustin was completely opposite. He didn’t like change and it took time for him. Taking off his Stetson to run his fingers though his hair in frustration, he chuckled to himself; that was his nervous habit.

  “I don’t like the tension. We have always been able to talk when the three of you had issues, so I’m not understanding why we have a problem now. I’m here when you’re ready to vent. But, remember one thing: I’m still your father and won’t take anyone being disrespectful to me or who I’m seeing. Just like you two wouldn’t want me to disrespect you or your girlfriends. Okay?”

  When his sons only nodded their heads, Ryan strolled out of the barn. As he passed his two boys, he said, “I’ll see you both later.” He planned to try to see his daughter before he left. She was off that day, so she would be there the same time as Shannon. He just wanted to get this over with. Why don’t they come to him? It wasn’t like them.

  As he got to the house, he could hear his daughter talking to Rosa. He hollered to get her attention. “Carly, can you come here?” Then he headed into his office.

  Carly came into his office right after him, smiling. “Hey, Dad. What’s up?” She gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek.

  Damn, she’s in a good mood and I’m about to ruin it. “Why weren’t you nice to Shannon yesterday? And, no, Shannon hasn’t said anything.” He looked at his daughter to see the expression on her face. She looked upset, embarrassed, and pissed.

  “I just don’t think she’s the right person for you. You need someone who has lived here and who knows everyone. I didn’t say anything to her,” Carly said in a very low voice.

  “Have a seat.” Ryan waved to the two chairs in front of his desk. Carly sat down, looking worried. “Out of you three kids, you took your mom’s and my divorce the worst. What happened between us has nothing to do with you or your brothers. What’s the real problem?”

  Ryan watched as Carly took a deep breath and raised her tear filled eyes at him. “Why can’t you and Mom date? Why can’t you two find your way back together? My friend, Susan, her parents got back together after four years apart. I just want my parents together.”

  “I know you do, baby girl. But that’s not going to happen. We are better people apart and neither of us regret the time we had together. Do you want to know why? Because we have three wonderful children, and I wouldn’t change that.” Ryan moved to pull his daughter into his arms and hugged her. He pulled back and wiped away a tear from her cheek. “I’m going to date. Either it will work with Shannon or not. Just like your mom dates. I hope she finds someone she can love, and I hope one day I can find love, too. Okay?”

  His daughter didn’t say anything and now had a guarded expression.

  “You don’t get a say, Carly. I’m going on a date, and you will be polite and respectful. Are we clear?” Ryan needed to get through to his daughter.

  Carly only said two words. “Yes, sir.” She made tracks to rejoin Rosa in the kitchen.

  Ryan went upstairs to his bedroom to shower before he went to pick up Shannon. He really hoped his kids behaved and didn’t embarrass him or make a scene. He finished and headed out the door. As he drove off he glanced at the rearview mirror and saw all three of his children on the porch, talking.

  * * *

  Shannon slept in, so when she got up she headed right into the shower to get ready for her first date with Ryan. It took her a little longer to get ready because she just had a hard time picking out what to wear. She wanted to look nice, but not too nice. Sexy but not sleazy. She just couldn’t find a happy medium.

  So she decided to just go with blue jeans and a white blouse with a cotton tank top underneath. When she finished getting dressed, she went back into the bathroom to finish her hair and put on a little makeup. She didn’t want to wear too much, but she wanted to look nice.

  Downstairs, she found Bianca and Lisa sitting on the couch, watching TV. “Hey. We thought we would have to get you up. You do know it’s eleven-thirty and Ryan will be here any minute now.” Lisa looked her over. “You look sexy. He won’t know what hit him.”

  “I didn’t want to look too nice, more relaxed and comfortable.” Lisa knew how to make her nervous.

  Bianca said with a smile, “You look great. Ignore Lisa. She’s hoping to go to After Hours. We won’t know until tonight.” She got up to add, “I think she only wanted to see JP. She’s been trying to find out what JP stands for. Do you know?”

  “Oh, if you find out, you have to tell me. He won’t tell, and I want to know. Hey, you can ask Ryan.” Lisa was almost pleading.

  “No, I don’t know and, no, I’m not asking Ryan,” Shannon stated firmly.

  After about twenty-five minutes, Shannon got up to answer a knock at the door. Lisa shoved at her playfully as she passed her. Lisa cracked up. Shannon opened the door to let Ryan in and heard a noise behind her.

  Smiling, he asked, “Hey, you ready?” At the same time, Erica came down the stairs looking tired and singing, “I hear you knocking but you can’t come in,” over and over.

  Shannon just shook her head. “We go through this every morning. She sings a phrase of a song just to get on our nerves. What she doesn’t know is that we think it’s funny as shit.” She picked up her purse and looked at her friends. “See ya later.”

  Ryan went to the passenger side of the truck and opened the door for her. When he got into the driver’s side, he started the truck. “I hope you’re hungry. Frank’s Diner okay?”

  “That sounds great and, yes, I’m hungry.” She smiled at him.

  They drove to the diner in a comfortable silence. She loved to look at the scenery. The mountains were beautiful. They looked like they were trying to reach the heavens. She liked to believe the clouds would stop to take a rest on the tops and then move on.

  Before long, Ryan parked the truck in fron
t of the diner. He hurried around to open the door for her. She found it really nice for someone to want to open doors for her. It hadn’t happened to her in a very long time. Back home, not even when she would go out did a man entering or exiting a building hold the door open.

  He offered his hand for Shannon to take so he could help her out of the truck. Slowly she placed her small hand into his large callused one and got out of the truck. When she got out, he never let go of her hand. They walked hand and hand to the diner. Ryan let go of her only to open the door, then guided her inside with his hand on her lower back.

  Shannon could feel the heat from his palm on her back. Heat coursed through her, from her breasts and working its way down her abdomen. Before her thoughts got out of control, Nell came over with a smile.


  Ryan felt her tense up then relax. He loved touching her, and the smell of her skin and hair made his cock hard every time. Thank God they were in public or he would move his hands under that t-shirt to her abdomen then to her breasts. Just when he started to fantasize about getting Shannon naked Nell came over, smiling.

  “You want a table or booth?” Nell asked Ryan.

  Ryan looked at Shannon to make sure, before asking, “Booth okay?”

  “Sure.” At that, Nell led them to the booth in the back.

  They ordered drinks and Frank’s special of the day: bacon cheeseburger with fries and coleslaw. It was pleasant to sit down, just the two of them, and talk.

  “When did you take over the ranch?” Shannon wanted to know more about the ranch. Okay, and him, too.

  “My parents wanted to be young enough to travel when they retired, so when I turned…shit, I can’t remember, it’s been a long time. Twenty-six, maybe? They decided it was time to hand over the reins, so to speak. We had a lot more cattle when my parents ran the place. But, I love horses and have always been better with them than cattle.”


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