For the Love of Her Dragon

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For the Love of Her Dragon Page 16

by Julia Mills


  Royce walked home as the first light of the morning sun shone through the trees, more pissed than he could ever remember being. When Rayne and Rian had decreed…not suggested, not discussed…just decreed, that Aidan and Aaron would accompany Kyra to place the amulets around the mountain the night before the full moon, he had lost his mind. He knew she had been working extremely hard to come up with a way to capture Andrew with minimum harm, further proving to Royce that she would never hurt a living a soul without extreme provocation, because if there was anyone that needed to be ‘harmed’ to within an inch of his worthless life, it was that lowlife traitor.

  At first, he had tried the politically correct approach and had said that Kyra and his brethren would need back up. Both leaders had agreed and then promptly assigned the task to Kellan, Brannoc, Lennox and Pearce – the Commander and the three oldest and best Guardsmen from Rian’s clan. Royce knew all of the men, had fought beside them, and had it been any other situation, he would have felt they were more than capable. But this was Kyra’s safety they were talking about, and he was not willing to leave her wellbeing to anyone but himself. Even the promise from Kellan that they would leave their connection open, allowing him to monitor every moment that Kyra was out in the open, did little to calm his ire.

  The debate had waged on until Rayne announced the conversation over. It was the first time in over a hundred years that he had wanted to inflict pain upon his friend and Commander. As he had tried to make his escape, Rayne had stopped him to explain, “I know you’re pissed old friend, and no one understands more than I, but with all that has happened between you and Kyra, I need for you to stay behind. I can tell you from personal experience that you will forsake all others to protect her, now more than ever, and you will not be able to focus on anything else. If I had it to do all over again, I would have had someone else protect Kyndel.”

  Rayne’s explanation had only served to add insult to injury, so when Aidan joined him on his walk home, Royce was less than cordial. “I’m not in the mood, ‘A’.”

  “Yeah, I know, you’re just letting that shit fly all over. Which with your ability to put your emotions on lockdown is really saying something. Grace just told me she can feel your anger, that’s why I came this way. I can only imagine the others can too and trust me, I understand. I know you don’t want to hear this, but I agree with Rayne. If I had it to do all over again, I would have let someone else protect Grace. Hell, I did! And when the shit hit the fan, I thought I could do better and took over and we all know how that turned out.” Royce could feel the remorse his brother still felt from all his mate had suffered, but Royce was still pissed.

  They walked along in silence for a few moments, only to be joined by Aaron. “What’s up?”

  “Not a fucking thing, Aar,” Royce snarled.

  Aaron threw his hands up in mock surrender and chuckled, “Alright big guy, I get that you’re pissed, but you know that ‘A’ and I aren’t gonna let anything happen to your girl. And the cast of Highlander has our backs, so we got this shit covered.” Aaron laughed at his own joke and Royce recognized it for what it was…his brethren’s attempt to lessen his worry, if only that was possible.

  He continued to walk, and before too long the twins thankfully said their goodbyes. As he made his way through the trees that provided his home with extra privacy, he saw Devon sitting on the steps leading to his front door with his elbows propped on his knees and his head in his hands. Royce knew his friend sensed his presence long before he had been able to see him, so he spoke as he crossed the front lawn, “I’m not in the mood for company, Dev.”

  “Yeah, everyone within a fifty mile radius knows you’re not in the mood, but I need to talk to you,” Devon responded and rose.

  Royce entered his home, assuming his friend would follow, so he wasn’t surprised when his voice sounded right behind him. “I just came to apologize.” Royce turned to face his friend, completely confused by his Devon’s declaration.

  “What the hell do you have to be sorry for?”

  “You asked me to take care of Kyra and I tried, but now I’m gonna be stuck here with you while she leaves the lair,” Devon answered, and Royce could feel his friend’s remorse, which went a long way to cooling his temper.

  “Don’t worry about it, dude. Not your fault,” Royce consoled.

  Devon shook his head, “I should’ve seen it coming. She mentioned she had come up with a magical answer that she was sure we could use to capture the douchebag. Now that they have the amulets crafted, Kyra and Max are sure that the familial bond the twins share with the traitor will help her activate the spelled charms without Andrew being able to detect them.”

  Royce scoffed as he handed Devon one of the beers he‘d gotten from the fridge, “Yeah, that Cat and I are gonna have a serious conversation just as soon as he shows his mangy face, and I don’t give shit if he’s the King or not.”

  “I hear ya, just be careful, they are allies and all that happy horseshit.”

  The two men drank their beers and stood on Royce’s front porch watching the sun rise, both lost in thought. It was Devon that broke the silence, “All you have to do is make it twenty-four hours, Bro and then you’ll at least be in the same vicinity as your mate. I think you lost your mind before Rayne explained that ‘A’, Aaron, and Kyra will set the amulets while Rian’s Guard watches their backs. Then Kyra will be tucked away in Sam’s old house that has been warded against everything anyone knows a ward for, until we all get there right at dusk. As soon as the useless waste of space crosses the perimeter that Kyra’s bespelled amulets have created, he will be contained on the mountain. Then we kick ass and take names, something I have waited far too long for, what about you?”

  “Yeah, but that is a helluva a long time for Kyra to be almost seventy miles away from me…. seventy miles that I will have to race across if anyone dares try to hurt her.”

  Devon slapped Royce on the back and headed down the stairs, “I am liking the change in you and have faith, old man. She lived on that damn mountain, knows it like the back of her hand, and is small enough to hide in places no one else will even think to look. It’s all gonna be okay. You two are working through your issues, not even that demented piece of shit is gonna stop what you and Kyra are building.”

  Royce sighed and hoped that everything Devon had said was true. There was no way he was going to let anything happen to his mate, not after he had finally found his way to her. He reached through their link and calmed the moment he felt her resting peacefully on the other end.

  “I need a couple hours of sleep and you should get some, too. Kyra will be here until late afternoon, so you’ll have time to see her before they go,” his friend said as he disappeared in the trees.

  Sleep? Was he serious? Royce thought as he headed back into his home and started the coffee maker, wondering how he was not going to lose his mind while Kyra was out of his sight.

  He knew the second Kyra awakened and fought the urge to race to her. To keep his mind busy, he entertained the thought of using whatever means necessary to make her see that she would be safer staying right where she was, but knew that she would never do that. She had a score to settle with the traitor, the same as everyone else he had hurt, and Royce could not deny her the chance to bring him down.

  Royce spent the better part of the morning and most of the early afternoon training and sparring. It didn’t keep his mind as busy as he would have liked, but it kept him busy enough that when Sydney yelled from the side of the training pit that lunch was ready, he was surprised at how long he had been at it. “Royce, come on, Mom says lunch is ready and you better hurry,” her little giggle made him smile. The blonde-haired blue-eyed beauty was one of the only people that could make him smile, even in the darkest of times.

  If someone would have told him six months ago that Lance, the biggest pain in the ass of his Force, the man that swore he would be a bachelor until the day he died, would have a wife, an
almost six year old daughter, and be the picture of domestication, he would have called them a liar. But it had all happened and Royce could not be happier for him. “I’m coming, Syd. Let me put the swords away and wash up, and I’ll be right there.”

  “Okay, but Mom says if you don’t get in here I get your cookies.”

  “I did not say that, little missy,” added Sam, her adopted mother and beautiful mate of his friend.

  ‘Mom,” Sydney giggled. “I was trying to get him to hurry. I’m hungry and those cookies are calling my name.”

  “Take your time, Royce,” Sam called to him and then lifted her daughter onto her hip. “And as for you little girl, veggies before cookies.”

  He listened to them laugh as they went back into the house, and he wiped down the blades that had been left and put them away before washing his hands and face and heading to lunch.

  Royce had barely gotten one foot in the door before Sydney flew at him from her seat at the table. He picked her up and swung her around, mesmerized by her laughter, and thought what a miracle it would be to play with his own children one day very soon. Sydney’s hand on his face brought him back to reality. “Whatcha smilin’ about, Royce?”

  “Just thinking what a cutie you are and how lucky I am that you’re my girlfriend.”

  Sydney giggled, “I’m not your girlfriend, silly old dragon, Kyra is. And she’s gonna be your wife soon, but first you gotta help her.”

  “Oh you think so, do you?” Royce said while he put Sydney in her seat next to the window and spoke to Sam through the mind speak of their clan, “How does she know anything about Kyra and I, and what is she talking about ‘me helping her’?”

  “We might as well talk out loud. She can tell when we are talking like this and is almost to the point that she can listen in,” Sam answered while bringing hamburgers, fries, and fresh cut vegetables to the table.

  “Sydney, honey, Royce wants to know how you know about him and Kyra.”

  Royce sat down next to the sweet girl and helped her get her food while she explained, “Sometimes when I’m just playing or reading or goofing around, I get pictures in my head. Mom and Dad said it’s cause I’m special,” she crinkled her nose and Royce could not resist the urge to give her a little peck right over that crinkle, and was rewarded with another of her sweet giggles.

  “Well, they’re right, Sydney girl. You are about the most special girl I’ve ever known.”

  Sydney rolled her eyes, “You really are a silly old dragon.” She got up on her knees and held his face between her hands, “But I love you any way.” And she kissed him on the tip of his nose.

  His eyes watered and he noticed Sydney’s show of affection was having the same effect on her mom. He choked back his emotions, helped the little darling sit back down and asked, “So tell me what you saw about Kyra and me?”

  “Well…you guys were walking and talking and holding hands. Then,” Sydney scrunched her face and put her napkin over her face before whispering, “You guys were kissing…yuck.”

  Sam and Royce laughed and that was when Lance walked in, “Now, that’s not fair. Y’all are having a party without me.”

  Sydney jumped off her chair and ran towards him screaming, “Hey, Daddy!”

  Lance grabbed his daughter and kissed her on both cheeks while she giggled on and on. When the laughter died down and everyone was once again seated at the table, Lance asked, “So what was so funny?”

  Sydney was the first to answer, “I was telling Royce about Kyra and him and I told him I saw them kissing.” She shook her head and added, “Ewwwww…just like you and Mommy kiss sometimes.”

  Everyone laughed and finished filling their plates. Lunch conversation was kept light, but as soon as the dishes had been cleared away, Sydney headed out to play on the swings and Royce asked, “I guess her abilities are getting stronger, huh?”

  “They damn sure are, but at least for the moment they are limited to people she knows or people she has met. Siobhan found an old Prophecy that talks about the vibria born of human parents and the last female born of two dragons lost in plain sight. She’s sure Syd is the first and has an idea that Emma, the girl who owns the jewelry shop, is the other, but the old book she found it in was damaged and that’s all she knows. She has talked to as many Elders from as many clans as she could and is still contacting more. What she knows so far is that they all thought it was just a myth, a story told by the campfire, and that it has anywhere from three to five different parts involving at least three different species of magical beings. Who knew when you told me Sydney was special when we first rescued her from Andrew, how special she really was?”

  “Well, shit! I’m not sure if I should say congratulations or run for the hills,” Royce laughed, mostly because he had no clue what else to do.

  It was Sam that answered and her face showed the truth in her words, “Sydney is our miracle, and whether she is part of some grand plan or just the most beautiful little girl that ever walked…we love her with all our hearts.” The couple grasped hands and smiled. Royce really was happily surprised at what a difference six months and two wonderful ladies had made in his friend.

  But the smart ass he had known forever was still lurking right below the surface and always ready to give him a hard time. Looking at his watch, Lance remarked, “Don’t you need to be seeing about a witch, my brother?”

  Royce looked at the clock on the stove and swore, “Dammit, I sure as hell do.” He stood, clapped Lance on the shoulder and kissed Sam on the top of the head before thanking them both for a great meal. He yelled his goodbye to Sydney, hopped the fence, and ran across the pasture to the little house Kyra was staying in, looking forward to seeing his beautiful mate before she left the safety of the lair.

  He had never been happier to find someone home alone as he was when he reached out with his senses right before he opened the gate leading to Kyra’s front door. He was just about to knock on the door when it opened and a pink-cheeked Kyra was standing, glaring at him with her hands on her hips. “I wondered if you were going to at least come and say goodbye. Cut it kind of close, didn’t you?” To further drive her point home, her little bare foot tapped against the floor.

  Unable to resist his beautiful mate one second longer, he lifted her until he could look into her violet eyes and slammed his mouth to hers. She opened immediately, and as their tongues met, he felt the sensations ripple throughout his entire body. Her petite hands gripped his shoulders and her muscular legs wound around his waist. There had been a time he had worried about their height difference, but all those fears floated away when he felt the perfection of Kyra in his arms.

  The longer they kissed, the faster his heart beat and the harder his cock pushed against the zipper of his jeans. He lifted his foot to slam the door shut, with plans to relieve her of every stitch of her clothing, until a wolf whistle sounded behind them. As quick as his enhanced abilities would allow him, he placed Kyra’s feet on the floor and spun around to face his brethren. “Sorry, Bro, did I interrupt?” Aaron grinned as Royce groaned. He had been so wrapped up in Kyra, he hadn’t even sensed his brethren’s approach.

  “Not at all,” he grumbled and Kyra appeared at his side smirking. Damn, if he didn’t love her spunk.

  “Come on in, Aaron,” his mate called over her shoulder as she turned, grabbed his hand, and headed into the house. “Just made some iced tea for the road. It’s in the fridge. Gotta finish packing and then I’ll be ready to go.”

  Royce’s good mood evaporated as he thought about the long hours they would be separated. “You better keep her safe or I promise I will kick your ass,” he sent directly into Aaron’s mind.

  “No worries, lover boy, I won’t let anyone or anything harm a hair on her pretty little head,” Aaron answered and Royce could hear the grin in his voice.

  “You just worry about keeping her safe, I’ll worry about her pretty little head…and everything under that, too.

  Aaron laughed long and lou
d through their link as Royce grumbled, “Too many damn brothers…and they all think they’re funny.”


  Everything that could be done was done, everyone that was going with them knew their orders forwards and backwards, all he had to do was wait twenty-four more hours and he would be on his way to the mountain. In theory, the ritual they were working was simple, but if after all he had been through in the last seven years had taught him anything, it was that nothing ever went off without a hitch, especially where those fucking dragons were involved. And with Kyra working with them, he had to be even more vigilant.

  Master Eaton’s insistence on going along also bothered him. Andrew was pleased with the addition of power but leery of the Head Wizard’s motives. Andrew had seen the sidelong glances and heard the whispering that stopped the minute he entered a room. Andrew smiled, happy for the return of his enhanced hearing and the great fortune that none of the idiots he was working with had any clue who or what he really was. Hell, they still hadn’t figured out that the warriors they had encountered on their mission across the sea had truly been the elusive Dragon Guard, and he was happy to let them live in their ignorance. He had tried to explain but the ignorance of those around him knew no bounds.

  He hated putting all his eggs in one basket, but when this plan had come to him in a dream, he knew it was the only way he was going to have the revenge he so richly deserved. He would amass an almost limitless amount of power, as would the chosen of his followers. Of course, it might leave them little more than mindless zombies afterwards, since they were only wizards and did not have dragon magic to counteract the damage of the powerful dark magic combined with the evil ritual required to extract Earth magic and twist to his will, but that was a chance he was willing to take. He had taken steps to protect John, his assistant, the only one that mattered at all to him. The dark magic practitioners would hold the power for just shy of a day, from the time the Blue Moon was high in the sky until the next night when they would flood the entire lair of the dragon shifters that had betrayed him with a spell that would leave them helpless, ripe for the killing. It was then that he would go from house to house relieving each member of the MacLendon Force of their heads, saving his dear brother Aidan, the worst offender of them all, for last.


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