When a Scot Gives His Heart

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When a Scot Gives His Heart Page 25

by Julie Johnstone

  They had been expecting her father and men from the Earl of Ulster, as the earl himself was recovering from the wound Callum had inflicted upon him in battle. They’d had men standing watch, and word had come early this morning that her father’s birlinn approached by sea. She watched as the birlinn neared the shore, and her breath caught as a sea of warriors, men faithful to her and Callum, advanced from the castle to meet her father’s men.

  Grants, MacLeods, and MacLeans stood side by side with their swords raised, blades shining in the sun. When her father’s warriors started off the ship, a cry of warning went out. She held her breath for one second, worrying her father might be so foolish as to try to battle his way through, but he was greatly outnumbered.

  As she and Callum made their way to the shore, her heart began to pound. Callum squeezed her hand. “I can speak with him alone, if ye prefer.”

  “Nay. I will say my piece,” she said.

  Moments later, she stood in front of her father, who had been the lone man allowed to set foot on the shores of Callum’s land. “I’m glad ye came,” she said by way of greeting.

  Her father’s eyebrows rose in skepticism.

  “I am,” she repeated. “I wanted to tell ye that I will nae ever fear ye again.”

  “Ye should,” her father bit out. “I will gather more of my forces and the earl’s, and I will return.”

  “I’d nae do that if I were ye,” Callum said. “I have made an alliance with the MacLeod, the MacLean, and the Earl of Ainsworth.”

  Iain came to stand by Marsaili’s side. “And I have the king’s word that if ye rise against the Grant, he condones us going to war with ye. So I will gladly kill ye if ye return.”

  “As will I,” Callum added. Her brothers and Alex nodded their agreement.

  Her father’s face turned red. “It seems I must depart for now,” he spat, “but one day, Marsaili, ye will wish ye had nae turned against me.”

  “My only wish,” she said, “was that ye were nae my father.”

  The Campbell huffed and turned to leave. Callum slid his arm around Marsaili as they stood on the shore and waited until her father sailed away.

  Callum leaned close to her. “Are ye sad?”

  “Nay,” she assured him as Marion came forward and handed Brody to her. Her son curled his fingers into her hair. “I’ve nae ever been happier.”


  Marsaili normally detested Christmas, as it had never been pleasant in her father’s home, but this year, Callum had cut down a rowan tree, and they snuggled together in bed under mounds of quilts, listening to the crackle and pop of the wood as it burned. The rowan was meant to clear away any lingering bad feelings about family members, and they both had thought it would be a good thing to do. Though the things their parents had done to them were unforgiveable, they both wanted to put it behind them and look to the future with Brody—and with the child that swelled in Marsaili’s belly.

  She smiled as Callum patted Brody’s back with one hand and rubbed her stomach with the other. She could not recall ever feeling as content as she did in this moment by her husband’s side. Soon, her half brothers and their wives, as well as her sisters, would arrive to celebrate Hogmanay with them, too.

  She sighed happily and started to close her eyes when she felt the first movement from their unborn child. Tears sprang to her eyes, and she glanced to Callum, finding him staring agape at his hand, which still rested upon her stomach.

  He slowly looked at her, love brimming in his gaze. “Did ye feel that?”

  She chuckled. “Oh, aye. I do believe we will have another hearty lad, if that kick is any indication.”

  “I dunnae care if it’s a lad or a lassie, as long as ye and the child are healthy.”

  A moment of fright grabbed hold of her as she thought on how hard Brody’s birth had been. “Ye will be there with me when our bairn is born, aye? Ye vowed it.”

  Callum leaned close and kissed her soundly on the mouth, then trailed a hot path down to her breasts, but she stopped him with a tsk. “Put Brody to bed first.”

  He chuckled, scooped up their sleeping son, took him to his room, and then returned to their bed. He promptly picked up where he had left off. Between periods of dizzying attention to her breasts, he stopped long enough to meet her gaze. “I will be by yer side always,” he said. “Dunnae fret. I will be there for every birth, every moment of joy, and every moment of sadness. I love ye, mo chridhe.”

  “Prove it,” she teased, running her hands up his muscled bare chest.

  He captured her hands, and with a wicked grin, he said, “Oh, I will, lass. I will.”

  And he made true his vow—over and over again.

  Dear Readers,

  I hope you enjoyed the book. I invite you to leave a review for it, and to try the first chapter of My Fair Duchess, A Once Upon a Rogue novel, Book 1.


  The Year of Our Lord 1795

  St. Ives, Cambridgeshire, England

  The day Colin Sinclair, the Marquess of Nortingham and the future Duke of Aversley, entered the world, he brought nothing but havoc with him.

  The Duchess of Aversley’s birthing screams filled Waverly House, accompanied by the relentless pattering of rain that beat against the large glass window of Alexander Sinclair’s study. The current Duke of Aversley gripped the edge of his desk, the wood digging into his palms. He did not know how much more he could take or how much longer he could acquiesce to his wife’s refusal of his request to be present in the birthing room. He knew his wish was unusual and that she feared what he saw would dampen his desire for her, but nothing would ever do that.

  Camilla’s hoarse voice sliced through the silence again and fed the festering fear that filled him. She might die from this.

  The possibility made him tremble. Why hadn’t he controlled his lust? After six failed attempts to give him a child, Camilla’s body was weak. He’d known the truth but had chosen to ignore it. Moisture dampened his silk shirt, and Camilla screeched once more. He shook his head, trying to ward off the sound.

  He reached across his desk, and with a pounding heart and trembling hand, he slid the crystal decanter toward him. If he did not do something to calm his nerves, he would bolt straight out of this room and barge into their bedchamber. The last thing he wanted to do was cause Camilla undue anxiety. The Scotch lapped over the edge of the tumbler as he poured it, dripping small droplets of liquor on the contracts he had been blindly staring at for the last four hours.

  He did not make a move to rescue the papers as the ink blurred. He did not give a goddamn about the papers. All he cared about was Camilla. The physician’s previous words of warning that the duchess should not try for an heir again played repeatedly through Alexander’s mind. The words grew in volume as the storm raged outside and his wife’s shrieks tore through the mansion.

  Alexander could have lived a thousand lifetimes without an heir, but he was a weak fool. He craved Camilla, body and soul. His desire, along with his pompous certainty that everything would eventually turn out all right for them because he was the duke, had caused him to ignore the physician and eagerly yield to his wife’s fervent wish to have a child.

  As Camilla’s high, keening wails vibrated the air around him, he gripped his glass a fraction harder. The crystal cracked, cutting his hand with razor-like precision. He yanked off his cravat and wrapped it around his bleeding hand. Lightning split the shadows in the room with bright, blinding light, followed by his study door crashing open and Camilla’s sister, Jane, flying through the entrance. Her red hair streamed out behind her, tears running down her face.

  “The physician says come now. Camilla’s—” Jane’s voice cracked. She dashed a hand across her wet cheeks and moved across the room and around the desk to stand behind his chair. She placed a hand on his shoulder. “Camilla is dying. The doctor needs you to tell him whether to try to save her or the baby.”

  Pain, the likes of which the duke had never experienc
ed, sliced through his chest and curled in his belly. A fierce cramp immediately seized him. “What sort of choice is that?” he cried as he stood.

  Jane nodded sympathetically, then simply turned and motioned him to follow her. With effort, he forced his numb legs to move up the stairs toward his wife’s moans. With every step, his heartbeat increased until he was certain it would pound out of his chest. He could not live without her, yet he knew she would not want to live without the babe. If he told the doctor to save her over their child, she would hate him, and misery would continue to plague her and chafe as it had done every time she had lost a babe these past six years.

  He could not cause her such pain, but he could not pick the child over her. Outside the bedchamber door, Jane paused and turned to him, her face splotchy. “What are you going to do? I must know to prepare myself.”

  Alexander had never been a praying man, despite the fact that his mother had been a devout believer and had tried to get him to be one, as well. His father and grandfather had always said Aversley dukes made their own fates and only weak men looked to a higher power to grant them favors and exceptions. Alexander stiffened. He was a stupid fool who had thought himself more powerful than God. The day his mother had died, she had told him that one day, he would have to pay for this sin.

  Was today the day? Alexander drew in a long, shuddering breath, mind racing. What could he do? He would renounce every conviction he held dear to keep his wife and child.

  Squeezing his eyes shut, he made a vow to God. If He would save Camilla and the babe, he would pray every day and seek God’s wisdom in all things. Surely, this penance would suffice.

  A blood-curdling scream split the silence. Alexander’s heart exploded as he shoved past Jane and threw the door open. The cream-colored sheets of their bed, now soaked crimson, lay scattered on the dark hardwood floor. Camilla, appearing incredibly small, twisted and whimpered in the center of the gigantic four-poster. Her once-white lacy gown was bunched at her waist to expose her slender legs, and Alexander winced at the blood smeared across her normally olive skin.

  Moving toward her, his world tilted. His wife, his Camilla, stared at him with glazed eyes and cracked lips. A deathly pallor had replaced the healthy flush her face usually held. Blue veins pulsed along the base of her neck, giving her skin a thin, papery appearance. The sour stench of death filled the heavy air.

  Only seconds had passed, yet it seemed like much longer. The physician swung toward Alexander. He appeared aged since coming through the door hours before; deep lines marked his forehead, the sides of his eyes, and around his mouth. Normally an impeccably kept man, his hair dangled over his right eye, and his shirt, stained dark red, hung out from his trousers. Shoving his hair out of his eye, the physician asked, “Who do you want me to try to save, Your Grace?”

  Alexander curled his hands into fists by his sides, hissing at the throbbing pain the movement caused his cut palm. His mother’s last words echoed in his head: Great sins require great penance.

  The duke glanced at his wife’s face, then slowly slid his gaze to her swollen belly. “Both of them,” he responded. Fresh sweat broke out across his forehead as the doctor shook his head.

  “The babe is twisted the wrong way. Even if I can get it out, Her Grace will be ripped beyond repair. She’ll likely bleed out.”

  Anger coursed through Alexander’s veins. “Both of them,” he repeated, his voice shaking.

  “If she lives, I’m certain she’ll be barren. You are sure?”

  “Positive,” he snapped, seized by a wave of nausea and a certainty that he had failed to give up enough to save them both. Rushing to Camilla’s side, he kneeled and gripped her hand as her back formed a perfect arch and another cry broke past her lips—the loudest scream yet.

  Alexander closed his eyes and fervently vowed to God never to touch his wife again if only she and his babe would be allowed to live. He would do this and would keep his sacrifice between God and himself for as long as he drew breath and never tell a living soul of his penance. This time he would heed his mother’s warnings. Her threadbare voice filled his head as he murmured her words. “True atonement is between the sinner and God or else it is not true, and the day of reckoning will come more terrible and shattering than imaginable.”

  Alexander repeated the oath, coldness gripping him and burrowing into his bones.

  Moments later, his throat burned, and he could not stop the tears of happiness and relief that rolled down his face as he cradled his healthy son in his arms.

  Then in a faint but happy voice Camilla called out to him. “Alex, come to me,” Camilla murmured, gazing at him with shining eyes and raising a willowy arm to beckon him. He froze where he stood and curled his fingers tighter around his swaddled son, desperate to hold on to the joy of seconds ago, and yet the elation slipped away when realizing the promise he had made to God.

  That vow had saved his wife and child. As much as he wanted to tell Camilla of it now, as her forehead wrinkled and uncertainty filled her eyes, fear stilled his tongue. What if he told her, and then she died? Or the babe died?

  “You’ve done well, Camilla,” he said in a cool tone. The words felt ripped from his gut. Inside, he throbbed, raw and broken.

  He handed the babe to Jane and then turned on his heel and quit the room. At the stairs, he gripped the banister for support as he summoned the butler and gave the orders to remove his belongings from the bedchamber he had shared with Camilla since the day they had married.

  As he feared, as soon as Camilla was able to, she came to him, desperate and pleading for explanations. Her words seared his heart and branded him with misery. He trembled every time he sent her away from him, and her broken-hearted sobs rang through the halls. The pain that stole her smile and the gleam that had once filled her eyes made him fear for her and for them, but the dreams that dogged him of her death or their son’s death should the vow be broken frightened him more. Sleeplessness plagued him, and he took to creeping into his son’s nursery, where he would send the nanny away and rock his boy until the wee hours of the morning, pouring all his love into his child.

  Days slid into months that turned to the first year and then the second. As his bond with Camilla weakened, his tie to his heir strengthened. Laughter filled Waverly House, but it was only the child’s laughter and Alexander’s. It seemed to him, the closer he became to his child and the more attention he lavished on him, the larger the wall became between him and Camilla until she reminded him of an angry queen reigning in her mountainous tower of ice. Yet, it was his fault she was there with no hope of rescue.

  The night she quit coming to his bedchamber, Alexander thanked God and prayed she would now turn the love he knew was in her to their son, whom she seemed to blame for Alexander’s abandonment. He awoke in the morning, and when the nanny brought Colin to Alexander, he decided to carry his son with him to break his fast, in hopes that Camilla would want to hold him. As he entered the room with Colin, she did not smile. Her lips thinned with obvious anger as she excused herself, and he was caught between the wish to cry and the urge to rage at her.

  Still, his fingers burned to hold her hand and itched to caress the gentle slope of her cheekbone. Eventually, his skin became cold. His fingers curiously numb. Then one day, sitting across from him at dinner in the silent dining room, Camilla looked at him and he recoiled at the sharp thorns of revenge shining in her eyes.

  The following week the Season began, and he dutifully escorted her to the first ball. Knots of tension made his shoulders ache as they walked down the staircase, side by side, so close yet a thousand ballrooms apart. After they were announced, she turned to him and he prepared himself to decline her request to dance.

  She raised one eyebrow, her lips curling into a thinly veiled smile of contempt. “Quit cringing, Alexander. You may go to the card room. My dances are all taken, I assure you.”

  Within moments, she twirled onto the dance floor, first with one gentleman and then another a
nd another until the night faded near to morning. Alexander stood in the shadows, leaning against a column and never moving, aware of the curious looks people cast his way. He was helplessly sure his wife was trying to hurt him, and he silently started to pray she would finally turn all her wrath at how he had changed to him and begin to love the child she had longed for…and for whom she had almost died.

  Series by Julie Johnstone

  Scottish Medieval Romance Books:

  Highlander Vows: Entangled Hearts Series

  When a Laird Loves a Lady, Book 1

  Wicked Highland Wishes, Book 2

  Christmas in the Scot’s Arms, Book 3

  When a Highlander Loses His Heart, Book 4

  How a Scot Surrenders to a Lady, Book 5

  When a Warrior Woos a Lass, Book 6

  When a Scot Gives His Heart, Book 7

  Highlander Vows: Entangled Hearts Boxset, Books 1-4

  Regency Romance Books:

  A Whisper of Scandal Series

  Bargaining with a Rake, Book 1

  Conspiring with a Rogue, Book 2

  Dancing with a Devil, Book 3

  After Forever, Book 4

  The Dangerous Duke of Dinnisfree, Book 5

  A Once Upon A Rogue Series

  My Fair Duchess, Book 1

  My Seductive Innocent, Book 2

  My Enchanting Hoyden, Book 3

  My Daring Duchess, Book 4

  Lords of Deception Series

  What a Rogue Wants, Book 1

  Danby Regency Christmas Novellas


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