Hades' Return

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Hades' Return Page 18

by N. J. Walters

  With her camera slung around her neck, she twisted open the water and had a swallow. The cold was soothing and refreshing. She set the bottle next to her, tore open the granola bar and had a bite. It wasn’t exactly tasty, but it did fill a hole.

  She promised herself she’d cook something better later. Her stomach protested, having heard that promise too many times before to actually believe it. She wolfed down the bar and stuffed the wrapper in her back pocket to dispose of later.

  Toni picked up her camera again and peered through the lens. Whatever was out there, she’d see it as long as she was patient. Plus, she was close enough to the house that if it were a bear or a cougar, she could get inside to safety if it became necessary. She didn’t think it would. She’d learned over the years of trekking around the world that most animals would leave you alone if you stayed out of their way.

  The only exception to that rule was humans. And she’d had more than her fair share of run-ins with nasty two-legged creatures, which is why she always carried a weapon. Of course, her gun was in her tote bag in her bedroom. She hadn’t anticipated needing it. And she should have.

  She, better than most, knew just because an area seemed isolated, didn’t mean it was. Plus, the sparsely populated bayou was the perfect place to run drugs and moonshine.

  Her instincts were telling her it was a four-legged creature out there. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to be prepared. She slowly climbed to her feet and hurried inside to grab her weapon. And while her back was turned, she missed seeing the black jaguar melt into the surrounding woods.

  Hades leaned back in his chair and studied the scene in the mirror. He absently tapped his index finger against his jaw as he contemplated what he’d just seen. This was his last chance at revenge against the Lady of the Beasts and her warriors. And damn, the jaguar was being stubborn. He’d removed himself from the city and was now living isolated in the bayou. The rest of the warriors had found and mated with human women of their choice. Hades still couldn’t understand why they would share their immortality with a mere human female. His goal in life was to gain power, not give it up.

  Still, there was something there. Otherwise, why would the jaguar spend so much time watching the woman? He cocked his head to one side and let the information flow into him—Antoinette Richards. That was her name.

  The mirror went black and Hades bit back a curse. He hated the fact that the enchanted mirror only allowed him a single hour in a twenty-four-hour span to view any world beyond his own realm. And he was trapped in Hell at the moment, compliments of his brothers, and all because he’d sought to take over the world.

  Really, Zeus and Poseidon should be impressed with his efforts. It’s not as though they concerned themselves with the humans. But they didn’t like the idea of him having more power than them. Damn them.

  Still, Hades had options. He might not be able to leave his domain, but he had plenty of demons who could. And they were expendable. He’d killed hundreds of them since his release from his prison. Their life force gave him a minor boost of power, but it was fleeting and nothing compared to what he’d had before the Lady of the Beasts had drained him.

  “Damn female,” he muttered, wishing he could wrap his fingers around the slender neck of the goddess who’d bested him. It was inexcusable, especially since he’d kept her imprisoned for five-thousand years. She should have been weak, unable to escape his realm. That she’d not only beaten him but also tricked him into freeing her warriors was a sore spot that demanded restitution.

  “Who are you talking about? Or should I ask?” The feminine voice sank into his pores like a caress.

  He should have known she’d be around. She’d been keeping a close eye on him since she’d convinced Zeus to free him from prison. He turned his gaze toward the door and studied his ex-wife, the beautiful Persephone. Even now, his fingers itched to touch her alabaster skin. She was wearing jeans and an emerald-green blouse. He narrowed his eyes and his cock swelled when he realized she wasn’t wearing a bra beneath the silky material. Beneath his gaze, her nipples pebbled.

  Sexual attraction had never been their problem. Ethics, or rather his lack of them, had been.

  “What are you doing here, Persephone?” He stood and adjusted the cuffs of his hand-tailored linen shirt, tugging them to just below the sleeves of his Armani suit.

  She shrugged and wandered around the room. She ran her finger over the edge of a gilt frame that hung on the wall. Hades barely noticed the masterpiece by Da Vinci set in the frame. All he could see was the tip of her finger rubbing against the wood. He wanted that finger and the rest of them running over his body.

  His cock jerked, reminding him of how much he still wanted her, and his temper flared. “I didn’t invite you here.” His voice was deep, his tone cutting.

  “I didn’t think I needed an invitation.” She walked toward him, swaying her hips seductively.

  “You’re not mistress here anymore,” he reminded her. It cut him to his core that she’d walked away from him, left him. His home, once his pride and joy, hadn’t felt the same since.

  Sadness flickered in her eyes for a moment before it disappeared, and Persephone turned away. “I’ll leave you alone then.”

  His eyes were glued to the sway of her behind and the proud bearing of her shoulders. He almost called her back. Instead, he fisted his hands by his sides and reminded himself that she’d left him. It had been her choice.

  Damn the woman. Why did she always leave him feeling inadequate? He hated that particular emotion more than any other.

  She disappeared, leaving him feeling bereft. He growled, hating any sign of weakness.

  Hades glanced toward the darkened mirror. He would have his revenge, and then he would grow strong again. He didn’t need the warriors or the power of the Lady of the Beasts to gain control of the Earth. There was more than one way to accomplish his goal of world domination.

  But first, he had to deal with the last warrior. If he could take some minor revenge against Stavros, he’d finally be able to put this episode behind him and forget the warriors and their goddess ever existed.

  It couldn’t happen fast enough to suit him, which is why he needed help. There were plenty of greedy, devious humans who were only too willing to do his bidding in exchange for a favor.

  He put Persephone out of his mind, which was much harder to do than it should have been. He was done with her. He didn’t need her. He didn’t need anyone.

  Hades yelled for one of his demons. The scaly creature immediately raced into the room and cowered before him. The male demon was smaller than most, but his mind was cunning. Although he would never admit it, Hades missed Mordecai, the sneaky serpent who’d infiltrated his domain in order to help his fellow warriors escape Hades’ wrath. The immortal warrior had been intelligent and brutal, a combination he admired. He also hadn’t had to have everything spelled out to him. Mordecai had always seemed to understand what Hades had wanted before he’d even wanted it.

  Persephone had been like that too. But she’d concerned herself with seeing to his home and his happiness.

  Hades began to pace, momentarily forgetting the demon standing before him. He didn’t need happiness. He needed power. But more than that, he needed revenge.

  He stopped and faced his demon. “This is what I want you to do.”

  Chapter Two

  Stavros knew he really should leave the area, maybe go back to New Orleans for a while. Or he could easily transport himself to South America in the blink of an eye now that all his power had been restored. But he couldn’t make himself leave her. He didn’t even know the woman’s name, but it didn’t matter. There was something about her that drew him. Watching her work was a pleasure. She lost herself in her surroundings, heedless of her own safety, intent only on getting the picture she wanted.

  Obviously, it wasn’t safe to leave her on her own. Someone
had to look out for her.

  He stepped out onto the porch of his temporary home, thankful once again that Sabrina, the woman mated to his fellow warrior Arand, was allowing him to stay at her granny’s home in the bayou. It was isolated and he could run free as both a man and a jaguar. Best of all, he was alone. As much as he’d enjoyed living in a city as vibrant as New Orleans, he craved the solitude of nature.

  Naked, he stretched his arms over his head and enjoyed the pull and flex of muscles and bones. He’d lived all over the world, seen places that no human ever had, but he’d never had a home, never settled down. His fellow warriors had finally put down roots with their mates. Stavros feared he’d wander forever.

  He shook off the melancholy thought and simply enjoyed the warmth of the sun and the warm breeze brushing against his bare skin. After thousands of years in captivity, Stavros found great pleasure in the simple things in life. And being able to stand outside on a beautiful summer morning and soak in the sunshine was one of them.

  A tree branch rustled, and he turned to face his unseen foe. There was someone out there. He cursed himself for becoming lax. Not that he needed to worry. He could disappear in the blink of an eye if he had to, but he hated the idea of anyone disturbing this precious moment.

  He raised his head and sniffed the air. He cursed again, but for an entirely different reason. He recognized the clean scent of soap tinged with a hint of lemons combined with the sweet perfume of woman. One specific woman. It was her, his mystery woman.

  “Who’s there? Show yourself,” he commanded. He reached for his jeans that were thrown over the railing and pulled them on. “I know you’re out there.” He carefully pulled up the zipper over his semi-aroused dick. “Don’t make me come out there.” Now that she was this close, he wanted to meet her.

  Toni swallowed heavily and stared at the half-naked man, grateful that he’d put on a pair of jeans. Although the way the worn denim clung to his legs and butt left nothing up to her imagination.

  She fanned her hand in front of her face. She was hot and sweaty and not just due to the early morning heat. No, it was the man standing on the back porch of the tidy little house that was making her skin tingle and her clothing feel too tight.

  Toni had had no idea she had a neighbor this close by. This was the first time she’d walked in this direction. She’d planned on ignoring whoever lived there if possible, but then she’d seen him standing there, wearing nothing more than the morning sunshine, and she’d been frozen in place.

  The man was a god. He was tall and broad shouldered, with a thick chest and lean hips. His body was sculpted with muscle, without a hint of body fat to soften his appearance. Hair as black as midnight hung in a silky curtain to his shoulders. His features were rugged and she’d automatically brought her camera up and clicked off a few pictures. She knew she’d never show the shots to another person. These were for her personal collection.

  When he spoke, his voice was a deep rumble that made her nipples pucker and her pussy clench. What was wrong with her? She never had this kind of reaction to a man. Yes, he was handsome. Okay, so he was drop-dead gorgeous. But he was still just a man.

  “Don’t make me come out there.” There was enough of a threat in those words to make her bristle. She thought about running but had no doubt he’d catch her. Not only were his legs longer than hers, there was something about him, something primal and fierce, that told her he would find her no matter where she hid.

  Taking the bull by the horns, Toni stepped out of the woods and into the small yard. She had her cell phone in her pocket and her gun tucked into the outside pocket of her camera bag. She was safe enough.

  He came down the two steps until he stood in the yard, his bare feet planted on the warm ground. Hands on his hips, he studied her. And she stared right back. Up close, he was even more devastating to her senses.

  And his eyes. Dear Lord, his eyes were dark, fathomless depths. She could get lost in them. There was such sorrow residing there. She found herself wondering what he’d been through in his life.

  Realizing she was staring, she straightened her shoulders and introduced herself. “I’m Antoinette Richards. Toni. I’m staying at the house about a half mile that way.” She pointed back the way she’d come.

  The stranger took a step closer. “Toni.” The way he said her name made her shiver. She bit her bottom lip to keep from moaning aloud. What was wrong with her? She’d never had such a visceral reaction to a man before.

  “I’m taking pictures.” She held up her camera and then wanted to groan. Of course she was taking pictures. Any idiot could see the camera hung around her neck and the bag slung over her shoulder.

  “And you are?” she asked.

  “Stavros.” He took another step forward, his feet not making any sound. There was an alertness about him that reminded her of a wild animal. And the way he moved—so fluid and with clear intent—was so much like a wild cat, a leopard or tiger.

  Get a grip, Toni. She took a deep breath, realizing she’d been holding hers for too long. She sucked in some air and dug her fingers into her camera strap to ground her.

  “Nice to meet you.” She was proud of the fact her voice sounded steady when her insides were jittery and her knees were like jelly. Stavros wasn’t a local name, nor was his accent Cajun. She wondered where he was originally from.

  “You shouldn’t be here.” He frowned, flattening his dark brows into a straight line. His jaw tightened and she could see the steady beat of his pulse in the vein in his neck.

  Toni was struck with a sudden urge to run her tongue up that vein, to stroke her hands over his tanned skin and rub her breasts over his naked chest. And then his words sank in and she frowned.

  “I didn’t mean to trespass.” A lot of folks who lived out here weren’t friendly to strangers. She understood and respected that. But he was the one who’d asked her to come forward. She would have just gone on her way if he’d left her alone. “I’ll be going.”

  She swung around to leave. The man might look like a god, but he had the manners of a troll. Too bad.


  She paused and glanced over her shoulder. He was still standing in the same spot, raking his fingers through the thick mass of his hair. It looked so soft she wanted to touch it, which was really stupid. The guy obviously wanted her gone.

  “What?” she asked.

  He sighed. “It’s not safe for you to be out here alone.”

  Toni studied him intently. Was he for real? When his frowned deepened, she realized he was dead serious. She found herself smiling, unable to stay irritated with him. “I’m perfectly fine. I’ve worked all over the world and never had any trouble.”

  Not quite true. There’d been that little problem with a Bedouin tribe… But she’d gotten out of that situation just fine. She was home in the United States of America, not in some war-ravaged country. “I’m perfectly safe,” she promised him.

  He cursed under his breath, and while she couldn’t quite hear what he said, there was no mistaking it for anything but cussing. He turned away and stalked up the stairs and into the house, leaving her standing there alone.

  Toni couldn’t leave if she wanted to. Her eyes were glued to the incredibly lifelike tattoo that covered his entire back until he disappeared inside. It was a black jaguar. The creature snarled at her as Stavros walked away. Wow. Whoever had inked that was a hell of an artist. And it must have taken a long time to get a tattoo that detailed done.

  And every hour of his pain was worth it. The jaguar was a work of art. So lifelike she wanted to reach out and stroke it. In fact, she’d raised her hand to do just that.

  Toni quickly pulled her hand back to her side and turned away. Time to go. She’d spend a few hours shooting pictures. That would calm her racing heart. Or at least she hoped it would.

  A part of her wanted to stay and see if Stavro
s came back out, and for that very reason, she made herself leave. As the bayou swallowed her up again, she muttered under her breath. “The last thing you need in your life is a man, especially a mysterious, dangerous one.” There was no denying that he was dangerous. An air of menace, like he was ready to pounce any second, surrounded him.

  No, Toni was better off on her own in the woods. It was safer with the gators than with Mr. Tall, Dark and Dangerous.

  Stavros swore at himself as he grabbed a T-shirt and dragged it over his head and stuffed his feet into a pair of sneakers. He really should leave her alone. After all, she was only here for a short time and would soon be gone.

  Toni. He had a name for her now, and that only made his attraction to her even more pronounced. The big cat inside him had stretched and purred the moment she’d come into view. She was better close up than she’d been from a distance.

  There was such innate intelligence and pride in her gaze. Was there anything sexier than a self-assured woman? Not to him. She was small in stature but seemed larger because of her self-confidence. Her hair was pulled back in her customary braid, and he wanted to unwind it and see it spilling around her shoulders and down her back.

  And her curves. Dear goddess, her curves. His hands ached to shape the fullness of her breasts, the slope of her hips and the roundness of her ass. Toni was all woman.

  He ignored his erection, which was throbbing incessantly behind the zipper of his jeans and prowled back toward the door. As he’d suspected, she was gone.

  He should just let her go. Just close the door and forget about her.

  Stavros was down the steps and across the yard in a heartbeat. He cocked his head to one side and listened. Although she was quiet, he could easily hear her creeping through the trees. He took a deep breath and followed her.

  There was no reason to think Hades was watching him. After all, it had been weeks since the god had attacked Jessica and Tilly. Perhaps Hades was truly done with him and his fellow warriors.


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