The Wyoming Inheritance

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The Wyoming Inheritance Page 6

by Caitlin Edwards

  She reached down to tangle her hands in his hair, loving the soft feel of it against her fingers. Cord made a sound deep in his throat as he lifted her up and set her on the bed. Reaching out, he whipped her jeans the rest of the way off, and then pulled her back into his arms.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he told her, his mouth leaving a trail of hot kisses down her neck.

  Jenna grabbed his belt and tried to unbuckle it. Cord gasped when she nibbled his skin, while she fumbled with the snap and zipper. Finally, she whispered, “Take them off, Cord.”

  “Honey, if you pull off my boots, then I’ll be able to.”

  “Oh! I forgot you were still wearing them!” she giggled as she pushed him down on the bed. Facing the door, she bent over and lifted his leg up. After grasping the boot, she gave it a hard tug. Nothing happened.

  The air caught in Cord’s chest when he watched the lovely bottom wriggling in front of him. Suddenly, he had the worst longing to see her bare backside squirming around.


  She turned around and looked up at him, confused.

  “I need another kiss for sustenance.”

  She stepped into his arms and ran her fingers over his nipples, watching as they formed into hard little pellets. She didn’t even notice when his hand moved to the tops of her panties, but she shivered with desire when his lips begin a slow journey down her stomach. She gave a long sigh as he slowly slid the skimpy material down her long legs.

  Cord stood up and took a step backwards, his eyes gleaming with emotion. “Now you can take my boots off,” he told her with a sexy grin, reaching over to pat her bottom. He gave a long sigh; he needed time to get himself under control. He didn’t want to rush her; he wanted their first time to be perfect.

  Jenna laughed delightedly as she once again turned around and raised his leg into the air. She grabbed the boot and gave it a hard yank, and then jumped when she felt a large hand caressing her bottom.

  “Cord! What are you doing? How can I take off your boots, if you’re playing with my butt?”

  “Sweetheart, you have such a beautiful ass. I want to put you over my knee and give you a long, sweet spanking.” he told her, his hand once again roaming over the milky white orbs.

  “I don’t think so! You spanked me the other day. Believe me, that was enough for a lifetime!”

  He grinned, sure he could change her mind shortly. “My boot still needs to come off,” he reminded her and lifted it up.

  Jenna grabbed it and pulled. He chuckled as she nearly lost her balance when it came off. She grabbed the other boot and gave it a mighty yank. He chuckled when it flew off, and gave her a little nudge. Suddenly, Jenna fell face down over his lap. His arms moved quickly, holding her in place while she struggled to get up.

  “Cord! What are you doing? Let me up this instant!”

  “Sorry, honey. But I think that your butt is just too white; it needs some color on it,” he told her as he brought his hand down in the middle of her right cheek.

  “Cord! You’re supposed to be making love to me, not spanking me!”

  “I’m going to do both, don’t worry.”

  “No! I don’t want a spanking. Please, Cord! Don’t spank me again!”

  “Calm down, honey. This isn’t going to be like the last one. You’ll like this one, I promise.”

  His hand fell on the other cheek in a crisp swat. He paused for a few seconds before rubbing the sting away. She relaxed while his hand continued to caress her upturned bottom, quickly deciding she liked the feel of it. Jenna jumped when he brought his hand down again, leaving a burning handprint on each cheek. She gasped at the sting and began to struggle. She calmed back down when once again he gently caressed the sore area.

  Jenna didn’t realize that she was now raising her bottom to meet his hand as it fell. The heat was quickly moving throughout her whole body.

  “Spread your legs a little, now…”

  For once, she obeyed without arguing. Jenna moaned when his hand slapped down while the other one slid along the inside of her thigh. She was dying to have him touch her core, but each time he just circled around it. He was driving her crazy with the erotic feelings he was creating; she needed him to touch her.

  Cord couldn’t take it any longer. He needed to feel her against him, so he picked her up and laid her on the bed. He quickly removed his jeans before lowering himself next to her.

  Jenna’s arms went around him, and his lips covered hers in a masterful kiss. He reveled at the little sounds she made in her throat while his hands slowly glided from breast to breast.

  She moaned when his mouth covered one pert nipple and gently pulled it with his teeth. “Cord! Please!”

  She could just barely hear his muffled chuckle when he pressed his lips over her abdomen and then trailed soft kisses down to her stomach. Pushing him back, she rolled over on top of him. She closed her eyes in ecstasy; she loved the feel of his hard body beneath her.

  With her tongue, she traced little patterns over his nipples, then along his ribcage to the hard planes of his stomach. Cord groaned, his eyes closed tightly while she explored him. Her hands dropped below his waist, where her fingers closed around the length of him. Her eyes flew to his loud groan. When she realized she hadn’t hurt him, she pressed her lips against the head of his shaft. Her tongue quickly followed; she made little circles before gently nipping it.

  “You do that any longer and I’ll be finished before we even start,” he muttered as he pushed her back down on the pillow.

  Cord took the peak of her breast into his mouth. He nibbled on it while his hand traveled down her stomach. Finally, he cupped her curls, and then moved down to caress the hidden nub, making her writhe in pleasure.

  As he flicked the rough pad of his finger against her, she gasped, and nearly flew off the bed at the rush of feelings that enveloped her.

  “Please, Cord! I need you inside me,” she begged.

  Jenna thought she was ready when his throbbing manhood slowly entered her. But then she gasped at the sharp pain when he slid deep within her velvet-lined body. Her whole being was on fire, and she felt the universe spinning when he gave a powerful thrust of his hips.

  “Oh my God,” she declared.

  “So, you still think I’m a God?” he chuckled. Jenna felt goose bumps run down her body at the feel of his warm breath caressing her ear.

  “I don’t know about a God, but you must be a magician—it all feels so magical,” she gasped when he began the dance of time.

  His mouth took possession of hers, making any more words from her impossible. Cord’s tongue mimicked the hard thrust of his organ. She soared higher and higher and just as she thought she couldn’t possibly continue, the world suddenly exploded in a kaleidoscope of colors.

  Cord waited until his breathing slowed down so he could finally talk, and then asked, “Are you all right, honey?”

  “Oh wow, Cord! I’ve never been better!” she told him giddily.

  He chuckled. “Then I guess it was good for you.”

  Grinning, she looked up at him. “It was absolutely wonderful!”

  Cord pulled her back into his arms. He smiled gently down at her when she gave a big yawn, and then promptly fell asleep on his shoulder.

  A few hours later, he woke up, smiling at the content expression on her beautiful face. He pulled her closer to him, grinning when he noticed she was still in a deep sleep. He put his mouth on hers and started nibbling on her lips. He watched her eyes blink open, and then she opened her mouth to accept his greedy tongue.

  His hands took their time roaming over her body. It didn’t take long before he’d rekindled the fire. When he entered her this time, he was gentle and slow. Jenna felt the now-familiar tension building and she clung to him tightly. When his passion filled-voice whispered, “Let yourself fly, sweetheart,” she screamed in ecstasy as she climaxed.

  Minutes later, when her breathing was back to normal, she remembered what she’d been meani
ng to ask him. “Cord? Do you know a man named Lyle Southworth?”

  He sat up and turned on the lamp. “Why are you asking about him?”

  “He stopped here a few days ago to talk to me. Apparently, he wants to buy my ranch. I told him it isn’t for sale, but he just wouldn’t listen.” Jenna grimaced. “There’s something about him that gives me the creeps.”

  Cord sighed. “Lyle Southworth’s been trying to buy up most of the land around here for the last year. He’s pure evil, honey. Stay away from him.” He switched off the lamp and pulled her into his arms.

  Jenna snuggled against him. “Don’t worry, Cord. That’s one order I’ll gladly obey!”

  When she awoke the next morning, she was alone in the bed. Jenna wrapped her bathrobe around her, and then padded into the kitchen, where she found a note.

  “Good morning, sweetheart. I decided that after last night, you’d need your sleep. I’ve got some work to do at the Lazy C, but I’ll be back this afternoon to run you over to get your car. We’ll have a chance to talk then. Stay out of trouble until I get back!”

  Jenna stared at the scribbled signature across the bottom of the note. She ran her finger over the top of it before setting it down on the counter.

  She showered, and then dressed in her favorite burgundy slacks and matching top. It looked like a beautiful morning, so she headed outside. She hadn’t walked far when Nevin came up to her. “I hear congratulations are in order!”

  She blinked. Was it common to congratulate someone after they’d had mind-blowing sex? And, how could they tell? Jenna lightly touched her forehead, vaguely wondering if it was now imprinted there.

  “So, when’s the big day?” he asked.

  Jenna looked at him with confusion; she thought she’d already had it. Only it was a big night!

  Meri came hurrying over. “Jenna! I just heard the wonderful news! I’m so happy for you!”

  Sheesh, was it that common of knowledge that she’d never before had an orgasm? She knew she was blushing when she replied, “It was wonderful, and Cord is fantastic!”

  Meri gave her a gentle smile, “Cord already picked out a date, and Reverend McCullough is stopping by late this morning to visit with you about the wedding.”

  “Wedding? What wedding?” Jenna asked in confusion.

  “Why yours and Cord’s wedding, of course. Are you all right, Jenna?” Meri asked with concern.

  Jenna gaped and stuttered, “M-my wedding? I’m not getting married!”

  Meri took Jenna by the arm and led her into the kitchen, where she sat her down. “I think all this excitement has been too much for you. Now I see why Cord’s handling everything!”

  “But, Meri, that’s the problem. There’s nothing to handle; there isn’t a wedding!”

  Meri looked at Jenna with confusion. “You’re not marrying Cord?”

  “No! Never! Not in a million years!” she yelled.

  Meri smiled smugly. “Does Cord know this?”

  She pushed her hair back off her face and sighed loudly. “Hell, don’t ask me! This is the first I’ve heard about it!”

  “Well, it was Cord himself that told us. And, like I said, he’s even set the date.” Meri reminded her.

  “Then I guess Cord has a little surprise coming!” Jenna replied while doing a slow burn. He could have at least asked her, first!

  Meri got to her feet. “Well, I’m going to find some fire extinguishers.”

  Jenna looked at her in confusion again. Meri laughed and added, “I have a feeling there’s going to be some big fires raging around here shortly!”

  “As long as they stay away from my butt,” Jenna murmured as Meri headed for the door.

  Jenna had just finished collecting eggs from the henhouse, when a strange car pulled up and parked in front of the ranch house.

  Carrying the basket of eggs, she walked over to the man climbing out. “Hello. Can I help you?” She asked with a friendly smile.

  “Hello, young lady. You must be Jenna. I’m Reverend McCullough. Cord asked me to stop by and talk to you about your upcoming wedding.”

  “I’m sorry, Reverend McCullough. But, somebody has made a big mistake. I’m not planning on getting married anytime soon.” Jenna told him determinedly.

  “My dear, Cord has informed me that he’s marrying you next month,” the Reverend chided.

  “Well, Cord is wrong!” She bit out. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have chores to do.” Jenna turned and stalked into the house, wishing that Cord was standing nearby, because instead of putting the eggs in the refrigerator, she’d love to throw them at his scheming face! The nerve of that man! How dare he set up all those plans without consulting her first! Maybe she’d marry him someday, but she’d decide when, not him!

  Jenna’s temper didn’t improve after the Reverend left. She looked up when she noticed Cassie coming up the driveway.

  “I hear you’re going to be my sister!” Cassie told her as she pulled her into a hug.

  Jenna scowled. “Cassie, did Cord tell you that?”

  “He sure did! He’s telling everyone that he’s getting hitched!” Cassie told her with a grin.

  “I’m gonna hurt him!” Jenna raged.

  Cassie looked at her friend and frowned. “What’s going on, Jenna?”

  “Your damn brother is telling everyone that we’re getting married next month. But, I don’t know where in the hell he came up with that idea!” she told Cassie angrily.

  “Uh oh, trouble in paradise!” Cassie murmured, then picked up her ringing cell phone.

  She listened for a moment and then ended the call. Jenna had a bad feeling when she looked Cassie’s expression.

  “I don’t know how to tell you this, Jenna; but Cord’s on his way over here. Reverend McCullough just called him and told him he’d talked to you. He also informed Cord that you very rudely insisted that there isn’t going to be a wedding! Cord’s furious, because three people have mentioned to him that you’ve canceled the wedding. Clint told me that if I stick around much longer, I‘ll be seeing some huge fireworks! But, since I’ve never liked fireworks, I’m out of here!” Cassie told her just seconds before heading for the door.

  Jenna looked around frantically. She had to get out of here before Cord arrived, but she wouldn’t have time to drive anywhere before he came down the long road leading to the ranch house. After grabbing her purse, she ran into the kitchen where she picked up the book she was reading, a couple of sodas, and a bag of chips. She quickly fled to the barn. Jenna made sure nobody was around, then she scurried up the ladder to the hayloft, where she pushed the hay into a pile before lying down on it.

  She’d just popped open the can and tore into the bag of chips when she heard Cord’s truck coming down the driveway. Pulling a tiny flashlight out of her purse, she set it next to her book in case she wanted it later, and then looked around.

  Crawling on her knees, she pulled two bales of hay closer to where she was hiding. Now she wouldn’t be seen by anyone standing on the top of the ladder. Jenna laid down on her little bed of hay, while peeking out of a crack in the loft door.

  Cord was just entering the house; she could tell he was furious by the way he walked. She giggled, wondering if steam was coming out his ears. She was so glad Cassie had warned her about him. There was no way she wanted to be anywhere near him right now. Another thought hit her, which sent her scrambling for her cell phone in her purse. She gave a relieved sigh as she set it on silent.

  Jenna heard the barn door open and the soft tread of footsteps. She listened for the sound of anyone coming up the ladder, but she didn’t hear anything. She jumped at a loud noise beneath her and put her hand over her mouth to muffle her gasp.

  “Have you seen Jenna?” Cord’s voice growled.

  “No, did you try the house?” Nevin replied.

  “I just checked there.”

  “She might be over visiting Meri. Or, she might’ve left with Cassie.”

  “She’s probably hidin
g, because she knows I’m gonna spank her ass. I need to go appease Reverend McCullough. When you see her, call me.”

  “I need to go home for a few minutes anyway, so I’ll see if she’s there with Meri,” Nevin told him, and then headed for the small grove of trees.

  Jenna’s eyes opened wide in shock. She hadn’t meant to be rude to the Reverend; she was just angry with Cord for making plans without asking her first. After all, every girl wants her man to propose to her. She had a faraway look on her face while picturing him on one knee, holding up a glittering ring, while begging her to marry him. She wiped away the tears that started falling down her cheeks. How did things go so wrong?

  Chapter Six

  Shortly after Cord and Nevin left, Jenna heard the barn door open again. She listened closely, wondering who it could be, but she couldn’t tell by just their moving around below her. She frowned; as far as she knew, the two hired hands were out repairing the fence that Nevin had found down this morning. They’d have no reason to come back this soon. She knew it wasn’t Cord or Nevin, so who was down there?

  Jenna quietly crawled over to the top of the ladder. She looked down, but couldn’t see anyone. Then she heard the sound of the door opening and closing. “Well, whoever it was, they’re gone now,” she muttered and waited a few minutes before climbing down the stairs.

  She was in the chicken coop gathering eggs when she heard Cord’s voice. “Nevin, we have a problem. The fence line along the south road’s been cut, and the cattle are out.”

  “Are you sure it’s been cut?” Nevin questioned. He couldn’t believe someone would do that on purpose.

  “Yeah. I checked it out myself.”

  Nevin ran his hand through his hair, “I’ll send Tyson and Greg over to replace it as soon as they’re done with another one I found. Jenna’s not going to be too happy to hear about it.”

  “Don’t tell her.” Cord growled.


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