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Maggie Page 7

by Mya O'Malley

  “I’m okay. I just need a little advice.”

  “I’m listening. Where and when?”

  She had known he would be there to support her.

  “I don’t know. Let me think. How about we meet at the bookstore? You know, like we used to?”

  “Romance aisle?” She could just imagine his smirk.

  “You know it.”

  The large bookstore had been one of their favorite meeting spots— the very spot they had first met, as a matter of fact.

  Maggie would grab a romance book while R.J. usually went for non-fiction. They would sit side by side and read for hours, just enjoying one another’s company. The private joke was that the romance aisle or any aisle in the massive bookstore would be the perfect spot for secret lovers to meet. Not that they were secret lovers by any stretch, but one thing Maggie didn’t need right now was for her jealous ex-boyfriend to see them together.

  Ex-boyfriend. The words brought her relief. She was done with him. His irrational behavior earlier had cemented the fact they were finished. As disappointing as it was to find out that Nick had so many issues, she was glad it was over. The man she had originally met had quickly been replaced with a jealous, controlling stranger. She couldn’t even begin to imagine how much worse his behavior would have become if she stayed any longer. She had said those three little words way too quickly. Heck, she hadn’t even meant to say them, she just wanted him to stop pressuring her. Saying the words was a lame attempt to buy her time, to stall him.

  Maggie was looking forward to seeing R.J. It had been far too long. Stepping into Barney’s Books and Café, Maggie breathed deeply.

  Did books have a smell? She swore they did. Nothing made her happier than relaxing with a good romance or delving into a captivating mystery. Sometimes a break from reality was in order. Making a mental note to pick up a new paperback before she left, Maggie made her way to the romance aisle. He was on time, as usual. R.J. never surprised her, but perhaps that wasn’t such a horrible thing.

  “Hey.” R.J. rushed over to embrace her. He smelled like fresh soap and aftershave. The familiar sent put her at ease as she buried her face in his shoulder.

  “Hey, you.” She kissed him on the cheek. Stepping back from him, she took in his appearance. He looked good. Quite good.

  “I’ve missed you. It’s been too long.”

  “Yes, R.J., it has and I’m sorry.”

  R.J. pumped her hand with his, never breaking eye contact. “You can’t take all the blame. Some of it is my fault as well.”

  “True, I suppose. How is Jackie anyhow?”

  Maggie swore she saw a flicker of emotion pass in his glance.

  “She’s fine, Maggie.”

  Maggie cleared her throat and broke free from R.J. Sweat clung to her blouse. “Don’t you have your book picked out yet?” She hadn’t seen a book in his hands.

  “I didn’t think this visit was about reading, Maggie. Sit, tell me what’s up.” He sank down and propped up his knees.

  Maggie joined him on the carpeted floor. “I don’t know where to begin.” Where did she start her complicated tale? At the beginning? Or should she skip to the part where her boyfriend basically threatened R.J?

  “Come on, sweetheart. Just relax.” He took hold of her hand and Maggie felt her heart race. His touch shouldn’t have this effect on her, but damn, it always did.

  “I met a guy.”

  R.J. laughed. “Okay. That’s a good start. Now tell me more.”

  Maggie stared at the specks on the tan carpet.

  “Don’t tell me you’re engaged already?” R.J. lifted her hand, inspecting for a ring.

  Maggie’s laughter bubbled out. “First of all, that’s the wrong hand and no, I’m not engaged. Hardly.”

  “Then what’s with all the mystery, sweetie? Talk to me.” His smooth voice eased her a bit.

  Maggie opened her mouth and then closed in tightly.

  “We’re friends, right?”

  “Of course, R.J.”

  “Good friends?”

  She met his dark eyes. “The best.”

  He didn’t take his eyes off her face. “The best? I like that.”

  Maggie liked the sound of it also. It gave her the strength to continue. “I just ended a relationship with a guy that frightens me.” There, she said it.

  “Frightens you? How?” R.J.’s brows scrunched together.

  “He’s jealous, possessive.” Need she go on?

  R.J. shook his head firmly. “That’s not good. But you said you ended it, right?”

  “Yes, I did. Problem is, he didn’t. And to make matters worse, he threatened to hurt you if I continue to see you, talk to you.”

  “Me? How did that come about?”

  “I’m embarrassed to admit that I had started backing away because I was afraid of his reaction to you. I knew he would be jealous and then I mentioned you by mistake and he flipped.”


  “Tell me about it.”

  “So you’re afraid that he won’t let this go. Won’t let you go?”


  R.J. hesitated a moment. He squeezed Maggie’s hand before continuing. “Tell you what. I think it’s a good idea if you watch your surroundings for a while. If you notice anything out of place or if he contacts you in a threatening manner, you have to call the police.”

  “What will they do? I can only hope he gives up.”

  “They can issue a restraining order, for one thing. Let’s just see how this plays out. Be careful, though.”

  “Okay. I just wish there was more I could do.” Maggie could only hope her ex wouldn’t make an issue of their break-up.

  “I’m here for you. You know that, don’t you?”

  Her heart warmed a bit. “I do.”

  “I’m not going to let anything happen to you, not if I can help it.”

  “Thank you, that’s very sweet.” Jackie surely wouldn’t appreciate their friendship, either. “What about Jackie?”

  “How about you let me worry about Jackie? She’s got nothing on us.”

  His words brought tears to her eyes.


  She turned to face R.J. and he moved forward, placing the sweetest kiss on her lips. She melted into him, her senses alive.

  “R.J.” Maggie broke this kiss. She quickly jumped to her feet, steadying herself against the rows of books.


  “Oh my God. That shouldn’t have happened.” What had she been thinking? She needed a friend right now, not another man.

  “I blame it on the romance aisle.” R.J. chuckled as he stood to face Maggie.

  Whether it was the high emotions or just being in the company of R.J., she saw the humor of his comment and tried to hold back her laughter. It was no use. Her giggles filled the air until she felt R.J’s touch once more.

  “I want to see you again.”

  Her heart skipped. “But…”

  “It’s different for me. My feelings have always been strong for you, Maggie.”

  She couldn’t deny that she felt the same. The timing was awful, though. It was all wrong. “R.J.”

  “Don’t. Don’t say anything. All in good time, Maggie.”

  She nodded.

  He swept her blonde hair from her eyes and then kissed her once more.

  “We’ve got all the time in the world, you and I,” he whispered.

  Chapter Eleven


  “I LOVE YOU! I Dammit, I love you! You can’t say those words and take them back!” This time, the words were too close, too close to home. In her dream that night, Naomi had covered her ears, his words filled her head with pain. It was something Nick had said to her before they had broken up. Perhaps not word for word, but it was close enough. Now her dreams were all mixed up with Nick as the leading man. Why hadn’t she seen it before?

  Maybe these dreams had nothing to do with Maggie but everything to do with her lack of closure with Nick

  Researching Maggie’s story was melding with her relationship with Nick. Pieces of her life were coming together, mixing and mixing until she thought she would lose her mind in her dreams. She needed closure with Nick. That must be the message that was trying to come though.

  But wouldn’t it be better to let him fade away? She shook her head. Fade away? Nick? Doubtful.

  Again, Naomi wondered how she could have been caught in his trap. She was still ashamed she had fallen victim to him. What did it say about her that she would get involved with such a troubled man?

  Naomi’s mom had always said she had a knack for trying to help the wounded, the needy. Even from a young age, she had proven that to be true. Once she had cried with a small, injured bird in her hands. She had attempted to nurse the little guy back to health but it was too late. Just as it had been too late with Nick.

  Much too late.

  Nick needed counseling in order to heal. She wasn’t qualified to help him. Realizing the fact and removing herself was the best she could do.

  Then why did she feel guilty for leaving him lately? Was it the recurring dreams, the dreams that were now changing, revealing a deep-rooted fear?

  Naomi would wait this one out.

  For now.

  For now, she would take the time to think through her plan. Should she attempt to speak with him, to give them both closure or should she let it go in hopes of the slight chance he would move on?

  She was supposed to be concentrating on her writing. She had a story to write and Maggie was waiting for her. Her head felt like it would burst as her thoughts were tangled in so many directions.

  Coincidence had never rung true in her mind, in her experience. The blonde apparition must be Maggie T. Field.

  It had to be her.

  Naomi couldn’t wrap her brain around any other scenario. Amy would never believe her. Ryan would never believe her.

  Or maybe he would. Ryan surprised her with his unpredictability. At first he had seemed to have such a zest for investigating, such curiosity. Slowly, he seemed to be backing up, almost as if he were scared of the unknown. His behavior gave Naomi something to think about. She would attempt to put her feelings regarding Ryan on a shelf for now. It was too much to figure out until she got to know him better. Easier said than done.

  There was also another concern. His curiosity wasn’t the only thing that seemed to be waning. Rarely did they kiss romantically anymore. He was like a best friend. She already had a best friend. She wanted more from him but didn’t know how to make him see her, see her for more than the friendship that was taking over. Would another special dress be in order? Hm. It may require more drastic measures.

  Her coffee spilled on her sleeve as she heard the knocking on her door. “Shoot.”

  Ryan should be busy with his online courses. She had no clue who could be at her door at such an early hour. Peeping through the frosted glass on the side of the door, she straightened.

  “Bryce. Holly.” This was a surprise.

  “Hi, Miss Nomi.” Nomi. Holly’s pronunciation of her name made her laugh once more.

  Naomi smiled down at the young girl. Her cheeks were a rosy red from being outside.

  “Well, hello there. If it isn’t my favorite neighbors from up the street.”

  Holly rolled her eyes upward. “Silly Nomi. We’re your only neighbors from up the street.” It was true, but she enjoyed watching the little girl smile.

  “Hi, Bryce.”

  “Hi.” Their eyes locked for a moment.

  Naomi was the first to break the silence. “Come on in, guys. It’s chilly out there with that wind this morning.”

  “Thank you,” Bryce said as he hustled Holly through the door. “Say, this place is very nice.”

  Naomi recalled Ryan saying something similar the first time he came to her house. “Thanks. I bet your place is just as charming.”

  The old farmhouse looked amazing from the outside. Quaint, historic homes always piqued her interest.

  “It is. It’s got a very cool, super-secret hidden stairway. Daddy says people used to hide there. A long, long, long, time ago.”

  Holly’s enthusiasm was contagious. “That I’d like to see.”

  “Well I’m sure we could arrange for a visit. What do you say, Holly? Maybe our new friend could stop by one day for a cup of hot cocoa and a little exploring.”

  It sounded amazing. “Oh. I would love to.”

  “It’ll be nice to have a visitor. It’s so quiet there with just the two of us.” He glanced down and nodded toward Holly.

  So there was no wife.

  “Well, then it’s a date.”

  “A date? I don’t think you’re old enough to date, Miss Nomi.”

  Naomi’s flush spread straight to her face. “Oh, I don’t think that’s what your dad had in mind, honey.” Not old enough? Now that was hysterical. She couldn’t bring herself to meet Bryce’s eyes.

  “Um, no.”

  She dared a glance at Bryce and noticed his own cheeks were a bright shade of pink.

  “Daddy says that sometimes men and women date and that since Mommy’s not around anymore, it’s perfectly ҆cceptable.”

  Bryce scratched his neck, which was growing a deeper red by the moment. “First of all, it’s acceptable, honey.”

  “Acceptable.” Holly confirmed as she struggled with the multi-syllabic word. “Just what I said.”

  Naomi couldn’t contain her laughter. Holly was absolutely adorable. She couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to her mother. It would be rude to inquire, so she kept her questions to herself.

  ‘Speaking of hot cocoa, how would you like some right now?” She probably should have asked Bryce first before offering the beverage to Holly. “That is if it’s okay with your dad.”

  “Please, Daddy. Please?” Holly jumped in place, her hands clasped together.

  Bryce nodded his agreement. “Of course, that would be wonderful. As long as I could ask for a cup of that delicious smelling coffee.”

  “It’s a deal. Come, Holly, take a seat.”

  Naomi grinned, listening to the casual banter of father and daughter as she prepared the drinks. A bang sounded from the living room.

  “What was that?” Bryce lifted his gaze toward the sound.

  Zelda flew in from living room, jumping smack on top of Holly’s lap.

  “Zelda!” She was in awe of her cat. Zelda had never done anything like this before. She was acting more unpredictable by the day. Well, not surprising, Naomi figured. Not with a resident ghost roaming the house.

  “Kitty!” Holly brought Zelda closer, squeezing her to her chest.

  “I hope this is okay with you?” Naomi glanced at Bryce through her laughter.

  “What can I say? Holly seems to attract a lot of attention from animals. Cats, dogs, they all love her.”

  “They do, Daddy. Why can’t we get a kitty?”

  “Oh, boy. She’s been begging me for a kitten for the past year.” Bryce ran a hand through his thick brown hair. “The last place we were living in didn’t allow pets.”

  “But our new house does! I asked John!”

  Shaking his head, Bryce gazed at Naomi. “Yes. He did say that.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for Zelda to cause any trouble.”

  “She’s no trouble at all. No worries. Besides, I love cats, and I was kind of leaning toward getting one soon.”

  “Daddy!” The words were enough to cause Holly to leap up, Zelda in her arms, and cuddle against her dad. Naomi enjoyed witnessing the sweet interaction between them.

  “Well, it’s settled then,” Bryce announced.

  “How about that hot cocoa, Holly?”

  Holly returned to her seat and Zelda remained planted right on her lap, meeting Naomi’s gaze directly. That cat never ceased to amaze her.

  AN IDEA WAS brewing in Naomi’s mind. It could possibly work.

  As juvenile as it sounded. Naomi couldn’t believe she was
being reduced to such tactics.

  “Any more ghost sightings?” Ryan munched on an extra thick cheeseburger. Ketchup oozed out onto Ryan’s cheek.

  “You have a little…” Naomi reached over to try to wipe the smeared ketchup off his face and then retreated as he took yet another giant bite.


  “Nothing. It’s nothing.” She sat back and watched him chew over and over again. Her own appetite was decreasing as her frustration took hold.

  “I have a new neighbor.” Here goes. “He’s a single father. Quite handsome, actually. “

  Ryan popped some fries into his mouth. The ketchup was still smeared across his cheek. “That’s nice.”

  That’s nice?

  “His daughter, Holly, is adorable. They came to visit today and we had some hot cocoa.”

  She watched for any signs of jealousy at the mention of Bryce. Nothing. Heck, was she crazy? A jealous man was the last thing she needed after Nick. Who was she kidding? Another idea took hold of her before she had a chance to think it through.

  Leaning over across the table, she made the move. First she pulled his head toward hers and then planted a firm kiss on his lips.

  “Naomi. What’s gotten into you? I was in the middle of chewing.” Ryan’s eyes were wide with confusion.

  Naomi huffed out a forceful breath. It was no use. She grabbed a napkin and wiped off the ketchup that was now on her own face. With her arms crossed around herself, she watched him chew.

  Chapter Twelve


  IT HAD BEEN eerily silent on the ex- boyfriend front. Maggie was shocked that he hadn’t contacted her over the past several weeks. It was like he was just gone. Vanished. She wouldn’t have thought it possible. After the threats and promises stating that their relationship wasn’t over, how could it have ended so neatly?

  A nagging thought remained.

  The hang-ups.

  And the text messages.

  There had been a few ominous text messages the first week or so after the incident at the coffee shop. He had threatened that he wouldn’t let her go. She ignored all of the messages and then he stopped.


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