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Foolish Heart (MacLarens 0f Fire Mountain Contemporary Book 9)

Page 11

by Shirleen Davies

  Glancing at the clock, he scooped her into his arms. “Then we’ll wipe it right out of your mind.”

  “I think I heard Kade and Brooke already head to the office.” Paige glanced at Nesto as he drove to work, her face flushed from their lovemaking. She hadn’t felt so good in a long time.

  “He texted me.” He smirked. “You were taking another shower.”

  Reaching over, she slapped his arm. “Funny. What did you text back?”

  “The usual. I told him I had my woman in bed and he’d have to deal with it.”

  Sitting up straight, her eyes widened, the flush turning to a red glow. “You didn’t.”

  Chuckling, he leaned over, grasping her hand. “You’re right. Said we were running late and to go ahead.”

  Sitting back, she closed her eyes before they popped open when she remembered the call from her brother. “Paul called. He’ll be in Fire Mountain tonight and wants to meet.”

  Nesto pulled to the side of the road and stopped, turning to look at her. “And you’re just telling me now?”

  She blew out a breath, glaring at him as a blush crept up her cheeks. “He called early, right before I got in the shower. Things got a little crazy after that.”

  Resting his left arm on the steering wheel, he grinned. “Yeah, they did.”

  She would’ve slugged him if he wasn’t so damn handsome and didn’t make her heart trip over itself. “Don’t you want to know what I told him?”

  “What?” His chest tightened, hoping she hadn’t agreed to meet him alone.

  “I told him you’d be coming with me.” Her gaze narrowed. “That’s what we agreed to, right?”

  Relaxing, Nesto nodded. “It’s exactly what I wanted. Kade and Clive will also come along.”

  “I don’t think so. It might scare him off.”

  “They’ll drive in a separate car, but they will be joining us. I’m sorry, but I don’t trust him not to set up an ambush. We know Paul is dancing to the Sons’ tune right now, and I wouldn’t put it past him to do something foolish, such as promise to turn you over so Javé can persuade you to intervene with the MacLarens.”

  Paige shook her head, not wanting to believe Paul would put her in such danger. “He would never…” She paused, accepting her brother might very well hand her over to Javé and his gang. “I just don’t understand what happened to the sweet boy I grew up with.”

  Shifting forward, Nesto edged back onto the road. “Drugs are nothing but evil, Paige. Your brother decided to accept them with clear eyes and greedy hands. It’s good you have those memories. I’m afraid what’s happening now isn’t going to be something you’ll want to remember.”

  Thursday flew by without a call from Paul. Kade, Nesto, and Clive sequestered themselves in a small conference room, talking to contacts, devising a plan to keep everyone safe. J.D. Montalban arrived after lunch, joining them to share his own information.

  “What do you think they’re discussing now?” Brooke looked through the glass wall into the room where the four men talked. “They’ve been in there for hours.”

  Paige stared at Nesto as they walked past, admiring the way his dress shirt stretched across his taut muscles. Her heart expanded, remembering how he looked without the shirt. They hadn’t had more than an hour in his bed that morning, but he’d made the most of it, leaving them both exhausted and sated.

  “Nesto mentioned J.D.’s last assignment gave him some insight into the Montalvo-Ortiz cartel. Last night, Clive told me he has data he can share about the Devil’s Sons motorcycle club.” Paige turned into the employee lounge and pulled a diet soda from the refrigerator. “Nesto also said Kade heard back from Thad Montgomery. Do you know him?”

  Brooke shook her head. “Not really. He was with the DEA the same time as Kade. Thad provided a lot of help with the problem in Houston a few months ago.”

  “Anyway, I guess Thad found out some things and wanted a conference call with the guys today.”

  Brooke followed her back down the hall, slowing her pace as they passed the small conference room again. Not one of the guys looked up, too engrossed in their own discussion to notice anyone else.

  Paige popped the top of the soda can, taking a long swallow. “I’m sure it must be hard for Clive and J.D., wanting to share what they know without jeopardizing their jobs.”

  Brooke drank from her water bottle, nodding at Paige’s hand. “You do know that stuff is bad for you, right?”

  She looked at the can, then shook her head, smirking. “I’ve got a motorcycle club, my own brother, and maybe the cartel threatening me. Do you think I care about drinking soda?”

  Laughing, Brooke pushed open the door to the conference room to rejoin the main group. “No, probably not.”

  “I think it’s the only way to approach this, Nesto. Find out what they want, then figure a way to use it against them.” J.D. tapped his pen on the table, his mind working through various scenarios.

  “It depends on what Javé wants from Paige.” Nesto’s head throbbed at the amount of information Clive and J.D. had provided, compliments of their boss, the same man Kade reported to before leaving the agency.

  Clive wanted the ability to talk freely with Kade and Nesto. It had been touchy at first, trying to talk the by-the-book suit into going along with the plan. He’d relented after insisting on some stiff stipulations and making a comment about being on their own if things went south.

  Kade leaned back in his chair, rubbing his chin. “If he’s asking for an introduction to one of the executives, it will be up to the brothers to make the decision. My guess is either Pops or Heath will fight it out to be the ones to meet with them.”

  “Not Jace?” Nesto asked.

  “Heath and my dad have a real personal stake in this. Their children have been threatened, which is something they won’t abide. Jace’s boys, Blake and Brett, are away at college, safe from the reach of the Sons.”

  “For now.” Clive stood, walking to the window to gaze out on the expansive view. “Javé wants to target one MacLaren business, using it to distribute whatever product they’re moving. In return, he and the cartel will agree to do no harm to the family. If not, they’ll start targeting individuals until the MacLarens agree to help them.”

  Cursing, Nesto tossed his pen onto the table, shredding a hand through his hair. “Why the MacLarens? Of all the companies, why would they choose them?”

  “The Santiago family, Nesto.” Kade joined Clive at the window. “There’s a feud within the cartel between the original family and the Santiagos. Ivan’s concerned it’s going to erupt sooner rather than later with a lot of blood spilled.”

  J.D. looked at him. “Explain.”

  “It goes way back. The Santiago family and the Montalvo-Ortiz cartel started out working together. Not in drugs. Most likely guns and human trafficking. A feud started and the Santiagos lost the fight. Ivan’s uncles, Stefan and Octavio, somehow worked their way back in, promising who knows what to the cartel. It all went well until they tried using Double Ace to move guns. When that blew apart, Stefan and Octavio went into hiding, practically giving their ownership in Double Ace to Ivan. It wasn’t enough for the cartel, though. They’re out to punish them for their failure. As you know, there’s a strong bond between some of the Santiagos, who disassociated themselves from the cartel years ago, and the MacLarens.”

  “Your mother is a Santiago, right, Kade?” J.D. asked.

  “She is. Ivan Santiago is my cousin and Gage Templeton’s business partner. Gage and Skye MacLaren plan to marry in a few weeks.” Kade scrubbed a hand down his face. “It’s a freaking mess, one the cartel and Javé plan to exploit.”

  Clive clasped him on the shoulder. “It’s not going to happen, man. I’ve got a sixth sense about this stuff, and I think Paige coming to Fire Mountain has provided the link we’ve been waiting for to bring the Sons down and put a dent in the cartel’s activity.”

  “It’s never enough to close them, though. Is it, Clive?” Ne
sto asked.

  “Nope, but I’ve learned any win is one I’ll take.”

  “One more item we haven’t discussed.”

  “What’s that, Kade?” J.D. asked.

  “I know you have information on Satan’s Brethren. I want to know what you’ve got.”

  J.D. snorted. “Sorry, amigo. That club is off the table.”

  Kade glanced at Nesto, their eyes locking. After a moment, he switched his gaze back to J.D. “You’ve got something big on them, don’t you?”

  Holding up his hands, he shook his head. “Don’t go there. Let’s work on what we have.”

  “Right now, that’s nothing. Not until Javé or Paul contact Paige again.” Nesto’s gut twisted when he thought of the danger to her. “How could a woman as good as her be caught in this mess?”

  Kade looked at him. “Love for family, bro. It’s a blessing and a curse.”

  Nesto walked Paige to the truck, keeping his hands to himself until they were settled inside. She gasped when he reached over, snaking an arm around her waist to drag her across the seat.

  “I’ve waited all day for this.” His mouth descended on hers, capturing it with a greedy need borne from months of being without her.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, Paige gave it back to him, squirming to get closer in the confines of the truck. A pounding on the window had them pulling apart. Sucking in a breath, Nesto scowled at Kade, who stood there with a smirk on his face.

  He opened the door. “What do you want?”

  “You do know everyone coming out of the building can see you two, right?”

  Nesto blew out a breath, his shoulders slumping. “Well, damn.”

  “I know the feeling. J.D. and Clive are going with Brooke and me to dinner. Join us.”

  “That would be great,” Paige said, earning a frown from Nesto.

  Overruled, he nodded. “We’ll follow you.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “Hey, sleepyhead. We need to shower and get to work.” Nesto used a finger to push hair off Paige’s face, then kissed her forehead.

  Groaning, she opened one eye. “Is it morning already?”

  Chuckling, he threw off the covers, swatting her lightly on her backside. “It’s almost eight.”

  Sitting up, she gasped when she saw the time. “We overslept.” Jumping out of bed, she grabbed the first thing she saw, Nesto’s t-shirt from the day before, and ran into the bath. “I’ll be quick.” Sending him a warning look, she started to close the door. “And don’t even think about joining me.”

  Nesto didn’t move from the bed, a smile curving his mouth. This was how their mornings used to be back in San Diego, before the call from her parents changed their lives. The thought had his smile slipping. As much as he wanted to fall into the same routine, he couldn’t allow himself the luxury. Lowering his defenses, letting her control his heart, had to wait. He needed time, and so did Paige, even if she didn’t believe it.

  “Okay. Your turn.” Rubbing her hair with a towel, she walked into the bedroom, his t-shirt covering her to above her knees. She didn’t notice the wary look on his face or how the playful way he’d woken her had vanished. “Hey.” She stopped next to him. “It’s your turn.”

  Blinking, he nodded. “Yeah. I’ll be out in a minute. We can get coffee at the office.”

  Paige watched him disappear into the bathroom, wondering what had dampened his mood. She suspected worry over Javé, Paul, the cartel—possibly all three. He had a lot of responsibility on any given day. Her presence had done nothing to lighten the load.

  Drying her hair, she rubbed moisturizer on her face, added blush, then slipped into gray pants and a light coral top. Fastening on a necklace and earrings, she turned when Nesto walked in, a towel around his waist. Her eyes darkened as he made his way toward her.

  “I’ve seen that look before.” Leaning down, he kissed her, lingering longer than he should. “You’ll just have to wait until tonight to get what you want.”

  Her brow lifted as she reached out, loosening the towel so it slid to the floor. “I love unwrapping presents.”

  Shaking his head, Nesto stepped away. “You’re going to have to wait until later to play with this present, babe.”

  He dressed quickly, grabbing her hand as they walked outside. Clive’s car was gone from Paige’s cabin, where he and J.D. were staying. The night before, she’d moved most of her clothes into the guest closet of his cabin. He didn’t know how he felt about the fact she didn’t even ask to move them into his closet.

  Ten minutes later, they entered the building, breaking apart as she walked to her office and he joined Kade, J.D., and Clive for another day of analyzing and working through various scenarios. They needed to hear from Paul or Javé soon, before the agents had to return to their regular jobs.

  Stopping for a cup of coffee, Nesto stepped back into the hallway, halting when Paige called his name, holding up her phone as she hurried toward him.

  “It’s Paul. He wants to meet for lunch.” She tapped the speaker icon.

  Nodding, he mouthed where and when.

  “All right. Where would you like us to meet you?”

  “A place called the Tavern. Do you know it?”

  “It’s a sports bar not too far from my office. What time?”

  “Noon. You and your boyfriend. No one else.”

  She scowled at the phone. “His name is Ernesto, Paul.”

  “Fine, whatever. I’ll see you at noon.”

  She hung up, letting out a pent-up breath, her shoulders relaxing. “What if he brings Javé?”

  “Kade, Clive, and J.D. will be watching.” He placed an arm around her shoulders. “Trust me, babe. We’ll be safe, even if Javé does show up. In fact, it might be good to get both of them there at one time so we can sort this out sooner. I don’t like having Paul as a go-between.”

  “I know you don’t want to hear this, but I’m still hoping there’s a way to get Paul out of this life.”

  “First, we have to keep him alive, which won’t be easy given his connection with the Sons. Second, Paul has to want to get out of the drug trade. So far, I’ve seen no evidence of him wanting to change. I’m afraid he may be one of the people hooked on the lifestyle as much as the drugs themselves.”

  She looked up at him, a desperate expression in her eyes. “Paul swears he isn’t using.”

  Tilting his head, Nesto raised his brows. “It’s up to you if you want to believe him. Me? I’m a skeptic by nature. There’s a lot your brother has to make up for to get clean in my mind.” He dropped his arm as some other employees walked past them. “I’d better get with the others and set this up. I’ll come by your office a little before noon.”

  Paige nodded, her face tense.

  Lifting her chin, he studied her face. “Are you all right? I can meet with Paul alone if you aren’t up for it.”

  Stepping away, she shook her head. “Of course I’m up for it. I just hope he isn’t setting us up.”

  A sad grin crossed his face. “Oh, he’s setting us up, sweetheart. He just doesn’t know the hammer is going to come down on him first.”

  Paige’s hands shook as they walked into the sports bar not far from the office. The Tavern had been a local favorite for years, serving craft and commercial beer, hamburgers, sandwiches, and salads, as patrons enjoyed events on several large screens. She’d been inside before, but under different circumstances. Nesto rested his hand on the small of her back, looking around the darkened interior. Not seeing Paul, he guided her to a table in back.

  “Are you all right?” Nesto pulled out Paige’s chair.

  Nodding, she sat down, her gaze darting around the half-full space as Nesto took a seat next to her. “He isn’t here.”

  “Be patient. He’ll show up.”

  “What do we do if Javé is with him?”

  Nesto grasped her hand and squeezed, his voice softening. “No change in plans, sweetheart. We listen to what they have to say, making no promises. We
want to keep them talking, learn as much as possible about who’s involved.” Spotting Paul walk through the door, he let go of Paige’s hand. “Don’t worry. I’m here with you, and the others are outside.”

  Paul didn’t speak as he sat across from them. He placed his hands on the table, clasping them tightly. Nesto noticed the shaking, the fear in his eyes. As agreed, neither he nor Paige spoke, waiting for Paul to start the conversation.

  He glanced up, ignoring Nesto to focus on Paige. “Thanks for coming.”

  Paige started to respond, then stopped when the waitress walked up, took their orders, then left. “What’s going on, Paul?”

  He switched his gaze to Nesto, studying him as one would size up an enemy. “I thought you two were over.”

  Paige leaned forward. “The situation between Nesto and me isn’t why we’re here. I need to know what’s happening with you.”

  Paul drew in a shaky breath, nodding at the waitress as she set down their drinks and walked away. Bringing the bottle of beer to his lips, he took a long swallow.

  “My business partners are pressuring me to expand distribution of their products. They’ve learned of your connection to the MacLarens and want you to set up a meeting with them.”

  Paige shifted in her chair, keeping to the plan she and Nesto had discussed. “I already know one of your partners is Javé Cruz. He called my private phone and introduced himself.”

  Paul glanced away, his mouth drawing into a thin line. “I should’ve warned you.”

  “Well, you didn’t. I gather Javé isn’t your only partner. Who are the others?”

  “They aren’t important. It’s Javé we have to satisfy and he wants a private meeting with one of the brothers. Heath, Jace, or Rafe. Any of the three will do.”

  Paige sat back in her chair. “How do you know their names?”

  He smirked. “It wasn’t hard. A quick internet search led me to pages of information on them. Heath is the chairman. Rafe and Jace share the CEO position. They’ve got their hands in a wide range of businesses. Javé wants to speak with them about one.”


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