Foolish Heart (MacLarens 0f Fire Mountain Contemporary Book 9)

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Foolish Heart (MacLarens 0f Fire Mountain Contemporary Book 9) Page 17

by Shirleen Davies

  Nesto walked in, sending a warning glare at Sean. “I don’t think so.”

  Raising his hands in surrender, Sean laughed. “I’m just messing with you. I heard the news you two are working things out. Congratulations.”

  “What if I need to go with Sean?” Paige kept her face neutral.

  Nesto rested his hands on his hips. “Then I’d say the locations probably need a security check at the same time.”

  “We’ll make it a threesome,” Sean joked, receiving another glare from Nesto. “Probably another bad idea.”

  Nesto nodded. “One of your worst.”

  Paige grasped his hand. “How did it go with Dennis Johnson?”

  “We’re waiting for a decision. From what Clive and J.D. told us, it’s going to work out.” He leaned down to kiss her.

  Sean stood up. “Time for me to pack up my stuff and head out. You two up for drinks?”

  Nesto looked at Paige, who shrugged. “Sounds good to me. Having drinks with two handsome men is a great way to end the day.”

  Walking out of the office, Nesto leaned over, whispering in her ear. “Trust me, babe. Our day won’t end with drinks.”

  “Reyna told me your mom is buying a house in Fire Mountain. Sounds like a great deal for you, Paige.” Sean sipped his beer, then grabbed a chip, popping it into his mouth.

  Paige nodded, setting her glass of wine down. “She put in an offer today. Three bedroom house near downtown with a great view. Her realtor, a friend of Annie’s, thinks it’ll be accepted.”

  “It’s a big move. Is your father coming out soon?”

  Nesto looked at her, shrugging. Paige picked up her glass, drinking the rest of it before answering.

  “My mother is divorcing him. She found out he’s had a mistress hidden away for a while.”

  Sean exhaled a slow breath. “Geez, Paige. I’m sorry. I know what it’s like to have your parents split up. In my case, it was my mother who had the affair.”

  Swallowing the knot threatening to choke her, she clasped her hands in her lap. “He seems happy with Reyna.”

  Sean nodded. “Pops and Reyna should’ve married long ago when she was pregnant with Kade. Of course, then I wouldn’t be here to torment everyone.”

  “Or to run the dude ranches,” Paige teased.

  “You’ve got me there.”

  Hearing her phone, she pulled it from her purse, her eyes widening. “It’s Paul.”

  “Answer it. Put it on speaker,” Nesto said.

  “Paul, where have you been?”


  Her voice trembled with worry. “I’m here. You sound awful. What’s going on?”

  “Javé and his boys found me.” He choked the last out, then sucked in a breath. “I need your help.”

  Her eyes widened in panic. “I’ll call 9-1-1. Where are you?”

  “No ambulance. I’m in an alley behind a bank, near downtown. It’s bad, Paige.”

  “Give me the name of the bank.” She grabbed paper and a pen out of her purse.

  Coughing a couple times, Paul cleared his throat. “First something.”

  “First Bank,” Nesto said.

  “We’re on our way, Paul.” She jumped up, slipping the phone into her purse.

  Nesto stood, grabbing Paige’s hand.

  “I’m riding along.” Sean finished his beer and followed them outside.

  “He needs a hospital, Paige.” Nesto knelt next to him. “I think he has a couple broken ribs, probably a concussion.”

  Paul grabbed his arm. “No hospital. They’ll call the police.”

  Paige glanced at Nesto, who shook his head.

  “Sorry, bro. You’re going to the hospital and we’ll deal with the consequences.” Nesto lifted Paul into his arms, carrying him to the truck.

  Sean climbed into the back seat. “Hand him to me.” He scooted to one side, taking Paul from Nesto’s arms.

  Running around the truck, Nesto jumped inside, looking at Paige. “You ready?”

  When she nodded, he took off, driving the six blocks to the hospital and straight to the emergency room entrance. A few minutes later, Paul disappeared behind double doors, leaving Paige, Nesto, and Sean to stare after him.

  Irene ran up to the desk in the waiting room, her frantic eyes searching for Paige. “Paul Wallace. Where is he?”


  Turning, Irene ran into her daughter’s arms.

  “The doctor is checking him out now. Nesto thinks he has a couple broken ribs, probably a concussion.”

  Shaking her head, her mother pulled back, pressing a hand to her forehead. “I don’t understand. Why is he in Fire Mountain, and why would someone want to beat him up?”

  Paige’s lips pressed together, suddenly having second thoughts about calling their mother. “Let’s sit down. We should hear something about him soon.”

  Nesto came up beside them, putting a hand on Irene’s back, guiding her to a chair between him and Paige. “From what I saw, there’s nothing life threatening. Other than his ribs, I don’t think anything else was broken.”

  Looking at Nesto, her face lined with worry, she clutched his arm. “What happened?”

  “We aren’t sure. Paul wasn’t in good enough condition to tell us. It’s a miracle whoever did this didn’t take his phone.”

  Turning, she looked at Paige. “Did you know he was in town?”

  “Relatives of Paul Wallace?”

  They all stood, walking toward the doctor, Irene in front. “I’m his mother. This is his sister and her fiancé.” She looked at Nesto, daring him to deny it.

  “Your son is in much better condition than he looks. He has two broken ribs, a couple broken fingers, and numerous lacerations. With care, they’ll heal in time.” She glanced down at her notes. “The worst injury is a grade two concussion. I’d like to keep him overnight to monitor his recovery.”

  “Will he be able to go home tomorrow?” Irene asked.

  “We’ll know more in the morning. If you’d like, I can let two of you in to see him, but only for a few minutes.”

  Nesto placed a hand on Paige’s shoulder. “You and Irene go.”

  “All right.” She kissed his cheek, then turned toward Irene. “Come on, Mother.”

  Nesto watched as they walked through the doors before pulling out his phone. “Kade. We have trouble.”

  It took half an hour for Kade, Clive, and J.D. to reach the hospital. By then, Nesto and Sean had discussed what they’d seen and heard, making notes on a pad the woman at the front desk had given them. So far, no police had arrived, for which they were grateful.

  “Nesto.” Kade hurried to them, pulling up a chair. “What happened?”

  They relayed what they knew, pausing to answer questions.

  Nesto ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t know what Paul did to piss off Javé.”

  Kade cast a quick look toward the emergency room, shaking his head. “My guess is Paul was a convenient way to send another message to the MacLarens. He’s expendable to the club, which isn’t good. It would be best for him to heal, then get as far away from here as possible.”

  Nesto looked at Clive. “What do you think?”

  “I think Kade’s right. Is he able to answer questions?”

  “Paige and Irene are in with him now. The doctor let them go in for five minutes before I called you. A little bit ago, she came back out to say Paul wanted to see them again. I doubt they’ll be much longer.”

  “If no one objects, I’d like for J.D. and I to talk to him for a few minutes. If he’ll give us some details, it may provide Johnson a little more incentive to go forward with the plan.”

  “Works for me,” Nesto said, turning to Kade. “Where’s Brooke?”

  “She’s at the main house with her mom and Heath. I told them what happened. Pops took Reyna out for dinner. I called and gave him a heads-up about Paul. I also spoke to Jace. He took it the worst. Wants to go after Javé.”

  Nesto leaned back in
his chair, rubbing his chin. “I’m not surprised. Javé made it a point to tell Jace what he knew of Blake and Brett. It’s one thing to see the names of your family listed on a piece of paper. It’s another to have the outlaw threatening them to your face. Jace had me hire a bodyguard for each of them.”

  Sean spoke for the first time since Clive and J.D. arrived. “Blake called me this morning. He’s all kinds of ticked off at his dad. Says the bodyguard is already a real pain.”

  “If you talk to Blake again, tell him to man up,” Kade said. “This is important stuff and he’d better get straight with it.”

  The sound of his phone had Clive stepping a few feet away. His voice carried in the small waiting area, although they couldn’t make out what he said. A few minutes later, he walked back, a grim smile on his face.

  “That was Johnson. I informed him what’s going on here. He told me the agent inside Satan’s Brethren knows what’s going down. We’re ready to move.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Nesto finished his coffee, watching the sun come up from his front window as Paige rinsed the breakfast dishes. He’d been silent on the plans for him and Kade to meet with Satan’s Brethren. She had enough to worry about with her brother in the hospital and Javé’s threats. Still, he felt a pang of guilt keeping it from her.

  “I’ll drive you and Irene to the hospital, then come back to meet with the others.”

  “I can take Mother to see Paul.”

  Turning away from the window, his gaze hardened. “No.”


  “This isn’t open for discussion, Paige.” Walking toward her, he set his empty cup on the counter. “Javé crossed a line when he ordered Paul beaten. Everyone on this ranch is still in danger. Until it’s settled, you’ll have someone with you wherever you go.”

  Crossing her arms, Paige leaned a hip against the counter. “I know you’re worried about me, Nesto, but I doubt Javé will come after me.”

  Moving to stand in front of her, he rested his hands on her shoulders, leaning down for a kiss. “I hope you’re right, sweetheart.” He kissed her again. “You’re still not going anywhere alone.”

  “You’re too stubborn for your own good.” She pushed past him to grab her purse and laptop.


  He had no intention of easing up on security. After last night and Paul swearing to Clive and J.D. it was Javé’s men, Nesto had already requested the number of security personnel at the ranch be increased by half.

  “I’m ready. Let’s go pick up Mother.”

  “Robbie wants to meet today.” Kade pocketed his phone, glancing at the others in his office at MacLaren Enterprises.

  “Today? I thought he was at the chapter in Sacramento.” Nesto leaned against the wall, his arms crossed.

  “Seems he got information late last night about Devil’s Sons getting into some shit he didn’t know about. They left right afterward. I caught him when they stopped for breakfast.”

  “We need to know where and when, Kade.” Clive stood up, taking the few steps to the window to look outside. “This is short notice for us to set up.”

  “I’ve got to go with what he gives me. Robbie will call later with the time and location.” He focused his attention on Clive, then looked at J.D. “Do either of you know the undercover agent?”

  J.D. shook his head. “Johnson’s keeping it close, the same as he did when you went into the Brethren. Why?”

  Kade rubbed the back of his neck. “Something seems off. I didn’t think the DEA would be able to get anyone else into the Brethren for several years after my true identity became known. It takes time to get inside, be patched in.”


  He punched the button on his desk phone to the receptionist. “Yeah.”

  “There’s a man here to see you. Says his name is Thad Montgomery.”

  Even under the circumstances, a smile spread across Kade’s face. “Send him up.”

  “Timing’s everything,” J.D. grinned. Both he and Clive knew the former DEA agent who now ran a security and investigative firm for companies doing business in Mexico.

  Stepping into the hall, Kade moved to intercept Thad as he came up the steps. Holding out his hand, he pulled him into a quick embrace. “Hey, man. It’s good to see you.”

  “Same here. I heard you might need some help. Something about a tussle with the Sons.”

  Kade pinched the bridge of his nose. “Where’d you hear that?” he asked before his features stilled. “Gage Templeton.”

  “The one and only. He caught me just as I finished unloading the last box at my new home in the Hill Country outside Austin. Thought I’d fly out, see if I can help.”

  Clasping him on the back, Kade turned him toward his office. “You came at the right time.” Opening the door, Thad stopped.

  “Looks like you’ve got a whole team already.” He walked in, shaking hands with J.D., Clive, and Nesto.

  “Are you ready to be briefed in?” Nesto asked.

  “Give me a cup of coffee and I’m all yours.”

  Sometime early morning, the doctor cleared Paul to move into the private room Heath MacLaren arranged. He hurt all over, including a monstrous headache, made worse when the nurse opened the blinds.

  “Geez…” He placed an arm over his eyes to shut out the glare.

  “Sorry, Mr. Wallace.” Closing them, she began the routine of checking his vitals, finishing as Paige and Irene walked in. They nodded at Paul, saying nothing until the nurse left.

  “Have you seen the doctor this morning?” Irene asked, pulling a chair next to the bed.

  “Not yet.” He glanced away, not able to accept the worried expression on his mother’s face.

  “How do you feel?” Paige set another chair next to Irene.

  He looked at Paige, licking his dry lips. “Like someone dropped me off a two hundred foot cliff.”

  Paige leaned forward, touching his arm. “The doctor said you were lucky. She told us the worst is the concussion.”

  “She told me the same. Look, I need to get out of here. I can’t stand them poking and prodding me any longer.”

  Irene shook her head. “Not until the doctor releases you. Then we’ll take you back to the ranch. You can stay in the guest room at Nesto’s cabin.”

  “No, Mother. I’m leaving the country. Heading up to Canada.”

  Irene’s eyes widened. “Canada? Why would you do that?”

  “Javé wants me dead. I can’t stay around here any longer.” His gaze shifted to Paige for a brief moment before he closed his eyes. “Sorry, Paige. I know I’ve put you in danger.”

  Her mouth drew into a thin line. “You aren’t going anywhere, Paul. You’re going to stay here and testify against Javé.”

  Opening his eyes, a look of hope passed over his face. “They arrested him?”

  “No, but it’s just a matter of time. He isn’t going to get away with blackmailing the MacLarens.”

  Paul tried to sit up, then fell back against the pillow. “You don’t know Javé. They’ll never get enough to put him in jail.”

  Paige thought of the look on Nesto’s face this morning. The same determination and confidence she’d seen when he was about to confront a difficult assignment. Even if he hadn’t shared any information with her, she knew he and Kade had a plan. She also believed, with all her heart, they’d be able to find a way out of this mess and put Javé behind bars.

  “You need to have a little faith in Nesto and Kade. They’ve been in worse situations and made it out.”

  “Get a grip, Paige. This isn’t some mission in special ops where they have well-trained men and a truckload of fire power. Outlaw gangs don’t work within any rules. Worse, they have police, sheriffs, and even DEA agents on their payroll.”

  Irene shook her head. “Paul, that can’t be true.”

  “It definitely is true, Mother.”

  “How do you know?” Paige asked.

  “I’ve been with Javé and
his men when they’ve been drunk, lost their inhibitions. No specifics, but they all bragged about who actually owned law enforcement in their territory. It’s bad, Paige. I doubt even the DEA agents who spoke to me last night know about it.”

  “What don’t Clive and J.D. know, Paul? You have to tell us.”

  He started to shake his head, moaning as intense pain assaulted him.

  “What’s going on?” The doctor walked into the room, seeing Paul’s face twist in agony. “Mr. Wallace, you need to rest.” Checking the monitors, she looked at Paige and Irene. “Why don’t you step into the hall for a minute while he settles down.”

  Nodding, the women started to move, stopping when Paul called out. “Wait. You need to tell Nesto.”

  Paige stepped next to the bed. “What do I need to tell Nesto?”

  Closing his eyes, Paul inhaled a deep breath before looking at his sister. “There’s a DEA agent on Javé’s payroll. Part-Hispanic guy. I don’t know his name.” He closed his eyes again.

  “He needs to rest a while.”

  Paige’s heart pounded. “I know, Doctor, but he needs to finish.”

  “I’m sorry, but now isn’t—”

  “Satan’s Brethren.” Paul’s eyes opened to slits.

  They looked at Paul, Paige touching his arm. “What about Satan’s Brethren?”

  He let out a breath, looking at her. “Javé’s man. He’s inside Satan’s Brethren.”

  Nesto looked at his phone, seeing Paige’s name. He slid it back into his pocket without answering. Kade stood at his desk, his phone to his ear as he jotted down the location and time of the meeting with Robbie. Whatever Paige needed would have to wait.

  Ending the call, Kade looked at the men in the room. “Six o’clock at Valley Repair.”

  Nesto nodded. “I’ve been there with Mitch. He had them check something out on his bike.”


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