The Cowboy's Unexpected Love: Wade and Sierra (MacFarland Ranch Book 1)

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The Cowboy's Unexpected Love: Wade and Sierra (MacFarland Ranch Book 1) Page 8

by SJ McCoy

  “It doesn’t sound that way to me. She would have gone anyway. She had her own life to live. And she does love you.”

  “I know she does. And I love her, too. I just wish I hadn’t screwed things up between us.”

  “Maybe she’ll come home one day, and the two of you will be close again.”

  Jane let out a bitter laugh. “There’s a lot you don’t know about this family. Laney swears she’ll never set foot on the ranch again until our dad is dead.”


  “Yeah. That’s a whole other story. But not one for today. To say that he’s not a nice man would be the understatement of the century.” Jane smiled. “And since we’re going to be friends, I’m sure I’ll tell you all about him at some point. But for now, we need to find you some clothes. Otherwise, you’ll have no choice but to keep wearing Wade’s because he’ll come back and whisk you away again.”

  Sierra tried not to smile. She shouldn’t like the idea of Wade wanting to whisk her away as much as she did.

  ~ ~ ~

  When he and Tyler got back to the house, Wade wandered from the kitchen, through the dining room and into the living room, trying not to make it too obvious that he was looking for Sierra. He’d had to go over to the lodge with Tyler and check in with the staff. It was what he always did after Sunday lunch. They all took Sunday off when they could and had lunch as a family. But they each had responsibilities that they needed to get back to, which determined whether they’d get to spend the rest of afternoon hanging out at the house together.

  While he and Tyler had gone back to the lodge, Ford had gone to talk to the foreman and Tanner had gone over to the barn. Either everything was peaceful, and no one had any pressing issues to deal with, or they were all more concerned about getting back to the house to figure out what they were going to do about Sierra.

  Ford was standing in the living room and raised his eyebrows when Wade got there. “Looking for someone?”

  “I … ah …”

  He spun around when Tanner laughed behind him. “Don’t try to deny it, dude. You swept in here like you were ready to tear the place apart looking for her. They’re not back yet.”

  Ty came to stand beside Tanner and smirked at him. “I told you we didn’t need to rush back.”

  Wade ran a hand through his hair. “Shit. What am I even playing at?”

  “I don’t know,” said Ford. “But you might want to cool it.”


  Ford rolled his eyes. “So defensive. I’m not trying to tell you what you should do, well I guess I am. But only out of concern. I don’t want to see you getting all hung up on her and then have to deal with you moping when she leaves. At the most, she’s going to be here for two weeks.”

  “I know. Sorry. I don’t know what’s gotten into me.”

  Tanner shoulder bumped him. “I do. You need to get laid.”

  Wade scowled at him. “Not funny, bro. She’s … a lady. And you know what she’s just been through. I …” He stopped when he realized that they were all laughing at him. “What?”

  “You’re the only one in this room who thought he was talking about Sierra,” said Ty. “You know what Tan’s like. That’s his solution to every problem – go out and get laid. He wasn’t suggesting that you and the lovely Sierra should get it on. Though we all know how much you want to.”

  Wade gave them a rueful smile. “Shit! I’m a mess. I don’t know what it is about her.”

  “Then let me tell you,” said Tanner. “She’s gorgeous. She’s got a figure on her that any guy would want to get his hands on, a real pretty face, hair that would feel good wrapped around your fingers, and as if that wasn’t enough, she’s sweet as pie. She has a big heart and a generous spirit. And she’s in trouble and needs protecting. She might has well have been made to order to fit everything that you want in a woman.”

  Wade just stared at him. It was an accurate assessment, but Wade wouldn’t have been able to sum it up so well, and he had no clue what to say.

  Ford smiled at him. “He’s right. She’s your perfect package. She’s too … nice for me. Too delicate for Ty, and too innocent for Tanner.”

  Wade shook his head. “That may be true. But she’s not just some girl who wandered in here, is she? She’s a runaway bride, a freaking billionaire, an artist – and from what she said, in a couple of weeks, she’s going to be a mom, too.”

  “Shit! I didn’t think,” said Tanner. “You’re divorced because you wouldn’t have kids.”

  Wade shrugged. This wasn’t the time to get into explaining that he didn’t want to have kids with Josie. That was very different from not wanting to have kids, period. “As if that even matters. I’m not denying that she’s gotten to me. But Ford’s right. She’s going to be here for two weeks at most. I just need to keep a lid on it.”

  “Maybe you should stay away from her,” said Ford. “That might be best all around. She can stay up here at the house with me and – ”

  “No!” Wade said it before he could stop himself. “She asked me to …”

  He stopped when he realized they were laughing again. “I’m winding you up, bro. It might not a be a bad idea for her to come and stay at the house rather than in the cabin. But only because there are more of us here – in case anything happens. I can’t see anyone coming after her. It wouldn’t make sense. But it still wouldn’t hurt to circle the wagons. But even then, you and she could take the second floor. I don’t think she’d come without you. I don’t know if you’re playing it cool, or if you seriously haven’t noticed that she’s got it as bad for you as you do for her.”

  Wade couldn’t hide his smile. “She does, doesn’t she?”

  Tanner laughed. “Yup. So, now that we’ve got that sorted. What’s the plan?”

  Wade sobered quickly at the question. “I’m going to call Cash.”

  Ford raised his eyebrows. “You think we need the big guns?”

  “No.” He knew he had to tread carefully around Ford when it came to their eldest brother, Cash. He hadn’t lived on the ranch in years, and with him gone, Ford had stepped into the role of head of the family. Wade didn’t want to piss him off. “We don’t need him. I know we’ve got it covered. I want to ask him if he knows anything – or can find anything out – about her brother and this Dax.”

  Tanner nodded. “I was thinking I can give the commander a call, too. If her brother was on the teams, and this Dax still is, he should be able to tell me something.”

  “I’d like to know the story behind these kids,” said Ford.

  “Yeah,” Wade agreed. “I want to think that this guy is taking advantage of her somehow. But he’s a SEAL. I can’t see that being the case. Though there must be another solution for these kids than for her to take them on.”

  Tyler raised an eyebrow at him. “You thinking about their best interests or yours?”

  “Hers.” Wade scowled at him. “As much as I’d like to think it might, her adopting a couple of kids isn’t going to affect me. I don’t know anything about the kids to know what might be best for them. My concern is for Sierra. Do you think she even knows what she’s getting herself into? You heard her. She thinks she can give them a good life. But I’d put money on her knowing nothing about kids or about how much they’ll change her life.”

  “True,” said Ford. “But she seemed pretty set on it. And it’s none of our business what she chooses to do.”

  “I know.” Wade blew out a sigh. “I’m getting carried away. The first thing to do is talk to Cash. If Dax has been on the teams for a few years, he’ll probably know something about him – or be able to find out.”

  “You might want to call him later,” said Tanner. “Janey just pulled up. They’re back.”

  Tyler shook his head. “If no one else is going to do it. I’ll take her to town myself tomorrow to buy clothes. Who knows what Janey will have dressed her in.”

  “Ty!” Ford scowled at him.

  Tyler just shrugged. “I’m
only saying. And you can’t deny the rest of you were thinking it. Anyway, I’m out of here. I said I’d meet Colton at The Mint.”

  They all turned when Jane came in, followed by Sierra. Wade’s breath caught in his chest at the sight of her. She looked amazing. She was wearing a sweater of Jane’s that he recognized, but it looked way different on her. She’d fastened a big wide belt around the waist and wore it with a pair of leggings that only looked a little too big for her. The overall effect made him want to go and close his arms around her tiny waist and hold her against him. Shit. He needed to snap out of it.

  Ty was already beside her, holding out a phone. It didn’t surprise Wade that Ty would just happen to have a prepaid cell phone lying around that he could let Sierra have to replace her own. It looked like he made quick work of transferring her contacts over to it, too.

  Jane came to Wade, and he took out his need to hug on her. She laughed and hugged him back. She’d told him once years ago, when she’d been his bridesmaid, that she knew she’d never get married and the only thing she felt like she was missing out on was hugs. He was a hugger anyway and he always made a point to make sure that Janey got more than her fair share.

  When he set her down, she smiled up at him. “I really like her, Wade.”

  “I do, too, Janey.”

  She squeezed his arm. “I know. Call me crazy but I think there’s something there between the two of you. Do me a favor?”

  “What’s that, honey?”

  “Give it a chance?”

  He let out a short laugh. “There is no chance. I wish there were, but come on.”

  “Just don’t decide that there isn’t a chance. And if you see one, take it, okay?”

  She looked so earnest, she had him curious. “Why?”

  “Because I like her. And I love you. Okay?”

  She was coming toward them now. Ty was on his way out the front door, taking her phone with him. There was no time to question Janey further. She just gave him a meaningful look before turning back to Sierra.

  “Doesn’t she look great, guys? I know you were all worried that I was going to give her the frumpy dumpy treatment.”

  Wade felt bad that that was exactly what they’d been thinking.

  Jane nodded. “I know. You can’t hide it. But Sierra’s so beautiful she can even work wonders with my wardrobe.”

  Wade knew he was starting to fall for Sierra when she went and linked her arm through his sister’s and smiled at her. “I’ve told you, Janey. You’re beautiful just the way you are. And if anyone tries to tell you otherwise, they’ll have me to answer to.”

  Wade could tell that both Ford and Tanner liked her response, too. She genuinely cared about Janey, and it showed. Even the fact that she called her Janey rather than Jane, won her brownie points that she couldn’t understand.

  Ford caught his eye and nodded. It seemed she was capable of softening even the hardest heart.

  Chapter Eight

  Sierra followed Cassidy out onto the deck. Her house was beautiful. It had an amazing view of the mountains, and the Yellowstone River ran just below the deck. Cassidy had called on her way back from the airport this morning and Sierra had driven up here to see her friend for lunch. While they’d eaten, Sierra had caught Cassidy up on everything that had happened over the last few days. It seemed hard to believe that only forty-eight hours ago she’d been getting ready to get married.

  Once they were seated, Cassidy smiled at her. “I don’t think you should stay here.”

  Sierra sat back in her seat. “What do you mean when you say here?”

  Cassidy laughed. “Don’t worry. I’m not trying to banish you from Paradise Valley. I mean that I fully intended to invite you to stay here at the house for as long as you want.”

  “And now you’re not going to?”

  “Nope. And don’t look like that. You know damned well why.”

  Sierra tried to hide her smile. “You’re going to tell me anyway.”

  “You’re right. I am. I’m going to tell you that you should stay at the MacFarland place. On a practical level, I think Wade’s right. You’re better off there than anywhere else. But on a more personal note, why would you want to go anywhere else when you have that hot cowboy looking after you?”

  Sierra rolled her eyes. “You know why! I shouldn’t even be interested. I’d be on my honeymoon right now – except for the fact that Jared wants to kill me. And as if that’s not enough reason, I’m about to become a mom. There’s no way I should be mooning around after Wade.”

  Cassidy laughed. “When you put it like that, I’d say that you should be more than mooning after him. You should be making the most of him. You had a narrow escape from a bad marriage and possible death, and you’re about to turn your life upside down for a couple of kids you’ve never even met. I’d say that’s more than enough reason to get all the hot sex you can while you can. Celebrate the fact that you got away with your life, and stock up because who knows when you’ll ever get any again.”

  Sierra had to laugh. “You’re terrible.”

  Cassidy shrugged. “You say that, but you don’t mean it. What you really mean is that you wish you were brave enough to do it.”

  She blew out a sigh. “Maybe.”


  “Okay! So, I’m kind of besotted with him. But I shouldn’t be. He’s been kind and generous and he makes me feel safe and …”

  “Horny,” Cassidy filled in for her.

  Sierra chuckled. “Okay! Yes! I … there’s just this pull when I’m around him. The closer I get to him, the closer I want to get. But it’s not just that. He’s such a good guy and on top of that he’s gorgeous, and sexy and …”

  “And you should sleep with him.”

  “Cass! You know I’m not like that.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t sleep around. To me that’s part of a relationship; you need to be dating before you go to bed with a guy.”

  Cassidy rolled her eyes. “So, stick around then. If you need to be dating him before you can sleep with him, then you’ll just have to stay here so that you can date him. Because you so should sleep with him.”

  “You’re crazy! I can’t do that.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because … because I can’t.”

  “I don’t see why not. You have the next couple of weeks to fill. There’s nothing going on in your life. I’m not going to invite you stay here because you need to stay at his place and be around him. I just have a feeling about you and him. Wade’s awesome. All those guys are. But Wade’s my favorite.”

  “How well do you know them?”

  “Pretty well. They grew up and went to school with Shane and his brothers. And this valley’s like that anyway. Everyone knows everyone. They all help each other out.”

  Sierra took a sip of her drink. “They said I could stay.”

  “So, stay!”

  “I want to.”

  “What can I do to persuade you? Actually, forget that. First, tell me why you wouldn’t? You can’t go home. Well, you could but it’d be crazy. Why would you want to go back? That’d just be putting yourself within Jared’s reach again.”

  “I know. I don’t want to go back.”

  “But you don’t want to stay?”

  “I never said that I don’t want to. I do. But …”

  “Go on, give me one valid reason why you shouldn’t stay?”

  Sierra shrugged. “I don’t have one. It just feels wrong to start thinking about Wade that way when I’m supposed to be on my honeymoon right now.”

  “Nope. Not buying it. You said yourself. You tried to call off the wedding when Jared didn’t want to take on the kids. That’s one thing I don’t hold against him. I think you’re nuts taking them on. And I think he was well within his rights to say that he didn’t want to. But the fact that they were more important to you than he was, should tell you all you need to know. You’re not in love with him.”


  “And you don’t need to impose some time limit between ending things with him and moving on with someone else.”

  “It’s not as though I’d be moving on with Wade. Just …”

  “Why not?”

  “Because … how could I? He lives here. I live in San Francisco. He’s a cowboy. I’m an artist.”

  Cassidy laughed. “Apart from the living in San Francisco part, which I haven’t done for years, you could be talking about Shane and me.”

  “That’s true. I never thought I’d see you settle down. And much less with a cowboy.”

  Cassidy pushed her long blonde hair back off her shoulders. “Neither did I. But Shane …” She smiled. “He’s amazing. I love him more than I knew it was possible to love someone.”

  “And did you just decide to go for it with him? Did you just decide to sleep with him because you wanted to?” Sierra fully expected her to say yes. She’d known Cassidy for over ten years, and she’d always gone after what she wanted without a thought to what people might think.

  “No. I didn’t. I kept him at arms-length for a long time. I’d given up on men. I thought he was going to be just another big ego-ridden asshole. But he didn’t give up. He kept asking me out until he finally wore me down. And I’m so glad he did.”

  Sierra loved the look in her friend’s eyes. There was no mistaking that she loved her husband with all her heart. Cassidy had always been a tough cookie, and it seemed that being with Shane hadn’t changed that, but it had brought out her softer side.

  “So, I guess maybe I’m seeing you and Wade in the same way. Maybe I’m projecting my stuff onto you. I didn’t intend to give Shane a chance, and he turned out to be the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I don’t want you to miss out on discovering that Wade could be the best thing to ever happen to you.”


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