An Honest Mistake

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An Honest Mistake Page 3

by L. Grubb

  “Ah, you mean Lauren.” She chuckles. “I’ll tell her that she seems to have accumulated a new nickname.”

  “Is that a yes?” Inwardly, I’m pleading like a Goddamn fool. Shit, it’s been way too long.

  “Maybe.” She hesitates, kicking a pebble while looking at the ground.

  “Can I take your number? I’ll text you the beach we’re at tomorrow.”

  “Okay.” She types her number into my cell and passes it back. “I better go. Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow.” She turns with a sly grin and rosy blush upon her face.

  Fuck. Instant hard on.

  “Yeah, sure. I hope.” I give her another of my famous winks and turn to head for my bike. Tomorrow can’t come fucking soon enough.

  Chapter 8


  I couldn’t get out of that store parking lot quick enough! Seriously, what are the odds of bumping into biker dude again? And he wants to see me again? I pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming. Hell, I’m not. Before I start hyperventilating, I dial Lauren. “Come on, Lauren. Pick the damn phone up,” I chant to myself.

  “Hey, babe.”

  Hallelujah! “Lauren, I just bumped into biker dude. You know, the hotty from the club?”

  “No fucking way! Tell me you’re shitting me, Alexis!” she exclaims through the phone.

  “I shit you fucking not. He wants us to go to their barbeque on the beach tomorrow. Please come with me,” I rant, pulling at my hair, a nervous habit I picked up when I was a kid.

  Just thinking about meeting Cobra has my heart beating faster, cheeks warming and causing my hands to shake. I’m nervous. I‘ve only met with one man since Riley and I split years ago. I don’t think it’s worth the hassle.

  “You aren’t really considering going are you? Alexis, they’re fucking bikers. They’ll eat us alive.”

  “Come on. They can’t be that bad,” I say.

  “Whatever you say. Fine. We’ll go just so I won’t have to worry out of my mind about what’s happening to you.” She sighs in resignation.

  “Thank you, Lauren. I owe you.” I blow out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding. “I’ll text you the deets when I get them.”

  “Okay. Look, I have to go, my mother is ranting about some shit or another. Catch ya later, chick.” Dial tone. Well, that went well.

  I place my phone on the breakfast bar and head down the small hallway to my bedroom, ready to figure out what I’m going to wear tomorrow. Opening my wardrobe, I glance quickly at all the dresses. I’m thinking nothing too slutty but nothing too casual. I want to make a lasting impression, but I don’t want to seem like a Barbie.

  I pick out a navy blue sundress, coming to the knees with a cinch belt. Perfect. I’ll wear flip flops to finish it off. I lay the clothes on my chair by my vanity unit before heading off for a shower. When the hot spray hits my skin, I moan in appreciation, closing my eyes. Behind closed eyes I can see a dark eyed, muscled man, tattoos adorning every inch of skin on his arms. Dark stubble across his well defined jaw, and floppy brown hair covering an eye. My hands roam of their own accord, caressing my soft breasts. Nipples pebbling under the hot spray. My eyes spring open. What the fuck? I don’t even know the man. I quickly finish up cleansing in the shower and dry myself with a fluffy, white towel. Shoving on my shorts and tank, I brush my teeth and head to bed, fully intending to read. Just as the book gets to a good bit, I hear the dinging from my phone in the kitchen.

  I roll out of bed, stubbing my toes on my bedside nightstand. I squeak at the pain, grabbing the offending toes before hobbling along the hallway to the breakfast bar. I grab my phone and check the text.

  Unknown: Hi Alexis. It’s Cobra. Are you coming tomorrow? C

  Holy shit. Pain in toes completely forgotten. The blood that rushed through my system must have turned my cheeks ten shades of red, and he didn’t even say anything crude.

  Alexis: Spoke to ‘Pinky’ and yeah, see you tomorrow. A

  I take my phone back to the bedroom and flop onto the bed with a heavy sigh. What is it about him that draws me to him? His mysterious aura? Bad boy looks? I can’t put my finger on it.


  Cobra: Can’t wait to ‘bump’ into you again beautiful. 11am at 1000 Steps Beach. C

  Oh my. I squeal. Heck, I never fucking squeal, I am not that kind of girl. But there’s just something about him.

  Alexis: Can’t wait. A

  I switch my phone to silent and place it on the mahogany nightstand. I clamber into bed and lay upon my fluffy pillows staring at the wall fan. I close my eyes and sigh happily, drifting off to thoughts of Mr. Bad Boy Biker.

  Chapter 9


  I wake up to the sound of my phone dancing across the night stand.

  “Hello?” I say in a sleepy voice.

  “Alexis? I’ve been waiting on a text from you about this beach party thingy,” she says, impatiently.

  “Shit. What time is it?” I hurry to a sitting position and scrub the sleepy dust from my eyes.

  “Nine o’clock.”

  “Fuck it! The party is at eleven, on the beach down the road. Meet me here at ten-thirty and we’ll walk it together. I need to get in the shower and shit.” I hang up and rush out of bed and into the en suite.

  I’m in and out of the shower in breakneck speed, and dressed within ten minutes, with a chocolate brown, string bikini underneath. I stomp around my apartment collecting the stuff I need to put in my beach bag, including spare clothes. Just in case I head back to Lauren’s after. Towel, brush, the usual girly shit. I eat a quick bowl of Lucky Charms and wash it down with some orange juice, shove the bowl in the dishwasher and go brush my teeth.

  Just as I’m finishing the last bit of my makeup, I hear a rap on the door and it opening then closing.

  “Honey, I’m home!” Lauren’s usual entrance.

  “Just coming,” I shout out to her. I grab my beach bag and meet her in the den. She looks her usual stunning self in a slip-on neon yellow sundress and sandals to match.

  “Fucking hell. Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” I chuckle.

  “And? The point is…” She smirks, hand on hip.

  “No point, just you’re a little bright, everyone’s going to need sunglasses.” I smile. I do love this girl.

  “Okay, no need for the green-eyed monster to come out, I know I look great.” She laughs. She’s the only one.

  I cock a brow up at her. “Let’s get moving.”

  She grabs her bag and takes off toward the door. I follow behind, keys in hand, ready to lock up.

  “So, let me get this straight. He waited for you outside the store and helped you with your bags? Creepy.” She shudders.

  I tremble, remembering the slight touch of his hand against mine. “That about sums it up, yeah.” I try not to smile.

  She yammers on most of the way down the avenue toward the secluded beach, the smell of a barbeque already in the air.

  “Alexis? Have you heard a word I said?” Lauren says, poking me in the arm.

  “Huh? Sorry, zoned out.” I look sheepishly to the ground, not wanting Lauren to see my nervousness.

  “Well, I said; Are you nervous about seeing biker dude again?”

  “Not really, okay, maybe a little. Guys like him never look twice at a girl like me. I’m a plane Jane, not a blonde Barbie, or a long legged brunette. What do I have that made him want to ask me to a barbeque?” I pull my arms out to the side in a way to say ‘look at me.’

  “Alexis Jameson. Do not even go there! You’re beautiful, inside and and out. If men can’t see that, fuck ‘em. They’re the ones that aren’t worth the chasing.” Lauren has stopped me dead in my tracks, holding me at arms length with a steely glint in her eyes. “I don’t want to hear you putting yourself down ever again. Clear?”

  “Jeez, yes, mother.” I shake her off and continue walking along the steaming sidewalk.

  “I’m not kidding, Alexis. I hate it when you think you’re not
good enough for anyone.”

  “Thank Riley Bishop for that then. He fucking ruined everything.”

  “Enough with the self pity. You’re about to meet some sexy ass biker, and you’re thinking about a worthless ex with a one inch penis.”

  I burst out laughing. I love this girl, she always knows the right things to say. “Thanks, Lauren. You’re the best.”

  “Plus, he has got to have a fine ass man for me too, right?” She winks and giggles. Oh boy. Watch out Crusaders, Lauren is on the prowl.


  I check my watch for the hundredth time, eleven-twenty, maybe she isn’t showing after all. I sigh, swigging my now warm beer. I glance one more time over the entrance, just in time to see Alexis sauntering in with pinky in tow. Fuck. Me. She’s stunning. I openly check her out as I stalk toward her. Noticing her slightly cowering away, I slow my step and plaster a boyish grin on my face.

  “Good morning, ladies.” I take hold of Alexis’ hand and brush my lips against her soft skin. “I thought you weren’t going to make it.”

  “Uh…um…My alarm never went off.” She looks away, gracing me with that rosy blush.

  “You made it, that’s all that matters. Do you ladies want a drink?”

  “Yes, please,” they say in unison, smiling up at me shyly.

  “Follow me.” I feel all the brothers’ eyes on us as we make our way over to the cooler. “Help yourselves.” I point at the blue box sat in the sand.

  “Thank you,” pinky says, going over to grab them both a refresher.

  “Well, well, who do we have here?” I look over Alexis’ shoulder to find Champ stood close to her; too fucking close.

  She slowly turns around with alarm in her eyes. I see her shrink back when she takes in Champ.

  “I’m Alexis,” she stammers.

  “Aren’t you a pretty little thing.” He steps closer.

  I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist, a show of possession. Call me a dick, but Champ would eat her whole.

  “She’s with me, dickwad. Go back to the whore you were entertaining.” I glare at him over Alexis’ head.

  He lifts his hands in a show of surrender. “Sorry, man.” And retreats back to the party.

  “Stay with me, and you’ll be fine. Some of these men are animals,” I whisper into her ear, smelling her unique vanilla and lemon scent.

  “Okay,” she breathes out.

  I give her a kiss at her tender spot just below her ear, before reluctantly letting her go.

  “Everything okay, hon?” pinky says to her, rubbing her arm in a soothing motion.

  “I’m good, Lauren. Thanks for the soda.” She smiles at her friend.

  We make our way over to the party, and I introduce the girls to the brothers. I can see the club whores eyeing them up with disgust in their crinkled up faces. I glare at them. They soon get the picture.

  “Nice to meet you, girls. Welcome to the party,” Prez shouts over from his sun lounger.

  “Pinky, will you be okay with these brutes while I talk to Alexis?” I ask.

  “Pinky?” Her brow crinkles in confusion.

  “Ah shit. Yeah, when I saw you both at the club a few weeks ago, you were wearing the brightest pink dress ever.”

  She laughs. “I quite like it, has a little ring to it, don’t you think?” She beams up at me. This girl certainly isn’t shy is she? I give her a slight smile in return and grab Alexis’ hand to lead her away.

  “Where are we going?” she asks quietly.

  “Just to sit and chat, babe.” I lead her over to the beach chairs a little way from the party. “Here, take a seat.” I let her hand go so she could sit and I pull another chair up to sit opposite her.

  “Why are you staring at me?” she ask nervously, twisting her hands in her lap.

  “I don’t mean to. It’s just, you’re gorgeous.” I lick my lips to enthuse my point.

  A slight blush creeps up her neck. “Thanks, I guess.”

  “Ah, you one of those girls that doesn’t like compliments? Honestly, I just thought we could get to know each other.”


  Damn. I wish she would look me in the eye. See the desire in my eyes that I feel from being this close to her.

  “Are you originally from LA?” I ask her, stroking small circles on her exposed knee.

  “I was born in Germany, but moved to the states when I was two. Me and my family lived in Mississippi for a while, then Nebraska. When I turned eighteen I went to Florida State University. After I graduated, I came out here for a job opportunity.”

  Nice. “I’m not as interesting. Born and raised in LA. Never went to college, no brains up here,” I say, rapping my knuckles on my forehead.

  “I’m sure you have.” She smiles at me. Fucking breathtaking.

  “The only good thing I know how to do is fucking.” I laugh.

  She stares at me, jaw open, eyes wide. “Uh…um…”

  I laugh. “I’m sorry, that was a bit forward of me, but it’s the truth.”

  “Seems to me you have a bit of an ego, Mr. Biker.”

  “I have every reason to have one.” I wink at her and smirk.

  She shifts in her chair. Desire? Have I turned this chick on just by saying that? My dick shifts and pulses behind my zipper, painfully pressing against it.

  “Do you have family?” I ask her.

  “I have a brother. Parents died when I was seventeen. Shot down in cold blood.” She looks angry.

  Change of topic needed.

  “Do you wanna know something?” I say quietly to her.

  “Sure.” She shrugs one of her slender shoulders.

  “I think you’re the most beautiful woman I have seen in a long time.” I lean forward slightly so she can feel my breath fan across her face. “You have the perfect figure. And you smell of vanilla and lemons.” I move in closer, sniffing her neck.

  “Thank you?” she says like a question, squirming in her chair.

  “Mmm…You, Alexis, are one breathtaking woman,” I continue. My dick is so fucking hard it hurts.

  Her breath catches and she stares at me, pools of desire swirling in her golden hazel eyes.

  I lean in and give her a soft touch of my lips against hers. I can feel her body tense, her hands gripping the sides of her chair. I move in again, this time placing a harder kiss to her soft, succulent lips. My lips tingle at the contact, making my dick harder and pulsing with need. My hands move to her waist, and I pull her forward in her chair. Swiping her bottom lip with me tongue, she grants me access and I move in, moaning in pure bliss. She grasps my biceps with a strong grip, nails digging in making me hiss at the slight pain.

  My tongue swirls delicately with hers, not rushing the kiss. I pick her up by her waist and place her on top of me, her weight pressing down on my groin and making my breathing release in pants. Wrapping her arms around my neck, I kiss her harder, squeezing her full ass. Fuck me to heaven and back, this chick can kiss.

  I swallow her quiet moan with my mouth and slow down, pulling away and placing a chaste kiss on her swollen lips. Her forehead rests against mine, panting for breath. Perfection, I think to myself, pure fucking perfection.

  “Wow. You can kiss,” she whispers against my face.

  “Was there a doubt in your mind that I couldn’t?” I smirked.

  She tries to scramble off me, embarrassment tinting her cheeks pink as she darts her eyes to the party.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. They can’t see us here.” I nuzzle into her neck and rain kisses down her silky throat to her collarbone.

  I’m aware of rumbling bikes in the distance, coming closer.

  “VP? Where the fuck is the VP?” I hear Prez shout.

  “Shit.” I stand us up and smooth down her dress, grab her hand and head back toward the group.

  “What, Prez?” I say when I get close enough for him to hear.

  “Hell Riders are here.” He points down to the far entrance of the beach.
  “Oh fuck.” I stare in their direction, anticipation pooling in my gut. What the shitting hell are they doing here?

  “Girls, go run behind those trees, stay there ‘til I say otherwise!” VP barks out.

  I turn to Alexis. The fear in her eyes tears at my gut. “Go with them, Kristine will look after you and pinky. I’ll come for you okay?” I give her a quick kiss and tap her bottom, pushing her in the direction of the Prez’s Old Lady.

  I turn back around to my brothers. “How the fuck did they know about this party?” I eye each one of the men, everyone shrugs their shoulders. No idea. Great. Just fucking perfect.

  “Hello, Pop and posse.” The President of the Hell Riders sneers at us, his dark eyes filled with contempt.

  “What do you want, Devil?” Prez says, looking bored.

  “Revenge is sweet my friend. It’s time for pay back.” He smirks, spit flying through the air.

  “What the fuck you on about? We haven’t done shit to you or your pathetic excuse of a club.” Prez’s face is turning beet red with anger.

  Devil barks out a deadly laugh. “That’s what you think. We’ve been waiting for this day for nine years.” Everyone’s weapon is suddenly drawn. “We’ll bide our time. But this, my friend, is far from fucking over.” He points a finger in my face like this shit is all on me.

  They shove their weapons back into their holsters and march back from the way they came. Prez turns to me with questioning eyes. “VP? Something you wanna share, brother?”

  “What? I haven’t done shit. You should fucking know me better.” I clench my fists at my side. “He said nine years ago, I was fucking sixteen for God sake!” I run my hands through my hair in frustration.

  “Calm down, boys. Calm it down.” Dope comes over and puts a hand between me and the Prez. “We’ll find out soon enough what their cryptic shit is all about.”

  “Get everyone back to the clubhouse. Pronto. Lockdown immediately,” Prez bellows out. Turning to me, he says, “That includes the two girls you invited today. They saw you come out from over there with one of them. She could be in danger.” He shakes his head, pointing in the direction me and Alexis came from.

  Fuck. She is not going to like this. I head off in the direction the girls are hiding. “Alexis?” I call out for her, and she comes running out and into my arms. I hold her to me. “Shh, it’s okay. Look, you have to come back with us, you could be in danger,” I say calmly to her, running my hand through her hair. “Sorry, gorgeous. You don’t have a choice.” Her shoulders slump, and with a slight nod of her head, I lead her toward my bike.


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