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Beginning of the New Beginning, Vol. 2

Page 8

by W. Joe Taylor

  “Yea, sorry, I just want this over with.”

  By the time Vinny caught up to the RV gang, they had already gotten back on the road. The whole line of RVs was driving in the middle of the road. Jack and Trevor didn’t know how they were going to get past. Every time they tried to get to one side or the other, the last RV would block the road. Vinny decided to try and make a diversion. He pulled up next to Jack, and they both started to get next to the trailer at the same time. The guy driving the RV swerved and hit Jack first, and whatever was on the sides of the trailer cut the front tire to shreds and forced Jack off the road. While there was an opening, Dwaine fired off a couple of rounds at the trailer, trying to shoot out the tires. The steel plates on the side of the trailer prevented him from doing so. The trailer started to veer towards the truck, so Vinny slammed on the brakes, and the other two cars behind him almost rear-ended the truck. Jeff stopped his minivan and went to find out if Trevor and Jack were ok.

  “If you guys are done fucking around down there, you might be able to cut them off up ahead.”

  “Ok, good. Where do we go?”

  “Turn left on 55 and then right on Division Street. If you hurry, you’ll be able to cut them off at the next town, called Enos. You have about four minutes to get there.”

  “All right, we will give it our best.”

  Vinny had been a professional stunt driver for a few years back in his youth. He’d gone to Hollywood and had almost made it big, but after a bad crash, he’d given it up and moved back home, where he’d driven a delivery truck. He dug deep and forced the pickup to its very limits. The speedometer topped out at 110 mph, and he had it pegged. He didn’t care that the other two cars weren’t keeping up; they would get there in time for the show. He needed to get the RV gang stopped and get what he came for—and what he was going to cum in next. He took the right from Division street to Highway 41 at almost fifty mph and drifted the truck sideways. Dwain was hyperventilating, telling him he didn’t want to die today. Vinny just laughed, and when the truck straightened out, facing north, he was back up to full speed in no time.

  “All right, showboat, looks like you’ll make it. At the next intersection, you’re gonna wanna block the road.”

  “Thanks, I see it.”

  Vinny skidded to a stop in the middle of the road, but both turn lanes on either side were still open. He and Dwaine looked to the east and saw the blue truck in the lead barreling towards them. It looked to him like it was speeding up and heading towards the left turn lane in the center, which was now behind Vinny’s truck. As the blue truck roared past, he thought he heard gunshots going off. He mashed the gas pedal down and rocketed further up Highway 41, trying not get shot. The rear window exploded, showering both men in tiny bits of glass, and the windshield spider webbed. Dwaine let out a scream like a little girl. Vinny looked up into the rearview mirror, and he saw that whoever was driving the red 4Runner had his arm raised out the window and was flipping Vinny and Dwaine the bird. That really pissed off Vinny. Nobody was rude to him and got away with it. He heard more gunshots and realized the rest of his crew had caught up but were on the other side of the convoy, exchanging gun fire with these assholes. In just a few seconds, the last RV flew by, and they disappeared into the horizon again.

  The whole crew gathered around to assess if anyone was dead and to talk with Charles.

  “Good push, man. You almost had them. Head a little further north, and you will find a road that leads west. You can cut them off in St Anne. It should be far enough up that you can all be there this time and make a good roadblock.”

  “Yea, all right. That fucker in the red 4Runner is mine when we get them. That son of a bitch had the nerve to flip me off.”

  “Oh, is that what I saw? I couldn’t really tell,” Jeff said.

  “Fuck yea. I’m going to fuck his world up and make him my bitch.”

  “I’d actually like to see that,” Jack replied. “After they almost killed us, I’m going to have fun with them. I need pussy bad and don’t give a shit about GM’s rules at this point. Whichever one I choose won’t be making it back alive.”

  Everyone laughed and agreed, even Vinny. He didn’t say otherwise, because he didn’t want a mutiny on his hands. If they went through with it, he was going to have their heads on a spike when they got back. GM was his best friend and leader; nobody disobeyed him.

  They loaded up and, once again, followed Charles’s directions. They got to St. Anne about fifteen minutes ahead of the RV gang. It was a quaint little town, and on the corner of the crossroad at its center was a gas station with two delivery trucks.

  Vinny got in one delivery truck and blocked off the north side of the road, with the rear tires up on the curb. He parked the second delivery truck on the opposite side, blocking an equal amount of area towards a high school. There was about three feet between the front bumpers. Four of the men quickly walked around the block. They were dispatching dead heads with machetes and knives.

  “Here they come. Kyle, Robert, and Jeff, take up places with me by the roadblock. Trevor and Jack, over by the gas station. Dwaine and Wayne, over by the school. No matter what, do not let any of them escape. I just got off the radio with Charles. He’s going northwest about seven miles to refuel since we have this locked in.”

  The convoy slowed to a stop about a hundred yards back, at the intersection. This pissed off Vinny because they were too far away to open fire or capture anyone.

  “FUCK! Them cocksuckers are on to us. Hey, hey, Dwaine, did you see any movement down there? I swear I did.”

  “No, man, I haven’t seen anything,” Dwaine called back.

  “I think I did. The camper doors are on this side. I’m pretty sure a couple of them opened, but I didn’t see anyone walk out,” Robert offered.

  “Ok, you guys keep your eyes peeled. They are probably going to try and sneak up on the sides.” Then Vinny said, “Robert, Kyle, split up, sneak towards the other guys, and give them a hand.”

  A few minutes of silence was broken by the sound of gunfire from both directions. Vinny could hear bullets zing by his hiding spot behind the delivery truck. He could not locate the origination of the shots, because they sounded strangely quiet. A bullet slammed into the headlight and punched through the fender by his head. He was peppered with glass and metal shavings, and he ducked down behind the tire and closed his eyes.

  “It burns, oh God, I think I was shot!” Jeff hollered out.

  Vinny opened his eyes and looked over to see Jeff holding his stomach, a red patch growing below his hands. Vinny heard a few loud shots ring out over by the school and a couple more over behind the gas station.

  “Hey, I got one!” Trevor hollered out. Vinny laid down on his stomach to see under the truck and was awestruck that the RVs were almost gone. They had turned left and gone north. He was confused. Are they leaving their people behind? Trevor just said he got one. Are there more? Fuck my life, I need to go find out.

  He picked himself up, went to the back of the truck, and looked over by the school. He could not see Dwaine or Wayne anywhere. That’s when he heard it and was instantly frozen in fear. His gut clenched like he’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

  “Don’t move, asshole. You so much as twitch your dick, and I’ll blow your fucking arms off. I’ll leave you for thriller chow,” said a male voice.

  Holy shit, this guy snuck all the way around the school, and I’m going to die. What the fuck is a thriller?

  “Be cool, man. We can talk about this,” Vinny petitioned.

  “Oh, were going to talk, motherfucker. Slowly put your hand in the air. I can tell you’re not a trained fighter, so don’t try anything stupid. You cooperate, and I promise not to kill you,” the man said.

  Vinny put his hand up in the air as instructed, and then he felt cold metal press against his left shoulder blade. Being handled roughly and hearing an unknown man’s voice behind him was getting him aroused.

  Great, this g
uy is going to fucking kill me because I’m getting a boner right now.

  He guessed another person was there, because he could still feel the gun and two hands. The hands removed his gun and started roughly patting down his body, searching for anything else. When they got to his waist, there was a pause. And then his junk was grabbed and knocked around, enhancing his arousal.

  “You like this, don’t you? You would love it if I jerked you off right now, wouldn’t you? You know what they call people like that? Sociopaths,” the man said very close to Vinny’s ear.

  Vinny felt his anger rising. He was not a sociopath; the psychiatrist had told him as much. His right wrist was grabbed and guided towards the center of his back, and then this left. Next, he heard the sound of duct tape being ripped off a roll and felt it being applied to his wrists.

  “Get on your knees.”

  “How am I going to wa—”

  Something hit the back of his knees, and he collapsed like a house of cards. One of the people grabbed a handful of hair to prevent him from toppling all the way over. They taped his ankles together and then taped his wrists to his ankles, giving him enough slack for him to stay upright, but his hands were being pulled away from the small of his back.

  “Who are you?”


  He was hit in the back of the head and saw stars. Silence remained for several minutes.


  “Why are you chasing us, Vinny?”

  “You have something of mine, and I want it back.”

  “It doesn’t look like you’re in a position to demand anything right now.”

  “Freeze, motherfucker! Put your hands in the air!” came Trevor’s voice.

  Vinny still could not see what was happening behind him.

  “Really? You dumb fucking animal, I have your guy bound, and I will shoot him. You drop your weapon,” the strange voice replied.

  “I don’t think that’s happening today. You’re outgunned three to two, and we could give a shit if he dies. He dragged us into this shit by making us come up here.”

  Vinny heard the sound of shuffling feet, weapons hitting the ground, and a knife cutting the duct tape that had him bound. He turned and saw a man about forty and a young woman being frisked. He also saw Trevor, Kyle, and Robert, standing there. Trevor had a gun pointed at Shannon while the others stripped the three of their weapons. The man had three guns, a knife, a machete, and a military vest. All three were also wearing Army helmets, but Vinny couldn’t believe that they were Army people. They weren’t dressed like soldiers, so he figured they’d probably stolen the helmets from somewhere. It was a good idea and one that he was going to have implement.

  “Good job, guys. Where’s the other three?”

  “Dwaine, Wayne, and Jack are all dead,” Trevor reported. “And Brandy. She was the one I shot. I didn’t know it at the time. Everything happened so fast and in a blur. Sorry, boss. It was her or me.”

  Vinny walked up to the man that Kyle and Robert was holding the arms of and punched him right in the stomach, knocking the air out of him. Then he punched the man in the nose, but not real hard, because that shit hurt his hand. It was mostly a show of power for his men.

  “Is that all you got? Jesus fucking Christ, you hit like a girl.”

  “You’re not going to think that later when I’m having my way with you. Where’s Mike and Steve? I want them here. NOW! Get on your little headset thingies and call him over here.”

  “I can’t. They’re out of range. This was a suicide mission. We came to kill as many of you as we could, knowing we were outnumbered. It gave my people plenty of time to get away. That’s why Brandy was here. After the atrocities she witnessed, she couldn’t live with herself anymore. I know she took great pleasure in killing that guy before she died.”

  This time, Vinny hit the man in the temple with the pistol that Robert had just given back to him.

  “What is your name, dickhead?”

  “Kris Kringle.”

  “Don’t make me repeat myself!”

  “Pere Noel.”

  “You’re starting to really piss me off!”

  “Don’t you love Tim Allen movie quotes?”

  “TELL ME YOUR GODDAMNED NAME BEFORE I BLOW YOUR FUCKING BRAINS OUT!” Vinny screamed so forcefully his face turned red. He was pressing the barrel of his pistol as hard as he could against the man’s forehead.

  “Bill, but you can call me daddy.”

  “And what’s your name?” Vinny asked of the woman yet to be named, ignoring Bill’s last comment.

  “Kathrin, and I would really appreciate it if you nasty fuckers would stop grabbing my boobs!”

  “Oh, honey, these guys are going to do a lot worse to you here in a little bit. We’re going to find a nice house with some food and comfortable beds and just enjoy the rest of the day. You guys are not allowed to touch Shannon. She’s coming back with us to be presented to the GM. However, Kathrin and Bill here, we’re going to have some fun with. Tomorrow, we go after Mike and Steve. I’m changing the plan a little.”

  Vinny had decided that Jack had had a good idea earlier.

  “Hey, fellas. Can I get a little help here? I’m bleeding pretty bad, and this shit hurts,” Jeff pleaded.

  “I never really liked you anyway,” Vinny said. Then he shot Jeff in the head.

  “Looks like not even a block away”—Kyle pointed to the west—“are a couple of houses. I say we start there since they’re close.”

  “All right, bind them up so they can’t run away. Then we will head over and set up for the night. I’ll let Charles know as soon as he makes radio contact again.”

  Then Vinny turned back to Bill and looked him over from head to toe. Twice.

  “You’re going to be fun, and then tomorrow, after we catch the rest of your little gang, I’m going to do twice as bad to the fucking asshole who flipped me off earlier.”

  “Yea, good luck finding him tomorrow.”

  “Wha—it was you, wasn’t it?”

  Bill didn’t say anything, so Vinny grabbed his balls and squeezed with everything he had. Bill didn’t even flinch. He knew that if he showed pain now, it would be worse in a little bit. Vinny got very frustrated by this and walked away.

  “I’m going to enjoy breaking him,” he told Robert while he was still in earshot of Bill.

  “We’re going to clear the house next door just for you, because we don’t want to hear it. Look, man, it’s not a dig on you, but we are going to be doing our own thing and don’t want to be interrupted by his screams. And I’m sure, likewise, you feel the same,” Robert said, chuckling.

  Vinny and Kyle walked behind their captives to keep them in line while the other two went ahead and cleared the first two houses on the south side of the street. They were almost there when the HF radio barked to life. Vinny filled in Charles on their spoils and told him that they would catch up with the rest of the RV gang tomorrow.

  “Dude, that’s not a good idea. We need to find Mike and Steve today. You know GM is going to start making people moves if he thinks we’re not coming back.”

  “Nah, he will move everything back when we get there and I give him a good blow job. You know he loves my mouth. HAHAHAHAHA!”

  It was one of the most evil, sadistic laughs Bill had ever heard.

  “Ok, man, whatever. I’m going to circle around a few times, see what direction they went. You guys better be ready to go when I get there. We’re not staying here tonight.”

  “Whatever, man, just get here and get a piece of this before these retarded monkeys break their football.”

  Vinny was the boss, GM had put him in charge of this mission, and if Charles left without them, he would die a brutal, painful death when Vinny got back.

  Shannon and Kathrin were guided into one house by the three men, and Bill was guided into the other by Vinny. Vinny pushed Bill over onto the bed, and Bill lashed out with his foot since his feet were still unbound. He missed, but Vinny just

  “Oh, it is going to be fun beating the spirit out of you.”

  “What does it matter? I’m going to die after you fuck the shit out me anyway. You’re telling me I shouldn’t fight for my life?”

  “You can fight. That will make it more fun of me. I get so hard when a man tries to fight me as I’m just about to enter his virgin butthole.”

  “Chief, Load. We have a visual on the houses y’all went into. Is he distracted enough for us to make entry?” Bill heard Q’s voice over the coms because Vinny hadn’t taken the helmet off yet.

  “Yup. This is going to hurt,” Bill said cryptically.

  “Copy. We’re breaching the house with the women first, so hang in their buddy. The plane is circling the town, so we gotta keep a low profile. See you soon. Keep your cheeks clenched,” said Q.

  “I know it is, ’cause I’m going to cut off what’s left of your ear right after I penetrate you. Make you scream more that way,” Vinny said with the smile of a serial killer.

  “Not ignoring what you just said, ’cause that is some creepy ass shit, but I’m a very left-brained person, and even in this time of peril, I gotta know, man. Where did you get that HF radio?”

  “We got it from the airport back in Campbellsville. Charles and I carry it with us, because we knew it would come in handy at times like this. Sometimes he annoys the shit out me. Like now, he nags me like a goddamned wife. But we’ve been friends for about thirty years. Now, where were we? Oh yes, I was about to tie you to the bed.”

  Bill almost relaxed, but then he saw Vinny come at him with some rope he’d pulled out of his bag. Vinny looped it over Bill’s left foot without even getting close. This frightened Bill very much, how good this guy was.

  Vinny managed to get Bill tied to the four corners of the bed without touching him—thinking back on it later, Bill was not sure how he did it. Bill’s arms started to ache from being pulled so tightly, especially the one with the bullet hole through it. Most of his clothing had been cut off. His body had little cuts everywhere from the knife point by the time the HF radio went off.


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