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Mystery by the Sea

Page 16

by David Sal

  “No, but I know she suspects something. This morning she looked at me, I don’t know, differently,” said Edgar, watching Irma’s office.

  “It’s all in your head. Don’t make things up. She would never know that you helped me,” said Lorenzo, downplaying his concerns.

  “On top of that, she’s been holed up in her office all morning. Something weird is going on. I’m sure of it,” assured Edgar, sinking down in his seat.

  “Stop worrying and concentrate on your job,” recommended Lorenzo, trying to calm him down.

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m doing,” said Edgar, looking at his still turned-off monitor. His colleague Karen appeared in front of Edgar, unmoving, with a look of death plastered on her face.

  “They want to see you in Irma’s office.”

  “Oh, no! It’s happening! I gotta let you go. They’re calling me,” Edgar said to Lorenzo before ending the call. When he put his phone away he paused and then turned toward Karen.

  “What do you mean by they want to see me?” Edgar asked with wide eyes.

  “Go on, get a move on,” said Karen, giving him a light shove before disappearing into the labyrinth of cubicles, as if in search of protection.

  Edgar felt as if everyone’s eyes were following him on his journey from the cubicle to Irma’s office. A quick glance out of the corner of his eye confirmed it. What most worried him was that no one was trying to hide it. It was something that everyone was in on except for him. When he opened the office door he found Irma seated at her desk and Detective Zayas seated in front of her. Zayas got up and moved toward him with an unfriendly face.

  “So then, are you Edgar Moya?” asked the detective, closing the door on the nosy glances from the entire floor.

  “That depends,” answered Edgar without looking at him.

  Edgar looked on nervously as Zayas informed him, “We just want to ask you a few questions related to a statement given by Mrs. Irma Alfonso. It has to do with a report of theft of corporate information and other computer crimes here in the building.”

  “Wh…what statement?” stuttered Edgar. Zayas invited him to take a seat, which Edgar immediately obeyed, understanding that it was an order.

  Zayas explained to Edgar how Lorenzo had utilized official, confidential company documents to try to prove that Irma had been the reason for Doris’ dismissal. Irma did not deny it but wanted to discover who was responsible for obtaining said documents for him, given that they could only be found saved on her computer. Knowing that Edgar had access to her computer while he carried out his daily tasks and because of his friendship with Doris, Irma identified him as the main suspect.

  At first, Edgar denied everything. Then he changed his story and confessed that he extracted the information. He related how he jumped over the property’s peripheral fence and then ran to the back of the office so as not to be detected by the cameras. Then he recounted in extravagant detail how he shot a hook to the roof, climbed up to the fourth floor, and entered through Irma’s office window. Lastly, he returned the way he had come without being detected after seizing the information that he was looking for.

  Zayas let out a slight smile at Edgar’s ridiculous story, but Irma was furious. She knew full-well that she was going down and she was not about to go down by herself. She wanted to take down whoever had stolen the information, too. The office door opened and Agent Gómez walked in, holding in his hands a piece of paper.

  “They found it. It was photographed,” said Gómez, extending the sheet of paper in front of Zayas. On the sheet was printed an image captured by the company’s security camera. On the image, Lorenzo could clearly be seen looking directly at the camera, dressed in overalls and a hat.

  “Surprise, surprise. The day and time match up but not the person,” said Zayas as he examined the image.

  Zayas moved closer to Edgar to show him the photo. Edgar guessed that the image corresponded to the exact moment when he had warned Lorenzo about the cameras. He sank down in his chair, feeling everyone’s glares on him like daggers.

  “I knew it!” shouted Irma. “That Lorenzo had to stick his nose where it didn’t belong. He’s going to pay for this. This is not how it’s going to end,” said Irma, exuding smoke.

  “How about you tell me the whole thing from the beginning, leaving out the part where you play the role of super-secret agent?” Zayas asked Edgar in a sarcastic tone. Edgar had no other choice than to shut his mouth and play stupid, for the fourth time.

  “I already told you everything I know,” answered Edgar firmly.

  Irma got up from her seat and, with a friendly smile, stooped down at Edgar’s side. Then she put her arm around his neck and brought his face next to hers.

  “Edgar, you should really think this through. We’re here to help you,” she said in a gentle, understanding tone, looking directly into his eyes. “I know you love working here. The work conditions are excellent and we have a lot of fringe benefits, like an exceptional health plan among others. No one has a plan with as many benefits as we do. But I don’t have to remind you of that, right? If anyone knows about that, it’s you. Looking at your records, you can clearly see that you are one of the employees that most benefits from the plan. Well, more like your mom, who’s sick and getting up there in age. Luckily, the plan helps her with all those medications, the nurses, and all those special needs she has. We wouldn’t want to put that in danger now, would we?” explained Irma to the astonishment of the agents and to Edgar’s defeat, without changing her pleasant tone.

  Zayas asked Irma to return to her seat. He pulled out a chair and sat down in front of Edgar.

  “Now you’re going to cooperate with us, right?” Zayas asked Edgar, who by now was completely dejected. “I think the first thing we’d like to know is where we can find Mr. Lorenzo Almeida right now. We know that you’ve had frequent phone contact with him over the last few days. Please.”

  Chapter 18

  The crème de la crème of the region’s floating properties emulated the delicate movement of the seawater. As part of the nautical club, its associates lodged their vessels in the sea and had access to the area’s most beautiful maritime zone. Lorenzo’s search for Alexis had brought him here. After asking for directions from a man he saw over the railing of a yacht, he walked along the pier, blown away by the beauty, practicality, and luxurious features of the boats anchored there. Without a doubt, many of their owners were genuine lovers of sailing and expert seafarers. Nevertheless, he was sure that many others had a boat simply because they could afford the luxury or because it was what was expected of them given their social status.

  It did not take Lorenzo long to find the watercraft he was looking for, Soleil del Mar, a Beneteau Antares boat that measured forty-six feet in length. This beauty came equipped with a cabin, control booth, and kitchen. It was not new but still rather recent and came with all the conveniences that one would expect of a boat in its class.

  The cabin’s glass door opened to make way for Alexis, who was completely relaxed. Lorenzo thought he looked very cheerful, whistling a happy melody that had a certain similarity to a song about life on the high sea that he knew from childhood. Alexis was dressed comfortably, with white shorts and a flowered tropical shirt. All he’s missing is a captain’s hat, thought Lorenzo. He felt guilty for showing up like this, with no warning, knowing that when he saw him, Alexis’ first thought would not be a happy one.

  Alexis jumped when he saw his unexpected visitor. He gave Lorenzo a welcoming smile anyway, though.

  “Lorenzo! To what do I owe this pleasure? Is everything all right?” said Alexis as pleasantly as he could. “Hop on board,” he invited him warmly.

  “Thanks. I’m surprised I found you. I really had to ask around and offer to do some favors,” said Lorenzo, laughing as he climbed on board, admiring every corner of the comfortable vessel.

  “Yes, you’ve finally discovered my hidden lair. I hope you know how to keep a secret,” said Alexis.

  “Don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me. But seriously, this boat is spectacular. It has a cabin and everything. Wow,” exclaimed Lorenzo with genuine fascination. Having a boat and enjoying sailing the sea was one of his oldest dreams. “I’m happy you’re doing well.”

  “Thank you, but sometimes appearances can deceive you. You see someone successful, who has a house, a boat, and time to enjoy it all. But the truth, I’m sorry to say, is very different,” said Alexis, taking a seat in one of the covered chairs. He signaled for Lorenzo to do the same and he consented. “For starters, this boat isn’t mine. It’s my dad’s. He lent it to me so I’d have somewhere to sleep,” said Alexis to Lorenzo’s surprise.

  “To sleep?” asked Lorenzo, confused.

  “Leyda and I are separated,” revealed Alexis with a heavy heart. “I think this time will be for good. She and the children stayed at home.”

  Lorenzo was the first person, outside of his family circle, to find out about the split. Not even his secretary was aware. Alexis was very protective of his reputation and family name. His parents and brothers lived the lives of exemplary families and he felt like the black sheep or the one singing off key. Although everyone denied it, he had spotted the difference in the way his family treated him. He was ashamed to go to family functions without his partner and have to answer all the uncomfortable questions from people who did not yet know about the breakup. No matter how hard he tried, he always felt isolated from the rest of his family members. Money had been one reason, and now his failed marriage was another.

  “I had no idea, man. I’m so sorry. For how long?” asked Lorenzo with genuine interest.

  “For a few months now. There were problems from the very beginning. We’ve never understood each other well,” accepted Alexis. “But I don’t want your pity, please. You don’t need to worry about my situation. I’m fine, really. Besides, I don’t plan to be here much longer. I’m already making arrangements and I’ve put a plan in place that will improve my situation considerably. Unforeseen events will always arrive, but if everything goes well, you’ll soon see me in a beachside apartment with a view of the sea…”

  “Man, that’s the best,” interrupted Lorenzo. “I live in front of the sea and I wouldn’t change it for the world. Well, actually, I’d change it if it would fix this problem with Doris.”

  “And we’re working on that. Don’t you forget it,” Alexis reminded him.

  “Actually, that’s why I came to see you…”

  “Look, I was thinking about the case,” cut in Alexis, “and I think that the new twist on the falsification of the invitation can help us claim temporary insanity. The truth is that they set her up and, as you know, no one knows how you’ll react in unexpected situations like that. And not just that, but I think that in her current state of health, the most likely outcome is that they’ll send her to a mental health institution. In my opinion, that’s the best course of action to follow at this moment,” declared Alexis, sounding as convincing as he could.

  “Whatever you say, I’m not going to intervene anymore,” stated Lorenzo, opening his hands toward Alexis. “I want you to know how much I appreciate the work you’re doing. I also want to assure you that, although you haven’t seen a penny yet, I’m going to pay your fees. I haven’t forgotten about it and I’m not messing with you,” asserted Lorenzo with the hope of smoothing over anything that his recent actions had caused in relation to the attorney.

  Alexis could not hide his surprise and delight to hear that Lorenzo finally accepted handing over the reins of the case to him completely. His passion to save his wife was admirable but had only brought him problems.

  “No, man, don’t worry. That’s not important right now,” said Alexis, minimizing the money issue.

  “I am worried about it, though,” replied Lorenzo. “Just so you know, I’m looking for work. And not just that, we have some savings reserved for an emergency, and this definitely counts as an emergency. We’re going to repay you, even more so now that I know that you really need it,” insisted Lorenzo, drawing a smile from Alexis. Alexis had never wanted to mention his fees given the situation’s sudden and unexpected nature, but he knew that, at some point, Lorenzo would. Nevertheless, he would not have complained if he never saw a cent. Not in this case.

  “Okay, I accept. But only under certain conditions,” said Alexis, holding up two fingers.

  “What conditions?”

  “First, you pay me when you are truly able. I promise. I’m not in any hurry to collect the money.”

  “Okay. And the second condition?” asked Lorenzo, crossing his arms.

  “The second is that we don’t talk about the case today and you come with me for a ride in the boat. We can eat something, have a drink, and clear our minds a little. What do you think?” offered Alexis, displaying a smile that was difficult to resist.

  “That’s the best offer I’ve received in a long time. It sounds great,” said Lorenzo with excitement, unable to hide a smile that was spreading from ear to ear. He had been under so much pressure over the last few days that just the simple act of smiling so purely, without control, felt like something new. He loved sailing but did not have a boat, so a lot of conditions had to be met for him to do so. That’s why so many years had passed since the last time he went sailing. This time, with the irresistible need to relax and the opportunity to do so on board a luxury ship, it was an offer that was impossible to refuse.

  “Good, let’s go, let’s go. The day is too beautiful to waste anchored here,” exclaimed Alexis, clapping his hands.

  Following Alexis’ instructions, Lorenzo helped him with the casting off and essential arrangements. Then they climbed the steps that led to the upper level, where they found the ship’s pilot controls. Alexis drew back the canvas roof covering the upper level. He wanted to feel the sun in all its splendor. Lorenzo was pleased with the panoramic view of the coast that could be seen from this viewpoint. He also watched Alexis’ every move with curiosity as he set Soleil del Mar in motion. As the ship cut through the calm seawater, leaving the island behind, it felt as though he were leaving his problems and worries behind on solid ground, too. They would, without a doubt, be awaiting him when he returned. But leaving them behind for a few hours would do him some good.

  Minutes later, once out at sea, Alexis gradually pushed the ship’s gas pedal, showing its vast power as it reached high speed in only a few seconds. It definitely helped that the sea was so calm that it looked like a sheet of glass. Lorenzo supposed that Alexis did it to display his toy’s power, but it did not bother him because he did not see it as pretentious. Actually, he secretly hoped that Alexis would show him the boat’s ability so that he would not have to ask for anything that grabbed his attention. Like, for example, what the sailing system was equipped with, which looked like the latest GPS technology, and how the propulsion system worked, aside from exploring all the comforts and amenities that the fiberglass ship had to offer.

  Alexis piloted the ship, covering a few nautical miles before pulling back to shore. During the journey, he treated Lorenzo like a tourist, telling stories and identifying places of interest. Lorenzo already knew the majority of those places, but Alexis’ descriptions, sprinkled with stories about his adventures or tales that he had heard from people like his dad, made him feel as if he were visiting new and uncharted territory.

  Lorenzo realized that he had a lot in common with Alexis. He was sorry that it was not until now, after so many years of knowing each other and under such unpleasant circumstances, that they had the opportunity to share more than a brief wave of the hand when crossing the street. He hoped it would not all stop here and that in the end they could compensate for some of the lost time. After all, it looked like Alexis could use the support of a close friend because of his separation.

  After almost an hour of sailing, Alexis let Lorenzo choose where they should drop anchor to rest. His options from which to choose included a deserted area, removed from the hustle
and bustle of the vacationers or an area closer to a beach, speckled with sunbathers. The remote and quiet option was the more tempting of the two for Lorenzo, but the distant sound of people enjoying the beach was very comforting to him. It was the sound that transported him back to the days when he visited the beach with his family and did not have to worry about anything, not even about how much time he spent in the water because his mother would constantly remind him. Alexis’ preference was the silent area, too, but he wanted to please Lorenzo. In any case, at this distance, the hustle and bustle was not a bothersome noise that would ruin their much yearned-for rest and peace.


  The boat balanced gracefully atop the gentle swaying of the waves, anchored near the beach. There, along the shore, you could make out a group of people enjoying the beach. Alexis asked Lorenzo to come with him inside the cabin to prepare some sandwiches in the kitchen. When they walked inside, Lorenzo’s breath was momentarily taken away by the beauty of the completely wooden living room and kitchen. Everything was smaller, but none of the functionality was lost thanks to the ingenious design evident in every corner of the ship.

  “My father bought this boat years ago, and he’s practically never used it. It’s like-new,” explained Alexis while pulling out some ingredients from a small built-in refrigerator. He offered Lorenzo a beer, which Lorenzo turned down, explaining his problem with alcoholic beverages. Alexis saw it as a defense mechanism that he wished he had. There had been more than a few times that he had drowned his misery with generous quantities of alcohol, only to later regret it when he was suffering an awful hangover. Now he had to force himself to drink just a little at a time and only on special occasions. This seemed sufficiently special to at least have one beer.


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