Scheme of Maneuver: A Career Soldier Military Romance

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Scheme of Maneuver: A Career Soldier Military Romance Page 7

by Tawdra Kandle

  I knew that Leah was aware of the situation as well. She was too swamped with classes, homework and balancing all of that with her baby and husband to pay much attention, but she did go out of her way to treat Owen with special sweetness whenever he was over. I appreciated that.

  What was really eating me up, though, even beyond the tension between my brother, my boyfriend and me, was the fact that Owen and I had so little private time. Between his work, my responsibilities with Emma and our living environments—his room at the barracks and mine in Kade and Leah’s house—we’d yet to move very far beyond long, involved kisses and groping. I was growing frustrated, and I knew Owen was, too. But whenever we made plans to be alone, they seemed to be mysteriously thwarted by emergency childcare needs or extra Army shifts of duty.

  On the positive side, getting to know Owen in a non-carnal, getting-naked way had been wonderful. We really did enjoy spending time together, whether it was watching movies on the couch or taking the baby for walks. We could talk for hours, we laughed at the same kind of comedy, and we argued passionately about the important questions of life: Angel or Spike? Captain America or Ironman? Sam or Dean Winchester?

  “Jacey, honey, come on. It’s clear as hell that Dean is the main character of the show. He’s the penultimate anti-hero, and he’s always having to save Sam’s sorry ass. Also, Sam needs a real haircut. He’s looked like a dork since the fifth season.”

  “That is so not true.” I bent down to adjust Emma’s hat so that it shielded her soft baby skin from the sun. She kicked her small feet in the stroller and grinned up at me, melting my heart. I touched her cheek before straightening so we could resume our walk to the park. It was a sunny Sunday afternoon. Leah was at a study session, and Kade had once again been called into work for something or other. He’d been vague about why he had to go back to post, which made me skeptical. But I wasn’t going to complain when I had Owen strolling along with me, carrying the baby bag on his shoulder. It felt like an oddly domesticated scene for two people who hadn’t even had sex yet.

  “It is true. Ask anyone. Supernatural is the story of the older brother who makes the hard decisions and sacrifices in order to keep Sam safe. Meanwhile, Sam drinks the demon blood and does crazy shit that makes Dean’s job even harder.”

  I snorted. “Sam doesn’t want to have that power over demons. He didn’t ask to be part of Yellow-Eyes’ recruits. He paid for that so many times—first he lost his mom, and then Jess—oh, and let’s not forget his world-saving swan dive into hell with Michael.”

  “Which Dean tried to prevent, because he knew he’d end up having to straighten out everything again in the long run. You do remember that Sam returned without his soul, right?”

  We’d arrived at the park, and while I parked the stroller near an empty bench, Owen leaned down to unbuckle Emma and take her out of the seat. A funny sensation spun in my stomach at the sight of this huge man so tenderly holding my small niece. There was just something about a big, built military guy carrying a baby that made my ovaries explode. The scariest part was that frequently, what I was feeling was more than just jump-my-bones-now lust. This was deeper and far more dangerous, because it carried with it a risky craving for forever.

  “Jacey? You okay, honey? You’re just staring.” Owen’s forehead crinkled as he watched me.

  “Yeah. I’m fine. Sorry.” I retrieved my phone from the back pocket of my jeans. “Let’s take the princess to the swings. I want to get a few pictures of her there. She has the best smiles when she’s swinging.”

  Owen settled Emma in the baby safety seat that hung on the large chains, making certain the buckle was secure, and then he stood behind her, giving the swing gentle pushes that made the baby crow with glee. I crouched to the side, holding out my phone to frame the shot.

  “Oh, look at you, sweetie! Such a beauty. Emmmmma . . .” I clicked several pictures. “She’s so photogenic. Look at these.” I swiped across the screen to show him the photos. “I’m going to have them printed and frame them for Leah’s birthday next week.”

  “Jacey, those are really good. Especially since you took them with your phone.” Owen skimmed over the shots again. “Do you have a legit camera?”

  I shook my head. “I did when I was in high school. I took a few photography classes, and I was the photographer for the school newspaper.” I paused, remembering. “That’s actually how I got into makeup. During my first year at college, I did a photo session for senior portraits for underprivileged high school students as part of a charity, and the makeup artist who’d volunteered got sick. I offered to step in, and it turned out I had a knack for it. That part began paying better than the photography did, so eventually, I was only doing makeup.”

  “But you enjoyed doing the photos?” Owen gave the swing another slight push.

  “I loved it. It was as though I could see who people really were through that lens. I liked capturing the unguarded moments, the parts that they hadn’t planned to show me. I had an awesome teacher in high school who taught me this trick. When I was doing a session, I’d ask unexpected, off-the-wall questions. When someone asks you something that takes you by surprise, your face reacts in a way that’s amazingly genuine.” With a subtle flip of my finger, I turned the app back to camera mode. “So Owen . . . when the hell are you going to take me somewhere we can finally get naked and fuck like bunnies?”

  The expression on his face as he processed my question was priceless, just the reaction I’d been hoping to see. As fast as I could, I lifted the camera and snapped a series of quick pictures.

  “Slick move, lady.” His cheeks had gone a lovely shade of red. “Was that just for the sake of getting a—what did you call it? An amazingly genuine reaction?”

  I slid my arm around his waist and let my hand wander over that very fine, firm ass. “The picture was an added bonus. The question was real.” I stood on my toes and pressed a kiss to his neck, where I could feel the drumming of his pulse under my lips. “I want you, Owen. I want more than just kisses and making out on my brother’s sofa or in your parked car. I want a whole night with you, where we can do whatever we want.”

  He combed his fingers through my hair. “I want that, too. I didn’t want to push, but I think . . . I have an idea. Is there any chance you could keep next Saturday night and Sunday open? Do Kade and Leah need you over next weekend?”

  I leaned into his strong body, considering. “Leah has a Saturday class, but it’s over by one in the afternoon. I have a feeling that if I tell her what’s going on, she’ll run interference for me so Kade doesn’t come up with a reason why I’m desperately needed there. And if I don’t say anything to my brother about my plans, maybe he won’t try to keep me home.”

  “Cool. So mum’s the word.” Owen nodded. “I’ll keep quiet on my end, too. Not that Kade and I hang out so much anymore.”

  I grimaced. “I hate that he’s letting this get in the way of your friendship. I’m about ready to knock some sense into his head.”

  Owen shrugged. “I’m not worried. I figure once he realizes that I’m not just after you for a quickie, once he knows I’m planning to stay around for the long-term, he’ll feel better and things will get back to normal.”

  I hoped he was right and was about to say that when an older lady paused next to us, beaming down at Emma.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I’ve been sitting over there with my friends, and we were watching you three. May I just say how sweet and precious it is to see a couple like you, so clearly in love, and with such an adorable baby?” Her Virginia accent was deep as she lay her hand over her heart. “It so warms my heart. And young man, I can see that you’re one of our military boys, aren’t you? Thank you for your service to our country.”

  Owen flushed all over again. “I appreciate that, ma’am. I just do my job, like we all do.”

  The woman shook her head. “No, y’all put your lives on the line for us . . . and your families make tremendous sacrifices, too. All t
oo often the wives and children pay a high price without anyone realizing it. I didn’t want to miss this chance to thank you.” She patted Owen’s arm. “Y’all are in my prayers. God bless.”

  Owen and I were both quiet as the woman ambled away. I wondered if he was panicking that the lady had assumed I was his wife and Emma was our baby. He hadn’t corrected her, but she hadn’t exactly let either of us get a word in edgewise.

  Before I could say anything about it, he tugged me closer and kissed the top of my head. “Would it freak you out if I said I kind of liked that? Not the lady thanking me,” he hastened to add. “The part where she was thinking we were a family. I don’t want you to think I’m rushing things, but the idea of you and me, together for the long haul . . . it feels right. I can see it, you know? The two of us, and maybe some little ones.” He reached down to tickle Emma’s chin. “As long as they were as cute as the princess here.”

  I schooled my face to be completely serious. “I don’t know, Owen. I mean, you’re super hot, for sure . . .” I affected an exaggerated SoCal speech pattern. “And I like you. A lot. But I just don’t see how I could commit to a life time with a man who doesn’t understand that Sam Winchester is the real hero of Supernatural.”

  Owen’s lips twitched, and I caught the gleam in his eyes. “That is a tough issue to get around, but I’m confident we can make it work . . . as long as you agree to raise the children my way. You can believe anything you want.”

  I giggled. “We could always let them decide for themselves once they’re old enough.” I nodded. “That seems to be the best way.”

  He bent to hoist Emma from the swing, holding her between us as he leaned to kiss me lightly on the lips. “Yeah, I think that’s the way to do it. I’m willing to compromise on that, because the truth is . . . I’m completely crazy for you, Jacey Braggs.”

  With that, Owen claimed the last remaining piece of my heart for his own. “I’m happy to hear it, Owen Hughes, because I’m kind of gone on you, too.”

  * * *

  Over the following week, I felt a little like a secret agent. Owen maintained a deliberately low profile by not coming over to the house in the evenings, and I made a point of avoiding any mention of him when I was with Kade. I’d managed to have a long talk with my sister-in-law on Monday morning, after Kade had left for work, and she’d been more than happy to play her part.

  “You know, Jacey, it’s not that Kade is doing this maliciously,” she’d sighed when I’d pointed out how often my brother had interfered with my dating life. “I understand that he’s being a pain in the ass. I know it’s ridiculous. But he just can’t seem to get it through his head that you’re a grown up. To him, you’re still the little girl he needs to protect at all costs.”

  “I know that.” I bounced Emma on my lap. “He’s going to have to get over it, though. The more time I spend with Owen, the more sure I am . . .” I hesitated. “I think I’m falling in love with him, Leah. I know it’s crazy-fast, and maybe you’ll think I’m being stupid.”

  She shook her head. “No, you’re not. I’ve been around the two of you. I see how Owen looks at you, and the way you look right back at him. It reminds me of how Kade and I feel about each other. Sometimes, love builds slow and steady. Sometimes it’s fast and forever.” She swiped her baby from my arms and blew a raspberry into her neck. “And sometimes, it takes a surprise baby to make you see who’s the one meant for you.” She smiled at me over her daughter’s fair head. “None of us fall in love the same way, Jacey. But no one way is better than another. We can’t judge others’ lives because their way is different from our own. I’ll never forget that when Kade called up you and your mom and told you both about me, that he and I were about to have a baby, neither of you made me feel guilty or wrong. You welcomed me into your family from the first time we spoke. If Owen is the man for you, if you love him, I’ll stand by you, no matter what. And don’t worry about your brother. He’ll come around.”

  I hoped she was right, but on that Saturday as I packed the small overnight bag Owen had instructed me to bring with us, I still wasn’t sure how Kade was going to react. Leah had come home from her morning class at the college and announced that it was such a beautiful day, she was in the mood for a family hike. Kade had agreed, and now they were getting ready to take the baby over to the Petersburg Battlefield to tromp around in the sunshine.

  Kade had invited me, but I’d told him that I didn’t feel like it, suggesting that they needed some family time without me hanging around. With any luck, they’d be out of the house before Owen showed up to get me.

  And they were. I’d watched surreptitiously from behind the curtain in my room as their car pulled out of the driveway and down the street before I texted Owen.

  Jacey: The coast is clear.

  It felt more than a little wrong to be sneaking around like this, behind my brother’s back, but I reminded myself that it was his actions and attitude that had put me in this position. He was the one acting like a child. Once he realized that I was going to insist on living my own life, on my terms, he’d settle down . . . I hoped.

  All thoughts of Kade and his irritating behavior fled from my mind when I saw Owen’s car slide up to the curb. With a happy little skip in my step, I slung my small bag over one arm and headed down to meet him at the door.

  He hadn’t told me where we going, only asking that I pack shorts, a bathing suit and lots of nudity. I liked the way his mind worked. I’d managed to include a few fun pieces of lingerie, and under the short cotton sundress I was wearing now, I had on a very small pair of sexy panties and a matching lacy bra. I was prepared for any possibility.

  “Hey, babe.” Owen wrapped me in his arms the minute I opened the front door. “God, you’re gorgeous.” He cradled my head in his hands and leaned down to kiss me, hard and fast. “Care to come away with me for some fun and adventure?”

  “If the fun includes naked time, take me away.” I snuggled into his arms. “I’m yours for as long as you want me.”

  “That might be a dangerous promise.” His voice was rough, and I felt the hard outline of his cock pushing against my stomach.

  “I trust you,” I murmured, running my hand down the muscles of his back. “Now let’s go. I want you naked and on top of me as soon as possible.”

  Owen took my bag and held my hand as I locked the door behind me. He’d just popped the trunk of his car to toss in my suitcase when a familiar car pulled into the driveway. I squinted over my shoulder as my brother jumped out and stalked over to us.

  “Oh, this can’t be good,” I breathed, glancing up at Owen. “Let me handle him, okay? This is between the two of us—Kade and me.”

  Owen looked as though he was going to argue with me for a minute, and then he nodded. “I’ve got your back.”

  “What the hell, Jacey? What do you think you’re doing? Sneaking out of the house like a guilty teenager the minute my back is turned?” Kade’s hands were on his hips, and his chest was heaving. His jaw was clenched. Over his shoulder, I spotted Leah, mouthing an apology to me from the passenger seat of the car.

  “First of all, I’m not sneaking anywhere. I’m going away for the night with my boyfriend. I’m twenty-six years old, Kade. I’m not fifteen, I’m not a kid, and I’m not your responsibility. I’m a grown woman. Secondly, you’re acting like an idiot. You’ve alienated your friend, and you broke your promise to me—the one where you said you wouldn’t interfere with my relationship with Owen.” I crossed my arms and tapped my foot. “Why are you even here, anyway?”

  He shrugged, looking away. “I forgot my wallet. I guess it’s a good thing I did, or we wouldn’t have known where you were when we got home. Did you even think about that, Jacey? When you were being all grown-up and shit? Did you stop to consider other people’s feelings?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Leah knew what was happening. I would have been happy to have told you, too, but you were too busy acting like a horse’s ass!” I threw up my hands. “
God, you’re just impossible, Kade. Did you ever stop and think that what you’re doing is making me less and less happy about my decision to move out here? I was excited to come help you and Leah. I love Emma, you know that. But I can’t keep this up. If you’re going to behave like a jerk whenever I spend time with Owen, I won’t stay here. I’ll move out.”

  “Is that a threat?” A tic jumped in Kade’s cheek. “You’re threatening me that if I don’t let you go out carousing with this guy you just met, you’re going to run away from home? Real mature, Jacey. Real mature.”

  “I’m not threatening anything, Kade.” I was suddenly tired of this. Tired of fighting my brother, tired of having to convince him that I was capable of running my own life. “I’m not carousing. I’m going away with my boyfriend, not running off on a drunken weekend with a bunch of men. And Owen isn’t just some guy.” I swallowed. “He’s the man I love. I want to go spend a night alone with him because we’re in love, Kade. If you can’t accept that—accept us—then yeah, I’ll have to find alternate living arrangements. I don’t want to do it, but I will if you force my hand.”

  Kade stared at me, frowning. His forehead wrinkled. “You’re in love with him? With Owen?”

  “She is.” Owen stepped closer to me, snugging my back against his solid front. “I love Jacey. We’re together, and if you can’t accept that . . . well, that’s kind of sad. I’d like to think you could be happy for your sister and a man you call your friend.”

  Kade blinked, but he didn’t say anything.

  Owen closed his hand around mine. “C’mon, honey. Let’s go. We’ll talk with Kade when we get back, but tonight is our time, for just us.” He guided me to the passenger side and opened the door to let me in. After he’d shut the door again, I watched in the mirror as he rounded the back of the car, pausing by Kade to lay a hand on his shoulder before he joined me, sliding into the driver’s seat.

  “You okay?” He examined me closely, twining our fingers together and bringing my hand to his lips.


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