Sorcerous Flame (Harem of Sorcery Book 2)

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Sorcerous Flame (Harem of Sorcery Book 2) Page 7

by Lana Ames

  “That’s the spirit!” Javier said. The first few buttons of his shirt were already undone; now he unbuttoned his cuffs and rolled his sleeves up a few turns, then bent down and took his shoes off. “Here, now you won’t feel so alone.”

  “Great idea,” Mahlen said. He shrugged out of the long-sleeved flannel he had on over his T-shirt and set it on my sweatshirt.

  Jorge just grinned at us all. “I won’t tell you how I usually dress to work in here, when I’ve got a model. But you’re all on the right track.”

  I got a sudden mental image of Jorge, naked, standing behind his easel, while I stretched, equally unclothed, out on the divan…my core temperature shot up again, and there were those sparkles of electricity…

  Covering my sudden flush, I took another sip of the wine, then noticed I’d nearly finished the glass. Javier also noticed, and came to refill it. “Thanks,” I said, putting my hand over the glass belatedly. “I don’t want to get rip-roaring drunk, though.”

  “Oh, you won’t,” Jorge assured me. “We all had enough dinner, we can stand a little more wine. Is it helping to relax you?”

  I shrugged. “Maybe?”

  “Music!” Mahlen said, and pulled his phone out of his pocket.

  “Put that away, I can do better than that,” Jorge said. Again he darted out to his bedroom; a minute later, gentle smooth jazz filled the room, coming from tiny but excellent speakers I hadn’t even noticed before. “Can’t believe I forgot that,” he said, settling back in his chair. “Maybe I’m nervous too. Or distracted. Or something.”

  We all smiled at each other. The room grew warmer. And not just because of the central heating.

  It was really, really nice to be so cared for. I’m a huge supporter of enthusiastic consent and all that, and I really appreciated that nobody was rushing me. But…there was no getting around the basic facts here. I felt kind of put on the spot, to be perfectly honest. I’d agreed to do it, and Jorge had explained what was involved, and they were working hard to fill me with wine and make the room cozy and all…but, at a certain point, it was just going to be up to me to take my clothes off.


  Right. So…no time like the present, I thought. I reached down and unlaced my boots, then started working one of them off.

  Mahlen saw what I was doing and immediately got on the floor at my feet. He pulled off one boot, gently setting it on the floor before returning for the other one. “Socks next?” he murmured.

  “Yes, please.”

  He reached up under the cuffs of my jeans, found the tops of my socks, and rolled them off, caressing my calves as he did. It felt really, really good; I wasn’t sure I’d ever had a man take my shoes and socks off. I purred a little and wiggled my toes, then glanced up at the twins, who were both watching us.

  “You do have to get used to being looked at, I’m afraid,” Jorge said. “That is kind of part of being a model.”

  “Right.” I smiled back at them both, tentatively. Javier raised his glass at me, then sipped. They both looked so…unrushed. Appreciative. But they were still looking at me.

  Maybe it would be better if I just pretended they weren’t there. I turned back to Mahlen. “That was really helpful,” I said. “Maybe you can help with the rest of my clothes too?”

  “It would be my pleasure.” He got up, then reached a hand to draw me to my feet so we stood facing each other. “Easier this way, I think.”

  “Mm-hmm,” I murmured, because now he had leaned in and was kissing me. I closed my eyes, kissing him back, feeling only him. The delight of his presence, his earthy sexy scent so close, making me swoon… It was only Mahlen and me in this room, only the two of us. Just us, nobody else, just us…

  His hands made their way downward, untucking my T-shirt and raising it up. I pulled back from the kiss, keeping my eyes closed, and raised my arms for him to pull the shirt over my head. Now I was really glad for the heat; I could feel the brush of cold from the windows behind me, but the warm air caressed my back as well.

  As did Mahlen’s hands, as they reached behind me to undo my bra. “No bondage tonight?” I whispered, grinning.

  “Well, maybe later, if you really want it…”

  I could hear both brothers chuckle. But no, they weren’t here, it was just me and my new lover…

  Mahlen pulled my bra straps off my shoulders and let the bra fall away between us. He didn’t even pause as he moved to my waistband and unbuttoned my jeans. Somehow, he now understood that momentum was going to make it the easiest for me. He pushed my jeans and panties down together; I shifted my hips just a bit, helping the jeans to slide over them, and down, down. His hands followed them down; I lifted each foot, at his prompting, so he could take the pants away entirely.

  And now I was naked.

  All I needed to do was open my eyes.

  Or did I? Since it was somehow easier this way…and what was the rush anyway? Because Mahlen’s hands were still on my body, moving up my legs again, caressing my thighs, and my hips, and reaching around to cup my ass. I moaned and leaned forward, seeking him, still blindly; his mouth found mine and we kissed once more, deeply. My soul yearned outward toward his as I drank him in, tasting all the amazing food and wine and chocolate he’d had, and also him, himself, his essence.

  Behind him, I vaguely heard movement, but didn’t stop to wonder at it. Couldn’t. And in a moment, I heard the unmistakable sound of pencil on paper. Jorge was sketching us kissing.

  But instead of feeling shy about it, it just turned me on.

  I leaned harder into Mahlen, moaning again and twisting a bit in his arms, pulling him closer to me. Jorge’s pencil moved faster, capturing the moment, every bit of our connection; he was close enough that I could hear him breathe. He was breathing…a little faster than usual?

  Yes. Faster and harder. Oh god. I kept my eyes closed and kissed Mahlen and listened to Jorge wanting me…wanting to be a part of this…embrace.

  And where was Javier during all this?

  A moment later, my question was answered, as I felt a gentle hand at the back of my head. Though I still kept my eyes shut, I knew it had to be the other twin, because Mahlen’s hands were both very busy down lower, cupping and caressing my ass, pulling me tight against him. I felt his hardness even through his jeans. Behind me, Javier unraveled the stretchy band and began unbraiding my hair. Soon my hair fell loose around my shoulders, and Javier was combing it gently between his fingers.

  Then his face drew closer, and he placed a tiny kiss on the back of my head. He was breathing in the scent of me as Mahlen kissed me. I sighed and nudged Javier, encouraging him. Only his hands and lips touched me; Mahlen had the rest of me pulled so tight to him.

  And behind us all, Jorge sketched and sketched. I heard another sheet being torn off and thrown to the floor, a new drawing started.

  Javier’s breathing turned into kissing once more, as he held my hair in both hands, holding it up, away from the back of my neck. He planted kisses there, sweet tantalizing kisses. Then he dropped my hair and caressed my back, running his hand slowly down it.

  His hand grazed Mahlen’s, meeting at my ass. The two men seemed to communicate without words; perhaps their eyes met, I don’t know, I couldn’t see a thing behind my eyelids. I just kept kissing Mahlen, and then Mahlen’s hands were still on my ass while Javier’s hands…crept around front.

  Javier stood so close behind me, reaching around to cup my breasts, running a rough finger over each nipple—how were his fingers so rough? Bankers don’t work with their hands! I stifled a delighted gasp and wriggled a little as I pushed forward into his hands.

  Doing so, of course, pushed me closer to Mahlen, deepening our kiss…I hadn’t thought it could go any deeper. He groaned and pressed against me, and now my hands finally made their way down to his jeans, because he needed to get out of those jeans, just plain out of them.

  I fumbled, and finally my eyes just popped open, because I could no longer stand to not see thi
s gorgeous man in front of me, in my arms. And it certainly made getting him out of his jeans easier. In a moment, I had him unbuttoned and unzipped and both pants and shorts shoved to the floor. His cock strained toward me, pressing into my belly.

  Another sheet was torn off. I glanced over Mahlen’s shoulder at Jorge for a moment. The artist was as intent on his sketch as he was on us, glancing at the three of us and back to his paper in a rapid back-and-forth. His hand never stopped moving; the tip of his tongue was caught in the corner of his mouth, sticking out just the tiniest bit, and it was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen…and then my attention was drawn back to what was happening to my body, just the nicest things possible, and I forgot about Jorge again, just forgot altogether.

  Mahlen had left off kissing me when we tossed his pants away, and was now nibbling at my neck, trailing little bites and kisses downward. Javier followed his movements, drawing his own hands downward as well, leaving my breasts just as Mahlen got to them. Javier’s strong, rough hands grasped my hips for a moment, then pulled me toward him, gently but suggestively…

  I moaned as Mahlen began sucking on an erect nipple, closing my eyes again and leaning into Javier’s hands. Suddenly Javier picked me up, cupping my ass and holding all my weight as he lifted me…to Mahlen.

  Mahlen was a lot taller than me; now, lifted as I was, we matched up. He gave a sharp gasp of surprise and straightened, holding himself just at my opening as he looked into my eyes.

  “Oh yes, just like that,” Jorge muttered, still scribbling. “Hold still a moment, just there—you guys, my god.”

  Mahlen’s eyes were a question, Are you okay with this? I smiled and nodded back at him. Yes, yes I was. More than okay. I was only not okay with the terrible torture of having to hold still, holding him out of me, there-but-not-there.

  Time stood still as we held the pose, Javier holding my weight against Mahlen, me with my hands on Mahlen’s strong shoulders, Mahlen’s hands back on my breasts. I trembled with desire, the sparks and fire coursing through my veins, yearning, needing, desperate…

  “Okay,” Jorge whispered, and Javier eased me forward as Mahlen plunged into me. I wrapped my legs around Mahlen’s waist, but I hardly had to hold on; Javier did it for me.

  A girl could get used to such service…

  Mahlen thrust into me, feverish with the heat that boiled between the two of us, eager for release. I met his thrusts at least as eagerly, rocking into him; Javier understood our rhythm perfectly, easing me forward, holding me as I withdrew, and then forward again. Javier kissed my neck again, breathing in my ear, whispering encouragement.

  I vaguely noticed Jorge repositioning the easel, now watching us from around the side, still sketching madly. Paper littered the floor, and then I didn’t care, I was back in this ecstatic union of the three of us.

  Mahlen’s climax was building, I could feel it, I already knew his rhythm, even his particular scent as he drew closer. It was all I could do to hold myself back long enough to bring him with me. And Javier was groaning against me, holding my ass tight but also pressing his swollen cock to me, I could feel it through the wool of his suit trousers, the fabric rough and soft at the same time; the cock only hard, so hard.

  The magenta fire grew in me, building hotter and hotter; I was going to burst into flames if I didn’t let it out. I closed my eyes once more and just rocked, riding the wave higher, higher, and then at last, at long last, suddenly crested, letting out a yelp of joy and delight and release, riding Mahlen’s hard, perfect cock—

  —which suddenly erupted inside me, filling me with his cum as he shouted too, and then we were gasping together and I was also laughing like a crazy woman, and it didn’t matter, because the whole thing was crazy, we were all crazy, and the orgasm shattered through me, wiping away all my shyness and hesitation and, well, sanity…

  I clung to Mahlen, and Javier clung to me, as Mahlen and I eased down, at last eased off the ledge and back down into the real world. “Oh my god,” Mahlen said, reaching forward and brushing a damp strand of hair off my face, tucking it gently behind my ear. I smiled at him, and he leaned forward and gave me a gentle kiss. Sweat was beaded on his forehead; it was really, marvelously hot in here.

  And behind me, here was Javier, pressing at me still…I could feel that his heat was only building. His release was yet to come.

  Mahlen took a small step back, easing out of me, leaving me only in Javier’s arms. I drew my legs back down, letting Mahlen step away as Javier sat down on the lounge behind us, pulling me into his lap in the process. The wool of his pants tickled and scratched my bare thighs and ass. I leaned back in his arms, turning my head to give him a kiss without even realizing I’d decided to do so.

  Fire shot through me as our tongues touched, and I was suddenly inflamed with desire again, as though my orgasm had never happened, and I needed one now, right away. Javier groaned and kissed me harder, deeper, curving around me, turning me on his lap, trying to get as close to me as possible.

  “Lay her out on the bed,” came Jorge’s rough, low voice. He tore off another sheet of paper. “Stretch her out.”

  Javier obeyed his twin, easing me out of his lap and onto the divan. I whimpered as he removed his mouth from mine to do so, and looked between the three men—Mahlen looking tenderly down at me, Javier inflamed with lust, Jorge caught somewhere in the nexus between desire and art (if those are different things). I could only whimper; I had somehow lost my words, I was just a puddle of delight and desire.

  “That’s right,” Jorge said, as Javier ran his hands over my body, touching my breasts, the curve of my belly, the swell of my hips; and my thighs, knees, calves, before moving his hands upward again. I opened my legs, trying with my body to say what my voice could not produce. Fuck me.

  Jorge had placed his easel just beside the divan, below my knees; and Javier was now sitting beside my head; so that Mahlen had to stand at my feet, watching me be adored by all. I made a huge effort and found my voice, finally managing to whisper, “This is…okay?”

  Mahlen’s grin grew; his smile made the sun come out. “This is amazing. My darling. You…I’ve never been so turned on in all my life.” He looked up at his friend Javier, still beaming, then back into my eyes. “Fuck him. I want you to fuck him.”

  I want to fuck him…

  I looked up at Javier, then reached for his belt. That was all the encouragement he needed; he immediately took over, loosening his belt and shedding his pants like they were on fire. Well, perhaps they were. His cock was a thing of utter beauty: tawny-dark, like the rest of him, and thick and sturdy. Long enough, oh yes, plenty long enough…but it was its girth that set my heart a-flutter and made my mouth hang open. Oh, now I really want to fuck him…

  But first I wanted to taste that beautiful cock. I reached for it with one hand, and with my other hand I took Javier’s hip, drawing him closer.

  “Oh yes,” Jorge hissed, leaning in so he could see, as his pencil kept racing across the paper. “Yes, yes.”

  Javier’s breath was coming in fast panting gasps already, and I hadn’t even taken him into my mouth yet…I leaned up as I pulled him closer, propping myself on an elbow so I could take him all in.

  Oh my god he was delicious. He moaned as I wrapped my lips around his gorgeous cock, tasting, encircling, holding. Then I gently sucked him, up and down, moving slowly, letting it last. He buried his hand in my hair, holding me to him as he worked his hips against me, still gentle, but I could tell he was holding back, quivering with pent-up desire.

  This man would not last long.

  I drew back, letting his cock slip out of my mouth; I had better plans for it. “Now,” I whispered, and Javier knew, he did not hesitate, merely climbed on top of me on the divan, straddling me as he gazed down into my eyes.

  Beside us, Jorge sketched on, inches from us. At my feet, Mahlen waited, watching, beaming at us.

  I opened my legs further and reached for Javier’s hips, guiding him in.

  When he entered me, I nearly came at once; the spark of electrical fire that had been spinning through my veins since last night swelled and pulsed, making me gasp with pleasure. Javier’s eyes rolled back as he lowered his hips, driving into me, pumping hard and fast. Nothing gentle here, no buildup: this was sudden fast fucking, pinning me to the couch like he could hold me there forever…he leaned down over me, letting me take his whole weight, his whole amazing thick cock. I moaned and yowled with urgent fever, taking him, wanting him deeper, harder. I wrapped my legs around his ass and drove him into me at least as hard as he drove himself; I arched my back and thrust my chest up, trying to get closer, closer—

  —and then we both exploded in orgasm, it was like magic, as if I could feel his orgasm as much as I could feel mine. Every shudder and twitch, I knew where it went through his veins, his nerves; we were two bodies, linked by this magic, this magenta fire that owned us, rolling through us both.

  Oh my god oh my god oh my god just kept wafting through my shattered mind, I could make no sense of any of this, the pleasure, the amazingness of it all…

  An eternity and a half later—did it take longer each time to come back to myself?—I blinked and looked around the room, at this most ridiculous, absurd, unprecedented, crazy…

  “You are simply amazing,” Mahlen said. He was now standing beside us, beside my head on the divan; I hadn’t even noticed him leaving our feet. He reached down and caressed my cheek, again brushing my hair out of my eyes. I felt cherished, cared for; but also bewildered.

  What had just happened here?

  Somewhere in the distance, I heard the grandfather clock chime twelve times.

  “Midnight!” Jorge said, clearing his throat and scooting his easel back six or eight inches. “I had no idea it had gotten so late.”

  “Mmm,” Javier murmured, still atop me. Clearly he was taking even longer to return to his senses. He blinked down at me, then turned his head to glance around the room before smiling back at me. “Wow.”

  “Wow indeed,” I said. I was waiting for this all to feel awkward…and yet somehow, it refused to. It was just feeling like the most natural thing in the world, to be here lying under one man, with another man (my brand-new lover!) caressing my forehead, and a third man sketching it all.


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