The Law of Superheroes

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The Law of Superheroes Page 29

by James Daily

  nominal consideration, 142n5, 143n7

  noneconomic damages, 128

  non-human intelligences, 56n4, 79, 279–86

  nonprofit organizations, 154, 158, 161, 165

  non-testimonial evidence, 8, 12

  Nothing But the Truth Part Two (Nicieza et al.), 109

  Nyssa, 58–59

  Oath of Renunciation, 228–29

  Obama, Barack, 185

  objective standards, 146

  Office of National Emergency, 184n7

  Office of Scientific Research and Development, 181n2

  Old Times Now are Not Forgotten! (Claremont et al.), 205

  ordinary person standard, 115n11

  organized crime, 151, 260

  Outsiders, 42

  pacifism, 56n3

  Panama Canal Zone, 53n117

  parallel universes, 233

  Parker, Peter

  and the confrontation clause, 7, 10

  and intellectual property issues, 201–4, 201n13, 211

  and privacy rights, 116, 117

  See also Spider-Man

  parole, 36

  partnerships, 154–57, 154n4, 162

  passwords, 13n23

  patents, 165, 195–96, 195n1, 196–201, 196n2, 201–4, 213–14

  Payne, Britton, xiv

  pedophiles, 41

  Penguin, 139

  People v. Bland, 72n19

  perjury, 91

  personal liability, 151–53

  pharmaceutical regulations, 187–90

  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 275

  Phillips v. Smalley Maintenance Services, Inc., 113–14

  Piercing the Corporate Veil (Thompson), 158n15

  piracy, 242

  Pixie, 26

  plaintiffs, 175–76, 175n47

  plant genetics, 208n32

  Poison Ivy, 73, 78

  police officers, 56, 100–101, 106–7

  politics, 183–85

  Posner, Richard, xiii

  premeditated murder, 73n21

  presidential powers, 35, 36n87, 50, 52–53

  press rights, 117–18

  Pride and Prejudice (Austen), 267

  prisons, 35–36, 39–41

  privacy, 47, 96, 97, 103, 112–22, 112n3

  See also masked identities

  private actors, 95

  private clubs, 34

  Private Law 104-4, 225n9

  probable cause, 97, 106

  probate, 272–77

  probative value of testimony, 86

  product endorsements, 119

  Professor Pyg, 187

  Professor Xavier

  and the Fifth Amendment, 12

  and the Fourth Amendment, 99

  and immigration issues, 228

  and mind control, 71

  and privacy issues, 112, 114

  and psychic testimony, 13–14, 87

  Project Bluebird, 188

  promissory estoppel, 142n6

  property damage, 131–36

  property rights, 67–69, 119–21, 262–63, 274

  psychiatry, 13, 74

  psychic powers

  and assault, 66–67

  and court testimony, 12, 13–14, 85–88

  and criminal law, 55

  and the Fifth Amendment, 12–14

  and the Fourth Amendment, 97, 99

  and police searches, 100–101

  and searches incident to arrest, 101

  and state-actor doctrine, 4–6

  Psychobabble—Part Two: Mind Over Morals (Andreyko et al.), 70

  psychology, 74

  public domain, 213

  public figures, 121–22

  publicity rights, 116–17, 118, 118–21

  Punisher, 124n23

  punitive damages, 176, 176n48

  Pym, Hank, 111

  Quality King Distributors, Inc. v. L’anza Research Int’l, Inc., 210n34

  quasi-suspect classifications, 27, 28

  R. v. Dudley & Stephens, 242

  racial discrimination, 27n57

  Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, 151

  rape cases, 43

  Ra’s al Ghul, 58, 262, 265

  Rasputin, Piotr, 222, 228

  rational basis review, 27, 28, 29

  R.A.V. v. St. Paul, 32n78

  Reagan, Ronald, 74

  reasonable accommodation, 172–73

  reckless acts, 57, 121

  Red, White, Black and Blue (Waid, Rivera et al.), 105

  Reddington v. Thomas, 154n6

  refugees, 245

  registration of superpowers. See Superhuman Registration Act (SHRA)

  regulating superpowers, 47–48, 49–50

  reliance damages, 144

  religious beliefs, 22, 27n57, 56n3

  removal of superpowers, 41–44, 49–50

  renouncing citizenship, 228–33, 228n18

  research and development, 198

  residual markets, 134–35

  respondeat superior, 163–65, 163n25, 164n28

  restatements of the law, 113n4, 119–20

  resurrection, 59, 272–77

  The Resurrection of Ra’s Al Ghul (Morrison et al.), 58, 58–59

  Revenge (Guggenheim et al.), 64

  revolution, 133

  Rhode Island, 77

  Richards, Reed, 124–27, 129, 156–57, 165, 188, 195, 197

  Riddler, 73, 76, 78, 78n29

  risk, 132, 144

  robbery, 122

  Robin, 153, 156

  Roe v. Harvey, 103n26

  Rogers, Steve, 185

  Rogue, 24, 67–68, 170, 172

  rogue states, 236

  Roman Empire, 266

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 181n2

  Rorschach, 19

  Rosenthal, Bernie, 110

  Rule Against Perpetuities (RAP), 263–64

  rule of lenity, 56

  Russia, 250, 251–53, 252

  S Corporations, 159

  Sabbac, 41–42

  Sandman (Gaiman), 255, 256, 258

  Sasquatch, 245

  Saverin, Eduardo, 232n20

  Scarecrow, 73

  Schick v. Reed, 36n87

  schizophrenia, 76

  searches, 97–103

  Second Amendment, 44–50, 66n13

  Second Circuit Court of Appeals, xiv, 19, 103

  secret identities. See masked identities

  Secretary of Defense, 182

  Secretary of State, 229–32, 254

  Secretary of the Interior, 283

  Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 269

  segregation, 33

  seizures, 71–72, 72n16

  Selective Service, 22n52

  self-defense, 55–56, 56n3, 72–73

  self-incrimination, 10–11, 88, 95, 107, 107n38

  self-sacrifice, 149

  sentencing of supervillains, 35–44

  sentinel robots, 24

  sex offenders, 41

  sexual harassment, 114

  shape-shifters, 88–91

  She-Hulk, 6–7, 82–83, 83, 116, 127, 129, 233

  Shi’ar, 279


  and arms control regulations, 221

  and the Fourth Amendment, 97

  as international organization, 248–51, 248n13

  and mutant civil rights, 34–35

  and political influences, 184n7

  and state-actor doctrine, 2

  and the Superhuman Registration Act, 21

  shielding witnesses, 8–9

  Silver Age comics, 179

  Silverthorne Lumber Co. v. United States, 103n27

  Simpson, Crash, 145, 149

  Sixth Amendment, 4–6, 82, 84

  Sixth Circuit, 218

  Skrull, 279

  slavery, 22, 31

  Social Security, 16, 180

  sole proprietorships, 153

  Somalia, 238n2, 242

  Some Words Can Never Be Taken Back (Straczynski, Lee et al.), 40

ayor, Sonia, 19

  Southern Farm Bureau Life Ins. Co. v. Burney, 273–74, 274n22

  special needs searches, 100, 102–3

  speed limits, 16

  Spencer, Kate, 173, 174


  and the confrontation clause, 7–8, 10

  and contract law, 144

  and defamation suits, 121–22

  and excessive force, 122, 123

  and gene patents, 201–4

  and intellectual property issues, 211

  and libel case, 111

  and masked testimony, 82–84

  and merchandising, 213, 214

  and patents, 196

  and privacy issues, 116–17

  as sole proprietorship, 153

  standing of plaintiffs, 42n97

  Stark, Tony

  and arms control regulations, 221–22

  and business structures, 161

  and corporate liability, 163, 165

  and the corporate veil, 165–67

  and FDA regulations, 187

  and mind control, 72

  and political influences, 184–85

  and the Superhuman Registration Act, 20

  and time shifting, 262

  See also Iron Man; Stark Industries

  Stark Industries, 165–68, 187, 195–96

  State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. v. Campbell, 176

  state interests, 24

  state legislatures, 168

  state-actor doctrine, 1–6, 95, 112n3

  statehood, 53

  statelessness, 232

  Stevenson, Robert Louis, 257–59, 259n3

  stock markets, 268–69

  stop and frisk searches, 100–101

  Storm, 243, 246

  See also Munroe, Ororo

  Storm, Jonathan, 126

  Storm, Susan, 124, 126

  Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Stevenson), 257–59, 259n3

  strict liability, 57

  strict scrutiny, 25, 27, 30

  The Stronghold of Doctor Strange! (Lee, Kirby et al.), 71–72, 72n18

  subjective standards, 146

  subornation of perjury, 91

  substantial capacity test, 76

  substantive due process, 23, 29n68, 30–32

  suicide, 56, 60, 60n9

  superhearing, 99

  Superhuman Registration Act (SHRA), 14, 19–23, 152, 160, 183–85, 244, 246


  and animal cruelty laws, 281, 282

  and business structures, 162

  and citizenship issues, 222–23, 223, 224, 224n6, 226, 228–32

  and contract law, 141

  and criminal procedure, 93–95, 94

  and excessive force, 122, 123

  and immortality, 262

  and intellectual property issues, 211

  and merchandising, 213, 214

  and mind control, 73

  and non-human intelligences, 279

  and property damage, 133, 134

  and psychic powers, 55

  and renunciation of citizenship, 229

  and taxes, 179, 190–93, 230–31

  and trademarks, 217

  and travel regulations, 219

  Superman: Grounded (Straczynski et al.), 93–95, 94

  Superman III (1983), 190, 191

  Superman in Chains (Morrison et al.), 282

  Superman Owes a Billion Dollars! (Bernstein et al.), 180

  superpowers, 170–71

  supervillains, 35–44, 173–77, 214, 243

  See also specific characters

  supplemental jurisdiction, 175

  Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, 76

  suspect classes, 25, 27–29, 27n57, 33

  symbiote suit, 73

  Tales of Suspense #41, 72, 72n18


  and business structures, 151, 153, 155, 157, 158n16, 160–61, 162

  and citizenship issues, 232

  and immortality, 269–72

  loopholes, 193

  and money laundering, 260–61

  and multiple incarnations, 60n8

  and resurrection, 276–77, 276n25

  and Superman, 179, 190–93, 230–31

  taxable income, 190

  taxation powers of Congress, 15–16, 15n29

  tax-exempt entities, 33

  and value of powers, 69

  T’Challa, 238, 243–47

  technology, 97, 99, 124n23, 195–96, 196–201, 220

  telekinesis, 66–67, 67


  and contracts, 148

  and court testimony, 85–88

  and cross-examinations, 90

  and evidence, 81

  and privacy rights, 114, 114n10

  and state-actor doctrine, 4–6

  teleportation, 220

  “Ten Commandments of Cross Examination” (Younger), 90

  Tennessee Valley Authority, 180

  Tenth Amendment, 14

  territorial waters, 239, 239n3

  territories of the U.S., 53–54

  terrorism, 103, 133–34, 183, 186


  and the confrontation clause, 6–10

  and cross-examinations, 7, 89–90

  of defendants, 109n41

  masked, 10, 10n16, 11, 82–84

  probative value of, 86

  and psychiatry, 13

  and psychic powers, 12, 13–14, 85–88

  relevance of, 85–86

  and state-actor doctrine, 4–6

  theft, 67–69, 122–23

  thermal imaging, 97

  Thing, 126, 188, 189

  Thirteenth Amendment, 2, 27n57, 136

  Thor, 216

  thought manipulation, 67

  See also psychic powers

  time, place, and manner restrictions, 18

  time travelers, 204, 233n23

  Timebroker, 204

  Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School Dist., 18

  Torrijos-Carter Treaty, 53n117

  tort law, 111–36

  and accidental superpowers, 123–31

  and assumption of risk, 124–27

  described, 111–12

  and excessive force, 122–23

  and privacy, 112–22

  and property damage, 131–36

  and respondeat superior, 163–65

  and superheroes’ business structures, 153

  trademarks, 119n17, 215–18

  transferred intent, 72, 72n19

  travel and immigration, 219–33

  treason, 228

  treaties, 206

  Trial by Fire, Part 2: Witness for the Prosecution (Andreyko et al.), 5

  The Trial of Captain America Part 2 (Brubaker et al.), 110

  The Trial of Captain America Part 5 (Brubaker et al.), 252

  trials in absentia, 252, 253, 253n18

  Trust Issues (David, et al.), 61

  Twelfth Amendment (actual), 84

  Twelfth Amendment (DC Universe), 6, 6n8, 10, 84, 85

  Twenty-First Amendment, 16

  Two-Face, 73

  Ultimate Spider-Man Universe, 201n13

  Ultron, 285, 286

  Umayyad Caliphate, 266

  unavailability exceptions, 7

  The Uncanny Threat of…Unus, the Untouchable! (Lee, Kirby et al.), 67

  Uncanny X-Men #390, 272n19

  unconscionability, 146–49

  uncontrolled superpowers, 49–50

  underwater nations, 238–39, 239–40

  undue hardship, 172–73

  undue influence, 146, 147–48

  unfairness in contracts, 148

  Uniform Commercial Code, 140n1

  Uniform Partnership Act, 154n5

  unilateral mistakes, 147n15

  unincorporated territory, 54

  uninsurable risks, 132

  United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR), 249

  United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), 239n3, 241

  United Nations
(UN), 248–49

  United States Attorney, 222

  United States Congress

  and the Americans with Disabilities Act, 168, 169

  and animal rights, 283n8, 284, 284n12

  and arms control regulations, 222

  and citizenship issues, 232

  and conscription powers, 21n48, 22n52

  and the Keene Act, 15–16

  and limits of government power, 50

  and military operations, 182

  and the New Deal, 181

  and No Man’s Land, 50–53

  and patents, 196

  and presidential powers, 52–53

  and private grants of citizenship, 225–27, 225nn9–10

  and Social Security, 271

  and the Superhuman Registration Act, 20–21, 184

  taxing and spending powers, 15–16, 15n29

  United States Constitution, 95, 168, 196, 253, 283

  See also Constitutional Law; specific amendments and articles

  United States Customs and Border Protection, 220

  United States Department of Defense, 129, 182, 196, 201, 221

  United States Department of Homeland Security, 184n7

  United States Department of Labor, 174

  United States Department of State, 221, 228–29, 237, 247, 250

  United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), 187

  United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 182, 184, 185

  United States ex rel. Gerald Mayo v. Satan and His Staff, 144n11

  United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 187

  United States House of Representatives, 21

  United States Munitions List (USML), 220–21

  United States Patent and Trademark Office, 198–99, 215

  United States Reports, xiv

  United States Supreme Court

  case citation formats, xiv

  and chemical sterilization cases, 43

  and citizenship issues, 222–23, 223

  and civil rights protections, 28, 29

  and class action lawsuits, 175n46

  and the confrontation clause, 8–9

  and copyright issues, 212

  and death penalty cases, 37

  and the equal protection clause, 23–24

  and psychiatric testimony, 13

  and right to bear arms, 44–45

  and right to privacy, 112n3

  and sentencing issues, 35–36

  and standing of plaintiffs, 42n97

  and state-actor doctrine, 2, 3

  and unconstitutional searches, 97

  United States v. Agapito, 99n11

  United States v. Carroll Towing Co., xiii–xiv

  United States v. Comstock, 49

  United States v. Taborda, 99n11

  unreasonable search and seizure, 97

  unusual sovereignties, 237–40

  usury, 267

  vehicles of superheroes, 119, 120–21, 213–14

  Venom, 73

  Verlinden BV v. Central Bank of Nigeria, 175n46

  Vesetech, 173–74, 174, 176–77

  Veterans Affairs Administration (VA), 130–31

  Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 246

  vigilantism, 14–19

  Violence Against Women Act of 1994, 32


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