Omega Virus (Book 1): Surviving the Horror

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Omega Virus (Book 1): Surviving the Horror Page 21

by Mendonca, D. Manuel

  “Don’t worry, you won’t die alone,” He laughs, shooting his gun into Kennedy’s gut. He tosses her down to the ground, still laughing as he leaves.

  I struggle as hard as I can. Kennedy tries to drag herself toward me, her right arm covering the bullet wound in her gut. Suddenly I feel the Zombie’s arms loosen, its teeth become just a minor inconvenience before becoming a memory. I try to turn my head to see who saved me, but my neck hurts to bad to move. Finally my savior walks around, getting in my line of sight.

  “You’re going to be ok,” Penelope says dropping to her knees in front of me.

  “I don’t know,” I struggle to say, my voice fighting to make a sound. “Kennedy.” I point.

  Penelope turns around and sees Kennedy’s body, now lying face down in the ground. She rushes over to check on Kennedy and I fight to get myself back onto my feet. I use my sword as a make shift cane and work my way over to the two girls.

  “How is she?” I manage to ask as Penelope rolls Kennedy over onto her back.

  “She is bleeding out and I don’t know any way to stop it,” Penelope replies.

  “You can’t,” Kennedy coughs, “the bullet is too deep. I’m going to die,” she sobs.

  “No, it wasn’t supposed to be like this,” I apologize, taking her hand.

  “I know, but it did. I’m just glad I have the chance to tell you I forgive you,” she says coughing up blood, “and all I want is one favor.”

  “Anything,” I say.

  “Take care of each other,” she asks, placing my hand on Penelope’. I nod at her, trying not to cry. She forces a smile at us before gasping her last breath.

  Penelope cries and I hold both of their hands tightly with both of mine. A stray tear rolls down my cheek as I rise back to my feet, a sudden rush of adrenaline and rage filling my body as I walk away from Kennedy’s body. A stray Zombie rushes at me and I slice its throat, causing it to squeal as I kick it to the ground and finish removing its head.

  “Damian!” Penelope yells, “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to kill Kissner and Quinn,” I reply, no emotion in my voice as I talk and a thin veil of redness pulling into my vision.

  “But your shoulder, your still bleeding,” Penelope yells.

  “I feel fine,” I shout back.

  Penelope stops in her tracks, “What about your promise. The one you just made to Kennedy. The one to protect me.”

  I stop and turn back around looking at her, “I am keeping my promise.”

  I continue on, hacking and slashing anything undead as I fight to find Kissner and Quinn. I see Connor and Natalie fighting a few Zombies close to the edge of the cliff. They each have a few cuts and bruises on their arms and faces. Matthew’s half eaten body is on the ground around them.

  “Looking for me hero?” Kissner calls out as I start over to help my friends.

  “Kissner,” I growl in a deep voice.

  I change direction, following the sound of his voice. I find Kissner just behind a small hill, Quinn standing beside him, and Fanny in his grasp.

  “I figured I could use some security while I wait for my ride,” The general says with a grin.

  The scenario enrages me more as I stare at Fanny in the same position as Kennedy. “Come on General, she’s just a girl. Let her go,” I say coming out of my rage slightly.

  “No. She stays with me until I’m ready to leave. If you keep your distance, she stays safe,” Kissner says with a chuckle.

  “I can’t trust you,” I reply, “you already killed one of my friends. I need a sign of good faith. You keep the girl, give me back Quinn.”

  “Fine, take him,” Kissner barks, “I don’t need him anymore any way.”

  “What are you doing you fool. You need me. I AM THE PRESIDENT,” Quinn yells.

  “But in my world, I am a God. With everything made in my image,” Kissner yells.

  “You traitor!” Quinn shouts slowly reaching for his gun.

  Kissner shoots first killing Quinn. “You are no longer welcome in my world.”

  “You’re insane,” Fanny cries,

  “Possibly, but the great ones usually are,” Kissner says fighting his grip on Fanny. I can’t take my eyes off the General, but I can see movement behind him. Shadows sneak quietly as I grin. “Something I said?” He asks confused.

  “Yeah. Just thinking of Karma,” I continue to grin. The shadow comes into the light, the face of a ravenous Zombie behind him, “it really is a bitch isn’t it?”

  Its rotted teeth bite deep in the General’s neck, his arms flailing wildly as he tries to free himself. Fanny takes advantage of the situation running over to me. I hold her close as we watch the Zombie feed on the General. Connor, Natalie, and Penelope join us, enjoying the show with us.

  “Should we help him?” Connor asks.

  I nod, a devilish smile still on my face, “Yes, let’s finish this.”

  Connor lifts his gun and releases a bullet into Kissner’s head, killing him and ending his pain. The world becomes slightly cloudy around me as the Zombie rushes us, upset that we took its dinner away. I feel the warmth of my blood running down my body, I gasp for air as my eyes roll to the back of my head, blacked out.

  Chapter 23

  December 31st, 2037

  My head hurts as my eyes flutter in the light, the brightness burning when opened fully.

  “Where am I?” I cry.

  “You’re here, your safe with us,” Penelope says taking my hand.

  “What happened?” I ask.

  “You blacked out,” Penelope answers, “eleven days ago.”

  “How? What?” I stutter.

  “The bite on your shoulder, you lost a lot of blood. None of us knew how to save you. We thought you were dead,” Penelope pauses, “You were dead.”

  “But then how, how am I alive now?” I ask.

  “The resistance showed up almost right after you blacked out. They were on their way to us already but saw the smoke from the bunker explosion and knew something was wrong. They wiped out the remaining Zombies and their medic did some work on you. I don’t know what he did, but he saved you and I didn’t question it,” Penelope smiles.

  “What about the others? Are they Ok?” I ask.

  “Yeah they’re here, somewhere. I know they’ll be glad that you are awake and doing better,” She tightens her grip on my hand. “I did manage to keep your sword safe for you.”

  “I’m hoping I won’t need it anymore,” I try to laugh but it hurts.

  “I figured you had it so long it was worth keeping,” She winks, “but I also managed to save this for you.” She places my journal on my lap, I can’t help but smile.

  A soft beeping sound goes off around me, causing me to jump slightly. “What is that?” I ask.

  “It’s the bunker clock,” she explains, “it just turned midnight. Happy new year.”

  “Happy new year,” I smile back at her. “Let’s make it count.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” She says leaning in, kissing me softly.

  January 1st, 2038- It’s the dawning of a new age for most of us. The resistance has welcomed us to join their group providing we all take up jobs, pulling our weight within the community. Natalie and Connor have joined the resistance, continuing to journey to the main land fighting Zombies as they gather supplies. Fanny has been enrolled in the community’s version of a school. She is looking forward to making new friends. Penelope has volunteered to become a nurse at the hospital. I have been granted amnesty from finding a place in the community until I am healed.

  February 11th, 2038- The doctors have finally cleared me, allowing me to find a job. The leader of the resistance, Joshua, has been to see me a few times since our arrival, asking the story of our survival. I have read to him from my journal, telling him of our journey and what we have overcome. He as offered me a place in the records hall, a vital part of the community, detailing the past for all those to know what the human race has overcome. Penelope
and I have been living together with Fanny, acting as her Del facto family since Connor and Natalie are often off on their missions. We have made a point of getting together for dinner whenever they come back knowing that our friendship has kept us alive this long.

  March 21st, 2038- I have been the record keeper for over a month, working behind the scene with Joshua to keep things running smoothly inside our protected walls. Penelope has also informed me that she is pregnant and we are expecting our child in early December. The last mission to the main land wasn’t as successful as we would have liked, Connor returned with his left arm missing. They were jumped by marauders in New Orleans. We lost many good men and women that day.

  December 31st, 2038- Joshua has given his blessing to include my book into the hall of records, and this will be my final entry as this will become public soon. After a year here we have each flourished, finding it easy to love and trust others again. Natalie and Connor got married last month in a small ceremony. Fanny has started seeing a boy, Lucas, from her school. Penelope had given birth this morning to our new baby girl. With everything we have been through together we decided to name her Hope.




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