The Phoenix Rising

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The Phoenix Rising Page 17

by Gary Caplan

  instructions to her staff and had authorized the military defense

  commander General Idar to use all necessary and available force to

  repel the Varlon, including civilian security forces.

  She was able to talk to Commander Sharon Taylor for only a

  few minutes before local communication was interrupted. Taylor

  had suggested that Mister Elar, an Erandi communication specialist,

  would have the information she might need about the COMNET.

  Commander Taylor seemed to be quite busy arranging to salvage or

  to backup some research projects for the Alliance of Worlds Science


  Mister Robinton and the governor learned from Mister Elar that

  the two nearest COMNET substations were not responding. The

  governor determined that, in light of what was happening to QB7

  now, the Varlon had probably attacked the stations earlier in order to

  interfere with communications.

  It was at that point a secure encrypted transmission connection

  came in via a reactivated COMNET. From the Governor’s view the

  transmissions broadcast seemed partially jammed but was still in real


  “Hello, Governor Golda, I am Commodore Robert Sheppard,

  acting fleet admiral for the Sixth Fleet. We received your standard

  hyperspace response recently, and we have also arranged to reactivate

  one of the damaged COMNET stations so we can now converse.” “Commodore, your signal is not entirely clear in my imager,” Golda

  said. “However, I’m glad you were able to get communications back

  online. Both colonies in this system are under attack, and we require

  immediate assistance. I don’t know how long we can hold out.” “Governor, the COMNET is still regenerating itself; however, we

  anticipated something was wrong. I have selected ships from three

  task forces and they are headed to your system,” stated Sheppard. “I

  will also be arriving, along with most of Task Force One. There are a few brigades of space marines as part of the task forces now heading to the Quellus Borealis system. We will deploy these forces when we

  arrive. What is your present situation?”

  “The Varlon have moved to a low orbit for deployment of troops,”

  she said. “We believe they want to take part of the colony intact, as

  they have attacked mostly military or defense facilities. We are not

  sure how many ships they have, since our scans are being affected.

  Sensor scans show several of our ground defense batteries and orbital

  defense stations are taking damage or are already destroyed. We have

  launched all our starfighters and civilian security forces, and the patrol

  frigates are helping. All of QB7’s remaining military forces are under

  the command of General Idar at this time. Even with all that, we are

  losing space, and they are beginning to land forces on the ground in

  various regions.”

  The jamming seemed to increase, but the communications still


  Sheppard replied, “The forward forces of the task forces will arrive

  in the next several hours; unfortunately, several older battlecruisers

  that are at greater distances will take up to four standard days to arrive.

  At least that will be continual reinforcements,” he said. “We will arrive

  as soon as possible. Now that I have confirmed your situation, we will

  notify other colonies and nearby fleets. Commodore Sheppard out.” Sheppard said, “Captain Wilder, open a communication to Fleet

  Admiral Braddock. I will need to notify either him or Grand Admiral

  Pendragon, and I think Braddock will be able to help the most.” “How so, Sir?” replied Wilder.

  “I believe if I read one of the reports that FC Sherman supplied”—

  Sheppard glanced over toward Sherman—“it indicated a mining

  division of BradCorp is in the Quellus Borealis system. Our own Nigel

  Braddock is still CEO of BradCorp. If I know Braddock, he has drone

  ships there for defense. It’s been his policy for years to have a defense

  against privateers or other corporate competitors,” stated Sheppard.

  “Why, he may even have some mobile attack suits with appropriate


  “You’re right,” responded Wilder. “Those robotic drones and

  mobile attack units could possibly delay or distract the Varlon long

  enough for our task forces to arrive.”

  Sheppard returned to his command office, while the comms officer

  opened a channel through the semi-restored COMNET. The imager

  displayed an image of Fleet Admiral Nigel Braddock in his office,

  sitting in his chair. A desk image formed as Sheppard did not desire to

  use the CDL interlink viewer to speak with Admiral Braddock. “Sir, we have a situation,” Sheppard said. “QB7 and QB6 are

  under attack by the Varlon. We were alerted by a damaged COMNET

  station. One of the satellite relays has repaired itself with our aid. I

  have four task forces of the Sixth Fleet en route to the system.” Braddock looked concerned. “Have they taken the system,


  “No, not yet, Nigel. I know you have some type of defensive

  installation in that system, and possibly some defense drones or other


  “Yes, I think I do have a defensive arsenal there. It’s a good mining

  system, and there had been some piracy in the past, but not as much

  recently,” said Braddock. He paused to concentrate on activating his

  imbedded interlink. “Considering the situation,” he went on, “I guess

  it’s time to mount a defense; the defense forces there will not do more

  than slow the Varlon. Probably, the weapon systems there might be

  able to damage one or two of their smaller cruisers or cripple several of

  their starfighters.”

  “That’s all we need, Nigel—any help, especially if it’s already on

  site and can slow them down, possibly long enough to help the defense

  force or give us enough time to arrive.”

  “I will arrange for the mining facility weapons systems to target

  the Varlon in the star system. If the Varlon take the system, my facility

  is lost anyway. I will see if they have any supply lines routing to the

  area from Rhendal sector and arrange with Fleet Admiral Peregrine for

  their disruption,” said Braddock with a grim smile.

  Sheppard took the opportunity to talk a few moments with Nigel

  Braddock, who was, after all, an old family friend. Nigel had also been

  friends with Sheppard’s father, Allan Sheppard, who had decided several

  years ago to leave the Alliance of Worlds space navy and commit fully

  to the Star Knights.

  ******** The Varlon forces were preparing for occupation of the planet. Their attack craft, including the mobile assault striders that Alliance of Worlds designated “Spider ships,” attacked Alliance of Worlds positions and prepared areas for troop units and the Varlon strike forces that would follow. Teams of Varlon soldiers, equipped with portable plasma cannons mounted on their arms and back, cleared areas for the occupation forces and attacked Alliance of Worlds mobile assault vehicles—MAV’S— armed with particle cannons. Many of the Spider ships used their multiple walking legs instead of their anti-grav engines allowing them to transfer more power to their weapons and defense shields. The Varlon’s technology gave them the advantage of more powerful and compact weapon systems.

  A sizable group of Varlon had assembled on the surface, having already cleared the area of opposition military forces. A translator device was scanning outside the building and was picking up some close by Varlon words that were not entirely being jammed or that they did not really care the Alliance forces heard.

  “This is the strike leader of the Varlon third battalion,” issued the translator device’s speaker. “We are in target range of civilian defense stations. Eliminate all resistance, capture those who appear to be of importance, and return them to the detention area. I want the mobile assault striders to continue to move out in a perimeter in order to flush out the opposition forces.”

  Alliance navy officer Commander Sharon Taylor watched as the Varlon prepared to move toward her building. Taylor along with several civilian Alliance of Worlds scientists located in the capitol city had just completed downloading and transferring scientific information into portable data storage units. The information transmission system had been jammed by the Varlon, so the experimental and scientific data had to be stored for transport. There had been some science projects evacuated via the transmat device up to a science vessel in orbit. The ship had been protected by starfighters recently but would have to leave with the next transmat as the final packages were transferred from surface to ship.

  Commander Taylor was finishing transferring data from classified projects of the Alliance of Worlds science lab. She noticed one of the human lieutenants looking at her—in the way a male looks at a pretty girl when he thinks she’s not looking. Sharon was very attractive, but in her career field her looks were usually more of a distraction. As a result, she liked to work with aliens—who would not usually be attracted to her.

  “Lieutenant Chandrell, you’d better get finished. The last group is going with the transmat carrier wave,” said Taylor “I’ll take the underground tunnel soon and join the first team in hangar five. Then we’ll take the T-100 long-range starcraft off the planet and will hopefully dock with the science ship.”

  “Commander, we need you to take over the last transmat transfer procedure,” stated Doctor Flar, one of the Rigezon scientists. “I’m going to go up. We should hurry. I am told the Varlon are beginning to more this way, and the underground auxiliary power generator might get disrupted.”

  Commander Sharon Taylor moved over to the room housing the transmat device and control station. The device was adapted from multiple technologies the Hegemony had passed along some time ago. It was probably one of the more advanced and energy-demanding pieces of equipment used by the Alliance of Worlds.

  “If you’re all ready, I’ll begin the activation sequence,” said Taylor. “Doctor Flar, you and whoever is going to the ship, please step into the transfer platform.”

  Doctor Flar and the others with data storage devices walked on to the transmat platform stepping across the actuator rings encircling the base of the platform. Once the people were ready the actuator rings elevated and encircled those to be transported at ten centimeter intervals from floor to ceiling forming a multiple band semi cylinder. The transmat device set up a temporary wormhole between points. The energy stream made a connection with a similar device; the receiver that was in orbit inside the science ship, which also had to be activated to allow the short hyperspace conduit to form. Transfer usually took several seconds and nearby atmosphere tended to go along for the ride.

  The actuator energized creating a protective barrier for the passengers and equipment then the wormhole created a jump pocket to hyperspace, which temporarily connected the two transmat locations. The power usage was enormous, but it did allow emergency transfer of supplies and equipment. On some occasions, personnel used the device, but most found it unsettling and somewhat jolting; however, Doctor Flar seemed to find it stimulating.

  The transmat device was normally employed for equipment transfer and could be used for long-distance transfers from planet to planet in a solar system, as long as there were no massive objects between the transfer points. The interplanet transfers took a few seconds longer. The present process took about twenty seconds, including activation of the force field barrier around the actuator rings.

  Sharon could hear explosions not far away, in the next building. When the transfer was complete, the power closed off, and the location settings reset, she went to grab the experimental information data storage unit.

  One of last two scientists in the lab facility besides Commander Taylor was heading to one of the doors when it melted and injured him. As he fell back, a plasma blast sliced the air a few feet from him and struck the wall, disintegrating it.

  He screamed, “It’s a Varlon soldier!” Ignoring his burns, he grabbed his pack and ran toward the other end of the science suite.

  Sharon grabbed her equipment and her pulse pistol, which was standard issue for Alliance of Worlds naval forces in hostile environments. As she and one of her assistants moved toward the other exit, she fired some well-aimed shots down the hall. There were limited amounts of energy charges in the weapon, so she needed to hit the Varlon soldier quickly. As it came into view, one blast struck its environmental suit and partially absorbed the energy.

  As Sharon moved through the exit, the Varlon swung around and fired its plasma cannon, fortunately part of a wall was in the way and she had already run passed the door as the wall behind her vaporized. She moved rapidly down the corridor and passed a door, which she locked, following her assistant to the underground hangar. She could have tried to fight the Varlon; a well-placed shot in the weaker area of its environmental suit would certainly cause injury. However, she was carrying scientific information, and a stray plasma discharge could destroy it. That would be an unacceptable loss.

  ********** Strike Marshal Vodun observed the readout from his imaging units. What he saw was not as pleasing as he had hoped. He received a report from Captain Commander Zelcalar.

  “Sir,” Zelcalar said, “we have successfully deployed all attack craft. Their planetary defenses are failing, their orbital particle cannon defenses and missile launchers have been neutralized or destroyed, and several of the planetary-based weapons are also neutralized. We would be on schedule if those drone attack craft had not harassed our cruisers and assault ships.”

  Vodun asked, “Where did they come from, Zelcalar? Their patrol frigates and cruisers were eliminated not long ago, and unfortunately, one of them actually escaped the system. It was a science vessel—not a high-priority target—but still, we want to reduce the response time of the Alliance of Worlds.”

  “Yes, sir, our ships are still occupied with the remainder of those drone and robotic attack craft, as well as some long-range torpedoes being launched from an asteroid field between the sixth and seventh planet. It was attacks from there that diverted some units, which, unfortunately, delayed our assault and allowed the science craft and some civilian ships to escape. We recently deployed cloaked ships and located a mining base in the asteroid field—one that is evidently well defended,” stated Zelcalar.

  “The facility has valuable standard minerals and frozen water available to be mined,” he continued. “Now that we have viable targeting solutions, we can use some hyperspace torpedoes. The torpedoes need only make a short hyperspace jump allowing them to bypass most of that outpost base’s point defenses. The threat from that facility is not that significant and will only slow our progress. I have ordered the facilities weapons neutralized so we don’t constantly need to cover our flanks from missiles.”

  “Very well, Zelcalar. Let us continue with my attack plan,” Vodun said. “Marshal Pelziv, the occupation marshal will arrive to take over, and I would like to transfer command to my subordinate and take some leave.”

  “Then I will finish plans and order the round-up of the civilians on this planet,” he confirmed, then changed the subject. “Sir, I recently received a report that our allies the Accads have a mining scout in low planetary orbit. They are requesting permission to send probes into some existing mining tunnels.”<
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  “Grant them permission,” Vodun said. “I wouldn’t want to be the one to upset the Varlon Senate and our new allies.”

  “Yes, Strike Marshal. I will have one of the sub-commanders attend to the details and escort the ship if necessary.”

  Strike Marshal Vodun contemplated his next move and looked out his huge virtual view screen with his exceptional vision. He wondered when the drone ships would be destroyed—and why the Accads were even interested in this system. He had heard that according to a new treaty with the Accads one-fifth of conquered worlds would be transferred to the Accadians.

  I’m not sure our senators are looking out for the Varlon people if they allowed such a treaty in the first place, especially if the Accads don’t support a particular attack in which they were to be given a world to satisfy that treaty, thought Vodun. There were two valuable worlds here: the sixth and seventh planets would be terraformable and good additions to the Varlon Imperium.

  Zelcalar spoke again. “Marshal Vodun,” he said, “long-range sensors have detected enemy ships approaching at translight velocity. Approximately twenty ships should arrive in just over one and a half rotations of the planet. Twelve enemies will be here in approximately one rotation.”

  “More delays,” sighed Vodun. “Make sure we have enough of our own fighter craft in reserve to intercept Alliance antimatter torpedo carrying heavy starfighter craft that might attempt a strafing pass through our shields.”

  Strike Marshal Vodun went back to his terminal to alter and update his plans yet again.

  C HAP TE R 2 5


  “This is Mister Kelly I’m over at the underground mining and engineering control facility. Please inform the mining minister in Governor Golda’s office we have just lost control of access tunnels five through twenty.” His commlink was working, however; there was no response from the governor’s office; evidently, the communications had been jammed or power had been interrupted.

  Mister Kelly was the chief mining engineer. He had already let most of his staff go to their families on the evacuation transports almost two days ago. He was getting ready to turn over control to the military under General Idar, who was responsible for planetary defense.


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