The Phoenix Rising

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The Phoenix Rising Page 22

by Gary Caplan

  Vodun had secured himself to the command interface area, as the buffeting of the ship was appreciable.

  “Sir, we have maneuvered the aft shield generators between us and the Alliance of Worlds ships and fired aft weaponry at the dreadnaughts,” Zelcalar informed him. “Our starboard side has little shielding overlap. We were, however, able to fire the majority of starboard weapons at those dreadnaughts before that section was severely damaged and lost power. Our central power is weakening, and damage control is trying to compensate.”

  Zelcalar continued, “We have successfully targeted and critically damaged the three remaining Alliance battlecruisers to our port side with the last of the plasma, antimatter, and nanotech torpedoes. If we fire our plasma cannons or heavy particle cannons further, we will have only one-tenth power, with energies of less than five terra joules.”

  Vodun had observed the battle using the surrounding real-time battle display imager. He nodded and turned toward Zelcalar.

  “Discharge a nano-cloud,” Vodun ordered. “The inertia will carry the nanobots to the damaged ships. Then move us away, out of their weapons range. They have lost engine power and translight drive capability, and we have lost sectional weapons and some power systems and starboard shield generators. With our ship’s weakened shielding, their heavy starfighters could pass through, strike with small antimatter torpedoes, and do some serious damage—especially if they attacked an open docking bay. Activate the jump drive and set short course to the ninth planet. We can get additional hydrogen and refuel and fabricate additional weapons.”

  “As you command, Marshal,” replied Zelcalar. “They won’t be able to follow. It seems our last cruiser damaged the engines and power systems of its two attackers before it succumbed to damage itself. The few nanotech torpedoes sent by our cruiser that penetrated those starships defenses will neutralize their life support and power systems.”

  “I will recommend the traditional honor to be given to the officers and the crews clans for combat excellence,” Vodun said.

  The Varlon super dreadnaught activated its hyperspace drive, which formed a transference tunnel allowing the entire ship to jump into hyperspace. The trip took only minutes and within moments, the ship created a hyperspace window near the ninth planet and the ship exited hyperspace. Then was able using its ion drive and thrusters to go into a standard orbit around the ninth planet.

  “I will arrange for damage control; we have sustained critical systems damage,” continued Zelcalar. “In addition, I will arrange the transfer of energy as it becomes available for hull and hull systems regeneration. The fourth and fifth moon of the ninth planet has some frozen water and carbon dioxide. We can get raw materials for the hull more rapidly there, rather than waiting for the hull and other conversion systems to make heavier compounds from the hydrogen and helium gases of the ninth planet. There are some spare parts for the weapons and shield generators, and we can fabricate the remainder. Once we get adequate hydrogen, I will set course to one of the moons.”

  “Good initiative, Captain Commander Zelcalar,” said Vodun. “It will take many hours for us to restore our primary battle systems. I will contact our strike force commander on QB7 and attempt to salvage the situation there. The occupation marshal will be here in two rotations, and that is sufficient time to restore systems on this ship. When we have repaired adequately, head to the seventh planet. The scans I examined before we jumped indicated our enemy has multiple critical systems damage and will have to deal with our nanobots corrupting their ships systems.”

  Vodun returned to his planning of the assault on QB7 and began communicating with his general on the planet.

  ********** Back on the Attrigan, the crew was clearing the damage from the bridge, where the plasma energy had disrupted several systems. Commodore Helmslar had injured her arm after being jostled when the ship shook violently. Attrigan’s communication system had also taken damage and was just coming back on line. Secondary life support was on temporarily in a few areas of the ship where primary life support had failed. The translight engines and power generating and transferring systems had taken moderate to heavy damage.

  “That dam Varlon super dreadnaught is damaged; if we had just a few more ships, said Helmslar to no one in particular. “Engineering report, how long before we can we follow the H-class,” continued Helmslar, looking at her bridge engineering liaison officer.

  “Ma’am, right now the starboard sub-light and translight engines have moderate damage, and power is offline. Crews can work to repair from the outside, and robot repair and damage control crews are already working. The bigger problem is that the power couplings are damaged beyond repair and will need to be replaced. That will take some time. The pressing problem is how to stop those Varlon nanomachines from shutting down primary life support and interfering with power generation.”

  Commodore Sela Helmslar reviewed the damage reports her first officer had delivered, and she realized that her ship was in bad shape. Preliminary reports from the dreadnaught Pisces and the remaining active battlecruiser Morlin were similar. Damage control crews onboard all the task forces ships were working to either bypass or repair systems. It would not have been as bad if that red field full of nano-machines had not successfully released onto the ship and caused further problems to the three other cruisers.

  Sensor scans showed that the nearest Varlon starship, an L-class cruiser, had taken critical systems damage. A small section of the forward portion of that ship had been blown away by antimatter torpedo fire. The Varlon cruiser had lost most systems power, and as a result, its weapons and shields were down. Its chameleon defense system was wavering in power. The Varlon cruiser had been drifting or it was possibly in the process of thrusting away and was transferring power from one of its redundant systems to provide power for escape. Sensors could not tell for sure.

  Commodore Helmslar read the status reports of the last ships to go up against the H-class and the L-class cruiser. They were heavily to critically damaged and were drifting in various directions. The remaining starfighters were actively helping to transfer the wounded or cargo from ships too damaged to consider repair without a mobile starbase or docking facility.

  Some of the other starships were worse off; earlier in the battle, the Varlon had destroyed several ships. As the Varlon battled, they eventually realized the Alliance of Worlds had made some weapons improvements in their torpedoes and especially with the Nova cannon’s power output and were now able to significantly damage the Varlon cruisers. In order to divert more energy to protect against the Alliances improved weapons the Varlon eventually changed tactics and settled for causing enough critical systems damage to totally disable of the last ten or so ships instead of using more energy to blast them to pieces.

  “Ma’am, we should be able to raise Fleet Captain Sherman now that the communications jamming is minimal now, since there are so few Varlon ships to reinforce the jamming.”

  “Transmit to him a coded initial damage report in a direct line transmission on a platinum priority channel. Then get either him or Commodore Sheppard. I need to talk to one of them,” stated Commodore Helmslar.

  A few minutes later, the communications officer had patched a communication channel through to Commodore Sheppard on QB7. His commlink signal was transmitting from a ground based command center. Sheppard’s images formed in Helmslar’s display interlink.

  “Robert, we were partially successful,” Helmslar told him. “The Varlon are in retreat. Unfortunately, most of these two assembled task forces are destroyed or critically disabled and in need of starbase repairs. At least the dual Nova strike to the H-class did about what we thought it would do,” she continued, “although it took longer than I thought to get into position. The other Varlon cruisers kept getting in the way, and sometimes one of our own ships or a starfighter squadron crossed our Nova weapons path and interfered with the timing of the linked Nova cannon firing.”

  “I looked at the damage reports,” Sheppa
rd said. “Fleet Admiral Peregrine was right; this newer type of H-class is very powerful. Even I underestimated it; although a very experienced Varlon commanding crew could have also influenced the outcome.”

  “I agree. The Varlon commander was likely an elite officer, and I don’t like to admit this but their strike marshal was clearly an excellent tactician—which he demonstrated with his last maneuver, moving between the ships and using all attack angles to take out my surrounding forces. I know they have more advanced starships, but I’ve gone up against the Varlon several times before, and this group was well organized,” replied Helmslar.

  “Sela I should let you know the situation on QB7 is still serious. We have taken back several areas; however, the Varlon seem to be setting up for a counterattack. We are now about to activate a force field dome for the command center,” Sheppard said. “I intend to return to the Phoenix when the base is set up and the starfighter landing and supply facility is active.”

  “As the brief report you read indicates, I believe the Varlon have likely gone to repair and refuel at one of the nearby gas giants,” stated Commodore Helmslar. She paused, flexing her injured arm. “I do not know the Varlon H-class starship’s exact position, because its chameleon field is cloaking it now. Our sensors did not indicate a translight hyperspace distortion on long range, so the Varlon H-class is still in the system. I for one am glad there are other reinforcements arriving from the sixth feet.”

  “Sela, once I return to the Phoenix I will take command of whatever capital ships are available. Continue your repairs. The Phoenix’s chief engineer, Commander O’Brien, should have by now produced additional anti-nanomachine devices from some engineering schematics designed by Vice Admiral Garfield.”

  “That was helpful of him,” Helmslar replied.

  “The admiral left instructions that these anti-nanomachine devices constructed even at the Alliances tech level should help to some degree with removing the Varlon’s nanomachines,” continued Sheppard. “Take a Guardian or Sentinel starfighter over to the Phoenix and obtain some of the nanomachines and the design process from Commander O’Brien. Those devices have helped restore some of the systems on the battlecruiser Lompoc.”

  “Yes, I’ll arrange to get an engineering crew over as all my ships transmats are offline; the Pisces was affected more than the Attrigan. I will also continue with hourly updates to Fleet Captain Sherman. He can apprise you of our progress.”

  As the communication ended, Helmslar continued with her plans for repairing her ship and as many other remaining starships as she could arrange to help.

  ********** On QB7, Commodore Sheppard began organizing the construction of a temporary starfighter maintenance and landing facility. It would serve as a regional base of operations for the Platus’s starfighters. Sheppard had arranged for both Commanders Andor and Taylor to work with the engineering technicians from the Phoenix and begin setting up equipment for a defense shield. In addition, he ordered some space marines and technicians to establish point defense systems and particle defense cannons for a defense perimeter.

  Commander Sharon Taylor attached the defense shields particle stabilizer unit in the appropriate position on the control board of the operations and power panel. “Commander Andor,” she said, “I normally don’t do this type of work. The last time was several years ago during a practice drill to set up a defense shield. I haven’t had the opportunity to refresh my memory. Could you continue the procedure from this point, for the sake of speed?”

  “Of course, Commander Taylor,” replied Andor. “I will take over, since time is critical. You probably can assist the technicians with the final transmat inspection and activation.”

  Commander Taylor moved across the recently fabricated complex and began to help the transmat inspection team. When it was ready, she activated the transmat device for the first cargo reception from the strike cruiser Platus, which had recently gotten one of its transmat units back online. When she had completed the first transfer, one of the operating technicians took over for the further transfer of cargo. While she was working on the Transmat she noticed that several gravtanks had been unloaded from Sentinel class starfighters that could carry one grav-tank and the T100’s or Guardian transports that could carry two. The grav-tanks hovered in place as they waited for the assault company to form, before moving out toward enemy positions. Several small containers containing fifty units of composite smart body armor were unloaded and transferred to the local military, under command of General Idar, for his troops’ use. The space marines’ reinforcements already were equipped with the defensive composite body armor.

  Commodore Sheppard moved toward Sharon Taylor as the force dome energized and a barely visible opaque film spread over the critical areas of the command complex.

  “After we finish here I think you should join me on the Phoenix,” Sheppard said.

  “I can do that, sir,” Taylor responded. “May I ask, sir—is the

  COMNET reestablished? I haven’t had the opportunity to send an

  update to the science directorate.”

  “Yes, actually, Fleet Captain Grey arranged to get one of the

  regional stations to regenerate and go back to hyper transmissions,”

  Commodore Sheppard said. “Once a science team gets to the other

  affected array, then hopefully it too can be repaired.”

  “In that case, I have some data that I can transmit to the science

  directorate at Star One.” Sharon became animated as she recounted

  for the commodore some of the information she had. “Commodore,

  an earlier science team found several areas with unusually high energy

  capacity crystals, while surveying near an ancient Calyx archaeological

  site. In addition to those crystal formations the science team found

  an inactive Calyx advanced hyper-gate device as well. Later depictions

  of those crystal formations were found after the initial analysis of the

  ancient Calyx data repositories.

  Sheppard had an advanced degree in astrophysics from the Academy,

  although his historical perspectives about older civilizations came from

  his education as a Star Knight. “By hyper gates,” Sheppard said, “do

  you mean the transfer portals created by the Calyx that connect to

  other places in this and other nearby galaxies?” “Yes, that is correct, and we confirmed the Karratin and Estrian

  were aware of the extremely rare mineral deposits on QB7 and have

  not mined this system for well over a century.”

  Lieutenant Commander Darani approached the commodore. “Sir,

  the starfighter maintenance and landing facility is ready for the initial


  Commodore Sheppard smiled at Commander Taylor. “I want to

  continue this conversation later, but right now I have to help get these

  starfighters ready.”

  She nodded her understanding as Sheppard turned and joined the

  Quarlusian, who seemed to be in the process of morphing slightly in

  order to refine her facial features.

  The inspection of the maintenance, command and landing facility

  took the better part of an hour, and officers and technicians immediately

  began to correct any problems that were found. Lieutenant Commander

  Darani helped inspect the few recently repaired starfighters and made

  sure that any modifications needed for atmospheric assault were


  The team also inspected a small medical triage center. While

  inspecting the triage center, Sheppard observed as an injured space

  marine had several sensors implanted. The sensors would allow him

  to move his arm, which had suffered a severe brachial plexus injury.

  The chip already implanted in his brain would be able to bypass the
  damaged nerves and send signals directly to the injured limb, allowing

  him to move the arm and function until he could receive other

  restorative care.

  Commodore Sheppard received a communication alert on his


  “Sir, this is Lieutenant Corwin. We have sensor information

  indicating a buildup of Varlon ground forces. Evidently, they have

  been preparing to retake the capitol city.”

  Sheppard headed over to the command complex and met with

  Mister Robinton and General Idar. Planetary Governor Golda had

  placed General Idar in command of all defense forces on QB7. Sheppard

  observed as information came into the command center—information

  he might be able to use to best deploy the starfighters.

  Idar said, “They have less overall troop strength left, after the

  Waterway cruiser Nile bombarded some of their garrisons.” “General Idar, two of our peripheral bases are now being attacked.

  There is a large contingent of Varlon,” said one of the space marine


  “What direction are they moving, major?” responded Idar. The space marine officer looked at sensor data with his CDL and

  said, “Sir, they are moving toward this area.”

  As the general was taking care of ground defenses, Commodore

  Sheppard gave orders for the Starfighters to launch. “Have my

  starfighter ready,” ordered Sheppard.

  After several minutes, fire from two incoming powerful Varlon

  Spider ships had broken through the lines, and plasma weapons fire

  came down on the force shield. Starfighters from both sides were

  flying, and any strikes that missed caused collateral damage to the

  unprotected areas.

  As Commodore Sheppard was running to get to the Valkyrie-class

  starfighter that he was in earlier, part of a damaged building that was again hit by enemy weapons fire fell onto his starfighter. Sheppard

  cursed; now he could not join the other starfighter pilots. Grav-tanks supported by space marines went to fight the Spider


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