Love Captures the Heart (Sully Point, Book 3)

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Love Captures the Heart (Sully Point, Book 3) Page 3

by Smith, Nicole

  Another woman approached him at the counter and handed over their sandwiches. "Hi, I'm Deb, the owner."

  "Hello. I'm Jason Earlington. I'm here with Holly." He waved a hand in her direction and then pulled out his wallet to pay.

  "You know, the rumors are flying hot and heavy today about you two. How long have you been together?"

  "Together? Oh, you mean dating? We haven't. I'm one of her clients."

  "I see," Deb said, looking thoughtful. "And your business as her client brought you to Sully Point? To...what...find personnel down here?"

  He felt nonplussed and knew his face must have just gone blank. "Uh, that is, Holly..."

  "I'm back," Holly announced as she grabbed the sandwiches off the counter. "Sorry we can't stay to chat Deb, but we have work to do. See you later."

  Before he knew it, she'd herded him out the door and across the street into the park. "How did you know to get me out of there? I didn't know what to say to her questions."

  "I heard her. She's a good friend and a great person, except for her love of gossip. She can rival Maelynne on a good day."

  They sat down at a picnic table in the middle of the park. Jason turned and looked at the area and was impressed by how natural a space it was in the middle of the town. In between bites of delicious turkey sandwiches, they talked about the project. After a while, the talk changed.

  Holly asked, "So what do you do for fun, Jason? Or are you a complete workaholic?"

  He said, "Pretty much a complete workaholic. Aren't you?"

  She smiled ruefully. "I try not to be but success takes work. Fortunately I have this place to come home to, for decompressing and de-stressing from life in the city. How do you deal with the stress?"

  He thought about it. "I guess I use my workouts at the gym for that. I go there every day except Saturday when I let myself sleep in. Then on Sunday I go to my grandmother's for a big leisurely lunch every weekend I'm in town. She lives in the city."

  "What about your parents?"

  "They're dead," he said stiffly.

  "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up bad memories."

  He sighed. "No, I'm sorry. I don't mean to sound so abrupt. They died a while ago, before I had made it in my business. They missed seeing me succeed."

  Jason looked into her eyes and found only concern. No pity. That was good. He never could stand the pity looks. She remained silent and he found himself saying, "They were murdered--a senseless random mugging gone wrong. It was a teenager with a gun, out for some fast cash. My father didn't hand over the money fast enough and the kid shot them both. He's in prison now."

  He stopped talking and wondered if Holly was some kind of witch. He never talked about his parents' deaths with anyone. Ever. He was staring down at his hands which were fists on the table. Gradually he unclenched them and looked up to see a single tear fall to the table from her eye. She wiped at her eyes and then took a deep breath.

  "Thank you, for telling me."

  "I don't know why I did."

  "Sometimes people tell me things unintentionally."


  "I'm not sure. Maybe they sense that I won't go telling anyone else."


  She began to pick up the wrappings from their food to stuff into the paper bag.

  "Here, I'll go put that in the trash can," he said. He came back to the table and asked, "How come the park is so clean? I've never seen a park with no litter at all."

  "It was the town council. They had set aside money in the budget to establish cleaning the park as a job for some people in town. They felt it would be good for tourism."

  As they walked out of the park, they were stopped by a young man in a red vest that said Park Employee on the back. He had Down's syndrome, and smiled widely at them. "Holly!" he said loudly. "You came to my park!"

  "Yes, Nicky I did. How've you been?" She gave him a hug.

  "I been good. Who's this man?"

  "This is my friend Jason. Jason, this is Nicky Sanders. He keeps the park cleaned up."

  "Hello Nicky," Jason said and stuck out a hand. Nicky laughed and shook it. "You do a great job here."

  "It's my job. I keep the park clean."

  "Yes, you do, you and your friends," Holly said and patted him on the back. You tell the others I said 'hi' okay?"

  "Okay Holly."

  "Bye bye, Nicky."

  He waved at them and walked off.

  The crossed the street to the other side of the square as Holly explained. "The town decided there should be paying jobs for several people in town with Down's. They talked to them and everyone agreed it was a good idea. Nicky and three others work at the park and live in supervised living in an apartment building. They're all doing very well."

  "To say I'm surprised at such an elegant solution to a problem is putting it mildly. The town wasn't required to do anything for them."

  "Well, that's one thing I really like about Sully Point. Any reasonable suggestion can be put forward to the Town Council and it will be listened to and given consideration. I was surprised at how well they took to the idea when I--"

  She stopped talking and blushed. Jason said, "You were the one who came up with the idea."

  "I don't usually tell anyone that. But if you think about it, my main job is to get the right people together with the right job, so it's not so surprising."

  "You did a good thing, Holly."

  "I do try to. I don't always succeed."

  "Somehow I find that hard to believe."

  In the yarn store, they met with Violet the owner. "Yes, dear, I've always dyed my own yarns. That way I get what I want when it comes to color. Now are you two going to be in town for the whole weekend?"

  Jason shook his head while Holly nodded. Violet looked from one to the other. "Oh dear, not quite on the same wavelength are you."

  Holly said, "We aren't sure yet how long we'll be here."

  Jason asked, "Are these yarns colorfast?" The short round woman came out from the counter to look at the basket he was pointing at. He noticed her long gray hair fell down her back to her waist.

  Violet said, "Ooh yes, of course they are ready to use. Are you interested in yarn?"

  He gave her a smile. "My grandmother is--she's a great knitter. This shade of green caught my eye. I think she'd like it very much."

  "Well now, that would lovely dear, just lovely. And it's almost the exact shade of your own eyes. Now how much do you think she would need?"

  * * * *

  Holly stood amazed as Jason haggled over price with Violet. He could be quite charming when he put out the effort. The question in her mind was whether or not there was reality beneath the charm that matched it.

  His looks were such that it was hard to see the man within. The glimpse she'd gotten at the picnic table in the park, when he spoke of his parents, showed a man of intense emotions--unlike the driven workaholic in some respects. She had the distinct sense he was quite good at repressing his feelings in order to achieve his goals, and wondered where or when the passion was let loose in his life.

  Jason was laughing and saying good-bye to Violet. "I think you got the best of me in this transaction," he said to her.

  Violet smiled conspiratorially. "Just don't let anyone know you got me down in the price at all. You're a devil, that's for sure. Tell your grandmother I hope she enjoys the yarn. Now you dears run along and have a good afternoon.

  Outside Holly laughed. "Do you feel we've just been sent out to play? 'Run along dears,' she cracks me up."

  He smiled at her. Holly was surprised by a sudden surge of lust--the man's smile could undo her.

  "I think I've got a broad sense of the town square area. How about you take me out to the land they propose using? I'd like to see it to have a clearer picture."

  "Sure, that I can do. Let's go get the car." Even as she walked beside him she felt his presence, his sexual magnetism.

  "Holly--be careful!" Jason had reached out and grabbed her a
rm to pull her back as a car crossed in front of them. She'd been completely unaware of the traffic. The feel of his hand on her arm charged the moment between them.

  He dropped her arm and looked directly into her eyes. There was a question there--a question she knew the answer to.



  They stared at each other. His lips turned up in a sly smile. "I bet there's not a single place we could go where someone in town wouldn't see us."

  "There you'd be wrong," she said a bit breathlessly. "The spot for the project is quite deserted."

  He took her hand in his. "Lead on." The tone of his voice made her shiver deliciously.

  * * * *

  They drove out to the parcel of land in total silence. Energy hummed between them. Jason hadn't felt this turned on in a very long time. He reached for her hand and she pulled away.

  "Don't, or we won't get there."

  He laughed in a deep hungry way. Glancing over at her, he saw her hand resting on her thigh tapping her fingers rhythmically. He looked away.

  "Turn up there, and take the dirt road."

  "Dirt road, of course. The Jag will love that."

  He felt it as she turned in her seat to face him. "Do these seats lean back?"

  "You better believe it."

  "Because I don't want to get bug bites in the field."

  "Good thinking."

  "I have protection," she said matter of factly.

  "Thank God because I don't. Haven't been getting out much lately." Like the past freaking year, he thought.

  "Here, pull over."

  He noticed that they were in a bump out from the road. He turned off the engine and there was only silence with nobody for miles around. Jason got out of the car and walked around to the passenger side. "I think you on top would work nicely."

  She stared at him and then drew her shirt over her head and tossed it into the driver's seat. "I have no problem with that, none at all."

  He got in the car and pressed her body against his. "It's been a while," he said against her ear.

  She shivered and moved her lips to his. "Kiss me, kiss me now."

  And he crushed her mouth against his, wanting her desperately in that moment. The kiss lit a fire in him and she seemed to feel it too. Moaning, she moved against him.

  * * * *

  "I think I got sunburned on my back," she said with a laugh. They had stayed out there in the convertible for hours. Now they were racing to make it back to the house for dinner. Holly knew she'd better finish touching up her makeup before they arrived or Anna would know something was up. Her sister was incredibly observant, as an artist should be.

  The sex had been like an some kind of erotic dream. He had been demanding and intense at first and she knew he had denied himself for too long. She'd thought it was all over but then he chuckled and said, "Okay, it had to be that way. We can take our time about it this time."

  Her surprise had made him laugh and she was delighted to find he was very good at taking his time. She didn't think she'd ever been so turned on, and left so satiated, as she had been with him. The sexual chemistry between them was extreme.

  "You know, this was fantastic but--" Holly stopped, unsure how to phrase it.

  "Right, I mean we barely know each other."

  "Yes and we're in business together."

  "Plus, I don't have time to get involved," he said.

  "I know what you mean. That's partly why I swore off sex six months ago."

  "Oh yeah? You did seem eager," he said with a grin at her.

  "Me! Hmph. Yes, well, it just seemed like the men I dated wanted some big relationship and I don't have time for it."

  "Believe me, it's worse with all the women who want to settle down and have babies."

  "Yes, I can imagine. The women I know seem to be either having babies or wanting them."

  "But not you?" He seemed honestly curious so she decided to tell the truth.

  "I've never been big on babies. You can't say that to my sister Anna, or my sister-in-law Julia, however, because they both have babies. I much prefer to deal with a kid who's older, like in school. Besides, I've worked hard to grow my businesses. It takes work and lots of it. You know how it is. I've seen how much time and energy the babies in my family have taken from their parents. At this point in my life, I don't have it to give. And I think it would be wrong to have a baby if I wasn't feeling ready to devote all I had to it."

  He nodded, turning on to the street with the Grainger house.

  "Oops, we're here. Check me over quickly. I can't look like I just had amazing sex for hours," she said with a very satisfied smile.

  He laughed. "You look great, but I wouldn't smile like that."

  "Like what?"

  "Like the cat who swallowed the canary...or something."


  He laughed and pulled the car up in front of the house. She liked his laugh. It was easy and engaging. She had especially liked it during sex when they maneuvered around in the Jag. Then it had been the sexiest sound imaginable. Enough, she told herself. Stop thinking of him like that or they'll all know.

  They walked in to find everyone else already there. The usual confusion ensued, of a group of people meeting a newcomer. The two-year old boy of Anna's toddled over to grab Holly's legs. She looked down and said, "Hey, Joshua? How are you buddy?"

  Joshua patted his hands on her legs and it was only when she heard Anna's cry of dismay that she realized he'd been eating something red.

  "Oh Holly, I'm sorry. He just had a popsicle and we hadn't yet made it to the sink to wash his hands."

  Holly grinned gamely at her sister. She noticed Jason smothering a grin behind his hand as he faked a cough. Fortunately for him, her brother Cody and her brother-in-law Sam had come over to meet Jason or she might have found a way to retaliate for that grin.

  Her father walked in and said, "Okay everybody, lobsters are done, corn on the cob is ready, and salad is on the table. Let's eat."

  * * * *

  The dinner that night was filled with laughter, noise, opinions, and good food. Jason felt surprised by how quickly he was included. This, he thought, must be what it is to have a big family. It had been only him and his grandmother for a long time. Watching Julia patting a baby on her shoulder, Anna barely avoiding getting hit by the cob of corn her son was waving, Frank refilling wine glasses and Holly laughing at something her brother Cody said, he knew his grandmother would fit right in here. He could feel a sharp pain in his heart as he felt envious of what they had.

  Holly glanced over at him from across the table. Her quizzical look turned to one of understanding and she smiled gently. How did she do that? The woman was uncanny at picking up on what he was thinking.

  He thought about the crazy afternoon they'd spent together. The sex drive he'd been sublimating into work was back. Looking at her, he could imagine Holly's delightful body underneath his again...but that wasn't supposed to happen. They'd agreed they didn't have time to get involved.

  Unless...what if they didn't have a 'relationship' at all? What if they got together on occasion but didn't expect anything other than a good time sexually? The idea had possibilities.

  "Jason, did you like the property?" Frank asked from the head of the table. Everyone got quiet.

  "Yes, I did, very much. It has a remarkable view. I'm just concerned about the size of it. It really doesn't seem large enough for what you're thinking about doing."

  Frank frowned and Sam spoke up. "Surely it would be big enough. It encompasses the entire estate of old Mrs. Bidwell and the grounds of the old community college."

  "Uh, wait, wait, this is my fault," Holly said, blushing. "I didn't take him over the whole thing. He didn't get to scope out all of it."

  "Well why not?" Sam asked. "That was the point of this visit."

  Jason spoke since Holly looked like she couldn't think of anything to say. "My fault, I'm afraid. I was so taken with the view, I pulled out
a sketchpad and immediately got absorbed in drawing. Then I got a call from work that took a while--well, time just got away from us."

  "Can we see what you came up with?" Cody asked.

  "No, not yet. I hate to have people look at my work at such a preliminary stage."

  "Just like Anna with her paintings," Cody said, nodding.

  "This complicates things, though," Frank said. "You were planning on driving back first thing tomorrow, right?"

  Jason said, "I can stay until tomorrow evening. There really is no big reason for me to get back before then."

  Everyone at the table seemed to give a sigh of relief. He realized they were all very invested in the project. It was another reason to do the job.

  * * * *

  "Holly Grainger, just what are you doing?"

  Holly whirled around quickly in the kitchen to face Anna. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Sis."

  "Ha. You and that gorgeous man did more than look at property."

  Holly sighed. "You know, sometimes you can be a real pain."

  "Come on, what gives? I know you. You never mix business and pleasure."

  "Would you believe that I'm not sure what happened? I mean, I know what happened, but not the reason why. It was just so primal, so immediate. We were compelled to do it."

  Anna giggled. "Oh Holly, compelled? Really?"

  She shrugged. "That's the best explanation I can give you. But don't worry, it won't affect the project. It won't happen again."

  Anna looked surprised. "Why not?"

  "Because, he's a client and he may do the project. It would be too complicated."

  "Too bad. He seems like a nice guy. A bit reserved, but a good person, is my take."

  Holly sighed. "Now don't start. Yes, he's a good guy. No, he is not looking for a relationship any more than I am. Leave it alone, Anna."

  "Okay, okay. You don't know what you're missing, though, you really don't. Being married to Sam, having Joshua--it's everything."

  Holly reached out impulsively and hugged her sister. "Hey, what's that for?"

  "I'm so happy that you're happy."

  "I want you to be happy too, Holly."


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