Love Captures the Heart (Sully Point, Book 3)

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Love Captures the Heart (Sully Point, Book 3) Page 15

by Smith, Nicole

  "No," he said, in a deep rough voice. "Not tonight. I want you in my arms, all warm and naked in your lovely bed."

  He pulled her to her feet and kissed her deeply. They walked into the bedroom, and Holly said, "We're going to get hungry later. I'll just go put that soup in the fridge."

  He shook his head. "Get naked, woman. I'll put away the soup."

  She shivered at the look in his eye and quickly undressed, so that she was standing by the bed when he returned.

  "Wow," he said.

  She smiled and knew that, no matter where they lived, she was home.

  Chapter 10

  They ended up taking a penthouse apartment in The Helix building that Holly had been living in. It turned out that Jason did still have some pull and they got the place at a good discount. Plus, there had been tenants who left because of worry about all the Earlington structures. Jason told Holly he expected that the building would fill up again, now that the story had died down, and that their living there was a testament to his belief in the building's composition.

  The penthouse provided them with tons of room, so Holly was able to have her room-sized closet once again, and Jason had his office. They spent time shopping together for the new place, ending up with an eclectic mix of modern, yet homey, furnishings.

  One day Jason arrived at home with a big smile on his face. "Got another one today," he said to Holly. He lifted her up and swung her around in a circle while she laughed. "It's really happening. The clients are coming back. Or, at least, new clients have taken the place of the old ones. Today I can finally say that I'm going to make it."

  "Let's go out to dinner to celebrate," Holly suggested.

  "I did have a better way to celebrate in mind," Jason said. "But if we put off dinner to eight o'clock or so, we could invite Rob and Marla to join us."

  "And between now and eight?"

  He leaned in and whispered into her ear, "Between now and then, I'm going to make wild passionate love to you."

  She shivered. "How can you do that to me with just your voice?" she wondered aloud. He laughed softly in her ear and she pushed him away with a smile. "Stop that. Call Rob, and then, I'm yours."

  Later, at a dinner of steaks, baked potatoes, and asparagus, Rob listened to the news and gave Jason a big smile.

  "I knew you could do it. It's a good feeling isn't it, to come back from a defeat?"

  "Yes," Jason said, emphatically. "It really is. And I have to give a ton of credit to Marla here, the best assistant anyone could have."

  Marla smiled at him. "You're a pleasure to work with, Jason. It's been exciting these past weeks, as things started to take off. And we've got our full staff back, thanks to you Holly."

  Holly laughed. "Okay, let's face it. We're all wonderful and deserve congratulations."

  They raised their glasses to that, and had a relaxing evening of good food and good talk. At the end of the night, Holly said to Jason, "They seem good together."

  He gave one last wave to the cab that had taken the other two off in the night, and nodded. "They seem very easy with each other. I'm glad. They are both such great people, they should have love in their lives."

  "A big proponent of love these days, are you?"

  "You betcha. I have another announcement to make, by the way."

  Holly turned to look at him as the cab pulled up. He opened the door for her and as she got in, he said, "We're breaking ground on the Sully Point house this Friday. Can you take the day off so we can go down there for it?"

  He settled next to her in the back of the cab, only to have her hug him fiercely. "Whoa, what's that for?"

  "It's just that you dreamed about it, and then I did, and now you're going to make our dream house a reality. Life almost feels too perfect. Almost scary."

  "I know what you mean, but I think it's going to be okay. Maybe it's time for us to have all this good stuff in our lives."

  "Maybe so," she said, and kissed him again.

  They stopped when the cab driver said loudly, "Your stop."

  Giggling, they got out of the car and raced inside the building.

  * * * *

  Friday afternoon found them at the site of their Sully Point home. They'd finally decided on a place that wasn't so high along the cliff, one that offered a good place for a walkway down to the beach. Jason planned to put in plenty of windows for a great ocean view. He and Sam had gone over Sam's beach house, looking at what worked well and things Sam might change in the future.

  Anna, Sam, Julia, Cody and Frank were all there with Jason and Holly when the first shovel of dirt was dug. They toasted the new house with bottles of beer that Frank had brought.

  "Where's Betsy?" Holly asked her father.

  "Had to work. Friday is a busy day at the bank."

  "When are you guys going to get married? I keep waiting for an invitation."

  "Well, since all you guys are in town this weekend, how about tomorrow?"

  "Tomorrow! Is this what Betsy planned?"

  "It is. We've had everything arranged and just waited for a weekend when you'd be here. We're getting married at the house with just family."

  Everyone crowded around Frank, patting him on the back and wanting to know what they could do to help. He assured them all that everything was well in hand.

  After a while, everyone drove off, leaving Jason and Holly to walk around the property. They were standing at the place where the living room window would be, looking at the waves, when Jason said, "Let's do it."

  "Do what?" Holly said, distracted by thoughts of perhaps a more old-fashioned look in the decor of this house on the cliff.

  "Get married," Jason replied.

  "Get--wait--what did you say?" Holly demanded.

  "I was just thinking about your Dad getting married. You and I love each other. I think we should get married."

  "And that's your idea of how to ask me? 'Let's do it?' Good grief!"

  "Now don't get upset, Holly. It's just that I never think of it, didn't think of it until he brought up getting married tomorrow. I don't think of it because I feel like we already are married. We have this total commitment to each other, a love that will last forever--it's like a marriage already."

  "You feel like that? I guess I do too, when you put it like that. But then, why get married?"

  "It would be a symbol of our love."

  "I don't know..."

  Jason put his arms around her and said, "It's your parents' marriage you're thinking of, isn't it?"

  She sighed and laid her head against his chest. "Yes. I guess I feel afraid. Afraid that if we get married, we have more chance of losing each other. I know, I know, it sounds crazy."

  "Not crazy, but maybe fearful would be a good word. We don't have to rush into it, but I want us to have this symbol of our commitment to each other. I want you and me to wear rings, to exchange vows."

  "You sound so certain."

  "That's because I am certain. We've faced a lot of our fears to get to where we both are today. Maybe this is the last one?"

  She sighed, and then took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "You're right. It's a fear that's not based in rational thought. Time to face it. Besides, like you said, the whole deal does come with new jewelry."

  He laughed. "Let's go ring shopping once we get back to the city--unless you want to go to Lucretia?"

  "That's an idea. Cody had Lucretia design Julia's ring. It's lovely."

  "So, just to be clear, you are saying 'yes,' right?"

  She hugged him, and then looked up at him with a smile. "Yes, I do want to marry you."

  He kissed her. As they walked to the car, he said, "You know who is going to be thrilled by this--Gloria."

  "That's good," Holly replied.

  "No, you don't understand. Unless I totally miss my guess, Gloria is going to be thrilled that there will be a wedding to plan."

  "Oh. That's right. Marriage means doing the wedding."

  "It doesn't have to be fancy. We c
an do something small like Frank and Betsy."

  Holly was at her door and stared at him across the top of the car. "No way, pal. If we're going to do this, then I'm going to indulge in every girlhood fantasy I ever had about weddings. Gloria and I are going to have quite a time."

  Jason laughed. "I can't wait to see this."

  * * * *

  Frank and Betsy's wedding the next day was simply done, in the front parlor of the house. Holly found herself with tears streaming down her face by the end. Her father's face was glowing with happiness, and she knew he'd truly found love again.

  The party afterwards had a wedding cake and hors d'oeuvres. After everyone had eaten some cake and things were winding down, Holly raised a glass full of champagne. She knew they were all expecting a toast. She glanced at Jason and he nodded.

  "Everyone--Jason and I are getting married."

  A moment of silence became a noisy time of everyone offering congratulations and hugs.

  "Jason, however did you convince her?" Holly heard Anna ask.

  "I'm still not quite sure," he said with a little laugh. "All I know is that I'm the luckiest guy alive."

  Holly brushed away new tears upon hearing that, and then took her father aside. "Dad, I want you to know how much difference it has made, everything you said to me before. And knowing you were brave enough to get married again--that made me realize I could be that brave too. So, thank you."

  He gave her a hug and asked, "Do you want to have the wedding here?"

  "No. I think I'm going to have a fancy wedding in the city. We'll put everyone up at a hotel and have a great time. Are you and Betsy going on a honeymoon?"

  "We're going to wait until her planned vacation time from the bank. Then we're going to Niagara Falls. Seems like the place to go," he said with a chuckle. "Neither of us has ever been there, and we don't need to go to some beach resort when we live in one. We'll see the falls, and then maybe see Toronto."

  "Nice! Will the store be closed?"

  "No, Between Julia, Cody, Anna, and Sam, I think the store is covered."

  "When I think back a few years, and then look at us now, I'd say our family overflows with happiness. None of us knew, back then, what was waiting for us in the future. I certainly never expected to be in love and engaged to be married!"

  Frank laughed. "Are you two staying here, or going to the loft?"

  "We'll go to the loft. I think you and Betsy deserve an empty house on your wedding night."

  She giggled and turned away to find Jason, while Frank's face turned a bright red.

  That night in the loft, Jason made love to Holly slowly and passionately. She had a moment when tears filled her eyes, and he asked her what was wrong.

  "Nothing, that's just it. I've never been so happy. I keep waiting for the sky to fall."

  "I think you'd better get used to being deliriously happy," he said, as he kissed the tears away. "I know I plan to stay that way."

  She hugged him to her tightly, and felt her fears float away in the bliss of the moment.

  * * * *

  Even with Holly pushing hard to get it done, the wedding took a full three months to plan. And it wouldn't have happened nearly so quickly if it hadn't been for Gloria's determination and her contacts throughout the city. Every time Holly was ready to give up and elope, Gloria came through with another miracle and the wedding was back on. They finally decided to marry in the spectacular atrium of the Golden Dome building. It had windows looking out over the city, with hanging flowering plants and plenty of space for a large party. The space was welcome once Holly looked at the long guest list. Between her Sully Point friends, Jason's business contacts, and Gloria's extensive network of people, the atrium was barely big enough to contain them all.

  Gloria talked her favorite designer into modifying a wedding dress that Holly liked, one with slim lines that fitted closely to her body so that it showed off her curves. The lace-covered material made a sweetheart neckline, with cap sleeves on the dress. Lucretia had come through with a simple yet beautiful ring of diamonds, with small emeralds interspersed to represent Jason's eyes, along with a band of gold for him edged in a strip of fine beading on either edge.

  The flowers had been a stopping point until Gloria stepped in and provided a florist willing to work like mad to get everything done on time. Holly had wanted small golden yellow roses with buttery Asiatic lilies in her wedding bouquet. For the rest of the decorations, she'd chosen larger yellow roses alternating with the lilies and accented by strands of ivy. The white and golden satin ribbons added to the final look of a room that glowed under the Golden Dome.

  Much to Holly's surprise, the morning of the wedding day arrived and she was calm. After all the nerves and anxieties that had gone into the planning, knowing it was all coming together finally had completely relaxed her. Jason, on the other hand, was a wreck.

  "Holly? I've lost my vest. I thought you said everything was in the closet," he called to her, from inside the closet next door to the bedroom.

  She shook her head and walked into the closet to discover him searching frantically through racks of her clothing. "Hold on, stop. You're going to mess everything up in here. Remember how your stuff is on the other side of the room? I put everything in your section."

  Jason ran a hand through his hair and looked at her with chagrin. "Sorry. But I couldn't find it over there and I thought maybe you--"

  She moved to his section and held up the vest, hanging next to the shirt he was supposed to wear.

  "Oh. I thought it would be on the hanger with the jacket and when it wasn't..."

  She laughed softly at the look on his face. He was very cute right now, but she knew telling him that would not be appreciated. He was going to look great in the Hugo Boss black suit and vest. "See how I put everything right here together? Even your shoes are right there." She pointed and he nodded.

  "How many people are coming again?" he asked.

  "Too many. You don't really want to hear the number, do you?"

  "Not really. Why are you so calm? I thought brides were supposed to be nervous."

  She shrugged. "Honestly, I'm just so glad it's finally the day. Come on. I'll fix us some breakfast. We aren't going to have get ready for hours and hours yet. Gloria and I planned this so that we'll be taking our vows at sunset to get the full effect of the light through the windows. Basically, we have all day to goof off."

  "Uh, damn, I forgot to tell you."

  Holly looked at him as he sat down at the breakfast bar while she pulled out a pan to make eggs. "What did you forget?"

  "We do have something to do today. Rob said he was coming by around ten this morning to pick us up to go look at something. I think it's an investment that he wants to show off. Anyway, I said yes days ago, because he said we'd have plenty of time before the wedding. Then I forgot to tell you."

  Holly shook her head at him. "Honestly, you're lucky I'm not the standard nervous bride, or I'd be throwing something at you right about now."

  "Yeah, I guess I should have run that by you. Hey, will you make pancakes instead of eggs? I would love your blueberry pancakes."

  "I'm a sucker for that pleading look. Okay. Let's hope I still fit in my dress after I eat one of these."

  "One? I plan on eating four at least."


  After breakfast they finished packing. They'd decided to leave for their honeymoon tomorrow morning so they wouldn't feel rushed after the wedding to make a flight time. Jason had wanted to see the old architecture of Greece, and Holly had always wanted to go there. They also planned to fit in a visit to Venice, and a few other spots in Europe.

  By ten, Holly was dressed in a flowing green skirt that came to her ankles. She always liked wearing it because it was so comfortable. A cream-colored cotton top finished off her look. They met Rob downstairs and discovered he'd rented a big limo.

  "What's this? Did you get this for the whole day just to go to the wedding tonight?" Holly asked as they
walked to the car.

  "Not just for that." Rob opened the door and they found Gloria and Marla sitting in the limo.

  "Do you guys know what's going on?" Jason asked them.

  Gloria shook her head, and Marla said, "He won't let me say a word about it."

  Rob got in and shut the door. "It's been a deep, dark secret for months now. Today is the big reveal, as they say."

  They car drove off and Holly talked quietly with Marla and Gloria about the wedding. Then she noticed Jason tensing up beside her. "What is it?"

  "Rob, where are we going?" Jason asked sharply.

  "Right here." The limo pulled to a stop.

  "This is the Trenton building site."

  Rob looked at the younger man directly. "Yes, it is. As you can see, the building is gone now. Let's get out. I have something to tell you all."

  They emerged from the limo, Jason rather stiffly.

  Rob walked onto the edge of the site. "When I heard about the Trenton being bought by the Greystone Consortium, I knew two things. First, I knew that they would put up some kind of horrible monstrosity in its place, because they have no taste. And second, I knew that this building had meaning for Jason and Gloria, and through association, to Holly. Almost from the moment of the sale of the Trenton, I was in negotiations to buy it from Greystone. They were, as usual, a right pain in the--well, a more conservative, rigid, money-hungry group I have yet to meet. But I had been trying to find a site for a building the size of the Trenton, or larger, for some time.

  "You see, I've thought we should have a unique building here in downtown. One that offered affordable housing on at least half the floors, and then on the upper half, offer more expensive apartments. More like a mixed neighborhood feel to the building. I planned for there to be a restaurant, a grocery, and hopefully a good deli, to be some of the first-floor occupants."

  "You've certainly kept this close to the vest," Gloria said. "I think everyone in town still believes the Greystone Consortium owns this site."

  "It was part of the sale agreement--that they'd keep quiet for six months. From the beginning," Rob continued, "I've wanted Jason to create this building." He turned to Jason who was standing stock-still staring at the ground. "Jason, I know you may have mixed feelings about this, but I'm not asking you to design the building because of your parents. Perhaps I'm asking you in spite of what happened to them. You're the most creative architect we have in this city, and I want you to add a special building to the skyline."


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