A Love to Treasure (Sunriver Dreams Book 1)

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A Love to Treasure (Sunriver Dreams Book 1) Page 8

by Kimberly Rose Johnson

  “It was my pleasure. I know I said I’d be in touch about our dinner date, but in spite of all that’s happened . . . the offer stands. I’m free tomorrow night.”

  “Okay. I’d like that. But as friends, not a date, and I’m paying for my own meal. I like you and don’t want to mess up what we have with romantic entanglements.”

  He chuckled. Romantic entanglements? “I can live with that.”

  “You’re different from what I expected after our first encounter. Honestly I was a little afraid of you when you stalked toward my car. And when I saw your huge biceps I thought . . . well never mind what I thought.”

  “You thought I was going to hurt you?”

  “Kind of. But only at first,” she quickly added.

  He enjoyed lifting weights, and his strength had come in handy more than once on the job, but it bothered him that she’d been afraid of him. He cleared his throat. “Okay. I’m glad it was only at first. I’ll pick you up at six for dinner tomorrow.” He glanced past her shoulder toward the kitchen. “You want help washing the dishes?”

  “No thanks. I’m an obsessive-compulsive cleaner.”

  He lifted a hand and backed up with a grin. “No, not that.”

  She walked with him to the front door.

  “Don’t forget to lock up.” He tapped the door as he stepped outside. “I’ll get Sadie and be on my way.”

  “See you tomorrow night.”

  Mark turned toward the deck gate but stilled before retrieving his dog, listening for the sound of the lock to fall into place. A grin tipped his lips. Tomorrow night would be interesting. He got Sadie settled then put his car in gear and headed to the PD. Unless he guessed wrong, Spencer would still be around, and he wanted to check in and see if he’d found anything in those other photos.

  At the station he left Sadie snoring softly on the backseat, then he found Spencer still clicking through pictures on his computer. “Figured I’d find you here. How’s it going?”

  Spencer looked up with tired looking, red eyes. “Nothing. I guess now I understand why the guy questioned me when I said I’d like to see all his pictures. There must be several thousand on this file.”

  “He took all of these in the past two weeks?”

  Spencer nodded.

  Mark rubbed his neck and returned his gaze to the screen.

  “Want help?”

  “Please. I could use a break. If I see one more deer or bird, I may go cross-eyed.” Spencer stood and stretched.

  Mark chuckled and slid into the seat Spencer vacated. “You should go home and sleep.”

  “So should you, but you’re not either. How was dinner?” A teasing lilt accompanied the question. Maybe Spencer wasn’t that tired.

  “Great.” He rested his hand on the mouse and clicked through to the next picture before glancing at Spencer.

  Spencer waggled his brow. “Sounds like you did more than put her mind at ease.”

  “Easy, man. I don’t like your insinuation.”

  Spencer’s neck reddened, and the grin slid from his face. “Sorry. So what’d you eat?”

  “What’s with all the questions? You hungry or something?”

  “Yeah. Think I’ll go grab a bite. Be back in thirty.”

  Mark waved him off and clicked through the photos until one caught his eye. In the background, a white van sat in front of a house. He enlarged the photo to see the address on the house and cross-referenced it with the houses that had been hit. “Bingo.” But like before, the license plate wasn’t visible.

  He clicked to the next picture. One of these may very well hold the key to solving this puzzle. His cell phone buzzed in his pocket. He glanced at it and answered. “Nicole, what’s up?”

  “There’s a white van in the driveway across the way from my house,” she spoke quietly, but the panic in her voice rang clear.

  His heart rate spiked. “Stay inside and double check the locks. I’m on my way.”

  Chapter Ten

  Mark phoned Spencer and met him in the parking lot.

  “Get in, I’ll drive.” Spencer flipped on his light bar and tore from the lot. “You think it’s our guys?”

  “No idea, but it’s a white van, and Nicole said no one has been around.” He’d practically promised Nicole she was safe and now this. It didn’t make sense that they’d go back to the same neighborhood after nearly being caught at Nicole’s house. What was up with these guys? Clearly they weren’t easily deterred. Please keep Nicole safe, Lord. They had to stop these guys before someone got hurt.

  Spencer accelerated.

  “Take it easy. If we crash on the way, it won’t help anything.”

  Spencer eased off the gas as he rounded the next circle, then accelerated into the straightaway. A minute later they pulled into the cul-de-sac and slid to a stop behind the van, leaving the lights on.

  A man stepped out of the house, his eyes widened when he spotted the police cruiser. “What’s going on?”

  “Do you have I.D.?” Spencer asked.

  “In my wallet. It’s in my back pocket.”

  Mark poised his hand by his side ready to draw his weapon if necessary. He may not be in uniform, but he still carried a sidearm.

  “I rented the house for seven days. Is there a problem?” He handed his driver’s license to Spencer.

  “Be right back.” Spencer strode to his cruiser and called in the information—standard procedure required they run a check on the truck and the driver.

  “Where are you from?” Mark kept an eye on the man and the door that stood open.

  “Albany. My wife and I like to get over here at least once a year.”

  “Is your wife inside?”

  “Yes. She’s unpacking. We got a late start and arrived a short time ago.” He shot a look toward Spencer then returned his attention to Mark. “What’s going on? Is there a criminal on the loose or something?”

  Spencer sidled up to them. “Sorry to bother you Mr. Clint. Someone called in a suspicious vehicle.”

  “Oh, okay. No problem.” Relief covered his face. “So there’s no dangerous criminal in the area?”

  “Everything is fine. Enjoy your stay,” Spencer said.

  Mark followed Spencer and slid in the cruiser beside him. “Well?”

  “The owner of the rental agency was not happy to have been awakened from a sound sleep, but he was cooperative. Mr. Clint and his wife are registered guests. Apparently he and his wife rent this house every year this exact same week.” Spencer pulled out.

  Mark pressed in Nicole’s number. “You can rest easy. He’s a tourist, nothing more.”

  “Oh good. I’m so embarrassed.”

  “Don’t be. You did the right thing.”

  “Okay. Thanks. See you tomorrow.”

  Mark pocketed his phone. It’d been a long day, and he was ready for it to end. Tomorrow he’d look at this case with fresh eyes. They had to be missing something.

  The station buzzed with early morning activity as officers changed shifts. Mark sidled up to Spencer’s desk. “Anything new?”

  “Maybe. I need you to work tonight.”

  “Why me?” He crossed his arms. Surely another cop was available. He kept his voice low. “Spencer, you’re killing me. You know I have a date.”

  Spencer shrugged. “Sorry, but you’re by far the most experienced investigator we have, and these break-ins have to stop. The Home Owners Association is demanding answers that I don’t have, and I’m sick of fielding calls. Besides that, it’s infuriating that we haven’t caught these guys yet.”

  “I understand, but can’t it wait a couple hours? It’s not like this is life or death.”

  Spencer looked around the room and motioned him into a nearby conference room then closed the door. “Look, I don’t know who the players are in this, but since it all began before you got here, I know I can trust you.”

  “Are you suggesting cops are involved?”

  Spencer shrugged.

  He kept his
voice low. “Do you have a credible reason to believe a cop is involved?” He hadn’t been in Sunriver long and really only knew Spencer well.

  “No, but the fewer people who know, the less chance that someone will accidentally reveal information they shouldn’t.”

  “Okay. I’m listening.” Mark leaned against the conference room table and wished the Sheriff’s department had this case, rather than their tiny police force.

  “I received a tip that needs follow-up. I don’t know what I’m stepping into and need backup.”

  This changed things. Mark couldn’t turn his back on a fellow officer. “That’s all you had to say. Fill me in.”

  “There’s supposed to be another break-in tonight.” He shared the address.

  Mark’s gut clenched. “That’s on Nicole’s street. What is it about that cul-de-sac?” He’d assured her she was safe and now this.

  Spencer nodded. “Makes you wonder huh? So far all the break-ins have been spread out randomly all over the resort.”

  Mark reached for his cell. “I have to warn her.”

  Spencer grabbed his wrist. “You can’t. She needs to act as if nothing is going on. We don’t want to tip them off.”

  “Well, she’s going to know something is up because I have to cancel our date. What exactly do you suggest I do?”

  Spencer frowned then snapped his fingers. “We will use her place as cover.”

  “What? No way! She’s freaked out enough over what’s happened.” Spencer was crazy if he thought he was going to involve Nicole.

  “Considering she’s already been a victim of these guys, I’d think she’d want to help. If they’ve been casing the place, they’ll already know that you’ve been by and the two of you socialize.”

  “I suppose.”

  “Then seeing your car there again won’t raise any alarm.” The gleam in Spencer’s eyes almost had him agreeing to the dangerous proposal—almost. “I won’t put Nicole in harm’s way.”

  “I have a plan.” Spencer rubbed his chin. “But in order for it to work we’ll have to let Nicole in on it.”

  Mark sat on the edge of the table. “This I gotta hear.” One minute, Spencer refused to let Nicole know what was going on, then the next he wanted to involve her. He liked the guy, but at the moment he questioned the man’s judgment.

  Spencer started talking in a hushed voice. A slow, easy smile spread across Mark’s face. “I’m glad you’re wearing the wig and not me.” He looked Spencer over from head to toe. “I guess you could pull off a black dress and fancy shoes, but you better hit the stores if you’re going to find something in your size by tonight.”

  Spencer jerked his head back. “I’m not going in drag!”

  “Sorry, buddy. You want to impersonate Nicole, and that’s what she’s wearing on our date tonight.” He looked his new friend over once more and chuckled. “You could bring a female officer in on this and avoid having to shop.”

  Spencer turned several shades of red and stomped from the room.

  Mark chuckled until he remembered he needed to fill in Nicole. He prayed she’d be willing to go along with the plan.

  Nicole sat on the bed in her master bedroom listening to Mona the lead designer and her assistant Bailey discuss what needed to be done. She studied the two women. Mona, by far the older of the duo had an air of sophistication about her, but she was the consummate professional. Bailey, the polar opposite, was down to earth and reserved.

  She couldn’t help admire Bailey’s long dark hair. Although a little frizzy, with the right treatment, the woman’s hair would be like silk. Bailey took several pictures of her bedroom, then took out a tape and measured the windows and the floor space. “Do you have a color scheme in mind, Nicole?”

  Nicole drew a blank. “I don’t have a clue. I know it should feel peaceful and the bath should be spa-like, but beyond that I’m clueless.”

  Mona frowned. “How about colors you’d like to stay away from?”

  “I’d say anything bold. I love white and soft grays, greens and blues.”

  “Good. That gives us something to work with,” Mona said. “Regarding the furniture. What is your style?”

  This was the part that worried Nicole the most. If she owned this place she’d go glam all the way, but this was a rental and needed to appeal to a lot of people. “Traditional?”

  Mona gave her a tight smile. “Are you asking because you don’t know what traditional is or you aren’t sure what you like?”

  Bailey caught her eye and gave her an encouraging smile. “Don’t think about what anyone else would want in here. Describe to us your idea of the perfect bedroom. Trust us with the rest.”

  “Well, okay. Here it goes. I hate the furniture in here right now. It’s too big and tired. I want light and airy, but not modern. I really like how the rest of this place has been decorated. The white leather couch is my favorite. A sparkly chandelier would be neat as well as reflective surfaces, but not too much. I love luxury, so high quality linens would be nice.” She shot a look toward Mona who watched her with interest. “Maybe high quality anything would be bad in a rental.” She shrugged. “Anyway, the furniture should fit the space and not overpower it. And if you are going to add a dresser, please make it functional. That one is a joke. The drawers are too tiny. I think an armoire would be ideal.”

  Bailey looked up from the notes she was taking. “This is exactly the kind of feedback we were hoping for. What about the bathroom?”

  “It should blend with the bedroom; don’t you think?”

  Bailey nodded. “Anything else? Do you have a preference regarding fixtures?”

  “Uh.” Nicole looked to Mona.

  “We can update them with something classic that fits the budget,” Mona said.

  Relief surged through Nicole. “Perfect. Thanks!” She stood. “Are we done then?”

  Mona nodded and Bailey gathered their belongings. “I’ll give you a call in a few days to go over the preliminary design,” Bailey said.

  “Sounds good.” Nicole walked them to the door. “I look forward to seeing what you come up with.” She pulled the door open and caught her breath. “Mark! You’ve got to stop doing that to me.”

  He chuckled. “Sorry about that.” He nodded toward the designers, then turned his attention to Nicole. “Do you have a minute to talk privately?”

  Mona bustled past. “We were on our way out, officer.”

  Bailey followed silently after her boss.

  “Come in.” Nicole motioned Mark inside. She closed the door, turned, then led him to the living room and sat on the couch. “What’s going on?”

  “Something’s come up.”

  “You need to cancel tonight?” Disappointment washed over her, but she tried to hide it.

  “Not exactly.” He explained the plan.

  She grinned. Seeing Spencer in drag would be worth postponing their date. “Count me in. It sounds like fun.” Grams would love this. She had always been up for adventure, and it didn’t get more adventurous than helping a cop with a stakeout.

  He chuckled. “That is not the response I expected, but thank you.” They firmed up the details and he left.

  Nervous energy surged through Nicole. She had to do something to keep busy until her “date” tonight. She meandered up the spiral staircase to the loft and pulled the first book her hand touched off the shelf. Grams had mentioned a good book. Would she have to go through every single title on the shelves to find the clue? She’d need to read full time all summer to accomplish that. It had to be simpler than that.

  Her eyes landed on a black leather King James Bible. It looked a lot like the one Grams used to read. She ran her hand over the spine then moved to the book beside it and pulled it from the shelf. She wasn’t ready to open Grams’ Bible yet. The missing clue must be in one of these books. If only Grams had been more specific.

  Chapter Eleven

  Nicole closed the blinds in preparation for the stakeout Mark and Spencer had planned. I
t wouldn’t do to have the bad guys see cops inside her house. She stilled and stared out the window as a deer munched on weeds. The peace the animal exhibited was opposite to her own right now—she was not an adrenaline junky, and her palms sweated.

  She closed the blind and moved to the next. A knock sliced through the silence squelching her thoughts. Nicole’s heels tapped on the hardwood floor as she hustled to answer the door. “You’re early.”

  “Sorry. I forgot to mention the time-line moved up.”

  Her stomach flipped, and her pulse thrummed in her ears. This had to be the craziest thing she’d ever agreed to, but if it helped catch the thieves, then it was worth it. “Not a problem. Let me grab my bag.” She opened the newly reinforced door further, allowing him to step inside.

  “You look amazing.” He placed a soft kiss on her cheek and whispered, “I promise I’ll make this up to you.”

  His touch sent a tingle racing across her skin in a way she wouldn’t mind revisiting when she wasn’t so nervous. She reminded herself Mark was only playing a part in case anyone was watching, or he never would have kissed her cheek since she’d made it clear they were only two friends enjoying dinner together.

  Nicole turned and grabbed her bag from the counter, complete with plenty of reading material to keep her occupied all night if necessary. She’d searched through a quarter of the books in the loft for a clue, but had come up empty other than finding several that she wanted to read.

  Grams probably didn’t have this in mind when she said to have fun, but she had to admit she was, in spite of her nerves. It wasn’t every day she got to participate in a police operation—well, maybe she wasn’t an active participant, but this was close. As she walked back to where Mark waited, admiration lit his eyes. Her breath caught—that look sure wasn’t for anyone else’s benefit. Her cheeks warmed, and she shifted her gaze away. “Ready?”


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