Dodge Danger

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Dodge Danger Page 8

by Anthony Newton

  Glass glared defiantly at her as she stubbed her cigarette out on Marson’s shoulder. Marson shrieked in agony. “However, this will not be on you but on your companion.”

  Glass’ fearful expression pleased her. “Now tell me gentlemen, where is Floyd Davidson hiding?” The explorers’ expressions revealed their unwillingness to answer. Reptilia moved to the door of the cabin and pressed a button.

  A moment passed and a fourth Dragon clan soldier entered, carrying two objects that looked like small brass replicas of bear claws.

  The men’s eyes widened with fear.

  “In pulp novels we Chinese are often portrayed as proficient torturers, attributed with many vile and painful methods, including one called ‘bone scraping’. This involves the torturer cutting through the victim’s skin and using some blunt object to scrape the bone beneath the patients wound. It is excruciatingly painful and can be a protracted and agonizing torture. The stereotype is old and tired, but interestingly enough, stereotypes only become stereotypes because of the element of truth in them.” Reptilia examined one of the bear-claw devices, testing its sharpness on the ball of her thumb. “Now Mr. Glass, where is Mr Davidson hiding himself these days?”

  At the local zoo, Dodge watched in fascination as Susan, in her other persona as Animalia, actually seemed to talk to the creatures. But then a bag-snatcher took advantage of their mutual distraction to flee with her pocketbook. Dodge gave chase but was accidentally arrested for his troubles.

  From the lockup he reluctantly called in a favour owed by an old friend and acquaintance; a seemingly idle playboy with considerable influence over the police commissioner. He ensured Dodge’s release. Now they stood outside the police precinct house, with the adventurer feeling humiliated and embarrassed. To top it off, it started raining.

  “Dodge, you really must learn how to behave yourself in Boston. I’m only new here myself – setting up the US arm of my club, Kwirks.” The tall, handsome man gazed at Dodge with sharp, intelligent eyes. He had sleek, black hair with a touch of grey creeping in above his temples.

  “I know, Brent,” Dodge protested.

  His friend laughed and it seemed to echo down the street. Brent Normansen smiled, the street lamp above casting a shadow over his face. “I won’t bail you out again, Dodge. I am all for calling in favours occasionally, but this is getting ridiculous.” Brent smiled and scratched his nose. “Crime does not pay, Dodge. It bears a...”

  “Bitter fruit, Brent. I know, you’ve told me this before.” Dodge sighed as he glanced over his shoulder at the sleek black limo idling on the street behind his tall friend.

  “So, can I get Jeff to drop you off somewhere?”

  “No thanks, Brent. I’ll walk, I need the air.” Dodge watched as the tall man nodded and climbed into his car.

  “Goodbye then, Dodge. The Onyx club, please, Jeff.” Brent shut the door and the limo purred off into the night. Dodge watched it go and felt a shiver run down his spine. Brent Normansen was a strange and shadowy man, but also a good and trustworthy friend. His partner, Jeff Bartlett, was a real character though; the funny side to his serious nature. For some reason he always wore an old Jester’s cap…

  Dodge thrust his hands deep into his pockets and with a deep sigh he began the long walk back to Twice’s hotel room.

  Reptilia approached her father’s cabin with trepidation. Her quest for information had cost both men their lives. Her father had definitely wanted them alive. She knocked gently on the door. The silence from within seemed oppressive. The guards on either side of the door watched impassively as she nudged the door inwards.

  Yue Tiansiang sat with his back to her.

  “Father?” she said softly, but he made no attempt to turn around. “Father, I know where Davidson is ... He’s at Tripsun Falls.”

  Her father sat silently, staring at the wall, his breathing deep and rhythmical. Reptilia approached him cautiously.

  “I had to torture them for the information. Unfortunately they ... they did not survive the ordeal...” She braced herself for the inevitable onslaught, but it did not materialize.

  Reptilia circled around to face her father and stopped in amazement. She experienced a thrill of excitement and fear. Yue Tiansiang was asleep! She couldn’t remember him ever sleeping before. Her eyes widened but a small smile played across her mouth. Perhaps this heralded the end of Yue Tiansiang. She had been waiting for this moment for years.

  By giving Dodge Danger cryptic clues that would help him stop the death trap, she had aided his escape from their base under the River Stewart. Then she had thrown him his revolver. She had recognized in Dodge a man with the ability to kill her father, leaving her to take his place. She wanted to become the most powerful crimelord in China. She could do it too. She wasn’t lost in the past and steeped in ancient traditions like her insane parent.

  Her plan had started years earlier when she had been little more than a child. She had seduced Mexitli’s son and persuaded him to kill his father. Had Danger not interrupted her plans she would have persuaded Mace to kill her father too, before throwing him to the guards. However, Danger had arrived looking for the remains of Musahi Hirutake, interrupting her plans. But she had not given up her ambitions.

  Her father had known even then that he was running out of time. After the incident he had consumed the ashes of Musahi Hirutake in a special potion, hoping they would aid in his revival. It was a foolish and empty idea.

  He was finally dying, but she was not prepared to wait any longer.

  Dodge Danger would kill Yue Tiansiang and then she would take considerable time and pleasure avenging her father’s death!

  She smiled, shivering with delight as she imagined her plans for Dodge Danger and Susan Kirkmuir.

  Chapter Seven

  The Journey to Tripsun Falls

  Through some colleagues at the infamous New Okkulten University, Twice discovered Floyd Davidson’s location. The explorer had only recently travelled to Tripsun Falls to investigate a second ancient archaeological site.

  Then Susan rushed into his hotel room, out of breath with a bizarre tale about glimpsing Dodge being bundled into the back of a paddy wagon by four policemen. Typical, Twice thought as now had to secure his friend’s release, arrange for three tickets to Tripsun Falls ­and cut short his lecture all at the same time. But when he finally managed to contact the relevant people, he discovered that Dodge had already been sprung by a well-known playboy.

  Dodge arrived at the hotel room with only enough time to change his khakis and leather jacket, before they had to rush out and catch their train.

  Dodge slouched in their first class carriage, nursing a balloon glass of cognac. He was sore, tired and angry after his long day. He was also extremely embarrassed about his subsequent arrest. Susan sat in the seat opposite, radiating warmth and beauty. Gazing at her, Dodge felt his spirits rise.

  “Yue Tiansiang knew we were in Boston,” he declared. “I’m sure that bag-snatching was arranged by his men.”

  “Perhaps he has people looking for you all over,” Twice began. He was sitting beside Dodge, holding a slightly smaller glass.

  “No, that little bastard who tried to kill us in the Mansion was the same guy who pounded me in Cuthbert McEld’s office, the one who kidnapped Susan. He seemed to be pretty well trusted by Tiansiang. It’s a safe bet he knows where we are now.” Dodge drained his glass and examined the bottom in case he’d missed some alcohol. The train pulled in to the station.

  “We’d best get ready to disembark. I fear this adventure is far from over.” Twice stood up, collecting bags from the overhead luggage rack.

  Dodge, Susan and Twice stood on the platform and watched as the train pulled off, heading for Canada. A tall well-built man approached them.

  “Twice Weekly, how the Hell are you?” he called.

  The trio of adventurers turned to face a middle-aged man with an obscure purple hue to his skin, and what appeared to be a tattoo of a large rune floa
ting randomly across his very body! Twice smiled and dropped his case to shake the man’s hand warmly.

  “Now who are these nice people?” he asked, facing Dodge and Susan.

  “Ah, Lawrence Maplethorpe the Third, this is Dodge Danger,” Twice began. Lawrence grinned broadly.

  Dodge had heard of Lawrence and was impressed by his tenacity and courage … and strange appearance. Lawrence Maplethorpe III, also known as the Rune Weaver, was rumoured to be one of the most powerful mages on the planet! Unfortunately not everyone was as liberal as Dodge, and more narrow-minded people thought that anyone magical or inexplicable was the enemy.

  “Lawrence, let me introduce Miss Susan Kirkmuir to you,” Twice continued as drew her forward.

  “Susan, I knew your brother. Marcus. He was a bit impetuous but a fine archaeologist. I am sorry for your loss.” Lawrence looked down at her with sincerity.

  “Thank you,” Susan said, touched by this stranger’s words of sympathy.

  Lawrence turned to Twice, his expression darkening. “Twice, I have tracked down Davidson for you, though why you would be interested in this villain is beyond my understanding!”

  “He may have some clues to why my brother committed suicide,” Susan answered.

  Lawrence nodded sagely. “Then we will visit him and find out what you need to know. He is staying at a motel not far from town.”

  Lawrence walked the three adventurers to his old jeep. It was battered beyond belief, a relic born during the Great War and utilised ever since. Knowing the Rune Weaver, it was probably an extremely powerful magical artefact. They climbed into the jeep and started towards Davidson’s hotel.

  A sleek black Cadillac pulled out behind them and started trying to follow them through the streets, obviously bullet-proof because of its flat windscreen. The rear windows slowly opened and machine gun muzzles emerged to point out from either side.

  A hail of deadly hot lead battered the jeep.

  Susan screamed!

  With the erratic bark of machine guns rattling around his head, Dodge grabbed the steering wheel from Lawrence’s grasp and jerked it to the side. The jeep veered wildly to the left. Susan shrieked again as a series of bullets rattled against the heavily armoured side of vehicle. Dodge glanced out of his window. The big black car was roaring towards them, throwing great plumes of dust from the dirt road.

  Dodge yanked out his revolver, aimed around Lawrence’s head and was about to fire at the tyres. He doubted they had been bullet-proofed!

  “Jesus Dodge, what are you trying to do? Finish off my career by deafening me? Take the wheel again and allow me.” Lawrence began chanting and weaving intricate designs through the air in front of him.

  “What the Hell are you doing?” Dodge gasped incredulously.

  “If you don’t like it, Sunshine, get out and walk!” Lawrence snapped.

  Dodge directed his attention back at the road – and realised that it had dropped away beneath them, becoming a thin thread of dirt snaking through the trees! “Holy shit…” he moaned.

  Lawrence ended his mystical repertoire and leaned out of his window, pointing at the Caddy speeding below. From this height it resembled a shiny black cockroach. The Rune Weaver let fly with a magical stream of energy, hitting the car squarely in the rear.

  Susan and Twice winced as the sedan veered off the road and crumpled in on itself, like a tin can crushed beneath the sandal of an invisible giant. The Rune Weaver directed the jeep to fly around the ruined sedan. Only one villain survived. He had managed to leap from the vehicle when it had swerved. Lawrence landed their fantastic jeep next to the wreckage, and Dodge sprang out.

  He glared down at the man, collapsed in shock beside the road, surprised to see that he wasn’t Chinese!

  Dodge grabbed him, hauling him up to glare into his eyes.”Where’s Yue Tiansiang?”

  “Who?” the man spluttered through bloodied lips.

  “Don’t play dumb with me! Your boss!” Dodge shook the fellow.

  “You’re the one playing dumb, Buddy! I don’t know anyone called Yoo Tea-and-Scones!”

  “Dodge, let me have him,” Lawrence said in a low, even tone. Dodge and the thug looked at him. The Rune Weaver stood with a fierce and terrible expression on his face. “I promised my grandfather that I would honour his grave with as many sacrificial scalps as I could,” he declared.

  Dodge gaped at him in horror, but the thug in his hands simply laughed. It quickly died as Lawrence drew a wicked-looking hunting knife from thin air. “It’ll be a tough job without the proper ceremonial tomahawk, but with a bit of hacking and tugging, I should be able to get the whole scalp off in one piece.” He grabbed the thug’s hair, pulling it taut and holding the blade at the top of the man’s forehead.

  “Well, don’t be all night doing it!” Dodge lifted his hands, letting Lawrence have him. He gave the man an apologetic shrug, as though there was nothing more he could do. Lawrence dug the knife edge into his sweaty skin ... just a little, but enough to galvanise the terrified man.

  “Christ man, don’t let this crazy freak scalp me!” he moaned to Dodge.

  “I wish I could help, mate - I really do, but his bloods up and he’s a proud man.” Dodge spread his hands.

  “What if I told you who really paid us to try and grease you?” the thug blubbered.

  “It might help,” Dodge suggested casually.

  “It weren’t no Chinaman that wanted you dead. It was a real fancy professor called Davidson!” The man couldn’t tear his gaze from Lawrence’s knife. Blood was trickling down his face.

  “Don’t lie to me. My friend is a very determined fellow,” Dodge warned.

  “No really, he gave me a picture of who he wanted killed! It’s in the car, next to the steering wheel!” the thug wailed. Dodge glanced at Lawrence who nodded, then moved to the wrecked Caddy.

  Sure enough, taped to the dashboard was a photograph. Dodge’s eyes narrowed as he examined the picture. It did not depict him!

  The photo was of Susan.

  Dodge glanced over his shoulder at her and smiled reassuringly. At the same time he crumpled the photo up and stuffed it deep in his pocket.

  “Lawrence, hurry up and scalp that rat, willya?” Dodge hollered and the thug fainted!

  Chortling, Lawrence dropped the unconscious thug onto the ground.

  “Does that savage crap work often?” Dodge asked, warming Lawrence by the second.

  “Yeah, but only on tourists and stupid henchmen!” The Rune Weaver smiled and waved the knife back into nothingness. Dodge clapped him on the shoulder and examined the sky.

  “It’ll be dawn soon. Twice, I want you and Susan to stay here and tell the police what happened while Lawrence and I pay Davidson a visit – if that’s alright with you, Rune Weaver?” Dodge asked the powerful mage, who was now binding the thug’s hands and feet with mystical ropes, also drawn from the air.

  “That’s fine, Dodge,” Lawrence answered.

  Dodge gave Susan a roguish smile. “How are you enjoying this whistle stop tour, honey?” he asked.

  “It’s been hectic, but the company’s lovely,” she smiled back. “Dodge why does Davidson want you dead?”

  “I don’t know sweetheart, jealousy maybe?” He didn’t even sound convincing to himself.

  “Well, whatever the reason, just be careful.” Rising onto her tiptoes and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

  “As always,” was Dodge’s reply.

  Floyd Davidson was a broken and fearful man.

  The tall, thin archaeology professor sat in a hotel room overlooking the river, the crash of the nearby falls a constant thunder in his ears, but it did not diminish the evil sounds that filled Davidson’s head.

  He stared at the table before him. Black and white 8x10 photographs were strewn over the surface and across the surrounding floorboards. The clearest depicted an image forever etched in his mind; a group photo of his students, each one smiling, enjoying the bright future that lay ahead of them
. Most were now dead! The few who weren’t were missing. Davidson took a long slug from a bottle of rotgut. When he stared at these photos one thing became clear to him - one thing alone.

  The young people were dead because of him. However he didn’t care one whit about that, only that the cursed thing that had stalked and killed them was now after him!

  If only he hadn’t gone looking for that damned shrine! He’d known what was there; he’d known the legends, but his craving for increasing magical power had overridden his intelligence and caution. Consequently he’d been unprepared for the filth he had unwittingly unleashed upon the Earth!

  Those accursed runestones!

  The Kirkmuir boy had taken them back to Scotland, but that hadn’t been far enough. The evil had followed him and taken his life.

  And now his sister was bringing the stones back to Davidson, unknowingly sealing his fate and that of the planet itself! Power was nothing without anyone or anything to rule over. The poor bitch had no idea what she was doing and neither did that fool, Dodge Danger.

  Davidson felt his soul wrench as he thought of the three killers from Vegas. He had hired them to assassinate Susan and her friends. Another stain on his immortal soul … what there remained of it.

  The exhausted magician glanced at his watch. If she wasn’t dead now she soon would be. He would writhe in torment in places far worse than Hell if he took the Runes back. At least this way he would have a few years to make amends and gather new power to the shadows of his soul.

  If only he hadn’t found that map. Then all this would never have happened...

  Davidson had discovered the ancient and portentous map deep within the bowels of the New Okkulten University, nestled in the private collection of one of the University’s mysterious benefactors, alongside books of dark and infamous reputation. A note pinned to the map stated that it was one of only three copies of cartography drawn by ancient Norse seafarers, after their ship had been blown off course by a violent storm. The ship’s captain, a brave and fierce warrior called Bjarni Herjolfsson, did not explore the land but returned to Greenland. Then Greenland had been colonized by Erik the Red and his followers, after they had been banished from Norway for their pagan beliefs. Bjarni told Erik about this new land, setting into motion a chain of events that would ultimately result in the discovery of America by Norsemen.


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