In a husky voice, the guy was singing a song she remembered her mother playing when she was a kid, Where Have All the Flowers Gone? It was from the sixties, one of many folk songs written and sung to protest the Vietnam War. A young girl in the front of the singer openly sobbed as he sang, while the women around her comforted her. Cara noticed there wasn’t a dry eye among them.
She stood at the rear and took him in. The singer had long, gorgeous dark hair, tied back behind his neck with a strip of leather. Wavy tendrils escaped the knot, framing his handsome face. The girl who had been crying quit her sobbing, but tears streamed down her face. A woman turned to Cara and explained, “She asked him to sing that song for her grandfather. He died in Vietnam.”
He followed the song with another that was more recent, “Creep,” by Radiohead, an odd selection, but it was a favorite of Cara’s. At least a dozen more had joined his audience. All female.
Cara was no expert, but she knew what she liked. This guy not only had potential as a singer, he was ultrahot. The minute he finished the song, she pushed through the onlookers and handed him a number, the kind she wasn’t supposed to give out without approval. It guaranteed him an audience in front of the celebrity judges.
The women cheered.
His gaze met hers as he accepted the honor, his eyes as enticing as his singing, dark, brilliant, captivating. With a wide smile that exposed a set of perfect white teeth, he held out his hand to her.
+ + + +
Character List
Gemma Rosenthal
Advertising executive, divorcee, 37 years old. Lives in Wauwatosa, WI, across the street from Norman Teschler who is killed when his house mysteriously explodes. Gemma suffers from sleep paralysis since her divorce from Carter Rouche and has never gotten over her affair with Taylor Harcourt.
TJ Peacock
Private investigator with a one-year-old child, JR. She lives in and owns a duplex in Wauwatosa, WI and uses the first floor for her business. Her son’s father, Jeffrey Denison, was murdered by a serial killer and his death made to look like he committed suicide.
TJ’s sister who does home day care and takes care of Tasha’s new baby.
Norman Teschler
Founder and owner of Cityscapes Inc. and is Gemma’s boss and friend.
Lisa Rayburn
Clinical psychologist, friend of TJ who sees Gemma as a patient after Norman Teschler’s house explosion.
Richard Conlin
Milwaukee detective, boyfriend of TJ.
Jon Engels
Insurance agent and claim representative, friend of TJ and was best friend of Jeffrey Denison.
Taylor Harcourt
Gemma’s first love who she met when she was working as an escort. He is an attorney, married, and has never forgotten Gemma.
Detective Brian Haymaker
Works for the Wauwatosa Police Department. Is assigned to cover the home explosion and the murders that follow.
Detective Tasha Wade
Haymaker’s partner. Married, with three children, her baby is taken care of by Janeen, TJ’s sister who is a daycare provider.
Carter Rouche
Gemma’s ex-husband and executive at Cityscapes Inc..
Leong Tuan
Norman’s ex-wife.
Krause family
Anna, the mother, Lucian and Drucilla, her children. Frank Krause, Anna’s husband killed in a single-car accident.
Martin Krause
Son of Barbara and Arthur Krause. Arthur Krause is Frank Krause’s brother. Martin is a cousin of Lucian and Drucilla.
Kane Diermeyer
Son of Lilly and Sam Diermeyer, cousin of Drucilla and Kane.
Lilly Diermeyer
Married to Sam. She and Sam were members of the swingers. Lilly is Anna Krause’s sister.
Victoria and Donald Braun
Live next to Norman and were members of the swingers.
Sondra and Craig Jackson
Members of the original swingers’ group. Sondra is killed by an intruder in Keith Fink’s house. Keith is stabbed while in his home.
Rosemary Haynes
Next-door neighbor of Norman Teschler.
Note: This list is of the characters who appear throughout the book and does not attempt to list every character mentioned.
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