Fifty Shades of Lexi Maxxwell

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Fifty Shades of Lexi Maxxwell Page 26

by Lexi Maxxwell

  The three guys who didn’t want to cheat on their wives by fucking her, had no problems covering her in their cream. Neither did the two she’d already milked.

  Celeste opened her mouth, hoping to catch a splatter or several, but happy for the cum to land wherever it did. She rubbed it into her body, over her nipples, all along her neck, then back into her pussy which was leaking about a gallon of glue.

  The gentlemen all left the room, most embarrassed by the aftermath of lust.

  Mark gave her plenty of time to clean herself, most of which she spent in the shower.

  Mark paid her for three hours, at twice her rate, along with a 50% tip. Celeste drove home, green lights all the way and a smile that never faded.

  “So how was it?” Rick asked when she returned, moving his eyes from his book to the doorway.

  “Amazing,” she said. “But frustrating. I spent three hours sucking and fucking and getting splattered. I have a purse full of cash, but all of it made me even hornier for you.”

  She didn’t need to say anything else.

  Rick laid his book facedown on the table beside him, stood, then unleashed his already rock hard cock. He bent Celeste over the couch without a word, and did exactly what he wanted, and what she’d been craving the whole way home.


  Brooke Singer: Tales From the Pink Side

  “What took you so long?” Brooke asked Autumn as she opened the passenger door to the Jetta, got in, dropped her bag on the floor, and said, “You’re 10 minutes late, and I asked you to be 10 minutes early. Officially that makes you 20 minutes of fuckyouverymuch.”

  “Relax,” Autumn said. “My sister’s never been less than 20 minutes late in her life, unless she had an appointment for dick. Plus, she’s bringing Sophia, so we’re fine. Promise.”

  Brooke thought back to the last three times she had waited at the restaurant for Celeste and Sophia, the last time a full half hour. Autumn was right. “Still,” Brooke said. “I’m the youngest, and I don’t want them waiting on me.”

  “You’re the youngest,” Autumn agreed, “that means they need you more than you need them. Relax, we’ll be there in a few, and have drinks on the table before they get there.”

  Autumn was on the highway a minute later, her red Jetta racing toward Ciao Mein, the chichi Italian noodle restaurant where the Pink Triangle met once a month. This was their fourth meeting, but Autumn’s first, as she wasn’t an official member of the Triangle.

  “So you’re still into the job, huh?”

  “Are you kidding me?” Brooke squealed. “I can’t even call it a job. It’s the best thing that happened to me. I’m getting drilled to nearly my fill, only slightly more than before, but I’m making more than my parents.”


  Brooke laughed. “No. But I’m making a shit-ton, and a helluva lot more than I would doing anything else. And I’m having more fun than I expected,” she laughed again. “And I expected a lot!”

  Autumn scrunched her nose, “But don’t you hate the idea of selling yourself?”

  “No, I love it. I love that I’m worth the money, and I love giving my men more than they pay for. I even have a favorite client.”

  Autumn raised her brows but kept her eye on the road. “Oh?” she said. “Do tell.”

  “His name is Jake. He’s like Richie Rich or some shit. Super nice guy, more money than God. He hired me to teach him how to fuck his girlfriend, if you can believe that. And I ended up fucking her, myself.”


  Brooke laughed again. “I’ll save the story for lunch, since it’s my best one.”

  “If it’s your best one, it’s worth telling on repeat.”

  “Nah,” Brooke said, “life’s too short for repeats.”

  “Okay,” Autumn shook her head. “So how long do you expect you’ll keep on doing this?”

  “I’ll ride the train as long as I like where it’s going, and hop off the second I don’t. I’m not worried. This is a big win in my life right now. So let me be grateful you gave me the opportunity, instead of making me feel bad. Now, what’s up with you, lately? We don’t talk as much since all this started.”

  Autumn switched freeways and said, “Things are going great, actually. What do you want to know about? Sam? School? The job I still can’t believe I’m doing with a straight face?”

  “How about a medley?” Brooke said.

  “We’ve got like five minutes before we’re at Ciao Mein.”

  “Then give me five minutes worth,” Brooke said, then added, “See, aren’t you glad we didn’t waste any time on an early repeat?”

  Autumn smiled. “Well, school is going great, better than ever. And I think I might have finally settled on a major. Well, not necessarily a major, but definitely a career path. My English Professor, Mr. Chambers, thinks I’m a natural writer. Says I’m one of the best he’s ever seen, and that it would be a shame not to pursue it. So I’ve been writing a lot, really finding my voice. Feels natural. I’m even thinking about writing a book.”

  “Get out!” Brooke said.

  “I’m serious. I’m thinking about it constantly, when I’m watching a movie with Sam, or working or driving, or doing just about anything else that doesn’t require a lot of specific focus. I write fast, so I really think I could do it if I just got started.”

  “That’s cool,” Brooke said. “Really cool. And it makes sense. Normally I’d say Professor Chambers wanted to give you an A for anal, but your emails make me laugh out loud every time I open one, and with the way you talk in the bedroom, well obviously my dear Autumn, you have quite the way with words. Speaking of which, how is the job? Have you told Sam about it yet?”

  “The job is actually mostly boring. It is shocking how unsexy phone sex actually is. Most guys are either boring, or filthy, or in a hurry since they’re paying by the minute. And the ones that are filthy aren’t the kind of filthy I like. They give me the creeps and I want to hang up on them, pretty much as soon as we start!”

  “Ha! You’re telling me,” Brooke said. “But I still loved the job. Not nearly as good as its replacement, but better than The Gap. Ever rub one out while on the job?”

  Autumn smiled, then put on her blinker and flew toward her exit. “Yes, but just twice, when I actually got callers capable of turning me on. And no, I’ve not told Sam. Things are amazing between us right now and I don’t want to ruin it.”

  “What about Johnny?”

  Autumn groaned. “Even if I wanted to talk about that, I wouldn't start now. Ciao Mein is on the next block. I don’t want to talk about it around Celeste, either. They had their whole thing right before the Triangle started, and I really don’t want to get into it with her.”

  “Sure thing,” Brooke said.

  Autumn pulled into the back of the Ciao Mein lot, then swung the Jetta between a brand new Beamer and an even newer looking Mercedes.

  “Are they going to let me inside with my lowly old Jetta?” Autumn said.

  “Hey, it’s still German!”

  They entered the restaurant and Autumn felt a slap to her wallet. If the prices matched the decor, she was in an overdraft worth of trouble.

  Celeste and Sophia had yet to arrive, but their adorable waitress with the tasteful cleavage set them at a table for four and took their orders for drinks. “Relax,” Brooke said. “My treat. And really, you should reconsider joining the Triangle. It’s fun and you will make more money than you know how to spend. Though I’d be happy to teach you if you like.” She laughed. “I’ve yet to meet a guy I wouldn't fuck for free, and yeah, I know I’d fuck just about anyone anyway, and that’s sure to eventually change, but all my men have had enough money and grooming to make it a good time for both of us. You won’t have to worry about a thing.”

  Autumn shook her head. “I don’t buy it. Maybe you’re lucky, maybe you have no standards, or maybe you just haven’t crashed headfirst into the inevitable problems. I’m not trying to be the banshee of do
om or anything, but I think you’re looking at this through rose-colored glasses. I’m glad you’re happy, but you’re being paid to fuck. And I’m sorry, that’s just not for me.”

  “Whatever,” Brooke said. “It’s just sex. And before you were all happy camper with Mr. Sam, you were adding sausage to everything you ordered.”

  “I’d rather be a slut than a whore any day. Only way I would take the job is if it was for specific research.”

  “For your book?”

  Autumn nodded, but didn’t answer since Sophia was approaching the table with Celeste two steps behind. Brooke stood, Autumn followed. Squeals and giggles were traded with kisses and hugs, then the four of them sat.

  The waitress brought the first two drinks, took the order for the next two, then disappeared leaving the girls alone with their gab. Brooke noticed that Sophia looked far off, distance in her eyes.

  Celeste took charge. “Okay, kid sister, since you’re the noob here, you go first. Rules are, your story must be good and you can’t take too long to tell it. None of that once upon a time bullshit you always start your stories with.”

  “I’ve never started a story with once upon a time.”

  “You may as well,” Celeste laughed, “the way you take for-fucking-ever to get to the point! We just want the meat, literally. Now tell us something worth getting wet over.”

  “I’m with one guy right now and working boring phone sex, how exciting do you think this is going to be?”

  “Add drama, give it some sauce,” Celeste said with a laugh. “I don’t care. Just make it good and don’t keep us waiting.”

  Brooke was sure Autumn already had her story prepared. The indecision was only an act, it wasn’t like her to wing it. Autumn spent another half minute or so before she finally opened her mouth.

  “Phone sex,” she said, “is all about the numbers. You can make up to 80 cents a minute, but that’s only if you can get the average call to 10 minutes, or more. We’re only paid for talking, not waiting for the ring, and if your average is less than six minutes a call, you only get 12 cents.”

  “Plus you can be fired,” Brooke added.

  “Good thing you’re a chatty little bitch,” Celeste said.

  Autumn sneered at her sister, then said, “Yeah, but when they’re paying by the minute, it’s not that easy to keep ‘em on. Plus there’s a ton of shit that can fuck your average. Like you have to hang up if they’re a minor.”

  “How do you know they’re a minor?” Sophia said.

  “You have to ask. And if you even think they are, you have to hang up. If that’s five seconds, there goes your average. No appeals. The only girl I know who really made any money with phone sex so far was Brooke, and I’m already making more than she was. So it can be done. All you really need is a sexy voice, a nasty imagination, and the ability to talk downright filthy without ever flinching. That’s what matters most. You could fuck like Sasha Grey in person, but if you speak like Sister Mary Cobweb Cunt on the other side of the line, you’ve got a problem.”

  Autumn sipped her drink, then went on. “By the end of my second week, I’d raised my average to a respectable 12 minutes, and it was growing by the day. I adjust my script to the caller, but my routine always goes something like this: Ooh, let me unzip your pants, oh WOW!, that is a really nice cock you have! Then I say I’m doing a bunch of shit to his dick, then I get naked, rub my tits all over his face, say something super nasty about his eighth grade girlfriend.”

  “His eight grade girlfriend?” Brooke said, laughing.

  Autumn laughed, too. “Yeah, I just happened on that once and it worked like a fucking magic key so I slip it in the keyhole whenever I can. I don’t always use the eighth grade girlfriend thing, but it’s always something like that. Then I tell them I’m totally naked and touching myself. That’s when I start moaning and getting super nasty. The nastier I speak, the more pauses I can get away with, and the longer the calls will be. I never speak long enough to get them off too quickly, and I never moan longer than a tease.”

  Autumn took another sip. “Basically, you have to keep them going. Encourage questions, which vary almost not at all: ‘Are you choking on my cock,‘ ‘how does that taste,’ ‘am I too big for you’. Most guys are looking for a landline quickie, and I’d say half the callers are nice enough. I’ve been thanked a few times, though not nearly as often as I’ve been called a dirty slut, a filthy bitch, or a fucking whore. But the gratitude does seem to be there at some point in the conversation!” Autumn laughed.

  “Hey Sis,” Celeste said, “You realize you still haven’t started your story, and we all have places to go, and unlike you, people to fuck and money to make.”

  Autumn shot her sister a dirty look and said, “I’ll fuck Sam so hard when I get home you’ll probably feel a splatter over on your side of town. You told me to tell a story and I’m telling it.”

  “Look sweetie,” Celeste took the last swallow of her drink, then signaled to the waitress. “I’ve known you since you were like a fetus, so I’m pretty sure I know what I’m talking about. Either you don’t have shit for a story, in which case you should just pass it to the cum slut beside you, or you’re beating around your freshly shaved bush. So which is it?”

  “Fine,” Autumn said. “The only story I really have worth telling is three days ago when a guy called in who sounded a lot like this guy I went to high school with, Eric McCurdy. It was the way he said hello: HELL-LO-AH, just like Eric used to. I always wanted to fuck Eric, but never did. I tried. Had my mouth on his bulge when we were sharing the backseat on the way to the fire pit senior year, but he wouldn't unzip, and pushed me away when I tried to do it for him. He was loyal to his girlfriend, Leslie, a cheerleader bitch I couldn’t stand. He wasn’t that hot, I think it was mostly the rejection that made me want him. But every time I think about him I want to start shoving things in my pussy. So when the guy who sounded like Eric, but called himself Simon, started asking me what color my panties were, I didn’t have to fake a thing.”

  “I remember Eric,” Celeste said. “By he “wasn’t that hot,” Autumn means he looked pretty good for a guy with crooked eyes.”

  “Fuck you, Celeste,” Autumn said. Then, “Simon could go toe-to-toe with me on the dirty talk, and I would’ve happily talked to him all afternoon. He told me he wanted to shove his face so far in my asshole that my cunt would be wearing his nose. We came together on the phone, and I was so hot I ignored the next two calls while I finger fucked myself into another orgasm, then I called Sam to finish me off.”

  “I’ll follow that,” Brooke said. “I was hired by a some guy’s wife, with a perfect body and a killer ass that her husband couldn't have. They had a great sex life, but she wouldn't let him fuck her in the ass. So she outsourced the job to me as a birthday present to him.”

  The table laughed. Sophia said, “Awesome.”

  “The husband was a hotty, too. And a helluva fuck. I’d have let him to whatever he wanted to my asshole, anyway. Wouldn't have even had to say ‘pretty please.’ His wife has a beautiful ass, but he’s gonna be thinking about mine for a long, long time. I have a feeling I’ll be back, and I don’t think I’ll be waiting until the next time he’s putting candles on the cake. I started by sucking his dick since his wife told me to.”

  Autumn said, “His wife told you to?!”

  “Yeah, she said he’d shoot the second he landed in my ass, even said she regretted not giving him a quickie before I got there.”

  “Fucking hysterical,” Sophia said.

  “She was right, though. It would’ve been a shame. I was only lapping the shaft for a few minutes before he was playing milkman in my mouth. I asked him if the birthday boy felt better, then we really got down to business.

  Brooke could feel herself getting wetter with every sentence. “He was on his knees with his face in my ass. I pushed it hard against his mouth and begged him to lick me. It was exactly what he wanted to hear, and spent the next ten minutes doing.
His tongue twisted and dug into my tight little knot, and I brought his hand to fuck my front while his face took care of the back. His thumb teased my clit, and the way he was moving his face, holy fuck one of the best moments of my month! I was moving so wild that his thumb slipped from my clit and sank into my pussy just as I was about to cum from the rim job. The dude was getting way too hot, though, and I actually wanted his dick in my ass before he blew his load. That was what I was being paid for, after all. We ended with my face on the pillow, impaled on his dick, as his fingers were all over my clit. He just kept pounding and pounding, while grabbing my cheeks. You wouldn’t believe how much cum there was.

  “I would,” Celeste and Sophia said together. Sophia still looked far away.

  “Was his wife home the whole time?” Autumn asked.

  “Oh yeah!” Brooke said. “And she was great! She actually came into the room right after we finished. Told me it sounded like I’d done a hell of a job. She seriously has no idea what she’s missing. Dude can toss a salad and fuck an ass. She gave me the best tip I’ve had so far, too. More than I would’ve made at the phone sex in a week.” Brooke looked at Autumn. “Just saying.”

  Brooke smiled as she looked around a table filled with girls, every one of them probably thinking about a cock in their ass – clear as day by the looks on their faces.

  It was Sophia’s turn, but she asked if she could go last. Celeste said sure she’d go, then jumped in with a story about her client Bradley, who liked to fuck her loud enough to piss off his neighbors.

  “He was fucking me as hard as he could, at least I can’t imagine it being much harder. He was nailing me right against their shared wall, kept telling me to scream louder. I had my legs around his lower back and he tried to turn up my volume by fucking me harder. I was screaming as loud as I could: “Oh yeah, FUCK ME HARD. Fuck me as HARD AS YOU CAN!” My nails were in his back and he was making animal sounds, while he kept thrusting and slamming me into the wall on repeat. I think he felt bad that I was probably bruising so he gave me a break, pulled me to the carpet, pushed my legs in the air, and finished me off with an amazing five minutes of cunt thrusting.”


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