Princess Daphne and the Child Stone

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Princess Daphne and the Child Stone Page 2

by Dave Kirk

  "You OK? I'll get the captain." Daphne pulled out of the embrace. The dress began to slip as her short arms endlessly pulled it up. It threaten to foul her feet. She stumbled but Sonya caught her arm.

  "No!" Sonya had Daphne's arm but only held her feebly. "No mistress. ...witchcraft ...I burn the stake, .. you go ... nursery. ...Please mistress, ...please ...we dance. ...fix stuff." She gasped.

  "Nursery! Like this? A child for ...years. No!" She stumbled back in horror tripping on her dress. “Oops.” Perversely, she fell out of her dress, exposing her to her thighs. She fumed at her lost dignity. "Arrgh!" Daphne felt a childish tantrum rise inside her. "Dance now? Right now!" Tiny fists and feet soundlessly struck the ground unnoticed. Her fit kicked away the remains of her clothes. “Arrgh!" Again, she impotently cried out. "NOW!!”

  "Please noise...can't. ...sick. ...can't ...stand ...need ...lie down. ...head pounding" Sonya, convulsively threw her sack dress away. Finally free of clothes, she slumped onto the dirt floor stark naked, chest heaving. She squinted at Daphne. “...feel so sick ...Mistress fainted OK?"

  "Uh. Fine." Sudden compassion calmed Daphne. Anger forgotten, Daphne took a good look at Sonya, she was now tall, slender and very pale. Sonya breathed heavily as she lay supine, sweat drying on her bare tense body. Eyes clenched shut, she radiated distress. Daphne became very worried. " OK?"

  "No. Must have ...done it wrong. You OK? drank. ...Maybe ...didn't drink ...enough ...hard to ...think. Think ...before ...mess up ...again." Sonya sighed, panting, relaxing slowly into sleep.

  "When? When do we fix this? WHEN!" Daphne's little girl voice became shrill.

  Sonya gasped in pain. She whimpered. "Quietly, mistress, ...please...I am ...right here. We try... when ..stops ... pulsing ...AH, my head. You..." She swallowed wincing. "Ooh. It... worked, ...could go ...skinny dipping, ...walk by ...the captain. ...Won't ...stop you,, uh..." Her laugh became a grunt of agony. Her voice faded as her eyes closed again.

  Daphne wiped sweat off Sonya's brow. It did not wake her. The adult face was handsome rather than pretty, lean and narrow from its widow's peak to prominent chin. It was hard to discern the chubby elfin face Sonya had as a child. Dirt floured her sweat slick skin. She was very warm and had a waxen pallor.

  "So sick. My fault, drank all her potion." Daphne muttered. She tried to pull the sleeper to a pallet but Sonya was too heavy. Instead, Daphne straightened limbs and disentangled ...long hair. Adult Sonya's hair had grown over a cloth yard! Nails were quite long too. "Toenails too?" Daphne giggled. "Oh! Hasn't groomed since Sonya was little."

  In contrast, Daphne's once waist long hair was quite short and her long fingernails had shortened almost to the quick. She sighed at this. Looking down, Daphne suddenly realized she had let all her clothes fall off her small frame. "Better get dressed." Sighing she toddled over to her travel trunk starkly nude.

  Top came even with her armpit. "Sat on this. My travel trunk is so big. No, I'm tiny, like Sonya was this morning. Not quite waist high to Sonya ...or any other adult here." Daphne felt uneasy at this.

  With a grunt, Daphne strained to lift the lid of her trunk fully open. "So big and heavy." The lid went past its tipping point and brushed at the tent wall to bang against the trunk side. She grabbed her ears at the loud crash. "So big and loud." Volumes of silk blouse was looked at in disgust. "So big and useless! Nothing fits!" Her eye was caught by some crumpled cotton cloth on the ground. She sighed again. "Servant’s clothes." Then cheered herself. It was only for now. It would cover her. That was the main thing.

  Sonya's discarded livery soon covered Daphne's nakedness. The vest was sloppy and the sack dress brushed the ground! She was much smaller than little Sonya had been. A little one. “Not fair.” she muttered. Daphne recalled that Sonya stayed up late to hem the poorly fitting cloth that first night. Daphne couldn't find any alterations. Odd.

  Sighing, she reached in the trunk to retrieve her jewel case. Soon her adult sized jewellery was locked in the box with her tiara. Having put aside the trappings of royalty, she took stock. Her small hand mirror showed a chubby infantile pixie face, different, but not too different, from little Sonya. Hair looked much like the bowl cut her captain had given the child. "Probably be mistaken for Sonya now, if none look closely". She giggled at her prominent ears. She sobered, muttering "not a child, just look like one” She giggled again. “Look like a sugar bowl."

  She forced a serious face and put down the mirror. "Can't ever tell. Captain is a dull sort. All about rules, routine, orders and duty. Sonya is right. Never understand. Keep quiet and fix this with another dance."

  Daphne dampened a cloth to wipe the sweat and dirt off the adult. She left it to help cool the warm forehead. Sonya's breathing had calmed and her colour was slowly improving. Last Daphne pulled a blanket to cover the naked sleeping Sonya and with effort, eased a pillow under her head.

  Daphne sat to wait. However, she found she couldn't keep still. She tried to pace, but stumbled, nearly falling onto the sleeper. "Sonya needs rest and quiet. Too squirmy and fidgety. Wiggle a child. Clumsy too. Did want a swim. Hm, if I keep my head down. See any kid as Sonya, maybe. They never stop her going out with the bucket." She picked up Sonya's big ...small pail.

  As she left, Daphne realized she had the freedom she had craved. Only, she didn't feel very free.

  Chapter 05: What else do servants do?

  The river was so cold! Fun, but now a shivering Daphne blew on her cold small hands as she dressed. Fingers looked blue. It had been so hot. Now, the sun hid behind darkening clouds.

  Daphne deeply regretted using her clothes as a towel. A rising wind chilled the damp cloth. Servants always brought towels. "Wonder what else servants always did?"


  Daphne ignored the angry male voice. "Stupid man. Sonya's not here, she is in my tent. Warm." She muttered crossly, teeth chattering, shivering making her hurry her clumsy numb hands. She couldn't believe how swiftly her tiny body got sooo co-old.

  "Sonya! Gawd damn ya girl. Laziness make ya deaf?" Gravel crunched behind her.

  "Lazy? Sonya was never lazy? And how dare this mere guard curse in my presence." Daphne muttered darkly, preparing her reprimand. Then a tall shadow on the river eclipsed hers and she remembered who she looked like. She stumbled one step away then looked up a gigantic leg of a guard. And up and up.

  "Sonya! Answer me! Captain want ya, sent trooper Burke n' me alookin'. Where were ya GIRL!" He loomed above her, face far away. A mountain of angry adult.

  Daphne’s travelling gaze fixated on the huge, angry, clenched, fists that were much closer. She panicked, sputtering, her small bucket held up like a tiny shield. "Uh... h-herbs?"

  He snarled at her empty bucket. "Yeah right." One huge calloused finger flicked drops off her damp hair. "Ya went swimmin'. Ya lyin' worthless..." The hand raised as the voice grew loud.

  "Don't hurt me." Daphne cowered whimpering, but remembered. "O-only p-princess D-Daphne m-ma-may hit me. The king c-c-commanded?" She was terrified and uncertain.

  The face above, suffused red with suppressed rage. "Always pulling that. Milady will, this day, count on it. Now git! Git GIRL!" The flat of his hand struck, making her stumble forward.


  At camp, Captain Blake glowered, hands on hips. "I am very disappointed in you GIRL. Your lady has not eaten, the lunch tray is outside, untouched, attracting vermin. Milady groans and forbids any entry. She is in PAIN and YOU went swimming! RIGHT!"

  Daphne had never been so scared. "Yes." She croaked. She sniffled, as tears flowed.

  "Yes... what!" His face hardened expecting more.

  Daphne thought furiously. "Yes ...sir?" Her voice uncertain. The captain relaxed somewhat. Daphne gulped at the close call. Sir was another thing the servants always did.

  "GIRL! You left your post! Well! Explain YOUR-SELF!
" He thundered.

  Daphne felt warmth trickle down. She had wet herself, like a child. She wept, she couldn't explain ...anything. She once commanded this man. Little Daphne felt cold, scared and retched.

  "Her mistress was ill! Little one COME!" A kneeling silhouette darkened Daphne's tent flap. Little Daphne sprinted to Sonya. "Shh. Mouth shut mistress. All will be fine." She muttered then shouted. "Cap-TAIN! You delay her return! She weeps. Explain YOUR-self!"

  He hurried and bowed his head. "Great lady, she must be punished! Sonya went swimming, when she should have tended you." His voice betrayed concern. "You become ill?" He saw the blanket slipping off a bare shoulder and turned away. "Forgive me milady, didn't realize..."

  "Indeed you do NOT!" Sonya moved her warm hands all over Daphne, rubbing chilled skin. Sonya spoke for the captain's benefit. "You are freezing. Did you get your river plants? No? That's OK little one. No tears. Everything will be just fine. Out of your wet things, now." Sonya's loud voice seemed filled with concern.

  Daphne stumbled past her. Wondering, what plants? Sonya's hot hands had felt so good. The child rubbed her numb hands. Would she ever again feel warmth?

  Sonya was shouting. "Captain! Before. Has she strayed? been neglectful? EVER!"

  "N-no milady." The Captain's loud stern voice had become small and uncertain.

  "Shown anything less than total devotion?" She snapped, darkened tent obscuring her face.

  "No milady. Very dutiful. Milady." Captain muttered, his head still averted.

  "Indeed! She brought me my lunch, found me a-fevered. Fussed over me, became frantic, then declared she would seek river nettles or some such, for a tonic. Then left. I would bet gold, she ran right past your men without asking? DIDN"T she?" Sonya growled angrily.

  "Y-yes milady."

  "Has she done that before?"

  "N-never milady. She always, uh holds up her little bucket, ...or asks..." His voice trailed off in chagrin.

  "Never gone long. Doesn't stop to play. Always comes straight back to her duty. RIGHT!"

  "Yes milady." Captain sighed. "The men remarked upon it. ...Often milady."

  "Except, THIS once. Dove in clothes and all, by the looks of it. Near drowns trying to help and YOU yell at her! She is a child, not a soldier. My fever is, beyond her. Upsets her. She tarried when she couldn't find her plants." Sonya's voice acquired an edge. "Scolding her is MY privilege. MINE alone! Cap-TAIN."

  "A-agreed ...m-milady." He muttered sheepishly.

  "I will comfort her, sleep the headache away. Do NOT disturb us." Sonya tied the tent shut.

  "Very good milady." He muttered to the closed tent.

  Sonya turned from the entrance to crumple to all fours, panting. "Ah. Fun but exhausting. Always wanted to talk back to him . Stuffed shirt." She sighed. "Ooh. I'll sleep some more."

  Daphne had rushed to support but was crushed to her knees by Sonya's adult weight. "You OK?"

  "No." Sonya managed. "Oh, you are so cold!"

  With a grunt Daphne put her little shoulder under Sonya's arm and heaved mightily to regain her feet.

  Sonya didn't sound good at all. Daphne struggled to help her crawl. For such a short way it was hard going but Sonya soon sprawled nude onto her pallet. Daphne pulled a blanket over top.

  "Thanks mis..." Sonya's head raised. "Wait. Listen."

  The captain was yelling. "...she TOLD you she wanted herbs? DAMMIT! And you didn't tell ME! You are on night sentry mister! And whatever dirty jobs come along!"

  Feet shuffled as other soldiers fled to any chores granting distance from the captain's wrath.

  "You said herbs. Perfect." Sonya chuckled laying back then her eyes widened as she noticed the shivering Daphne. "Need to get you warm, mistress. Strip now. Please. You're so cold..." She lifted her covers exposing her bare flank. "Share blankets? ...Fastest way to warm you. Can't have you sick now mistress. Please." She asked imploringly as Daphne held her cold numb hands in her armpits.

  A naked Daphne reluctantly climbed in. "I lied, you lied. Captain is real, real mad."

  "Ooo, c-c-cold." Sonya eased an arm around Daphne then relaxed. "Worried for Davis? One that caught you? He deserved it. Poo on him. Never ...liked ...him." Her voice became quiet.

  "How did you know which guard? You couldn't see... riverside." Sonya snored in reply.

  It felt warm and safe in the darkness under the blanket. Unnoticed tensions were easing. Daphne had been so scared! Even Sonya's rank sweaty scent seemed comforting. The child relaxed, snuggled up to warmth and soon slept.

  Chapter 06: The switch.

  Near dark, Sonya awoke looking pale. She stretched carefully as if fragile. Staying under the blanket, she trimmed her toenails and sponged off more dirt from the floor. Covering her beasts, she shyly pointed to Daphne's finery. Daphne shrugged, brought the clothes, Sonya dressed.

  Daphne grinned at Sonya's sudden body shyness. Hadn't she held little Sonya from falling into every inn's privy on this trip because they were all sized. "We have GOT to dance."

  Sonya was too busy admiring the borrowed finery to hear. "Much better. If a bit tight." Indeed, her bosom seemed overflowing, uncomfortably overfull. She rose to tower over Daphne as she adjusted the fit of the dress. No matter how she tugged at it, the sleeves and hem of the dress were just not long enough. Sonya was not quite as tall as the guards. Just taller than Daphne had been. Willowy with fine long bones.

  She frowned at her hands and began filing her fingernails. Soon they were a fashionable length and shape. Daphne frowned at this, long nails were for a highborn lady, not a servant? Then shrugged. After all, soon they would dance, who would see her?

  Satisfied, Sonya held her long hair in both hands and sighed. "So untidy." She shrugged and began combing. She winced at the snarls. No matter how she held it as she combed, some hair managed to touch the dirt floor. Sonya frowned, clearly distressed at this.

  “You could cut it, then dance.” Daphne insisted, vexed at this delay over hair that would soon shorten.

  “No! End up bald after.” she chuckled. “Hm hungry. Tray's still full. Have you eaten?

  “No 'um. Dance?” Daphne held up the hand mirror.

  Sonya stopped to admire herself smiling. "I'm a pretty lady! Thank-you mistress. Near dark. May pass for you, mistress, maybe. If needed, for dinner, this evening. IF I crouch, use the cloak hood to hide my face. Don't feel great, but we could try dancing, after we eat."

  "No. Dance. NOW. Switch back. Now." Daphne felt sure this was only fair.

  "Soon. Soon." Sonya just smiled weakly, shifted grip on her hair and continued combing.

  Daphne took the brush and helped with the hair. Thinking, sooner this is done, the sooner dancing starts.

  Sonya seemed amused at being tended to, then serious. "Hm, to work then. First the potion. Any left?"

  "No drank it all. Mam." Daphne spoke automatically, then noted the startled look. "Oh! Have to call you Mam. Captain yelled about it. Yelled a lot.” At Sonya's look she blurted. “Went out. Had to wash, use the camp latrine. After... They, uh the guards, ordered me about... Made me hang my ...your wet clothes and move stuff. Most stuff's too heavy for me now. You like things tidy?" Daphne turned waving at the tent articles placed neatly, the two cots and trunk were still at the tent wall.

  She turned back and stumbled on her gown's hem. "Your stuff doesn't fit me too good Mam. Anyway, even low rank guards demanded sir. They seem scary now." Daphne rubbed her throat, talking felt scratchy and now her head felt uncomfortably warm.

  "They got a good look and still think you're me? Men! barely look at kids." Sonya chuckled. "Mistress, they ARE scary. Part of a guard's job is to be frightening. Most grownups want sir. Don't worry about that. I do like things tidy. That was thoughtful... Mistress? Something else?"

  Little Daphne was digging with her toe, fidgeting, looking uncomfortable. "Um. Ah. When you save
d me. Defended me ...things you said to Captain. Um. You work real, real hard. Your bucket is heavy to run with. Empty! You were, devoted, loved me. Barely noticed. I, uh, never thanked you, uh ...enough. Thank-you? L-love you t-too." A crying Daphne found herself hugging Sonya. Thank-you was something else servants did, but royalty never had to.

  Sonya awkwardly patted Daphne's back. Her voice caught. "M-Mistress, I DO love you, AM devoted to you. Easy OK. No tears. Easy. We both had quite a day. Didn't save you. Captain would have talked mean for a bit. About loyalty and stuff. Never hits, just talks."

  She sat, tousled the child's hair affectionately, pulled her into her lap. "Defended the child, not you. Captain was about to put all kinds of limits on little ones." She playfully tapped Daphne's nose. "And ...soon, who, would, that, be?"

  Daphne giggled, it felt good to held, surrounded by Sonya's warm protection. "You Mam. ...Should stop calling you that."

  "Not until after we dance." Sonya chuckled. "Had a big day ...for such a little one. Hm. Such a tiny person! Did I look so cute? Hey, warm here." Sonya frowned, palm on Daphne's forehead. "You OK?"

  "No. I'm little." Daphne shook off the palm. "Wanna dance." She said petulantly.

  "OK. Let's fix things. Now, fresh potion, we need henbane, leeks, rosemary leaves..."

  "Why are you telling me all this?" Daphne's heart shrank as she suddenly realized why.

  "The adult princess cannot leave this encampment. Remember? The little servant girl can and almost all of these herbs are way down by the river. Now fresh henbane..."

  Little Daphne was pulling at Sonya's clothes, in the way of small children demanding attention from an adult.

  Sonya looked down annoyed at being interrupted. "What!" Her face softened. “Yes Mistress?" she spoke gently.

  "Mam! THIS servant girl cannot leave your side. Till you are well, maybe not then. Captain said so. Besides, I don't know herbs." Daphne looked miserable.

  "Then I'll just have to educate you, mistress, near dark, herb picking at daybreak then. Wait, you don't cook?" She pointed to the untouched serving tray, now inside the tent. "Hm, we can reheat the lunch I made for us. Can you light a fire by yourself?" Sonya made motion like flint and steel being struck together. "No? Great. Been starting cooking fires most of this trip, if you go out now that is what they will expect you to do."


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