Princess Daphne and the Child Stone

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Princess Daphne and the Child Stone Page 7

by Dave Kirk

  "Yes mistress." Daphne sighed. She recalled her father's chamberlain punishing servants who were bruised from brawling amongst themselves. To be on the receiving end...

  "Not to worry. I AM your guardian." She smiling at herself in the mirror. "Ahem! The hair? Did I say stop? ET. Bush it out first. Better." Sonya studied the mirror, giving the occasional command.

  Daphne normally found braiding hair soothing, but Sonya's constant demands made it stressful. She finally packed it into the sock. "That's done mistress." She yawned. "It may be nice with others to help out mistress." she jumped down, glad for the escape of bedtime.

  "You suppose the three of you will take turns? No. You will do their bidding in addition to mine. And ...take any punishment they see fit to deal out. Not to worry, as I said, none but me, will ever hit you. They can only humble you a little bit at a time. Not to worry. You shall ever have light, easy, unimportant tasks. Um, fetching what odds and sods I might find pleasurable and of course pampering me. They will do all the hard work and can look forward to promotion to better positions and other masters. You are, you will remain, a humble handmaiden, ever serving ME."

  "That's not fair!"

  Sonya loomed over her. "That's not fair...mistress! Learn to call me mistress! Listen, you are my dependant, and dependant is what you are! Even in this room you, need, ME! Think on that as you try to sleep tonight. Come." She turned away but as Daphne climbed into bed Sonya stopped her. The child was dragged to the flat topped linen chest. Sonya pulled out blankets and put them atop. "Tonight's lesson. Dependance. No shared blankets. You sleep alone tonight child."

  Little Daphne stiffened in her grip, Sonya chuckled and added. "Don't worry, tomorrow we may, IF you are VERY good. We arise at dawn to be fitted for our wedding clothes. Do TRY to get a restful night's sleep. Big day tomorrow."

  All that night, little Daphne cried and clutched her blanket tightly. It smelled of lavender, but lacked any of HER scent. She felt cold, lonely and scared. There were castle sounds she could not quite hear and shadowy shapes she could not quite see. The chest was hard and afforded little comfort. She found she missed the comforting ‘feel' of an adult nearby. She remembered telling herself "my fault, so alone, all my fault" over and over.

  Chapter 12: If it please you my Mistress.

  She must have drifted off, eventually, because Sonya was gently patting her awake.

  "Arise little one. You must groom your mistress before we break fast." She sang gently.

  "Yes mum." Daphne replied groggily.

  "What!" A hand raised.

  "Yes mistress!" Daphne felt a tear escape her eye.

  Sonya hugged and rocked her. "There, there, just a slip-up, you are tired, you are forgiven. All better. ...This time."

  "Yes mistress." Daphne sighed then yawned hugely as she was helped onto the chamber pot to began the day. She kept yawning, blinking her eyes and nodding as she washed her hands.

  Her way was blocked by Sonya. "Today's lesson is ‘does it please you mistress?' Learn to say that often. When you do things, for me, like wash up, you will show me and ask..." She held out hands to accept Daphne's.

  Daphne puzzled then tentatively put hands in larger ones. "Does it please you mistress?"

  Sonya smiled hugely, grabbed hold and lifted Daphne off the ground. Sonya began whirling around and around raising and lowering the child in a series of swoops, raises and dives.

  Daphne's eyes snapped open. At first, she was alarmed, then thrilled. Her face smiled and she crooned. ‘Whee!" She couldn't help it. ‘Whee!"

  Sonya slowed then righted Daphne and hugged her, gently wiping errant hairs off the child's face. "It pleases me! Indeed! How it pleases me! Feeling awake little one? Good. Missed you last night. Think I want you REAL close to me today. All day, and ...all night?"

  Daphne's smile widened. "Thank-you mistress!" And hated herself for how happy that made her. She had hugged Sonya's neck in an expression of joy.

  "You'll be good?"

  "Yes mistress." Daphne stepped back and nearly stumbled dizzy, to be caught and cuddled.

  Sonya traced the pixie face in a gentle caress . "Very good?" She crooned.

  "Yes mistress. Love you." It was the complete truth. She had hugged back.

  "And who is in charge of today?" Sonya asked quietly.

  There was a pause as Daphne tried and failed to parse the meaning to this question.

  "Hm. Here we go." With a grunt, a frowning Sonya swung Daphne onto the vanity beside the tools for hair. "Arms up!" She ripped off the nightshirt, pulled a sack dress over Daphne, then said appraisingly. "What will I do TO you today? Ah ribbons, yes."

  Normally, Sonya would gently brush Daphne's hair talking amiably about how pretty she would look. Then a single bow would accent one side or other. After, the pair would admire the result in the mirror before Daphne started on Sonya's longer hair. This time, the comb teased Daphne's hair into spikes, each spike was tied tight with a thin ribbon. Her blonde head looked like a sparsely bristled sphere with ears.

  Unlike other times, Sonya did not ask Daphne's opinion of the hairdo and Daphne realized she no longer would. Daphne winced, her head in the vanity mirror looked so ...awful.

  Sonya admired the reflection and gently traced the curve of one prominent ear with an index finger . “Yes, shows these off quite well. Like handles on a bowl.” She chuckled as Daphne frowned.

  Daphne reached up... only to have her wrist tapped lightly.

  "ET. Mustn't touch." Sonya buttoned Daphne's vest then asked. "Did you ever have a dolly?"

  "Yes mistress. Used to dress and comb it upon my ...vanity, mistress." Daphne, sitting on the vanity, realized this was a fresh humiliation. Even so, the grooming and handling still soothed after a difficult night.

  Sonya continued. "We'll just HAVE to get you a dolly. Royal seamstress may have something in a warm and cuddly." She leaned in close. "And who is in charge of today?"

  This time Daphne stated firmly and swiftly. "You are. If it pleases you, my mistress?"

  "It pleases me! Indeed! You shall have sweet strawberries with your oatmeal gruel."

  "Oatmeal!" Daphne hated oatmeal gruel. "No breakfast pastries today? Mistress?"

  "Nope. Too fatty. Want you lean not chubby. Athletic not soft. Spicy food at the inns upset your tiny tummy, so that is gone too. Had a word with Mrs. Appleby about your meals. Say thank-you."

  "Thank-you, mistress..." Daphne felt her heart sink. "All my meals mistress?"

  "Uh-huh." Sonya nodded smiling.

  Bland diet? No sweets? Daphne quailed. "Mistress? Berries, are for bring good? No pastries ever?"

  "Uh-huh. For pleasing me." Sonya then confided. "Don't frown so. Pastries are only for special now, so you grow up lean and firm not chubby and soft. To please me."

  "Yes mistress." Daphne hadn't been chubby. A nice petite figure. She was sure of that.

  Sweets had been the nicest thing about being little. She had discovered berries on the way to the river. Pastries later at an Inn. Spicy foods were so icky now she wouldn't miss them. But sweets were the only thing that tasted better now than before the dance. Sooo good and Sonya knew it.

  Sonya hugged Daphne, gave a final adjustment to the ribbons, then set her down. "There, so cute. Later, we'll try a different hair style. After the seamstress. IF you are good. Now, you do mine, chignon knot for me."

  Daphne sighed, climbed onto her chair for Sonya's combing. "Yes mistress. Thank-you mistress. Oh. You want to look like the portrait mistress." Daphne removed the hair's night sock to begin.

  "Even so little one, such a smart lit-tle girl. First comb it all straight, that's good. Then..."

  Chapter 13: Wedding Preparations.

  Some things became part of their routine. Little ritual servile sayings defined her new life, all which soon became automatic. ‘If it please you' was said pleadingly enough, it often bought her a smile
and a small treat, or other favour. However, for the tiniest slip-up, or sign of resistance, Daphne's hair and / or clothes would become the laughing stock of the royal court for a half day or more. Daphne soon feverishly sought to avoid displeasing Sonya. She had found ways to resist Sonya's magic. It was usually a bad idea to try, but at least she had a choice, when she wanted one badly enough.

  Once each week she got a prolonged bath with shampoo and hair dye. The third time, Daphne noticed Sonya murmuring as her scalp seemed to tingle and the blonde hair she could see glowed.

  See! Huh? It was less than her finger length after the dance. She reached to pull wet strands off of her neck and could view them now. Inches longer. Sonya smiled evilly as she answered the unspoken question. "Yes. Little one, your hair grows fast and will soon be enough to braid. I do so prefer long hair for children. It's so cute."

  "Yes mistress. Magic?"

  "Uh-huh. Just a little bit each week, so no one will notice. You so enjoy combing long hair."

  Daphne gulped. "How, long mistress?" Sonya just smiled, but Daphne caught an image of her small feet in a puddle of blonde hair. Cinderella might soon be replaced by Rapunzel.


  It seemed Daphne was always sprinting to fetch a kerchief or small drink, or other comfort, for her mistress, to receive public hugs and kisses. Onlookers marvelled at how they loved each other. Verbal orders were rarely heard. The castle buzzed with how the clever child eagerly anticipated her mistress's every need. She was often left panting and sweaty which also pleasured Sonya.

  Prince Adam himself took notice of this. On three separate occasions, personally gave Daphne fruit cordial when she was sweaty from her exertions. He called her sweet thing, briefly stopped her from her errand and quietly asked her to slow down on hot days. Daphne was grateful, but, could not afford to disobey Sonya's magic. Daphne liked that the prince tried. She thanked him and once even kissed him provoking laughter from onlookers. The prince silenced them all, with his glare, and thanked her gallantly making Daphne smile. Even so, it was received merely as a little child's kiss, not a lover's. How she wished to be more for him!

  The kind prince was blonde, young, muscular, handsome and quite tall. To Daphne, his head seemed lost near the ceiling. Court protocol and tradition kept him from actually meeting his bride prior to the wedding.

  Sonya groused jokingly that Daphne romanced him more than she was allowed. She then employed Daphne to pass love letters to Prince Adam. He gave Daphne replies to some of the less erotic ones. Daphne grew impressed with his gentlemanly character.

  Chapter 14: The birthday.

  Ten days before the wedding, was her new ‘birthday'. Sonya provided a picnic. She escorted little Daphne to join more than a dozen toddlers from the town. They all seemed big for their age and were seriously lacking in various social skills, like talking, or, by the smell, potty training.

  Sonya laughed at the sight of Daphne looking lost in the midst of her bigger, blank eyed, more innocent peers. "Get to know them. These wee ones are your peers now and will be your companions at every national holiday and feast as you mature. Enjoy." Sonya left to socialize with the parents while Marie and Ellen organized games and other fun for the toddlers.

  When Daphne tried to greet her ‘guests'. The first burbling tot sprayed Daphne's face with spit. Then, the much larger three year old, pushed her down before wandering off.

  Daphne just couldn't fit in with the barely verbal peasants, try as she might. She became markedly unhappy as the party wore on. Daphne understood this was Sonya's twisted sense of humour. After all, Sonya had carefully handpicked all the toddlers for this party. Less clear was the references to the wedding procession she kept overhearing from Sonya's conversations.

  Eventually, Ellen whispered to Marie who nodded after glancing at the adults.

  "Com'n Sanya? We kin git som fun. SHE ain't look'n." Ellen took Daphne's arm and they headed off.

  “You called me by name?" All others in the castle had obeyed Sonya's 'nudge' and forgotten it.

  "Keep wan'n ta call ya daffy, guess cause ya act so daft sometimes Sanya." Daphne mouth gaped, she hadn't had any name sent in her direction in a month. Now the right one, almost?

  “Daffy? Don't use Sanya, OK? Mistress doesn't like it.” Ellen shrugged in reply.

  Ellen stopped in the shade of the royal stable. "Here we be. Jes borned yestaday. Like ya seem ta be sometimes." She chuckled.

  A warm nose nuzzled at her chest. Daphne blinked as her eyes slowly adjusted to the gloom and beheld a newborn colt straining through the wood slats of its stall. The colt snuffled at the sweet-cake crumbs spilled on her party dress. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. She stroked its velvet soft neck, lost in a moment of childish rapture.

  Ellen pulled a fold of Daphne's dress out of its mouth. "No silly. Eat this." She shoved hay at it.

  The colt snorted then pranced back to its mother. "Wee bit young fer tat Elly. Ye kin stay but na in da stall, hear. N' de gate stay shut! Or de dam take it poorly. Dey lok out n ya look in, nay more. Got me eye on ya, hear me." A gravelly voice admonished.

  Daphne looked at the grizzled old timer who shuffled back to a bench to mend tackle. Daphne curtsied. "We will obey sir. Thank-you sir." He barely nodded in reply.

  Ellen whispered. "Mr. Green. Stable hand lik'd ma da. Invit me las night. We won't git no trouble daffy."

  "Oh." Daphne asked the big question. "My mistress, her neck, there's a stone. You see..."

  "See ye r daffy. Ya ner look up at de royals n see dey jewles. Git a whooping fer dat. Hey lo-kit he cum back." Ellen made cooing noises as both colt and its mother ambled over. Daphne wasn't sure but maybe Ellen also had the sight. It made her feel less alone but talking about it might get her new friend killed. She sighed and petted the little colt. They stayed until Marie whistled for them.

  This delight was the high point of her ‘birthday'. From that moment on Ellen became her fast friend and Ellen alone called Daphne by her true name (daffy). Although, Marie once called her Sonya while comforting her, then quickly looked to see if any had overheard. It only happened the once and Daphne was never sure it happened at all. When asked about her name, Marie ignored her question but then, so did all the en-spelled. Only, Marie alone seemed to be saddened when asked.

  Daphne never determined if Ellen was immune from Sonya's magic, or just so far beneath Sonya's notice as to be free of it. She once asked about sparkles, but got a blank look. Likely, Sonya had never gone near the scullery to compel anyone there. Daphne tried to share what few treats she was allowed with her friend. She dearly wished she could get Ellen shoes for her filthy feet.

  A few times a week, Sonya 'borrowed' Ellen from the scullery for playtime with Daphne. Ellen could entice Daphne to run, giggle and scream in delight. These childish outbursts entertained Sonya. First days, they played while the 'princess' was sitting for the painter. In later weeks, for social tea while Sonya entertained people of rank. The gossip of the court was that it gave Sonya an excuse to watch Prince Adam exercise his horse in the field visible from the outer garden.

  Chapter 15: Power of political magic.

  Daphne was often left alone in Sonya's room with Marie while Sonya did her dealings with other people-of-rank. Each time this happened an army of servants would troop in the bedroom unbidden. They tidied, dusted, made the bed, refilled the water jug and fruit bowl. All done swiftly and silently so they could vanish leaving a pristine room for the nobility to return to. It was like the rules in some strange game where the high rank must never see the help nor know of the mess nobles constantly make. Daphne realized that this happened back home too. Marie told her that slow servants who were seen tidying were fired. After that, Daphne tried to help out but was rarely allowed to. Daphne was being forced to learn unpleasant things about nobles and servants more and more.

  She learned things about Sonya too. Once Daphne stumbled and skinned
a knee. Before she cried, Sonya was helping her up and being comforting. Sonya's magic had informed her. All real needs were met promptly. Daphne's life only lacked any choices or moments of real dignity. It was a soft prison, but it was a prison.

  Controlling others by magic cost Sonya. She avoided using the stone on others when she could. As weeks went by, Daphne noted with growing dismay the growing influence Sonya had over the royal court. Gone were the glowing coloured bands and great effort of the first day.

  Sonya claimed that, favour trading and gentle persuasion worked better. Some ministers had pet projects, others vied for promotion, a few harboured grudges. One or two accepted crash bribes. Sonya often just knew things they supposed secret, “saying how sad it all would be if Scurryfunge found out.” More magic. By making deals between various officials, Sonya gained favour for her own plans. As the wedding day drew nigh, Sonya rarely made the stone do more than faintly glow to have her way.

  Sonya often asked Daphne for her observations on her political favour trading, so she could proclaim to Daphne how clever she had been. Woe betide Daphne if her attention had wandered. Soon Daphne was familiar with every bit of castle business and the sometimes underhanded deals ministers and officials made.

  Daphne had heard that this was how the Tobermoor court was supposed to work, but she had never had to pay attention to matters of state before. Now, she was being forced to learn politics and statecraft.

  In addition, Ellen told her the palace gossip. Apparently, there had recently been ...changes, to the royal court. Including the replacing the palace Physician. Rumour was, that to offend the Tobermoor Royal, even mildly, was a very bad idea.

  Daphne gleaned that even child servants often had a greater grasp of palace plots and intrigue than the high royals did. Nobles would watch their words around other nobles but rarely noticed any servants within earshot. No one ever took note of a child. Palace servants often witnessed what most nobles barely suspected. Sonya was shaping and pruning the ruling elite of Galt to suit her needs.


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