Slave Dance

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Slave Dance Page 16

by Samantha Cayto

  Jase wrapped his arms around Emil’s neck. “I want to finish it, please. There’s not much left. That’s where Washburn first had me, and when the brothel decided to auction me off, he bid the highest. I was happy at first to go back to one man instead of ten or more a day.

  “But I didn’t understand what he intended. I learned fast how to be a slave. With him, I had to actively please him. It wasn’t enough to lie there and be fucked or have a cock fed down my throat. I had to worship my master with enthusiasm. He beat my accent out of me, as well as any pride or hope I had left. He paraded me in front of other men like him and pretended I was something more than a hick boy from the south. We moved around a lot in secret social circles because of my age. He rented me out to other men as part of his business dealings. There were parties sometimes where me and other boys like me had to play sick and painful games with lots of men.

  “It was also a dirty secret involving underage boys. I was one of the older ones, actually. Some were horribly little. I never knew where I was, from one day to the next. Washburn kept me in the dark, literally, when we traveled. The day I turned eighteen, he was overjoyed. I could finally be his slave out in the open.”

  Placing his head on Emil’s shoulder, he sighed. “You know the rest, Master.”

  Yes, he did, and the whole thing made him murderous with rage. That wouldn’t help Jase, though. He owed him a sympathetic ear and more apologies. After losing his shit the way he had, he couldn’t say it often enough.

  “I’m sorry I made you afraid tonight. I would rather cut off my cock than scare you.”

  “You didn’t, not really. I wasn’t afraid you would hurt me. I only feared you were mad.”

  “I wasn’t—not at you, anyway. It was those club members I wanted to tear apart.” As he said it, he realized he would have to make amends to Alex. His behavior had been unacceptable. He’d nearly given them all away with his loss of control.

  “That doesn’t make me feel better, actually. I still feel guilty for doing something that upset you. I want to make you happy.”

  Emil groaned. “Oh, baby, that’s what all those men who abused you have made you think you have to do. I’m just one more guy who doesn’t deserve you.”

  Jase surprised Emil by sitting up and straddling his lap. He whipped off the T-shirt as well. All his sweet beauty was on full display. Emil’s fingers itched to run down the boy’s slender, hairless chest and play with the dick that lay demurely against his fly. Balling them into fists, he held them at his sides where they couldn’t get into any trouble.

  Jase stared at a point somewhere around Emil’s chin. “May I ask you a question, Master?”

  “Anything. Any time.”

  “Are you really an alien vampire?”

  “Yes. What I told you about my coming from another world was true. Blood is an important part of my diet, as you’ve seen. But I don’t turn into a bat,” he added with a grin that Jase hopefully could see. “Why do you ask?”

  Jase gnawed at his lower lip in adorable fashion. Getting this up-close look at him when he was seemingly more relaxed was proving very distracting. “It’s just that it makes you a monster, yet you’re the least monstrous man I think I’ve ever known, certainly based on the men I’ve had to deal with in the last four years.” He pressed his palm against Emil’s chest. “It confuses me.”

  “I can only imagine.” The light pressure between his pecs grabbed Emil’s attention. It was almost like a brand, the heat of it seeping through his shirt and sending a spark down to his cock. He lost his control in as much as he had to touch in return. Unclenching his fists, he placed his hands on the boy’s flanks and slid them to cup his ass. It was the perfect handful. He rolled his hips to ease the rising ache and bit back a moan.

  Jase’s breath caught. “Oh, I should have realized what I was doing. Let me take care of that, Master.”

  When the boy tried to wiggled back, Emil held him in place. “No. Ignore that. It’s my problem.”

  The human frowned. “But…I don’t understand. Don’t you want me?”

  “With every fiber of my alien vampire being,” Emil confessed and tried for a grin to ease the seriousness of his confession. He failed, but he wasn’t going to also fail Jase this night. He had amends to make and he had an idea of how.

  “In fact,” he said, reversing their positions with a speed that had the boy blinking at him in surprise, “with your permission, I think I know a great way to demonstrate the way I feel while making my apologies again.”

  “What do you mean, Master?”

  Emil ran a fingertip down the middle of Jase’s torso. He’d never truly noticed before how every inch of body hair had been waxed away. There was no treasure trail or pubic hair to play with. He stopped his progression above the root of the boy’s cock.

  “When has it ever been your turn for pleasure? Has anyone bothered to give you an orgasm?”

  Jase’s gaze skittered away at the question. “I used to jerk off like, always, before Jack, um…did what he did. After that, the whole thing disgusted me, and Washburn punished me if I got hard. Being kept in chastity all the time made it impossible, anyway.”

  Once again, Emil regretted nature’s intervening in his efforts to kill the man. “How do you feel about it now? Would you like to come?”

  Jase returned his gaze to Emil’s chin. “Is that an option? Am I allowed to touch myself, Master?”

  “No. I mean… Yes, you can touch yourself anytime you want. What I meant, though, is may I make you come tonight?”

  Jase’s eyes went round and wide. “I’m not sure I understand you, Master.”

  Emil grinned. This could be fun. “Let me show you.”

  He waited with his breath held and almost quivering anticipation for the human to give assent. Jase did with a tentative nod that was almost no consent at all. Emil decided to accept it anyway with a caveat.

  “If you don’t like what I’m doing at any point, all you have to do is tell me to stop and I will. I promise. You are in control of your own body, Jase. Understand?” This time, the nod was more definitive.

  With mounting excitement, Emil pushed back to gain a clearer path to what he sought. Jase’s dick lay flaccid still against soft, small and hairless balls. Everything on Jase was pint-sized compared to Emil’s bulk. He did feel like a monster in comparison, yet was determined to bring the boy the pleasure he deserved.

  He started slow and easy, using his fingers to bring the cock carefully to life. And it did take time. His gentle massage of the shaft didn’t produce any effect for long minutes. It was hard not to become angry all over again at the visible proof that Jase’s body had been trained into such submission that even natural biological responses were suppressed.

  Patience, though, finally brought him a reward. The flesh in his grip started to swell. He encouraged it with long, sure strokes. He brought his free hand into play, caressing the sensitive skin where inner thigh met groin. Jase’s breath hitched and his hips jerked as his cock became stiff.

  “That’s my boy,” Emil couldn’t help whispering. “Get nice and hard.”

  Jase moaned softly and his fingers twitched. When the shaft became completely rigid, Emil played with the tip some, running his thumb along the silky skin. A tiny drop of pre-cum leaked out. The sight of it made Emil smile. Finally. This was what a boy Jase’s age was supposed to experience.

  Once he had Jase hard and restless, he moved on to stage two. Scooting back another few inches, he bent down to suck the cock into his mouth. He moaned around the sweet-tasting shaft and swallowed it all the way down. Jase cried out and arched into him. It sent the cock in a fraction farther, until Emil’s lips pressed against the boy’s pelvis.

  It was nothing to swallow Jase’s cock, a mere morsel of deliciousness. He worked it with his throat muscles while he laved the underneath with his tongue. Sliding his hands under the boy’s ass, he used it to leverage him up even more. Emil opened his hearing to focus on the whooshing of
blood through the femoral artery. His own dick pulsed in syncopated rhythm, urging him to sink his fangs in and drink. He ignored it. This was for Jase and only him. Emil made sure to keep all his teeth away from the tender flesh of the boy’s dick.

  Jase writhed as his climax built. Normally, a boy of his age would have shot off already. Emil was sure of it. Years of abuse still took its toll and made it hard for Jase to overcome and act naturally. It didn’t matter. Emil would crouch there and feast on the boy for as long as it took.

  “Master, please.” Jase twisted violently within Emil’s firm grasp. “I need more. Something…”

  Emil racked his brain to figure out what unnamed thing Jase required. It came to him, although it was fraught with risk. Pulling back, he released the cock from his mouth and fisted it instead. He pumped it hard while he wetted two fingers. Then he returned to the blow job, lifted Jase’s ass up with one hand and slid his slickened fingers past the puckered ring of Jase’s hole.

  It unfurled for him beautifully. He tried not to think of how it had been trained not to resist invasion. That thought wouldn’t help Jase. Instead, he concentrated on navigating largely unknown territory for him and fumbled to locate the boy’s prostate. It was right where he hoped it would be, a ribbed bundle of nerves that their species shared. He sucked hard on the cock in his mouth, hummed around the shaft while crooking his fingers repeatedly.

  “Master!” Jase’s shout met Emil’s ears a split-second before cum spurted down his throat.

  He worked the dick over and over with fast, hard swallows and teased the prostate with fluttery scratches. Jase cried and moaned and thrashed his way through his first orgasm in longer than Emil dared to remind himself. At the very end, Emil pulled back in order to allow a splash of cum to hit his tongue. Delectable.

  He eased onto his heels, reluctantly letting the dick go before he overworked the sensitive skin. And he slid his fingers free with equal care. Jase still clutched at the bedding and his eyes were closed. A smile graced his adorable lips, testament to how much Emil had pleased him. It made Emil feel like a hero. Such a simple thing, and yet Jase had been denied it for too long. Emil was going to have to make a list of all those men who had to pay for what they’d done to this sweet boy. When the dust cleared from Dracul’s recent volley, Emil would find the time to wreak terrible vengeance. For now, though, he needed to concentrate on helping Jase heal.

  “How are you?” he asked in a soft voice so as not to kill Jase’s post-orgasm buzz.

  Jase’s smile increased and he opened his eyes to slits. “That was amazing. Thank you, Master.”

  “No need to thank me. I got as much pleasure out of it as you did.” That was the truth. He liked taking care of people and nothing he’d ever fed anyone had achieved this kind of reaction. It was entirely gratifying.

  Jase’s eyes widened and he looked down. “I don’t think that’s true, Master. At least, you’re not fully satisfied.”

  Emil followed the boy’s line of sight. “Oh, that. It’s nothing,” he said, dismissing his own raging hard-on. He was a little surprised his worn denim contained the unruly beast. Now that he was thinking about it, it was painfully hard and his balls ached like a bitch. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of it later.”

  Jase started to sit with his hand outstretched. “Please, let me help you.”

  Emil shook his head emphatically. “No. Thank you, but no. This night’s for you. I don’t want you to service me in any way.” His dick disagreed with him violently. He ignored it and resolutely decided that a trip to the bathroom was in order as soon as he was sure Jase was settled for the night.

  His determination flagged with Jase’s next offer.

  “Um, maybe there’s something I can give you that would be different, something I’ve never given to another man or had taken from me.”

  With a sinking feeling, Emil realized what the human was saying. “Jase, no…”

  “My blood.”

  Shit. Against his will, Emil’s gaze homed in on the artery that had already beckoned him. He shook his head, as much for himself as for Jase. “No. That’s too much. It would be a violation far worse than what others have done to you.”

  “Don’t you think I should be the one to decide that?” Jase’s expression turned surprisingly mulish. It was a good sign, actually. A great one. It meant Emil had already set the boy on a path where he could overcome the enforced slavery he’d lived with for years.

  “Yes, normally that’s true. You are an adult with a mind of your own, and I’m glad to hear you voice your opinion. But this is different. You literally don’t know what you’re offering.”

  “That’s true.”

  “Blood sucking frightens humans. I’ve been on this world long enough to know that.”

  Jase gnawed his lip again. This time, though, it was more serious than cute. “I am scared. I admit that. I think maybe it hurts, at least at first. Mackie says it also makes him come extra hard. That sounds like fun. I mean I can’t imagine coming any harder than I just did, but I think I’d like to try it sometime.”

  Emil really wished he hadn’t said that—and with a look on his face that would drive a sane man wild. “Mackie and Val have a long-standing relationship where trust has been built. I can’t ask you to do something I know will go against your natural instincts. That would be abusive of me.” Emil forced the words out, even though it killed him. His cock leaked cum inside his pants in protest and he had to bite back a groan.

  Jase looked at him sharply. “You need to come as much as I did.” Lying back down, he added, “Please, take a little of my blood. I trust you to do it carefully and to stop if I ask.”

  Oh, this was too much. Emil’s sense of decency and self-control had its limits. The human was laying himself out like a feast for a starving man. Who was Emil to refuse? An asshole, a little voice said. He ended up ignoring it as much as he had his cock. He bent down and pressed his nose against the femoral artery. He listened to it and smelled the faint aroma of blood safely coursing through its encasement.

  It could be exposed a little. It didn’t have to be a bite. A tiny scratch would do it, a few licks, then reseal it. Jase would barely feel a thing and it would be nothing more than a mild cut that could happen anytime, anywhere. Except arteries were dangerous things to open. He would have to be very careful. And all of this was a big, fat, selfish rationalization. Still, he did it.

  His fangs punched down, and he scored the flesh over the artery with a single tooth. Blood welled up immediately. He quickly fastened his lips around the wound and sucked. It was only a small taste, an amuse-bouche for his tongue. The warm, salty blood trickled down his throat with maddening slowness. It wasn’t nearly sufficient to satiate his needs.

  But it made him come, immediately, in a hard rush that was like a punch to his groin. His whole body convulsed, a ripple of ridged muscles that made him hunch and shake. He stuttered around the bit of Jase’s thigh that he sucked on, breaking the seal of his lips. Fear of causing him harm overrode the high of his climax. He quickly licked the wound closed before slumping over the human’s groin. He inhaled the musk of the boy’s cum, pumped out more of his own into his now sticky, wet jeans and relaxed into a blissful state that he’d never known before.

  A small hand landed on his head. “My Master.”

  “My Jase,” he replied because there was nothing else to say. Whatever he’d thought days ago when he’d taken responsibility for this boy, he knew now that letting him go was going to be the hardest thing he’d ever done. He wasn’t sure he could survive the loss.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Baking soda? Seriously? That’s all it’s going to take?” Duncan’s skepticism wasn’t surprising.

  “You were there when we tried Harry’s potions. We’ve experimented with a lot of different things that didn’t work nearly sufficiently well. I got the baking soda idea from working in a kitchen for so long. You know it’s effective for small grease fires. I also rem
embered that I’ve never used this particular plant in baking. It’s too picante. The moment I dumped some on the leaves, they shriveled. Harry and I are amping it up so that it works faster and better on a large quantity of leaves, but yeah.”

  “Good work, Emil,” Alex said. “We have something of a plan at least.”

  Duncan shook his head. “I’m not so sure. How much of this stuff are you going to need? And we still don’t know where he’s going to hit next.”

  “True,” Emil conceded. “We’re going to have to find Marius’ growing room, destroy his current crop then eliminate him.”

  “Yeah,” Val interjected. “Nothing is going to be a permanent fix unless we kill the fucker. Odds are he hasn’t given his process to anyone. He was paranoid and secretive from the beginning.”

  The cop held up his hand. “Okay, so we all agree on that score. It still doesn’t answer the question of how.”

  Emil nodded. “Yup, and we have a plan.”

  “It was your idea, Emil,” Harry made the point of saying. “Credit where credit is due.”

  Uncomfortable with being the center of attention, Emil waved away the praise. “It’s not a big deal. I just happen to be the botanist and a cook.” He turned to Duncan. “See? There’s this city-based movement of growing local produce year-round indoors using hydroponics. No soil, just water. And there’s a local company that converts old freight cars into growing rooms.”

  Duncan grunted. “That’s handy.”

  “It is. I think Marius lucked out there, but he would have had one delivered here, regardless. Given the growing time for this plant, he must have started about six months ago, even before Adrian’s killing spree.”

  “So, Dracul has been fighting a multi-stage war from the beginning.”

  “He’s insanely murderous, but no fool,” Alex confirmed. “Go on, Emil, if you please.”


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