Generation 7

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Generation 7 Page 22

by Ross Richdale

  Be right there, Jaddig chuckled and took the elevator to the main floor.

  Suzi glanced up with a worried expression when she arrived and brushed aside two empty coffifake mugs and a half-eaten sandwich. I don't know if you were told but the Human Survival Protocol was invoked on 1 January, 2166.

  Jaddig nodded, pulled a chair up, sat beside the scientist and stared at the mass of data on the monitor. Go on, she said.

  Well, I discovered there was a secrecy act invoked at the same time. All historical records were classified for eighty years.

  Which takes us to 2246, two years ago so we should be able to access it.

  That's when I ran into the Classification system. Can you take over?

  Sure, Jaddig smiled and placed her hand on the identification monitor. After being accepted by the computer, she read the neat notes Suzi had written on a clipboard and spoke I request the declassification of historical Items made before January One, Year 2166, True Time.

  There was a burst of data that flooded the screen as reference numbers flashed down the screen. This continued for ten minutes before Len's voice spoke.

  All information has been declassified and is available to all those personnel of Classification 5 or above. Are there any other requests?

  I want the classification access available to Level 4 and 5 personnel. Jaddig replied.

  This will need to be entered as a written order and authorized by using your hand print.

  Jaddig clicked through the keyboard and cursed the design made for five rather than three fingers but finally entered the request, which Len approved. There you are, Jaddig grinned. What now?

  I want to find out everything that was hidden from our generations, Suzi said. I believe it will affect your people as well as mine.

  A big job, Jaddig replied.

  I know, Suzi replied in a serious voice, but we need to know about ourselves. There are so many unanswered questions. She fixed her eyes on her friend and relaxed a little. What were you doing?

  Looking at the view, Jaddig said. There was something on the horizon. What say you have a break and come up and have a look? This information has been there for eighty-two years. An other hour or so won't matter.

  Okay, Suzi sighed. I've been here for a five hour stretch. She turned to the console. Len, please print out any information now available after declassification on the topics I have listed.

  I shall do that, Suzi. Go and enjoy the sunshine. You need to have some lunch, too. All work and no play, you know!

  Yes, Len, Suzi broke into a smile and stood up.

  Jaddig grinned. The computer programmed with the long dead Admiral's voice almost acted human and often slipped in a comment, suggestion or even an occasional joke. I reckon the Admiral must have been quite a character, she chuckled.

  Like you, Suzi replied, but come on. Let's go and see what is out at sea.

  When they arrived back at the observation post, the black line out near the horizon had increased in size and had become half a dozen objects in the water.

  They're ships, Jaddig adjusted her field glasses and swept her instrument slowly around. Six, no seven of them. Steamships. I can see smoke from their funnels. They appear to be heading this way. Here, have a look.

  Suzi knew little about ocean travel but could clearly see the low lying ships coming towards them. Who are they? she gasped.

  We used to import goods from Tulvar, Jaddig said. Their country is in the Southern Hemisphere so has the opposite seasons to us. During winter we'd buy fresh food supplies and fruit from them. Also most of machinery and weapons were imported from Tulvar.

  But do these ships usually cruise along together?

  Jaddig shrugged. I don't know a lot about them but the few times we visited the ocean and ships came in, there were only one or two at the most. Perhaps Len can help. She switched on the communicator and spoke to the computer.

  They are Tulvar navy vessels. Please wait while we obtain information from SS4. Len's voice came back.

  We do not understand the term SS4 Jaddig answered. Please explain.

  Stationary Satellite 4. There are seven communication satellites in stationary orbit around Delpe so the entire surface is covered. They can track any moving object greater than three meters in size. We are in contact with SS3 and SS4 that have an overlapping view of this area of the planet.

  What does that all mean? Jaddig stared at Suzi.

  They're like minute spaceships circling the planet, the scientist explained. From what I found out from the computers they're used to bounce signals around the planet. When Holly talked to her mother by holograph her image was sent to a satellite then back to a receiving station somewhere hidden above the caves at home.

  So it's like our view here only bigger because of the height, Jaddig scratched her head as she tried to comprehend the technology.

  Exactly, Suzi answered. We use flags to send messages. Bowmen find the highest hilltops and sent flag signals to someone on the next hill who then passed it down to, say, troops in a valley below.

  Len's voice came back through the communicator to interrupt the pair's conversation. The seven ships you seek information about are Tulvar navy vessels that left the port of Grauncu in northern Tulvar six days ago. Present course and speed indicates they will pass this island to the east and reach Vybber in four days. Two ships are thirty thousand tons gross weight troop carriers. The other five are smaller escort ships armed with assorted long range cannons.

  Suzi frowned. I would like a logical explanation for the journey those craft are taking and relate it to the current conflict between the humans, Crucnon and crucks.

  There was silence for a few moments before Len's voice returned. Lack of detailed information makes the following information problematic with only a fifty one percent reliability ranking. Do you wish to wait until more data can be gathered?

  No, Suzi replied. The present information will suffice.

  We consider this is an invasion force from the clucks in Tulvar to support the pulgibrian in their invasion of Vybber territory. If a second front is opened from a landing in Vybber, the Crucnon will have difficulty in containing their enemy.

  And the humans? Suzi asked.

  Memory banks indicate the crucks have never formed an alliance with humans and a state of perpetual war has continued between the species. Genocide of humans has only been contained by the superior use of human technology. The flow of radio data being received confirms that the cruck species have an ultimate aim of eliminating humans from this planet. History shows the species has no concept of fair play and cannot be trusted. Individual rights in their species is considered a weakness and being the most powerful lblon, the ultimate achievement.

  Suzi paled. I guessed that, she muttered and turned to Jaddig. The lblon is an extended tribe. In major battles they combine to destroy an enemy but they do not really have any concept of a country. The place we know as the Confederation of Pulgibr is a human concept. It is, in reality, dozens of loosely arranged Iblon. Every so often there is a feud and a weaker Iblon is wiped out or occasionally a large one splits in two, usually after infighting.

  And their possible relationship with crucnon? Jaddig added in a hushed voice.

  The computer continued. As far as we can ascertain, the crucks consider them an inferior species who should also be eliminated. Once again, superior weaponry by the Crucnon and enforced separation by Inter-galatical Star Ship 7 kept early generations apart. Later, Vybber and cruck lblon had talks and some trade began between them.

  Enforced separation! Please explain, Jaddig asked.

  The Survival of Humanity Protocol was only one of two agreements that came into being in 1 January in 2166. The other was called The Mutual Survival Protocol for Species of Planet Delpe. Do you require more information?

  Yes, hissed Jaddig.

  The treaty was really enforced by the humans. It was agreed that the three species should live apart and individuals forcibly moved, if necessa
ry into their own territories. Humans were given the land north of the New Columbia River in what became New Washington, the crucnon's, Vybber stretching south of the river and ocean to the mountain passes. The cruck were allocated the rest of the continental land areas. Oceans and unlivable territories such as deserts, frozen lands and islands like this one were declared open for any creature.

  The Inter-galatical Star Ship 7 enforced the divisions with force fields monitored by these computer and inboard computers. No creature could travel between the territories. As the years went by the force field was, unknown to any creature, turned off for varying lengths of time until 2200 when it was closed down and kept in reserve to stop any open warfare.

  So why isn't it working now? Suzi asked.

  When the star ship left for Earth the electronic equipment that made the force fields went with it. We still have smaller ones to protect this base and the one now use to protect The Haven but no planetary field. It was only during the last five years that the species realized the force fields were permanently gone. Since then, both the crucnon and crucks have built up their military forces with the main aim of eliminating the humans. The crucks also wish to continue on to eliminate crucnon. Without any technological intervention, there is an eighty nine percent chance that humanity will be destroyed and a seventy three percent chance the crucnon will become an extinct species. The alternative for the crucnon is enforced slavery for their entire race

  Oh Hell, Jaddig gasped. What can be done to stop the crucks?

  Only use of the superior human weapons and bringing the force field back on line.

  Which needs a starship, Suzi added.

  Yes, Len replied. Once it arrives the fields can be reinforced but the creatures will need to be back in their own territories before that.

  Jaddig stared at Suzi and spoke again. So we can't leave it out in space for our lifetime, can we? Those thousands of humans and crucnon will need to be returned sooner rather than later?

  Yes, Suzi frowned and more assimilation problems. When they arrive they will be a majority so we will need to have a very tight system set up that they can join or otherwise. She shrugged. Of course we have to win a war first.

  And persuade my people to set up a democratic government, Jaddig replied and stared thoughtfully out the window. If we could persuade my people to join with yourselves we would have a population of hundreds of thousands, not a bit over a thousand. The settlers on the space ship will them have to join us or go their own way. Her yellow eyes switched back to the scientist. They appeared to be the liberals anyway, she added in a whisper.

  I like your thinking, Jaddig but we will need to very careful, Suzi added. She turned back to the monitor. There's something else I'm curious about. Len, you stated creatures were forcibly moved before the protocols were invoked in 2166. Explain please.

  A group of humans and crucnon lived happily together before that time but were forced apart. There were several major conflicts and much ill feeling. Further details are available in the declassified information at present being documented. There is evidence, though, that the group that left for Earth were survivors and descendants of the humans and crucnon who tried to set up their own country and live together. In later years the Blue Watch was formed in Vybber with the aim of rejoining humans and crucnon but by then all information on the species genetic history had been suppressed. Humans and crucnon did not realize they were related.

  Until I tried to access the force field at Hanger Base Beta.

  Exactly, Len replied and made an abrupt stop. One moment, please. Information is being communicated to me.

  Jaddig stared at Suzi and shrugged. They waited and watched the ships, now visible with the naked eye, far out to sea.

  One ship has changed direction and is heading here, Len's voice came back. Do you wish to have our presence electronically sealed?

  Will that protect us? Suzi asked. A mere flick of her eyelashes showed her concern.

  Yes. All, except the small beach area up to the waterfall will be protected. We have had and average of two point three landings per year but only one attempt to climb the cliffs was made thirty-seven years ago. The climbers were electrocuted but it was made to appear they were killed in a fall from their ropes. Len continued. You are safe but we do not recommend using a FanWarrior until the ships leave the vicinity.

  Good. Seal the island, then, Suzi said then frowned again. Can we be seen here?

  No this observation deck and all facilities are electronically camouflaged. Flying females or personnel in aircraft will only see a jungle covered island.

  . Oh Hell, Jaddig sighed.

  Suzi nodded. Well we'd better inform everyone at home about everything, she said.

  All declassified material and information about the ship movements have been transmitted to the computers in the inner cave in New Washington, Len reported. The Proctor, Commander and Inner Council will have access. You may wish to make a personal contact but it is not necessary.

  I think we will, Jaddig retorted. We'll come down to the console room.

  Don't forget to have a bite to eat, Len added. Remember...

  I know, Suzi answered with a slight grin. We will.

  After a final glance at the ships, the pair walked silently towards the elevator. They had learned a great deal but the information really only made more questions to answer.

  So That's it, Holly, Suzi smiled at the three dimensional monitor. The computers said we're safe but there are big decisions to be made soon.

  Thank you, Suzi. We'll get a full team researching all the declassified information. Andrea sat beside her daughter with a serious expression. Her eyes switched to Suzi's companion. We have some news for you too, Jaddig. Personal news.

  Jaddig froze. There was something about the proctor's expression and body language. Go on, Proctor, she whispered in a very formal voice and avoided Suzi's eyes.

  We rescued sixteen Crucnon who were trying to reach our lines today. They were members of the Blue Watch, Cell 14. I had a long talk with Sirrat Karotor, their leader. You may know him.

  No, replied Jaddig. My group was Cell 6 but there's more, isn't there?

  I am afraid so, Jaddig. Your partner, Birobi Osyjil was killed a month back. You have my deepest sympathy, My Dear.

  Jaddig held her head high but a faint quiver of her chin showed her inner turmoil.

  How? she stated in a monotone.

  In battle. His unit was fighting crucks in one of the mountain passes. A bullet hit him in the head, I believe.

  I understand that would be quick, Jaddig replied. She turned and faced Suzi but her holograph in Andrea's office still showed her face and the lines of grief. There is nobody in Vybber, now. I have nobody. She gave one tiny sniff, stood and was about to switch the monitor off when Holly's eyes caught hers.

  You have us, Holly added. You have Bikut, Snimel and Wunep. You have Mom, Graham and Clay and even old George. You have Suzi there with you. We all love you, Jaddig and don't you forget it. We can never replace your family and now Birobi but we can be your new family if you want us.

  I do, Jaddig whispered and felt an arm go around her.

  Holly's right, Suzi said. Everything we've gone through together will not be in vain.

  Thank you Andrea; Holly. You are my family now. Jaddig said and switched the connection off.

  She turned and was about to walk out when her slight frame erupted into sobs, long shuddering sobs with tears that rolled down her cheeks.

  Oh Jaddig, Suzi reached out and held her friend while Jaddig just wept over the scientist's shoulder.

  My bloody human genes to the fore, she stuttered when words returned.

  And why not? Suzi responded tenderly. I know there are some bottles of wine stored in the pantry. I think we could do with a little, don't you?

  Yes, sniffed Jaddig. What a hell of a day and It's only half over.

  May I add my condolences, the computer's voice filled the room. I perceive you are
distressed at the loss of a friend and mate, Jaddig. I missed Admiral Jurjevics when he died and also having no creatures to communicate with for scores of years. If it is any help, I think I understand.

  I believe do you, Len, Jaddig gave a moist smile. Thank you.

  One piece of good news, the computer continued. The ship heading this way has altered direction and has returned to its original course so relax for a while. I'll keep monitoring all frequencies.

  Jaddig glanced at Suzi. We were about to have a wine, I believe, then I'd like a walk outside along the lake.

  Me too, Suzi smiled. And you have my permission to kick me if I return to this console room before tomorrow. We'll both have the afternoon off.

  Sirrat Karotor, who preferred to dispense with his military ranking, and a female introduced as Dold Cimog had been with Andrea and Toby in the proctor's office for two hours discussing the situation back in Vybber.

  Thank you for your frank report of the war in your country, Commander Evans glanced up from his clipboard. How long do you estimate it will be before the crucks break through you defense line in the mountain passes.

  Sirrat shrugged. It is just a matter of time, he replied in his slow English. We have superior weapons but they use sheer numbers. Thousands of their infantry have been brought down but every night they reform and a whole fresh battalion attacks at dawn in the morning. Their flying females are very accurate and swarm in. Most of the villages and towns in the area have been attacked and have had to be evacuated.

  And the morale in Vybber? Andrea asked.

  The military elite and government are still firmly in control, Dold Cimog continued. She was a middle-aged clicker and one of the first who could be described as chubby. However, behind the mother like exterior she had an astute mind and more knowledge of happenings in Vybber than any of her companions. The fast majority of our citizens are demoralized, food is running low and everybody between eighteen and fifty has been called up for military service. She hit the table with her fist in frustration. Scores of young girls are being forced to become flying females and sent on almost suicidal flying missions. Their casualty rates are phenomenal.


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