Generation 7

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Generation 7 Page 26

by Ross Richdale

  The crucnon on board are, as you know, a cold blooded species who, we believe, go into a natural unconscious state when their body temperature drops too low.

  That is correct, Doctor Arbor, Jaddig cut into the conversation, but we have largely overcome this by wearing artificially heated body suits like the one I'm wearing at this moment. It is winter here and snowing outside. Without the suit or heated quarters I would be in a state of hibernation until spring.

  Yes, That's the difficulty with your species in suspended animation on board the starship.

  But how? Jaddig replied. Hibernation is a natural condition for us. Our bodies should be less affected than humans.

  Quite true, the American president replied, but the system was designed for humans with in-built safety procedures. The computers read the very slow heartbeat of your kind in suspended animation as being potentially fatal so they stimulate the bodies and bring your kind almost to an awakened stage. Their blood begins to flow as a human's would, the computer decides they are fine and reinstates the suspended animation status. We have tried to issue different safety programs but can't change it too much or the humans in the suspended animation state would be at risk. We cannot isolate the crucnon and put them on a different program.

  I see, Jaddig replied, but I see no problems. We often go in and out of hibernation. I, for example, can set my room at a low temperature and sleep for three days before the temperature is raised and I wake up. She gave a slight grin. The advantage is that, unlike humans, I can stay awake for three or four days without needing more sleep.

  Yes, but this is happening every few hours. The Crucnon aboard never actually wake up but when their body is warmed the body organs need energy.

  Jaddig paled and stared at Andrea before switching her yellow eyes back to the monitor. I think I understand, Mr. President, she said in a slow voice.

  But I don't, Holly replied and frowned.

  Jaddig turned to her friend. Unless they are brought into a conscious state and given something to eat they will slowly starve to death.

  Correct, Doctor Arbor replied. The intravenous drip the computers inserted helps somewhat but it is losing the battle. They have already lost most of their reserve fat tissue. Once again, the system was designed for humans.

  So wake them up! Holly snapped.

  We considered that, too but we have never awoken a species travelling at post light speed. We believe it will kill them. If we drop the craft back to sub-light speed it will take more than a natural lifetime for Starship 43 reach yourself or Earth.

  So we do not have unlimited time, Mr. President. How much do we have? Andrea added.

  Computers predict the crucnon on board will begin dying in twelve Earth days. We are too far away and, even with time alteration, they would be dead by the time Starship 43 arrives here. The man's brown eyes fixed them in a concerned glare. However, at maximum operating speed they can be above your planet in six Earth days. The president gave another slight grin. Of course, this can be any time you choose at your end. We do not really understand what would happen if, say, you chose to make it as year before the craft arrives.

  So it is not worth the risk? Andrea replied.

  Correct and, to be frank, the sooner you can get those crucnon onto your planet, the better.

  Andrea nodded, ... and with this new Doomwatch we can operate all of Starship 43 s systems?


  But we already do that.

  Only until the ship is in orbit over your planet. At that time you would have lost control. The inboard computer was preprogrammed to bring the crew out of suspended animation before the others. The hijackers would have landed and used new technology to assassinate you all. They are ruthless people, Andrea.

  I see, Andrea replied and made a decision. We will get them here, Doctor Arbor. You can start downloading every program we need. How can I get back to you?

  This is an exclusive frequency and your computer already has the coordinates. Any calls will be answered immediately by my people. We'll have a twenty four hour watch

  And the other hour? Andrea gave a wry grin.

  The American president frowned. I don't understand.

  We have a twenty-five hour day here, Pete, she replied.

  In spite of the seriousness of the call, Doctor Peter Arbor broke into a broad grin. You are one astute lady, Ma'am. I'm glad you aren't a candidate here in U.S.A. when my reelection comes up next year.

  Why, thank you, Mr. President, Andrea smiled.

  She exchanged a few more pleasantries with the man on the other side of the galaxy before the screen switched to a view of Delpe as one of the communication satellites viewed it, a beautiful planet all blue and white.

  Andrea turned to Holly Suzi and Jaddig In some ways our decision to play it safe with Inter-galactic Starship 43 almost killed the very people we're trying to save.

  But we weren't to know, Andrea, Jaddig replied, and there is still time.

  Len here, the computer's voice interrupted their conversation. There is a ninety eight point three percent chance that incoming vision was genuine, Andrea. Do you want a more extensive check?

  No, Len but prepare to receive the downloads the president mentioned.

  They are on file. Do you wish to examine them.

  On file? That was quick.

  The downloading took twenty one hours and was completed four days ago. This included the modernization of all my files and a complete historical record of events and scientific achievements on Earth since 2020. It was, however, classified so you could not be informed until now.

  Of course, Andrea sighed. And the new communication with Starship 43.

  Doomwatch is on line. We have direct control over the starship's operations. Earth control have already erased the original computer's programs from the craft's memory banks and substituted direct control by Doomwatch. The rest is apparently up to us.

  Since when? Jaddig asked.

  Yesterday at six hundred hours.

  And the present condition of those on board?

  All life species are in suspended animation and shall remain so until we order otherwise. At present speed, Starship 43 will arrive here in forty-six years. That figure is rounded.

  I want the speed increased so Inter-galactic Starship 43 is in orbit around Delpe as soon as possible without affecting the passengers safety. However, on arrival, the crew and passengers are to remain in suspended animation.

  That shall be done, an entirely new voice replied, a rich vibrant female voice, quite unlike the usual monotonous ones usually associated with electronic speech. This is Doomwatch 43 speaking, President Jurjevics. My programs have been placed under your government's control.

  Without time alteration, how long will it be before the Starship is in orbit? Suzi cut in.

  Three days and four hours, Delpe time, Doctor Yu. The voice stopped and Len came back on line.

  Is there anything more, Andrea? He asked.

  No, thank you, Andrea replied and yawned as the monitors switched off. I could go with some Coffifake and an early breakfast.

  It's on its way, Suzi grinned. I ordered bacon and eggs on toast ten minutes ago.

  Oh Hell! Andrea retorted. I'm fast becoming redundant around the place.

  But always wanted, Mom, Holly smiled. I'm glad you were here handling one of the most powerful persons in the galaxy.

  Yeah, Andrea grinned, but any of you three could have done it. He was, after all, only a man.

  Silent crowds watched as FanWarrior 2 landed in a park adjacent to the ocean in Lickyk and two highly nervous crucnon doctors ran towards the lowered ram.

  Thank you for coming at such short notice, Jaddig greeted them. I am...

  We know you, Jaddig Qarte, the middle age male crucnon gave a slight grin. He turned to his companion, a younger female. This is my colleague, Doctor Flamy Gelpa and my name is Doctor Hennyn Iwacu. He embraced Jaddig and stared with an amused expression at the interior. It was filled with c
rucnon. Snimel, Wunep, Bikut and Jynco were all there as well as the other crucnon who were now New Washington citizens.

  Our species on board the Starship were badly treated by humans and are in poor physical condition, Jaddig explained. We thought if they were treated by our kind it would be of benefit to them.

  True, Doctor Iwacu replied. His green eyes fixed Jaddig with a concerned look. And what is their condition?

  They will be very weak from malnutrition. We do not know their other injuries but assume there are some. I'll explain on the way. She sat down and introduced the doctors to the group who methodically walked along and embraced every one there. Afterwards, the pair was shown through to the cockpit and met Holly, Graham, Clay and George.

  We're so pleased to have you aboard, Holly welcomed. Take a seat and watch the view. Your city looks quite breathtaking from the air.

  The pair sat down but looked uncomfortable as the engines started and the FanWarrior began its slow rise above the city. However, as the panoramic view spread out below, their curiosity overcame the fear and they chatted away with each other and tried to identify buildings below.

  After Snimel gave him a prod and told him to be sociable, Wunep came through and sat beside the two doctors Our visit wasn't a secret, he commented when he noticed thousands of the city's citizens waving at them.

  No, Doctor Flamy Gelpa smiled up at him. Our citizens regard you all as heroes who, single-handedly defeated the crucks and saved Vybber from defeat. She chuckled. According to local gossip, the humans didn't even figure in the fight.

  Wunep shrugged his shoulders. That's a little unfair.

  I know, Flamy replied, but it gives our people something to be proud of. We saw Jaddig and Bikut being elected as members of parliament. I think everyone in the city were as nervous as you would have been. When they won seats thousands cheered.

  How did you know about the results? Wunep asked. Wasn't everything censored?

  We have television now, the doctor smiled. Just a few sets in public places like taverns and in shopping malls. It was all televised and our government allowed the broadcast to go out live. I think they are trying to create a more liberal atmosphere with our own elections only six months away. We had screens set up in the main square and there were twenty thousand of our people cheering the pair on.

  Oh My Goodness, Wunep flushed but looked proud, and only a few weeks ago we were traitors to be shot on sight.

  Yes, interrupted Doctor Hennyn Iwacu. Perhaps the government thought you'd both be heavily defeated and the result would make the local citizens realize how selfish and self-centered humans are. They miscalculated the result and the ground swell of affection between humans and crucnon. He scowled. I only hope this episode with these wounded citizens arriving doesn't turn the tide. If any are seriously hurt, our government will swell it up to show humans cannot be trusted.

  But what about the suffering in their hands? Wunep snorted. Sure there are bad humans but our species have been bloody murderers. Jaddig's family was wiped out simply because she refused to kill herself instead of surrendering.

  Hennyn shrugged. Most citizens have had family members killed or tortured, Wunep. Our nation is still filled with fear. Nothing is said but we can remember.

  Then you'd better see you help the new arrivals, Snimel who had slipped into the cockpit unnoticed and listened to every word, snapped. The humans in New Washington have been nothing but kind to us. Not one in this aircraft would want to go back to Vybber.

  I guess not, the older doctor replied. Rest assured, young lady, that is why we volunteered to come. We will do everything possible to help our kind who are arriving from the space ship.

  Holly grinned at Snimel's loyalty as she gazed outside. The land had disappeared and only the ocean showed below. It had been a frantic four days since the American presidents warning. Almost to the minute the Inter-galactic Starship 43 swung into orbit on the third day, so gigantic it could be seen as a shooting star in the southern sky every night. After Doomwatch advised the suspended animation robotic workers under her control could transfer containers to a shuttlecraft, it was decided to bring the crucnon to Delpe first while they were still in suspended animation. If there were problems when they woke up, qualified staff could help hence the emergency call to the Vybber government and the agreement for two doctors to accompany them to Alpha Base.

  Holly who, with Jaddig had been given their first government assignment, that of overseeing the arrival of the space shuttle, stood and stared skyward. A siren sounded and the cranes in the center of Base Alpha swung outwards so the center became an empty space.

  Arrival time is two minutes, sixteen seconds, Len's voice boomed out over a dozen loud speakers.

  My God! There it is, Graham shouted and slung an arm around Holly's shoulders.

  High above in the blue sky was a sphere, black and shimmering with the surface in constant motion. The only noise was a sort of thumping sound similar to the FanWarrior when the landing propellers were in use.

  The craft dropped, grew larger and became a dark green color of spinning light.

  Several gasps and screams filled the air as the noise level rose to a deep rumble like a tumbling waterfall and the craft hovered a hundred meters up. It was huge, almost filled the sky, a perfect sphere like a planet landing on top of them. A hundred meters up ... fifty... twenty until the craft was inside the surrounding volcanic walls that hid the landing area. The spectators were buffeted by a tremendous down draft but continued to stare upwards as four panels slid open on the underside of the shuttle and metal pods, like legs of a stool slid out.

  Sirens sounded again, the cranes all simultaneously hinged back forty-five degrees and the craft came in. All the time, the shuttle was spinning like a top and the air inside the landing concourse howled. Holly's hair and clothes flapped and she had to grip a nearby barrier to stop being swept off her feet. But it wasn't all spinning; only the top hemisphere was. The craft was, in reality, a sphere inside a lower hemisphere like a boiled egg in an egg holder.

  Fun, isn't it? Bikut screamed in her ear and laughed at the human woman's, usually well combed red hair being blown everywhere.

  If you say so, Holly yelled back. She glanced along the curved platform where everyone else, human and crucnon, gripped the yellow rails and tried to hold their flapping clothes.

  With a clunk, the cranes gripped the shuttle, landing pods squeezed down on shock absorbers before, with a hiss of compressed air; they rose a fraction and held the craft up. The motors stopped, the top sphere whined down until it stopped spinning and, except for two small openings that vented white clouds of condensation, the shuttle became still and silent.

  Shit, It's big! George snorted.

  The door! Snimel gasped.

  A ramp of similar design to that on the FanWarrior and large enough to drive a vehicle through, hinged out and down directly in front of Holly. She could see the lit interior like a massive circular room. In the middle, a small aircraft with long pointed nose and folded wings was parked while all around were dozens of long dark crates, almost like coffins with glass tops. Yellow tubes ran from each one to wall sockets and a faint hum of machinery could be heard.

  Come on Jaddig, Holly said.

  She walked up the ramp and up to the first crate. Inside was a crucnon flying female who lay asleep on a soft synthetic mattress, dressed in a body suit, boots and gloves. She could have been Jynco except for a bloated abdomen. Jaddig took one look at the scene and gasped.

  Get Doctor Gelpa, Holly. This girl is about to lay her eggs.

  Right, Holly replied and headed away.

  Jaddig examined the chamber but could see no latch or manual controls. She knew from experience, though, that as soon as this flying female became conscious she would begin laying.

  Damn, she uttered and was about to move on to examine the second container when a movement caught her attention. The eyes flickered and opened and, wide with curiosity, stared back at Jaddig
. For a second the flying female hesitated before her face turned into a smile.

  So it wasn't just a dream, a feminine voice, in English, echoed out through a hidden speaker. I dreamt a friend called Doomwatch was looking after me. She said our kind will come and rescue us and my children will grow up in freedom again. The tiny chin quivered and tears burst down the sunken cheeks. Tell me you are real and this is not just another sadistic trick.

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  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The female doctor was beside Jaddig within a moment and confirmed that the flying female was about to begin laying eggs. She turned to Holly. We need to get her into the infirmary immediately, I need at least thirty sterilized containers with five liter capacity and all males, human and crucnon need to leave the area. She smiled at the youngster still sobbing beneath the glass. I am Doctor Flamy Gelpa, My Friend. You are at Alpha Base on Delpe and in safe hands. None of the humans who imprisoned you are awake.

  My babies!

  They will be looked after, the doctor smiled. I have cared for hundreds of eggs and they all produced lovely bouncing babies. I'm sure your ones will be perfect. Tell me, my friend, what is your name.

  Pinin Hyrof. the girl gasped. Her sunken face attempted to smile again but instead she gave an utter of pain.

  We must hurry, Flamy ordered.

  Jaddig nodded and gave brisk instructions. Computer, please open the life support cylinder containing Pinin Hyrof.

  Doomwatch remote here, Jaddig. Thank you. I have been keeping a close watch over my charge and have allocated extra nutrients to her. However, her body diverted these onto her eggs. I am afraid she is urgent need of food and liquid. I suggest a honey extract as her stomach will not retain solid food.

  Holly rushed back with a harassed look. We have found forty or more plastic buckets. They've been rinsed with boiling water, are brand new so should be sterile. She grimaced. I'm afraid there's nothing else.

  That'll do, the doctor whispered. I now need an intravenous drip set up. We anticipated this condition and have brought satchels of our blood with us but I'll also take Pinin's blood type and ask for donors.


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