Barely Winging It

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Barely Winging It Page 16

by Tigertalez

  Nix didn’t think it was possible, but Kace’s smile got wider. “Sure did, all the time. I’m tellin’ ya, it’s a sure-fire way to tan without the sunburn … well, except for Ryker.” Kace turned to the bright red headed vampire. “I swear, Rye, you are so fair skinned you would probably be the only person alive to ever get a moonburn.”

  Ryker grabbed his banana peel and threw it at Kace, who easily dodged it as he and everyone around laughed.

  Nix heard the low rumble sound of a motorcycle and another engine approach. Going on alert, everyone stopped. Nix wasn’t the only one turning to his mate and ordering them to stay put. However, his mate was the only one not rolling her eyes. Nix, Slate, Matteo, Kace, and Dultyn headed to the front of the house while the rest continued to eat their breakfast.

  Nix was one of the last ones out onto the porch to see a car pull up followed by a black motorcycle with two riders. He recognized the occupants of the car to be Bronya’s parents. Leaving the riders to the others, Nix greeted his in-laws. He had reached the car before they got out. Slate opened the door for Bronya’s mother, Della.

  “Oh thank you, Nix. You’re such a gentleman, just like that man on the motorcycle.”

  “You know him?” Nix’s surprise was apparent. The bikers had parked maybe ten feet away so everyone heard her praise.

  Bronya’s father, Richard, answered. “A tire blew on our way here, and he pulled over to help me change it.”

  Ryker came bounding down off the porch and trotted over, wearing a giant smile he aimed towards Della. He had bonded instantly to the woman when they first met last evening. “Della, thank heavens you’re all right.” He dramatically kissed the air on both sides of her cheeks. “Mwah, mwah.”

  “Good morning, Rye. Thank you for that greeting.” Turning and looking back and forth between him and Ryker while her husband joined her side, she asked, “Where’s Bronya?”

  Nix received a visual from Slate. Taking his cue, he answered. “Bronya’s taking it easy, but she’s eating breakfast in the kitchen. Ryker, why don’t you escort them in while I finish out here?” Ryker understood the order but brightened as he was probably going to already do just that. He let his flamboyant characteristics show through as he excitedly sashayed the couple inside, talking amicably to them.

  Enzo emerged from the garage and joined them as Nix walked over to the two riders who had yet to get off their bike. They had, however, taken off their helmets, and Nix noted their Native-American heritage. Once Bronya’s parents were inside, the male spoke. “I am Neto Locklear, and this is my sister, Isa.”

  Enzo took the lead. “We’ve been expecting you. I’m the beta, Enzo. That’s Slate, the head enforcer, and Matteo, also an enforcer. Over there you’ve got Nix, Kace, and Dultyn. All three are trackers.”

  Neto nodded to each while his sister kept her head and eyes down. Nix could see she her look up slightly to see whose name was whose, but aside from that, she stayed quiet and submissive. Neto spoke, bringing the attention back to him. “Mister Webber didn’t want his wife to know the danger they were put in. When I pulled over to help, I scented fresh brake fluid and pointed it out to him. We taped it with duct tape, but as you know, that isn’t a sure fix.”

  Nix felt his blood heat up. “Did the line look cut?”

  When Neto nodded, curses growled throughout the men.

  “That bastard!” Nix bit out. He was so furious.

  Neto looked at him. “You know who is responsible then?”

  “Yes. Well, more than likely. My mate has a stalker who torched her apartment building after she repeatedly refused him.” Nix looked at Enzo then at Slate. “When Bronya’s parents were here last night, her father pulled me aside and told me the authorities had contacted him to warn her that Gates had somehow slipped the tail they had on him.”

  “He probably followed them up here.”

  Enzo looked around at everyone. “Alphy wants a meeting right now.” Looking at the two new arrivals, he spoke directly to them. “You two, too. Alphy would like to meet you, but then he’ll probably dismiss you to enjoy some breakfast. Have either of you eaten yet?”

  “No. My sister and I had some … complications. We drove through the night on this last leg of our journey.”

  “Let’s head up then. Kace, fetch Ryker,” Enzo ordered, then turned and led the group upstairs above the garage. He was telling Neto and Isa how the apartment was turned into a temporary hospital wing as they went.

  Reaching the top of the stairs, Nix spotted through the open door, Seamus and Gale talking beside Alphy, who was sitting up in the hospital bed. They all looked at the group as they walked in.

  Enzo started the introductions. “This is your new alpha, Ralph Kaska, but everyone calls him Alphy. Next to him is his mate, Gale, and that is our pack doctor, Seamus Rossi. Alpha, this is Neto and Isa Locklear.”

  After the round of hellos, Seamus looked pointedly at Dultyn. “I’m glad to see you, Dultyn. I had told your mate that I was going to come see you when you woke from roost, but she seemed to have other plans.” Everyone gave a light chuckle, and Nix was intrigued to see a slight blush rose Dultyn’s cheeks.

  Alphy turned to his mate. “Gale, can you escort Isa and Neto to the house? Maybe dish Isa up some breakfast?”


  “Actually, alpha,” Enzo interrupted, drawing their attention, “I think Neto should stay just a few minutes more.”

  Their eyes connected, and Nix could see the silent message being sent and received. Alphy’s brows rose, but he didn’t argue. “All right, Neto, if you wouldn’t mind staying.”

  “If you don’t need me, I’ll be happy to escort both ladies back to the house,” Seamus offered.

  “Thank you.” Alphy nodded.

  “Thank you,” Neto repeated to the doctor.

  Gale leaned down and after a short kiss, turned to go, letting Seamus walk them out. She gave Dultyn a curious look as she passed. Kace and Ryker joined them just as the girls departed.

  After the door closed behind Seamus and the girls, all eyes turned to Alphy.

  “It’s good to see you looking better, Alphy.” Kace’s face was genuine.

  “Thank you, Kace.” Alphy looked at Dultyn. “It will take some getting used to seeing you like that. It looks good on you, congratulations. I trust Havana is all right then?”

  Dultyn opened his mouth to speak when Kace spoke first. “Oh, she’s more than all right. The whole house heard how ‘all right’ he made her, practically all night.”

  Alphy growled loud enough to rival the growl Dultyn emitted. Kace’s eyes grew big, and he immediately bent his head in submission to his alpha. “My apologies, alpha and Dultyn. I went too far.”

  “Damn right you did. That’s my sister you’re talking about. She’s been through a lot and has been blessed with a mating.” Alphy’s voice was gruff, his bear rising to the surface.

  Kace’s face and ears took on a pink tint. Dultyn kept his furious eyes locked onto Kace as Alphy continued. “How would you feel if it was your mate? Would you want her to feel bad about being claimed?”

  “No, alpha. It won’t happen again.”

  Alphy wasn’t finished. “Damn straight. Finding one’s mate is a big deal. Claiming them is even bigger. That cavalier attitude is all right sometimes, but if you don’t get a handle on it, it will someday bite you in the ass, and if not, my bear will.”

  Nix had been on Alphy’s bad side before, so he knew how Kace felt. Taking a quick glance over at Neto, he could see the shifter kept his eyes cast down and his hands folded in front of him. Not afraid, but respectful. As it should be, he thought. Good. No one knew what to expect with him, but it was looking good so far. Nix had already given him brownie points for helping his in-laws without even knowing who they were. That deserved some respect.

  Alphy took a breath and relaxed a little bit before looking around the room at the others before settling his sights on Dultyn. “Before we start, I have an announcement.
Dultyn, you demonstrated outstanding restraint during the rescue. For any paranormal, even ones with decades in the military who pride themselves on their self-discipline, to have the level of control you had when your mate was in trouble, is a rare gift. I know many who would have disregarded orders and even killed indiscriminately for their mates. Though you did kill one of them, it was the one carrying your mate and he had shot you, so it was easily justified. I would like to offer you an enforcer position in my inner circle.”

  Nix was stunned, and from the silence in the room, so were some of the others. Enzo, Slate, and Matteo weren’t, but Nix guessed Alphy already talked it over with them. Nix watched the different expressions on the faces of everyone around the room. They were basically the same: surprised. It was a high rank to offer anyone, let alone someone that the alpha had known for less than three weeks. Nix didn’t feel jealous. He was happy with his position in the pack, and he was proud of Dultyn. Over the time he had known the gargoyle, he had formed a little bit of a bond with him and the other two.

  “Congrats, Dultyn.” He offered a sincere smile, but when Dultyn’s dark blue eyes turned to him he looked doubtful. “It’s well earned. You deserve it.”

  Nix’s final assurance seemed to have encouraged Dultyn. He noticed his body relax a bit before turning back to the alpha. “Thank you, alpha. I am honored, and I accept.”

  “Good! We have a few things to discuss. Let’s start with you, Neto.”

  Neto’s stance and voice, though slightly tired, showed confidence. “Our journey here wasn’t so bad up until the last two days. I was careful so I don’t know if it was luck, or what, that allowed some shifters to find us. The trouble started just as we crossed the border into Ontario. We were chased and attacked several times. I’ve had to replace my tires twice, and we had to hide in a cave once, for nearly twenty-four hours. That was yesterday. Once I felt the coast was clear, but I drove us out of there, I didn’t stop, driving through the night even, until we arrived here.”

  “Now tell him what you told us just a few minutes ago, downstairs. About the Webbers,” Enzo insisted.

  “The Webbers?” Alphy looked directly at Nix. “Your in-laws?”

  Nix nodded in affirmation as Neto repeated what he had said earlier. “I stopped to help a couple with a flat tire. I smelt the brake fluid and pointed it out to him. We put some duct tape on it, and he asked me to not let his wife know. He said he’d tell her later, after they got somewhere safe and it was fixed.”

  “Did you know who they were when you stopped?” Alphy sounded curious.

  “No, sir. It wasn’t until we were done that he told me where he was heading and I told him that was my destination as well. He just said it must be fate. Does he know about shifters?”

  Alphy sent Nix a look to answer. “Not that I know of. Their daughter is my mate. She learned about us just the other day, and we only just mated yesterday. She, Alphy, and Gale were in a plane crash last night, and that’s why they’re up here right now to visit with her. They were really worried, as you can imagine. A simple phone call wouldn’t have been enough.”

  After a brief few moments of silence, Alphy spoke. “All right. Thank you, Neto. Go ahead and head inside for some breakfast and a nap. I’d like to see you this afternoon, and we can discuss more at that time.”

  “Yes, alpha. Thank you.” Turning, Neto mumbled congratulations to Dultyn as he passed and headed out the door.

  “Slate, report.” Alphy eased back and relaxed a little more as Slate took over the meeting.

  “Security has been slow to setting up. We have had many security issues. As you know, the wiring was faulty. At the time of the kidnapping, Ryker and Tom were in town buying new ones. With Matteo and me elsewhere interrogating the shifter from the attack, Kace and the others on a build, and you and Nix headed to Toronto, it left no one to stop Havana from being abducted. We ordered tons of equipment but haven’t gotten even half of it yet. We set up what equipment we did get, around the house first. What was left was placed around the garage. Ryker worked late yesterday to replace the wires, but more patrols will have to be kept nearby until we are able to get more equipment. This puts us at high risk against whatever Alpha Smith may have planned against us.”

  “What’s holding up our equipment orders?” asked Nix.

  “Customs.” Slate’s answer was short and simple.

  Kace asked, “Could S.I.S. be causing it?” The room went silent.

  “Fuck. Me.” Alphy growled and leaned his head back, rubbing the palms of his hands over his temples.

  “How much do you think they know about us?” Nix asked.

  “More than they should, that’s for sure,” Kace grumbled irritably.

  “We need to know what Alpha Smith’s relationship to the S.I.S. is and how much S.I.S. knows about us.” Alphy looked at Matteo. “Matteo, I’m assigning those two tasks to you. Do what you have to do, without further jeopardizing our existence, to get it done. Ryker,” Alphy turned his head to face him, “get Tyler on the phone. We need information from the council, and they need to be warned that a human government just may know about us. That’s plenty big enough news to end his honeymoon. Slate, what can you tell me about our two prisoners?”

  “Nothing great right now. The first prisoner is a wolf shifter, Ace Nunce. He has only given us information that we already knew, and since the whole thing with the beta is a moot point now, I don’t know what to do with him. “The SIS pilot is secured in the barn with him, but I have yet to question them. And it hasn’t been easy keeping them in the barn, I might add. The council wants us to keep them ourselves for now. We need a real holding cell.”

  Alphy turned to Kace. “We might end up with more prisoners soon enough with all these attacks. Make building holding cells your priority. Does anyone have anything else to add?”

  Ryker bounced on the balls of his feet. “Oo, oo, I do. Our guest vampires headed back home this morning. They took that submissive lion shifter, Maximus Stone, and offered to imprison anyone else we need until more suitable accommodations could be created for them. I know you gave them permission for the lion, but I told them I would have to run the modified offer by you first.”

  “That would be welcome. Make the arrangements. Oh, and Dultyn, for now, I would like to ask that you continue guarding at night with Stelios and Bogdan. Keep vigilant guys, and don’t let yourselves feel overwhelmed. I know we are being tested right now, but look at how blessed we have been as well. Through our adversity, greatness shall come. Life tests us to change us. It is up to us to let it be for the better or worse. Embrace our trials and be ever vigilant of what you allow it to forge you into. Our choices we make now will define the future of our pack.” Alphy looked tired, and everyone excused themselves. They had a lot of work to do.


  Bronya laughed at Reese and Havana’s bantering. She even spotted a smile on the shy face of the new girl. Her father placed a hand on her shoulder to get her attention. Turning, she looked up into her father’s face.

  “How about you take us to look at the strip of land you were talking about turning into an airfield? That is if you are feeling all right. We can take a look at it later if you would rather.”

  Bronya was feeling pretty good so she gave her father a wide smile. “I’m feeling great. I’d like to wait for Nix though, if that’s all right.”

  “Wait for Nix for what?” The welcome voice came from behind her. Bronya hopped off her chair and rushed over to her man. With his arms securing her, she felt a part of her settle. She didn’t realize how unsettled she was until just now.

  “My parents wanted to go and look at where we wanted to put the airstrip. Would you be able to take us?”

  After giving her another squeeze, Nix loosened his grip just a little and pulled her back, gifting her with a smile that did happy things to her belly. “I’d love to. Let me get our jackets and let someone know where we’re going and then we’ll head out.”

  Nix grabb
ed the keys to the pack pickup and drove them through overgrown dirt roads that veined through the property. They passed some of the rundown old homes and drove over small old bridges. Nix pulled up under a tall tree and parked the truck. “We’ll have to walk from here.”

  The rains had stopped, but the ground was still mushy and muddy. Everyone was wearing tennis shoes or boots, but the ground made squishy noises in some parts as they trudged deeper into the forest. The road was close to the field, and they stopped at the tree line when they finally arrived, enjoying the lush green field, dotted with an array of colorful wildflowers.

  “Oh this is lovely, sweetheart.” Her mother’s voice breathed out.

  “From what we were told, it used to be a farming field. We were thinking of—”

  The echo of a gunshot rolled over them. Bronya heard Nix grunt, and as if in slow motion, watched him fall to the ground, blood pouring from between his fingers that covered his upper chest. Bronya fell to the ground and put her hands over Nix’s, adding pressure to the wound. A scream tore through the air beside her, coming from her mother. Bronya looked up and saw her father holding her mother tight against him.

  “Bronya!” The angry and wild sound of Gates’s voice had her looking behind them. He held a rifle aimed at them as he slowly walked towards them. “You whore! You could have had me, but you chose some crazy cult freak.”

  Before any of them could respond, an elk charged from nearby, skewering Gates with his antlers. The elk kicked out his front feet and raked them over the now bloody and shouting figure. The elk tossed his head and pushed, continuing to stab Gates. Bronya turned her head but could still hear his flesh being pounded and the snap of his bones breaking. Her mother continued to scream, but in a quick matter of moments, all sound stopped. Bronya turned again and looked at the elk. His horns and hooves were wet with blood. She hoped he was a shifter. “Help, please. He’s been shot.”

  As the ligaments snapped, she watched the fur recede and shrink. The faced flattened, his long ears shrank, and very shortly a naked man she’d seen in passing stood before them. Ignoring her parents gasps, he jogged forward and picked Nix up. “Come on. Let’s get to the truck, and I’ll drive us back to the house. Do you have your cell?”


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