The King Versus Commoner

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The King Versus Commoner Page 2

by Chloe Smith

  I looked up into his eyes. They were serious. Too serious. They made feel flustered. "I'm, ah, okay. I, um…yeah."

  Those eyes softened, and his face became gentle. "Good. I was hoping my roommate didn't go too far."

  Roommate…Clinton, his? I felt sorry for him. But, I guess this was the time to find out whether Hilary's Clinton and the King Clinton were one and the same. "So, um…what room are you in?" I asked, trying to shoot for nonchalance.

  "Two-oh-nine. Why?" He asked, clearly curious to why I asked.

  And I was so hoping that they were two separate Clinton's. I did want to try to get along with Hilary, but… "Oh, just wondering which room to avoid, being that the room is the first enemy I made at this school." I smiled sweetly, and found myself pleased when he laughed. "I'm so sorry that we won't be bumping into each other also, since you share a room with him."

  He didn't look offended, and I found myself liking this guy more and more. "It's alright. I understand."

  "Um…could you give this to Clinton for me?" I handed him the picture. "I really don't want to face him, but I promised someone I would pass this on for them."

  "Sure." I started to walk away when he called back after me. "What's your name? I wasn't able to catch earlier."

  I pondered. Should I tell him? It sounded as though he was starting to like me as much as I was beginning to like him…and for being so close to Clinton? I don't think that's a good idea. "You don't really have to know that. Since we won't be seeing each other. It was good to talk to you though. Bye."

  I left then, feeling like the bad guy. But come on, it was better to cut off something like that from the beginning.…instead of being hurt.

  Chapter 7

  I reached the dorm room at the same time my roommate did. She looked sad and worried.

  "Ah…" I looked down. I guess I kinda made a big scene afterwards by brushing her off. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ran out like that. I acted like a-"

  "It's okay. I guess it's better than bursting into tears." She said, a watery smile creeping onto her angelic face. "I almost cried at the way they treated you." She emphasized the you. I smiled.

  We went into the room together. I guess it was time to finally get to sleep. Gaya changed into what looked like silk pajamas. I threw on my over large t-shirt and small shorts.

  Next we went to the washroom and I braided my hair, and brushed my teeth while Gaya took a bath and brushed her hair. Then we fell into our beds upon returning.

  Man, who knew the day you moved in would be so exhausting?

  I closed my eyes.

  Mary, please watch over me as I sleep and tomorrow as I start my first day as a Freshman in high school. Please stay with my Mamma, and Hilary, and my new friend Gaya. All those I have met today, please watch over also, and let your blessings run unlimitedly. All hail Mary, Mother of Jesus.

  Goodnight, Mother Maria.

  Chapter 8

  Clinton was lounging on his bed when his roommate threw something on his bed.

  "What's this?"

  "Some girl asked me to give it to you."

  Clinton picked up the hard palm-sized rectangle and realized it was a picture of his mom, and probably from his mom.

  "Was she from the mail room?" He asked.

  "No. She said she promised someone that she would pass it on to you, although, knowing what you did to her in the dining room, I wouldn't have wanted to give it to you directly neither."

  "Commoner?" Clinton muttered. Ah, the nerve of this girl, filching off of his mom like that. And then to act as if they were best buddies or something.

  "Did you say something?" His roommate asked.


  "By the way…" Clinton looked at him. He was taking his hair down from the band he put it in.


  "Do you know her name?"

  Clinton scowled. "Why do you ask?"

  "Well, when I bumped into her, she looked kinda lost." His roommate smiled. "She looked kinda cute. And when she was talking to me-"

  "Don't even think about it." Clinton snapped, his temper rising.

  The boy on the opposite side of the room paused in lifting his shirt over his head and looked at Clinton in surprise. "Huh?"

  "I said, it's a bad idea to even think about going out with her."

  "Yeah. She said the same thing, or something close to it." His roommate laughed. "She said she was going to avoid you, so she wasn't going to see me much because I'm usually around you." He took off his shirt and jumped onto his bed. "Should I stop being friends with you so that I can get close to her?"

  Clinton sat up. "Would you really break our friendship for a girl?"

  "Chill man, chill. In any case, no. I just thought she was an interesting girl. She seems different than everyone else."

  "That's because she is. My mom's paying for her tuition. She would have been going to some cheap high school instead of this if my mom hadn't met hers. Mom treats her like her own daughter. Always bragging about her, always bringing stuff home and saying it's for her. It's kind of sickening. And I bet Commoner sucks it all up."


  "Yeah. She doesn't belong here mixing with people like us."

  "People like us? I thought we were all people. What's the difference?"

  Clinton was silent. "The way we were brought up…makes the world spin different."

  His roommate laughed as he turned out his light. "I cannot wait to see who you fall in love with…with you spouting stuff like that."

  Clinton scowled and laid back down, turning off his own light as he did so. "Goodnight."

  "And sweet dreams to you Clinton, but with the way you're all worked up right now, I bet they'll be venomous." Laughter rang out once again.

  Clinton threw the picture and was satisfied when he heard it make contact. "Ow!"

  Clinton smiled and closed his eyes.

  Chapter 9

  I pulled at the neck-tie, or whatever it was. Who came up with the idea that ties should be included with uniforms? I looked in the full mirror hanging from the closet door and grimaced. The tie closed up the top of the collared shirt and it only peeked through just a little out of the dark blue blazer. And the dark blue skirt was too short for my taste because it didn't even reach my knees. How come what looked so good on Gaya could make me look all geeky? I rearranged my bangs so that they fell to the side of my face instead of covering my forehead and brushed the back out to shine and glisten like a silk curtain down my back. It didn't change the fact that I still looked geeky. All I needed was the tri-focal glasses, and it was complete.

  How could anyone call this comfortable? I asked as I pulled at the bottom of the skirt again. Ugh.

  "Monica, are you almost ready?" Gaya called from outside of the room. She had most likely came from the washrooms. "We don't want to be late on the first day." She walked into the room, and I felt envious once again.

  "Ugh, how can the same uniform look so good on you, but makes me feel like a freak?" I said, looking in the mirror once again, adjusting my tie.

  Gaya smiled softly and came to stand by me so that we were looking in the mirror side by side. She was quietly observing for a few seconds before she said, "Because you just need practice." She didn't say it in a snotty voice, but in a very friendly way. "I've had practice all the way since kindergarten. Here!" She pulled her chair from her desk and motioned for me to sit. "With your hair so straight and full like that, and that face, it would look better if you kept your hair up when you wear a dark uniform." She gathered my hair up, leaving a few of my bangs, and put it into a ponytail. She stood back for a moment before braiding it. "Ah, that's perfect!" She said, poofing out my bangs.

  I studied myself in the mirror, and was surprised at how true she was. With my hair pulled back, and in a long braid down my back, I looked more professional than geeky. I smiled. Usually, I left my hair down because it made me feel like a boy when I had it up. I guess I just didn't know how to put it up right.
/>   "Gaya, you have magic or something!" I laughed and turned my head side to side.

  She blushed. "No, I don't. I just.."

  "Worked your magic." I looked at her and noticed how the dark blue blazer seemed to complement her bright hair when it hung down like that. My dark brown-like dark chocolate brown- hair just seemed bland and almost blended in with the blazer. Is that why it looked so…nerdy?

  "Come on Monica, I really think we're cutting it close. Since we share the same dorm room, we have the same homeroom." She grabbed her handbag and I grabbed my backpack.

  "What does sharing a room have to do with classes?" I asked, closing the door, waiting to hear the click before leaving. These dorms were so fancy that they had lock pads, which means the rooms lock, and in order to get in, you needed to know the password.

  "I don't know. It just…is." We laughed as we walked to homeroom class.

  Chapter 10

  Our homeroom class was actually in the area that Gaya hadn't been able to show me yesterday, so I stuck close to her in the crowded hallway all the way there.

  Classroom 511 was a simple room that looked pretty fun to be in, with nice colors decorating the walls and what not. But the teacher looked like the strictest teacher I've ever met. Not that I met her yet.

  "That's Ms. Kendra. She's okay, if you listen." Gaya led me to a seat by the far side of the room halfway back from the teacher's space in the front. I kept my head down, not wanting to see any of the looks I saw yesterday when I talked back to their 'king'.

  I guess that's why I didn't see his roommate when I came in. I was surprised when someone actually sat on the side not occupied by Gaya.

  Surprised, I looked up, and straight into his dark eyes. I noticed he even looked good in the uniform, but with his good looks, I wasn't surprised. Man, how come the rich people were also the ones that had looks too?

  "Hello once again." He smiled.

  I blushed and looked away. "H-hi."

  "So will you tell me your name?" He asked.

  I kept looking at my desk as I said, "If you're here, doesn't that mean that Clinton has this class?"

  The teacher saved me by call the class's attention. "Alright everyone, get settled. I want everyone to sit with their roommates." Everyone groaned. "Come on. Chop chop!" She emphasized her words with claps. Clinton's roommate patted my shoulder and smiled again. "If we have another class where Clinton's not there, you'll tell me, right?"

  He didn't even wait for my reply as went and joined Clinton in the beck of the room. I was surprised by all the chairs that were pulled up around Clinton. No wonder the class had looked empty. They were all behind me. At present, they were dragging chairs away to different desks with their roommates. Someone passed by me, muttering, "That Stevenson is lucky to be his roommate…"

  Lucky? I felt bad for him! I turned back to see only Clinton and his roommate, I now knew as Stevenson, sitting at desks side by side. Although, people around them almost had their eyes glued on Clinton.

  Clinton didn't even care. He was playing with a toothpick in his mouth, and his hair looked like it was just thrown around a little, the hair in the front came down to his chin. His feet were propped up on the desk, and his blazer was hanging open, his tie loosened as well as a few buttons on his shirt undone. I couldn't deny it, he looked good…maybe I'd go as far as say he was hot. Now, I was really mad at how they could look so good in the same uniform that made me look out of place.

  I made the mistake of staring too long, and suddenly, his copper eyes met mine. It was almost like he knew what I was thinking, and I blushed. An arrogant smirk captured his lips, and the spell was broken.

  I glared at him and turned around. Stupid, arrogant, conceited boy! How is Clinton Packman any way related to Hilary Packman? He had to look like his dad! But how could he be so different from his mom? Hs mom was so nice. Too nice to the point where I can't get her to stop buying me stuff. It didn't seem like she thought of herself at all. Clinton was the total opposite, his image was the only thing he seemed to want to keep. It made me want to just punch his face sometimes!

  "Please quiet down!" Ms. Kendra was clapping her hands again. "First of all, for those who haven't met me yet, I am Ms. Kendra. This is your homeroom class. This is not a place to play. If you want to play, go to an amusement park. This place is where you will get updates and information from and for all activities academically and extracurricular-wise also. After you hear announcements, the few minutes left is for you to wake up and get organized. Not socializing. Any person who receives three warnings will be sent to the Dean's office. Do I make myself clear?" a chorus of yes's answered her back.


  The bell rang.

  "This concludes Homeroom. Please be prompt to first period." Ms. Kendra yelled to the departing students.

  Chapter 11

  Gaya took me by the hand and led me out of the room. "My next class is that way, but yours is in the opposite direction. Just go down this hallway, turn left and go up the stairs. When you get up there, you'll have to go down the hall way and turn right. The room should be the first door on your left. Got that?"

  "Uh...yeah. I think." I said, although I didn't remember anything she said past getting up the stairs. But it shouldn't be too hard to figure out, right?

  Gaya waved and left. I watched her with a little bit of an uneasy feeling. I was now on my own to find my next room.

  "Need help?" The voice was spoken next to my ear and made me jump a foot in the air.

  I turned to find yet another gorgeous guy. His hair was bleach blonde, his eyes, a lovely brown. Another gorgeous hottie looking superb in their uniform. Awesome. He was the type that seemed laid back. Like he could be comfortable with anyone. And his smile was blinding! Who had teeth so bright?

  "Monica, was it?" He asked. "I'm Martin Lawrence." He held out his hand. I didn't take it.

  "Uhmm. Yeah. How did you know?" I asked, giving him a "you're freaking me out" look.

  Martin just smiled and jammed his hands in his pockets, leaning back. "I've made it my business to know about you, Monica." I blushed. "You lost, right?"

  "Huh? Oh, no."

  "Then you might want to get to your next class soon. These teachers don't take lightly to tardiness." He smiled, quite smugly, if you ask me.

  "Fine, I will." I looked around and stopped in my tracks. Which way did Gaya go? I was supposed to go the opposite way than her.

  Dang these stupid corridors looking so alike!

  "You are lost!" He laughed and came up to me. "Just admit it."

  I glared at him. "It's not funny." I tried catching someone, trying to ask them which way to go, but they avoided me like a disease. They probably knew about me being on the King's bad side. Was popularity that big here? So bad that if you went against the king, you would be avoided like a bug? It just made me feel more like a geek than I already felt in this uniform. Martin followed me. Finally fed up, I turned on him. "Did Clinton put you up to harassing me?"

  He looked genuinely surprised. "No. I just wanted to take you to your class, but if you don't like me that much, I'll just leave." He turned just after I glimpsed hurt in his eyes. Did I hurt his feelings?

  No matter. I had to find my class. I looked around. Not even able to find my homeroom class, I was completely lost. And everyone was avoiding me. I glared at a few of the ones who happened to pass by when I was this frustrated. They took one look and scurried past me like mice. Without help, I wouldn't find the class. Besides, that look of hurt was getting to me. I ran the way I saw Martin go, calling out his name as I did.

  A hand appeared at the corner I was about to turn and caught me by my arm. It spun me around to face a very happy Martin. "I knew you were a cool girl."

  I looked away. "It's not as though I felt bad that you were hurt."

  He laughed. "Of course it wasn't."

  I blushed. "I just need someone to show me where my class was." I peeked a look to see he was smiling fully at me.
r />   "Come on." Only when he pulled me after him did I realize my hand was still in his. "We've got to run. There's just a few minutes until the bell."

  I laughed at his enthusiasm. He was the first to make me feel so welcomed besides Gaya. Finally, another regular person.

  Chapter 12

  Martin was waiting for me outside my class when first hour let out. "Hey Monica." He greeted,

  "Hi Martin." I smiled.

  He grabbed me by the hand. "Come on. I'll show you to your next class." He flashed me a 1,000 watt smile before looking forward.


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