F*cker Next Door

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F*cker Next Door Page 1

by Sam Crescent



  Copyright© 2017 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-378-0

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  Cassie Love gritted her teeth as her afternoon of sunbathing just got a whole lot more sexual. She held the paperback book in her hand. It was an old-style bodice ripper book, but she liked freaky shit like that. The sun was shining, and it felt like a million degrees outside. It was a random day off from working as a receptionist at the sheriff’s office.

  Growing up with a deadbeat dad who was in trouble with the law every single week, had given her a knack for knowing one or two things about the law. Of course Daniel, the sheriff in charge, didn’t mind giving her a job either. She was super organized, and had never caused a problem in her life.

  She knew he considered himself a bit of a stepfather figure to her, and she didn’t mind. He’d helped her get a job in the diner, and then the library while she was studying at the local college. When his receptionist had retired, he’d given the job to her.

  For Cassie it had been an amazing vote of confidence. The sheriff had been on first name terms with her for some time. She hadn’t been able to escape that. Her father’s drunkenness had meant he was thrown in jail every week.

  “Oh yeah, Slade, oh fuck, yeah. That feels so good.”

  Being drawn out of her pity party, Cassie rolled her eyes. Slade Coal was the thorn in her side at home and at work, as he was the deputy working beneath Daniel. He lived right next door to her. They were the only houses at the bottom of the street. She had wished her other neighbors were closer, but on either side of their houses was an abundance of trees dividing them from the rest of the houses. If she walked outside her front door, she could see the entire street, and wave at her neighbors. The trees had been one of the reasons she’d bought the house. She also loved the space, the kitchen, and it was so completely different from the trailer she had grown up in.

  This was her own domain, and she loved it.

  What she hadn’t known was that at the same time she’d moved in, so did Slade. They lived side by side, and she saw him every single day at work. It was like she couldn’t catch a break. Then when she’d bought this place, the previous owner had told her to keep an eye out for the guy next door. Being the curious woman that she was, she’d asked why. It would seem these two houses had a fifty-year history of the single occupants getting together.

  “That’s the freaky curse that I was told about, and you know what? I’m happy about that. We’re married, and we’re expecting a baby.”

  Cassie didn’t believe in stuff like that. Clearly, the couples before had started out with an attraction to each other, which evolved over time. The way she felt about Slade was not attraction.

  The guy was fucking another woman in his backyard. She had asked him repeatedly and nicely, if he’d keep that business inside. Each time he’d give her a smirk and tell her to grow up. Fucking outside was the best. He also owned a pool.

  Her afternoon of reading and catching a few rays had gone. There was no way she was sitting out here listening to this.

  “Oh, Slade, you’re the biggest I’ve ever had. Give it to me. Please, please.”

  Getting up from her seat, she went inside, opening the fridge to grab the peach iced tea that she had made. Pouring herself a generous glass, she took a sip. Her body was hot. Her were nipples tight, and her pussy was slick. She refused to be affected by the sounds that had been coming over the fence, or the way he’d chuckled.

  Slade Coal was a horrible human being. He never fucked the same woman twice. In fact, she’d been at the desk when women he’d been with had been waiting. Every time he broke up with a woman, Cassie had a front row seat to that disaster, and she hated it. The women all acted as if he was this mega brilliant, hot guy. They didn’t see that he was an asshole that used them to get what he wanted. Besides, Cassie was a much better woman than that.

  When her telephone rang, she welcomed the reprieve.

  “Hello,” she said, wondering who’d call her.

  “Hey, Cassie, it’s me, Jessica.”

  Cassie laughed. “Hey, honey. It’s great to hear from you. What’s up?”

  “Can I bring the kids over? They’re wanting to spread out, and it’s hot as hell in here.”

  Biting her lip, Cassie looked out toward her garden. Yet another thing she loved about her home was that even though it was a modest, two-bedroom house, it came with a lot of land, which she loved to tend to.

  “They’re, erm, my neighbor, he’s at it again.”

  “They’re screwing?” Jessica asked.


  “Let’s see how long he lasts with a bunch of kids screaming for mommy?”

  This had Cassie smiling. It was time she started fighting fire with fire. “Sure. Bring them over. I’ll get the barbeque set up, and we’ll have a blast.”

  “You’re a lifesaver, Cassie. Love you so much.”

  Jessica was one of the few friends in her life that had never judged her. Living in a trailer, Cassie was used to being called trailer trash, and dumpster, and a few other things. Her clothes had always been too small, and that didn’t help her much fuller figure. She’d been the big kid, or the fat girl at school. She still was a big woman, size eighteen, and she loved her body. There was so much in life to be concerned about. Cassie didn’t think her weight mattered. She did work out, and walked to work. She didn’t own a car, and rarely took a cab, but she loved to cook and bake. She also grew some of her own vegetables out in her yard.

  Finishing her iced tea, Cassie made her way outside. They had stopped for the time being, but knowing Slade and his little visits the way she did, it wouldn’t be long before they started up again. Running fingers through her hair, she removed the protective cover from the barbeque, and then headed back inside, to start preparing some food. She loved cooking kabobs outside, and taking some of the vegetables and chicken, she prepared them.

  Within twenty minutes, she had everything ready. Her doorbell rang, and she heard Slade and the woman at it again.

  Opening the door, she gave a warning that they were having sex. Jessica shrugged, and after her three kids threw their arms around Cassie, they rushed outside.

  “Still no luck on the home front?” Cassie asked.

  “We saw ten places last week, and none of them fit. William thinks we may have to move towns, and I don’t want to do that.”

  “You’ll find a place soon.”

  “Yeah.” They left the kitchen, carrying trays of their prepared food. Her three kids were already running around, playing chase and screaming.

  Jessica moved toward the fence, and Cassie rolled her eyes. Her friend was listening to what was going on. She couldn’t believe it when Jessica found a hole in the fence, and was peeking through. Still, she didn’t tell her friend to stop. Jessica was the kind of woman that just did what she wanted to do.

  Everyone had told Jessica to wait between kids, and to not have them so young. Before they even graduated, she was pregnant. Now at twenty-five, Jessica was married with three kids, but
William was a good guy.

  Cassie placed the food on the barbeque as Jessica came over.

  “They’re trying to be quiet.”

  “I really don’t need to hear this.

  “Sometimes you are such a prude, Cassie. I’m surprised you’ve not taken a chance at Slade. You’ve got to admit, he’s hot.”

  She turned toward her friend, and frowned. “Join his endless queue of women vying for a spot on his bedpost? No thank you.”

  “Not everyone is going to be like Andrew, okay?”

  Cassie sighed, and didn’t say anything else.

  Andrew was a sore subject for her. He was the guy that had used her for a bet with one of his buddies. Cassie hadn’t known all of his feelings were fake. Not only had she given him her virginity, she’d also told him that she loved him.

  Her final year of high school had been a nightmare.

  The truth had come out on that first day when they returned. Andrew had used her in a popularity contest. He’d gotten the fat, trailer girl to love him.

  Since then, she’d not been with anyone, and refused to even date. Men were all the same. After seeing her father, and then Andrew, she’d observed men at the sheriff’s office, and decided none of them were worth it.


  Slade drank his coffee while watching the receptionist organizing the main area of the department. They were a little town, so besides some of the drunk and disorderly, the occasional break in, or some parents wanting to teach their kids a lesson, they were rarely busy. Still, Cassie Love had to keep things pristine. He’d noticed this about her, and Daniel didn’t have a problem with having a clean environment.

  Even his own desk had been cleaned when he’d been out at a job. Sipping his hot coffee, he watched as she bent over, admiring the fullness of her ass. The skirt Cassie wore molded to every single curve, as did the white blouse, enhancing her large tits. He’d give anything to have her bent over the desk, or at least to mess up all of that neatness.

  Cassie was made to be fucked, to be worshipped, but he had yet to see that ever happen.

  “Is there a reason you’re ogling the staff?” Daniel asked, standing at his own doorway.

  Slade wasn’t even embarrassed that he’d gotten caught. It wasn’t the first time.

  “Yeah, she looks pretty today.” But then he thought she looked pretty every single day. Coming to work, knowing he was going to see Cassie was a highlight of his day.

  Daniel sighed. “Don’t upset her.”

  “I never do.”

  “Really? Because I’ve been hearing talk in town that you’re not the most considerate of neighbors.”

  “What? Has she complained?” Slade moved across to go into Daniel’s office. Cassie would come if they were needed.

  “Just what I heard in the diner for breakfast. Jessica, her friend, was gossiping about you screwing some woman in the backyard.”

  Slade smiled. Darla had kept him entertained over the weekend. She was a regular at the gym and had been panting after him for some time. He’d needed the release, so it was just easy to take home what was offered. Of course, when Sunday night came, and he’d had his fill, he’d kicked her ass to the curb.

  He hated it when women seemed to get dreams in their eyes that they had no right to get. Slade was honest and upfront with every person he was with. He fucked, and he loved to do it. His dick liked a variety of pussy, and there was no way he was settling down. At thirty-six, he’d tried to settle down, but it just wasn’t for him. He’d never cheated on a woman in his life, though. The relationship had gone sour when he was younger because he just couldn’t handle turning into a bore. His girlfriend had gone from kinky to straitlaced sex the moment he’d put an engagement ring on her finger. His parents’ marriage had been a shambles. His mother was miserable with his father’s constant cheating. His father hated his mother because he felt trapped in the marriage. It always pissed Slade off because his father was just as much to blame, and yet at times it was like his father blamed him and his mother.

  Growing up in that shit had been a nightmare. When he saw the same thing repeating for him, he had to get out, so he broke off the engagement, and hadn’t been serious about a woman since.

  “I wasn’t seen.” And the moment he’d heard kids, he’d lost all desire to fuck. Taking his little party inside, he’d been unable to focus. Hearing Cassie laugh had drawn him to watch her in the garden. He wondered if she even knew that from his bedroom there was the perfect view of her backyard. Many nights he’d spent watching her. She was the one woman who didn’t fawn all over him or try to impress him. She was always polite to him.

  He’d done everything he could to try to get a rise out of her. Fucking women in his backyard when he knew she was out there had been part of it as well. Just once, he wanted to see her lose control.

  “It doesn’t reflect well on me or that badge. I don’t want my office to be made a laughingstock, do you understand me?”

  “Yes, I do, and I won’t. Good. It just so happens that Jessica is a gossip, so it’s not that big of a deal, but please consider me when you act next time.”

  Slade took pride in his badge, and he’d never do anything to disrespect it.

  “So, erm, what’s Cassie’s deal?” he asked.

  Not once had she complained about him, and it made him wonder whether or not she was even real. No one was that good, or that ignorant. There had to come a point where she’d just snap at him.

  “What do you mean?” Daniel shoved a file into a stack.

  “You know, she’s very secretive, and I notice you’re protective of her.”

  Daniel sighed. “It’s … complicated.”

  “I can handle that.” Slade took a seat and looked across the desk. Daniel rubbed the back of his head.

  “She didn’t have the best time growing up. Her mother bailed when she was ten, and the only good thing her dad could do was get drunk and arrested. Most of her weekends were spent here. Each time her father would promise it was the last time, but still she was here. I watched as her belief turned to acceptance. He’d say the same stuff, and I knew she didn’t believe him. The light in her eyes died a little more. It didn’t help that kids could be cruel. After a time, I think Cassie just stopped caring.”

  Slade saw that Daniel felt responsible for her. “She doesn’t trust easily.”

  “No. I don’t ever expect her to either.”

  “Is the dad still in the picture?”

  “No. Cassie’s a good woman.”

  Slade knew she was a kind woman. No one had anything bad to say about her, apart from the whole trailer trash comment. He didn’t really listen to that shit. Cassie was a hard, dedicated worker.

  Daniel trusted her, and so did Slade.

  “I’m not paid to gossip about my employees. Get to work, Slade.”

  He was dismissed. Leaving Daniel’s office, he made his way to the coffee machine. His own drink was cold. Cassie was staring at a computer screen with a pen in her hand. She had on a pair of glasses, which made her look so damn sexy. Her brown hair was tied into a bun at the base of her neck.

  The way she looked reminded him of the librarians in porn flicks. Any minute now she would let out a sex tigress, but alas, that didn’t happen either.

  “Do you need anything?” she asked, her gaze landing on him even though her head didn’t move. She had that way of assessing that seemed to turn him on.

  Yeah, your lips around my dick.

  “I hear Jessica was gossiping about me today,” he said.

  “What about?”

  “The noises coming out of my house over the weekend.”

  Her cheeks went a nice pink.

  “Did I disturb you?” he asked, trying for innocence.

  “Not at all. You’ve done nothing to disturb me.”

  She’d heard him all right. What he’d give to just have her come out and say shit to him. He wouldn’t mind at all.

  “Really? Because I thought those kids tha
t came around were a little loud.” He loved kids, and he’d not minded their presence. Hearing Cassie’s laugh had been refreshing. Of course, seeing her in a bathing costume had also awakened a fire in him that he couldn’t put out.

  Cassie sat back, staring at him. “You’re really going to complain about my friend’s kids?”

  “Why not? They were loud. Next time keep the noise down.”

  She didn’t say anything. Her eyes didn’t even shoot a glare in his direction. Turning his back toward her, he headed back to his office.

  “Sure, the next time I hear you screwing, I’ll make sure to have it reported. I’m sure there’s some violation you’re participating in.”

  Her fighting talk made him smile, and it gave him exactly what he wanted.

  Walking back toward her, he leaned against her desk. Slade wanted her to be interested in him. He didn’t know what it was about her, but she got right under his skin, and made him ache in ways no other woman ever had. He never played where he worked, but not only was Cassie near him during the day, she was there at night. They lived right next door, and it was hard to ignore her, especially as she had this raw sexuality about her that made him want to get down and dirty. She tried to hide it in her conservative suits, and tight buns, but he saw it. Even as her cheeks went a little pink, she licked her lips, and he knew she was curious about him, even if she didn’t want to be.

  “You know, at any time you want to be the woman making some noise with me, all you have to do is say so. I’ve got room on my schedule.”

  “With all due respect, Slade, you’re a walking, talking, advertisement for sexual diseases. I’d rather never have sex again.” She turned her back on him, dismissing him.

  She said that now, but she was fighting a losing battle.

  Chapter Two

  Cassie couldn’t deny that Slade was a good looking guy, but he also knew it. He was way too cocky, and she didn’t like him. Even though he was pretty to look at, she wasn’t falling for him. She knew he was a player as well, and she had heard the evidence with her own ears.


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