F*cker Next Door

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F*cker Next Door Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Slade honestly didn’t know what to say. His cock was rock fucking hard. Hearing Cassie’s need, and knowing what she wanted, it turned him on.

  Sitting at the bar tonight watching her with another man, it had made him assess his own feelings for her. He wasn’t in love with her, and he didn’t for a second see a marriage in their future. She was his friend, and he didn’t want that to change.

  What he couldn’t do was deny that she aroused him. He was attracted to her, and had been for a long time, even before they were friends.

  Putting his hand on her thigh, he stared into her eyes.

  She was never going to take that next step, and it was down to him to make the move. He took the ice cream and the pillow from her, placing them on the floor.

  Cassie didn’t stop him.

  If at any moment, she told him to stop, he would. Putting his hand back on her knee, he caressed beneath the dress, but didn’t go far. Resting his arm across the back of the sofa, he stroked her neck, pushing her hair out of the way. Running his thumb across her lip, he slowly slid it inside her mouth. He watched as her tongue came out, and licked it. He pulled out, and then replaced his thumb with his mouth, claiming the kiss he’d been wanting for so long.

  Her hands gripped his arms, sliding up to sink into his hair.

  This was probably a line they shouldn’t cross, but the thought of her being with anyone else was too much for him. He didn’t want anyone else touching her. Cassie belonged to him in every sense of the world, and no bastard was going to take her from him. Sliding his hand up her thigh, then up her body to cup her breast, he heard her gasp.

  That little opening had him plunging his tongue deep into her mouth. She met him stroke for stroke.

  He squeezed her breast, feeling the hard bud of her nipple against his palm. There were too many clothes between them. He wanted her naked, beneath him.

  “Do you think this is a good idea?” she asked, whispering the words against his ear as he kissed down her neck, nibbling on the pulse that was beating erratically there.

  “How are you feeling right now?” He moved his hand back down, cupping her ass as he did.

  “It feels amazing.”

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No. I don’t.”

  “If it feels so wrong, then I don’t ever want to be right.” He pulled away. Her cheeks were red, and he cupped her face. “Do you want me to stop?”

  She shook her head. “I’ve … I don’t want to ruin our friendship.”

  He chuckled. “We won’t ruin our friendship. We’ll just have the benefit of helping each other in our time of need.” He moved his hand between her thighs and cupped her pussy. The panties she wore were soaking wet. “I’m going to warn you though, Cassie, I like my sex dirty. I like to fuck and hard, and I love sex. I don’t like it neat or clean. I’m not going to turn the light off, and there’s no way in hell you’re going to hide from me. I like to see what I fuck.”

  He watched as she licked her lips. “I don’t have a problem with that.”


  Slade tore her panties from her body and tossed them to the floor. Capturing her lips, he found her soaking cunt, sliding two fingers inside. He wasn’t surprised by how wet she was, nor how tight. He began to stretch open his two fingers, pushing them into her, and out, working her wetness over his digits.

  “You’re so fucking wet.” He shoved her dress up to her hips, and stared down at her beautifully prepared pussy. Her pussy hair was closely cut, and just an outline around the lips of her pussy, looking so sensual. His cock pulsed as another wave of arousal washed over him.

  He held her hips and moved her up so that he could lick her pretty cunt.

  Sliding his tongue from her entrance to her clit, he swirled the bud, and moved back down to plunge inside her. She tasted fucking amazing. He’d never liked giving oral sex, but there was something different about Cassie. He wanted her taste in his mouth, and to give her the kind of pleasure no one else ever had before.

  “Oh, wow,” she said.

  “You ever had your pussy licked?”


  He smiled against her mound, and then took her clit into his mouth and sucked it hard. Her cries of pleasure echoed around the room, and Slade relished them.

  Using his teeth to cause a little pain, he heard her gasp and scream his name once again.

  He pushed two fingers inside her as he tongued her clit. Within seconds she came apart, her orgasm coming fast. He’d not expected her to come so quickly, but he wasn’t going to complain.

  Flicking his tongue across her clit, he eased her back down on the sofa.

  Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes glazed. “That felt amazing.”

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  She sat up, and moved so that she was straddling his lap. “Our friendship remains the same?”

  He held onto her ass, grinding her down onto his dick so she felt how hard he actually was. “It stays the same.”

  “We can have anything we want?” she asked, kissing him back, her fingers sinking into his hair.

  “Anything we want. You want to fuck down here, or upstairs, in our gardens, I’m all for it. You want to suck my dick until I come down your throat, just say the word. At the end of it, we’re still friends. No judgment from either of us. We both get what we want.”

  He stared into her eyes as she looked down at him. His cock was so damn hard that it was starting to hurt where it pressed against his zipper.

  “I’ve only been with one person, so I don’t have a whole lot of experience,” she said.

  “I told you, no judging. You can practice on me.”

  Slade would remember the smile on her lips for the rest of his life. It was utter fucking sin, and it was all his.

  “Then I want you to fuck me, Slade. I want you to take me, and make me ache. Get me to make all those noises that women love to make for you.”

  Chapter Eight

  Never in her life had she ever been so blunt. Cassie was used to staying clear of situations like this, and yet, she wanted to play dangerously. Slade wasn’t like any of the boys she’d grown up with. When he looked at her, he didn’t see a trailer kid. He just saw Cassie, and she liked that.

  “You want me to fuck you?” he asked.

  “Yes, do you want me to repeat myself and do it slowly?”

  He lifted her up, and she gave a little squeal, wrapping her legs around his waist.

  “You need to put me down,” she said.

  “I’m not letting you go until I’m good and ready.” He gripped her ass tightly, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding on.

  Slade didn’t wait around, and carried her upstairs toward her bedroom. He wasn’t friendly as he dropped her onto the bed, and she gave a little bounce. Pushing her hair off her face, she watched him as he began to remove his jeans.

  She noticed he took his time, easing the jeans over his cock. When he turned, she saw why. He was rock hard. The top was red, pulsing, and slick with pre-cum.

  “Is this what you want, babe?” He wrapped his fingers around the shaft, and began to move his fist up and down the length.

  “Yes.” Why wasn’t she embarrassed, or trying to hide? The way he looked at her, it was like he wanted to eat her. She’d gladly have his lips on her body, or any part of him even. He’d made her feel oh so good, and she didn’t want to lose that feeling.

  “Then lie back, and spread those pretty thighs.”

  “I want you to wear a condom.”

  He reached into his pocket on the floor, and pulled out a condom.

  “You were that certain I’d cave.”

  “This may come as a surprise to you, Cassie, but I didn’t have any intention of fucking you tonight. I’ve thought about it a lot, but I didn’t think I’d be allowed.” He crawled onto the bed. “I knew you had a dirty side under all of that pristine cleanliness you seem to keep around you.”

  Cassie smiled, and pr
essed a kiss to his lips. It was rather chaste considering less than five minutes ago his face had been between her thighs. “I never once said that I was a prude.”

  “And you shave your pussy.” He glided his fingers over the smooth flesh of her pussy, and she gasped. He slid a finger through her slit, teasing her sensitive clit, and then down to plunge inside her. “You’re so wet. I may hurt you.”

  “You’re not too big, Slade. I’m not stupid. I know for a fact you’ll fit.”

  “Oh, you do, do you?” He pushed her down and spread her thighs wide. The tip of him was poised at her entrance. His gaze was on where they were about to cross that line from neighbors and friends to lovers. She wasn’t afraid or nervous.

  Cassie wanted his dick. She wanted him to fuck her so hard that she couldn’t think straight.

  Slade never talked about his women. He never made them feel stupid, or small. Yes, he rejected them, but Cassie was going in with her eyes open. If in the morning he didn’t want to remember this, she was more than okay with that.

  He pressed an inch inside her. “Are you okay?” he asked.

  There was a wicked glint in his eyes, and she raised her brow. “Are you even inside me?”

  Maybe it was the wrong thing to say, or the right one, as he grabbed her hips, and slammed every inch of his impressive length inside her, making her cry out his name.

  Slade wasn’t a small man, not at all. In fact, he was a very large, and she wasn’t used to his size. However, it wasn’t painful at all.

  “Fuck, you’re so incredibly tight. I can feel every fucking pulse of your pussy, baby. So perfect.” He dropped a kiss to one nipple, and then the other, before moving up to poise just above her.

  Gripping his arms, she ran her hands up to lock behind his neck.

  “You feel so fucking amazing,” he said. His hand went from her hip, to her thigh, then back down to grasp her ass tightly.

  Slade wasn’t gentle. His touch was really hard, and she knew that in the morning she’d have bruises that matched his hands. She didn’t care.

  “You’re not going to fall in love with me, are you?” she asked.

  His gaze returned to hers. “No, I’m not going to fall in love with you. We both know you already love me.”

  She laughed, which quickly changed to a moan as he thrust deep within her, making her gasp. “I’m not in love with you.”

  “Good, don’t even think about falling in love with me.” He pulled out. “I’m not the kind of guy to keep promises.” He slammed inside her, and when he did it again, she looked down to watch his condom covered cock pull out of her body.

  “I’m not the kind of girl to marry,” she said.

  “I don’t want a wife. I’d much rather fuck than love.” He slammed inside her, fucking her into the bed. She grasped his shoulders, pushing up to meet every single one of his thrusts.

  His cock was rock hard, and the pleasure he was giving her was unlike anything she’d ever felt.

  “Push your tits together,” he said.

  She did as he asked, and he tongued each nipple in turn, nibbling and biting. The pleasure and pain went straight to her clit, turning her on even more.

  Cassie felt the start of another orgasm, and she screamed his name, needing it.

  Suddenly, Slade pulled out of her pussy, and held her hips up so that he could watch. “Play with your pussy.”

  “Right now?” she asked.

  “Yes. I want to watch you. Come on, Cassie, I thought you could handle being a little dirty.”

  With him this close, she didn’t know if she could do it, but she did. Reaching to her pussy, and with her gaze still on his, she ran her fingers through her slit. She couldn’t believe at how wet she felt even to her own touch. Her fingers were completely slick. Pushing two inside her, she felt a little tender even from the few seconds of fucking they’d had. Moving her fingers up her slit to circle her clit, she gasped, her mouth falling open as she teased her sensitive flesh.

  Each touch only added the fuel to the already smoldering flame.

  “You look so sexy, and ready to take a good hard fucking, Cassie. You want my cock inside you?”


  “Then make yourself come, and I’ll fuck you until you forget your own name.”

  She teased her clit, watching as his gaze never once left hers. His eyes were so blue, and in that moment, she thought he was the sex devil, the way he seemed to read her body, to know what she wanted, and how best to make her come apart.

  “I can see how wet you are. Do you love being given orders, Cassie?”

  She didn’t answer him.

  He chuckled, and then bit the flesh of her thigh. “That’s okay. I’ve got enough to say for the both of us.” His stubble scratched her thigh, but she didn’t mind the bit of roughness as it only seemed to heighten her need for him. “On Monday, I want you to wear one of those pretty skirts that you love. The ones that show off this perfect ass, only this time I don’t want to see any lines of your panties. I want you to go bare, so I know that all it would take is my hand under your skirt to feel your pretty cunt.”

  “Slade,” she said, moaning.

  “I know what you need, Cassie. Come for me, and I’ll give it to you.”

  She stroked her clit, feeling her orgasm begin to build. She didn’t prolong it, and she came, screaming his name, which only got stronger as his tongue plunged inside her. Her pussy pulsed, and it was like she was trying to keep him inside her, clutching at him, not wanting to let him go.

  Before the last embers of her release began to fade, he pressed her to the bed, and his cock replaced his tongue. He slammed inside her, making the headboard hit the wall.

  “It’s a good job I’m not at home right now otherwise I would have to come and see who was taking what was mine.”

  “I’m not yours, Slade.”

  “No?” He pulled out of her, and she whimpered, wanting him back. He thrust back inside her, and she cried out. “You’re mine, Cassie. You just don’t even know it yet. This body, for as long as we want, is mine. I can do whatever I want to it.”

  She wrapped her hands around his neck, dragging her nails down his back, scoring the flesh. “Then your body is mine to use, and to do with what I want.”

  “You want to use me, Cassie, you can use me. I’ve got no problem being your own little toy. So long as you’re mine to do the same!”

  “I’m a great believer in being equal.”

  Slade fucked her hard, and Cassie came a third time, screaming his name. When he finally found his own release, she loved seeing him come apart. The look of total rapture on his face, and how open he was, Cassie knew she had made the right decision, and she certainly looked forward to playing with him.


  “Blowjob,” Slade said.

  “You can’t have a blowjob,” she said.

  “Why not? It’s seven letters, and it’s a word.”

  “Blowjob is a rude word, and you shouldn’t have it.”

  “You had oral!” Slade pointed at the board, and she shook her head.

  “That doesn’t mean sex, or anything else. Like an oral examination. What you get at the dentist.”

  Slade smiled. “You and I both know you were thinking about my mouth on your pretty pussy.”

  It was Saturday morning, and he had yet to leave to go home. They were both naked. The curtains were still closed, and they were playing a game. He was never one to play games with the women he fucked, and yet with Cassie, it was something more. She shook her head, pulling her hair back, and leaving it over one shoulder.

  “I’m not playing anymore, if you refuse to play properly.” She got up, grabbed their empty cups, and entered the kitchen.

  He got distracted while watching her ass move away from him. He loved her ass. It was so damn full and round. She hadn’t made any move to cover up, and he loved that. The confidence only served to turn him on even more. Even with the sun shining, her head was held high, and her en
tire stance said, “this is who I am, fuck you if you don’t like it”.

  Packing away the board game, he entered the kitchen, to see her making some toast. She had some chocolate spread open, and was already eating a slice.

  “I’m sorry. I got really hungry. You want a slice?”

  His stomach chose that moment to growl.

  He took the slice she was eating, and bit it. “Um, that tastes so good.” He licked his lips, and smiled as she glared at him.

  “Can’t you just take a fresh piece?” she asked.

  “Why would I do that when yours look so tasty?” He popped the last piece into his mouth, and moaned again. “Almost as much as your pussy.”

  Her gaze ran over his body, and she took another slice, licking her lips. His cock thickened, and he wanted those lips wrapped around his cock.

  “What are your plans for the day?” he asked.

  “Not a lot. You?”

  “I’m going to have your lips wrapped around my dick. That’s how I’m going to spend the day.”

  She started to laugh. “There’s no way I’m spending the entire day licking your cock.”

  “You don’t have to lick, you can suck.” He sat down, and wrapped his fingers around his cock.

  Grabbing a spoon, he smeared some of the chocolate spread onto his dick. “I’ve even made it taste good.” He winked at her, and she just shook her head.

  “I cannot believe you’ve done that.”

  “Believe it, baby. You know you want a taste.”

  She moved from behind the island and stood in front of him. Her hands landing on his knees, she leaned in close. “What do I get out of it?”

  “You get to taste my cock, and see if you can make me come before the end of the day.” He was ready to blow already. With her tits hanging, and her body on display, knowing how good her pussy felt, he wanted her again.


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