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F*cker Next Door

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  Her gaze moved down to his cock. “I don’t think that’s tempting enough.”

  “You do me, and I’ll do you.” He caught her hand.

  She was laughing, tucking some hair behind her ear as she kissed him.

  He released a groan as she sank to the floor. Her lips moved over his cock, sucking on the tip. There was no chocolate on the tip, but she licked at his pre-cum. She moaned, giving him a smile, before sliding her lips onto his cock.

  “Holy fuck!” He gripped the back of her head, and watched as she sucked his cock. A trail of chocolate followed her mouth, but he didn’t care.

  She took him to the back of her throat, and then eased up. As she bobbed her head, he felt himself getting harder still.

  When all the chocolate was gone, she pulled away, licking her lips.

  She stood up, and he watched as she dipped her finger into the chocolate spread, and wiped it on each of her nipples. “How does it taste?”

  Gripping her back, he pulled her forward, and sucked her first nipple, making sure to use his teeth. Each time he gave her a bit of pain, she moaned and pressed her body closer to him.

  “It’s the best way to eat chocolate.” He trailed his tongue between the valley of her breasts, and sucked on her other nipple.

  She pulled away from him and went down to the floor, sucking on his cock. Using her hand and mouth, she teased his cock and balls, bringing him closer to the peak. He didn’t fall over the edge, and her brown gaze stared up at him.

  “Have you ever had a man come on your tits?” he asked.

  Cassie shook her head. “Nope. I’ve not had anyone come in my mouth either.”

  Slade hated Andrew in that moment, but now he was about to be a lot of Cassie’s firsts. She was a beautiful woman, smart, kind, and simply amazing. The passion inside her equaled his. He’d seen some of her erotic books that she liked to hide. There was a kinkiness inside Cassie, and he intended to tap into that, to give her everything her heart desired, and to reap the rewards for himself.

  She cupped his balls and sucked him deep, nearly gagging on his length. He pulled out of her, just as the first jet of cum erupted out of the tip. Working his length, he covered her breasts in his spunk, creating a piece of artwork that he wished he could have a picture of.

  Cassie was his. It was cliché as fuck, but when he looked at her, that was all he felt.

  When the last of his orgasm ebbed away, he fought off the need to just relax, and grabbed her, pushing her to the floor. He spread her legs open, and flicked her clit with his tongue. Plunging two fingers inside her pussy, he fucked her hard with his digits as he teased her clit, bringing her close to orgasm.

  “Come all over my face, Cassie. Show me how much you love to get fucking dirty.” Reaching up, he stroked a finger through his cum and played with her tits. It was dirty, it was naughty, and it felt so good.

  With his finger coated in his cum, he placed it against her mouth. She sucked it inside, and he played with her pussy, teasing her to orgasm.

  When she came, he licked up her cream, and held her in place, not letting her escape his touch. He wanted her to come in his mouth, and to taste her. She was perfect.

  Lying next to her after it was over, he waited for her words of regret.

  “I think I need a shower,” she said. “You got me all dirty.”

  “You don’t have any regrets?” he asked, turning so that he was facing her.


  “I don’t know. I expected you to kick my ass out, and tell me all bad shit about treating you like a slut.” He took hold of her hand, and locked their fingers together.

  “You told me that while we’re together like this, there won’t be any judgments. You don’t think I’m a slut and whore, do you?”

  “No. I don’t. It’s the last thing I’d think.”

  “Then I don’t care. I enjoyed what we had.” She squeezed his hand. “I don’t think I’d be like this with every guy. I wasn’t like this with Andrew.”

  “You’ve got to stop thinking about that asshole. He didn’t deserve you. You’re a beautiful woman, and he’s a loser.”

  She smiled. “You’re making me feel better already. He thought I was trailer trash. Something to be used and discarded. Kind of like a toy.”

  “I always took care of my toys. I never had a reason to put them away.”

  “That has to be one of the nicest things ever said to me,” she said. “And you’re not even saying it to get in my pants.”

  He shook his head. “Of course not. I’m already in there.”

  Chapter Nine

  “Do you really think this is a good idea?” Jessica asked.

  Cassie looked over her mug of coffee. “Is what a really good idea?” They were eating in the diner, outside in the sunshine. They had a canopy to give them some shade.

  “Screwing your boss?”

  It had been nearly two weeks since she and Slade had begun to have sex. Two weeks, of looking forward to bedtime. They had sex a lot. Last night they had screwed six times, seven if the bath exploits were included.

  She hadn’t had sex so much in her life. Of course, the last time she did have sex had been when she was eighteen and with an asshole. Thinking about Andrew didn’t make her feel anything anymore. She also wasn’t embarrassed about the sex she was enjoying with Slade. He was so damn hot in the sack, and what was more, afterward, they often talked. Sometimes he’d still be inside her, and he’d make some kind of joke that would make her laugh. When she was with him, everything felt right.

  “Technically, he’s not my boss. Daniel is.”

  “You know what I mean. I’ve seen the way you and Slade look at each other. You pretty much fuck in looks alone.”

  “Let’s stop talking about my love life, and let’s talk about your impending move.” She was helping Jessica at the weekend to move into their new home. She already had several lasagnas, chicken casseroles, and pies made so that they didn’t have to worry about dinner. She’d gotten boxes as well, and she’d be helping.

  All she needed to do was convince Slade to help her with his car, and she was all set.

  “No, let’s not talk about the move. You know that your houses have a long history of the couples falling in love. You’ve gone from hating Slade, to being friends with him, to now having sex.”

  The waitress brought out their burgers, and Cassie thanked her before diving in. “We’re not in love. It’s just sex, Jessica. You told me I needed to lighten up. Consider this my path to enlightenment.”

  “Now you’re just being a pain in the ass.”

  “I’m not. Really. Slade and I are friends with the whole benefits thing. I’m having a lot of fun.”

  Jessica sighed. “You know I was messing around with William a long time before we got caught. I knew I loved him, but we had that honeymoon period.”

  “I’m not going to get pregnant. We use protection,” Cassie said.

  “I know you, Cassie. I warned you against Andrew, and look what happened there.”

  This made Cassie pause, and look at her friend. Being eighteen and having the first guy show her attention, she had basked in it. Jessica had warned her so many times, but she didn’t listen.

  Her appetite disappeared to nothing. Putting her burger on the tray, she looked at Jessica.

  “You think he’s using me?”

  “I don’t think he’s using you.”

  “Do you think he’ll tell others about what we’re doing?” Andrew had gone into graphic detail.

  Jessica reached over, and placed a hand over hers. “I don’t think any of that. Slade, considering he’s a man-whore, is a good guy. I’m worried that you’re going to fall in love with him and get your heart broken.”

  “Oh, is that all?” Cassie asked.


  She saw her friend was worried. “Don’t worry. I have no intention of falling for Slade. He’s a great guy, but we don’t have those kinds of feelings.” She finished he
r burger, and the conversation turned to the move.

  Cassie forced herself to show that she didn’t care. She did care. One of her biggest fears in the past few weeks was that she was starting to fall for Slade. Then again, she couldn’t fall for him. They were friends, neighbors, colleagues. Nothing was going to come of it, and having some good sex didn’t exactly mean anything.

  She loved being with him. They watched movies, played video games. He had this awesome one where they competed at each level to shoot or stab each other. She didn’t win them all, but she put up a good fight. Then there were the times they spent just having fun. He’d come and perch on her desk, and they’d do the crossword together. They no longer carried two trolleys to do their grocery shopping, and only used one. They even split the bill.

  He came and did any jobs around her house that she struggled with, and they had painted her spare bedroom last week.

  Entering the sheriff’s office, she saw three people waiting, and after making sure they were booked in, and ready to speak with Daniel or Slade, she got to work on any necessary emails. She took care of Mrs. Wilson complaining about cats again, and updated the work timetable that Daniel gave her, along with the necessary amendments for safety during the fair that was coming in three weeks to mark the end of summer.

  She tapped a pen against her lip, as she finished the last letter that Daniel wanted her to send to a lawyer.

  “How was your lunch?” Slade asked.

  He’d just entered the office, and was fanning his face with a file.

  “It was good. Yours?”

  “Boring without you. However, that pasta salad you made was delicious.”

  “Did you take the entire bowl from the fridge?” she asked.

  “Yep, and I found the lid you tried to hide. Finished it today after talking with one of the Andersons.”

  This made her pause. “You went to see the Andersons?”

  “Yep. It would seem they have been getting some complaints about the noise of their current building. They’re constructing a house on their land, and residents are getting pissed with the noise.”

  “The Andersons are the ones that own a lot of the town.” She printed the letter, and placed it on the pile for Daniel to sign.

  When she turned to look at Slade again, he was staring at her. Not liking that he was looking down at her, she stood up, and grabbed the letters. “Why are you staring?”

  “The Andersons are Andrew? Andrew Anderson?”

  “One and the same. It’s no big deal though. Just be careful. They can be quite mean to people who step on their toes.”

  “I don’t care about rich bastards. Are you still game for my parents’ next weekend?” he asked.


  She heard his phone going on his desk.

  “When you’re done with that, come and talk. I’ll take care of this.” He left to go and answer his phone, and she took the letters through to Daniel.

  “Are these for me to sign?” he asked.

  “They are.” She placed them on his desk, and waited as he went through them.

  “I heard about you and Slade,” Daniel said.

  She looked at the sheriff, and her cheeks heated. “Erm, I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t need to be sorry, Cassie. I just want you to be careful. I know how upset you got the last time, and I don’t want to see you hurt.”

  “You won’t. I promise. I don’t intend to get hurt again.” She took the letters from him.

  “I heard news that Andrew is coming back to town.”

  She shrugged. “I honestly don’t care. I’ve had a long time to deal with everything that happened. Seven years of it, and I was hurt, but I’ve come to see that I wasn’t sad about him. I was sad about what happened afterward. I’m not a little girl anymore, Daniel. I can handle myself.” She moved toward the door, and bit her lip. “Actually, I wanted to thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For everything you did for me growing up, and I also want to thank you for going and seeing my father’s body, and laying him to rest.” She hadn’t told Daniel that she’d known about that.

  Going through some of his old files a few years ago, she had seen the report tucked away. Her father had died and no one had any way of contacting her, so they had gone to Daniel.

  “You knew?”

  “I didn’t know at the time. I found out after.” She hadn’t cried either. It was hard to cry for a man who told you how much they hated you. “Did he suffer?”

  Daniel shook his head. “No, he didn’t.”

  “That’s all I needed to know.”

  She left, going to her own desk, and placing the letters into the necessary envelopes. It was good to finally get that off her chest, and to admit to Daniel that she knew.


  “If you’re giving them food to help survive, why are we helping?” Slade asked.

  “We made a bargain, and you’re going to live up to your end, and I’ll live up to mine.” Cassie placed the box on the floor inside Jessica and William’s new home. It was big, and the kids were already somewhere, screaming and laughing.

  Slade placed his box on the floor, and caught his woman into his arms. Gripping the cheeks of her ass, he nuzzled her neck.

  “We don’t want one of the kids to see.”

  “Is putting your ass on the line worth it?” he asked.

  She chuckled. “I asked you for help, and you told me it would cost me anal.” She pulled away, and cupped his cheeks. She pressed a kiss to his lips. “I thought it was a good price.”

  She kissed him again, and then left.

  Slade watched her ass in the knee length shorts she wore. He wanted to take her home and have his way with her, but he had agreed to help her friends move. He didn’t want to be lugging shit about, but he was finding his life a lot more fun being around Cassie.

  “I really appreciate you helping us out,” Jessica said. “It has taken us a long time to find this place.”

  “I’m always happy to help.” He went to leave the room, but Jessica’s next words had him stopping.

  “Are you playing her?”

  He turned toward Jessica, shocked by her outburst. “I’m not playing her.” He wasn’t even going to pretend that he didn’t know what she was talking about.

  She laughed. “William told me to stay out of it. Cassie could live her life the way she wanted, and I had to accept that. She’s my best friend. I saw her get hurt by that fucker, and I don’t want to see her fall for you.”

  “I’m not going to hurt her.”

  “You think you’re not going to, and that in itself tells me you’re a fucking idiot.” Jessica put her hands on her hips. “Do you even realize that you’re the only guy she has been with since Andrew? Since she was eighteen? There hasn’t been anyone else in her life. You are both acting like this is just some fun. That you’ll move on, and still be friends, but you won’t be. What happens when she finds someone else? What happens if you get bored? What if you’re already in love with each other, and you’re pretending that it’s not the case?”

  Just the thought of Cassie being with anyone else made his gut twist. No one else deserved her.

  “I don’t know.” There were no words that he could give, as he didn’t know the answer to that.

  “I hate this. It’s like I can see this going two different ways,” Jessica said.

  “What ways do you see?” She was Cassie’s friend, and he was giving her the respect to voice her opinion.

  “You’re either going to both fall in love, and live a happy life.”


  “Or you’re going to break each other’s hearts. I know that if this fucks up, Cassie’s never going to be the same again.”

  Silence fell between them. He didn’t say anything especially as Cassie and William came in at that moment.

  He smiled, and pretended that Jessica hadn’t just made him think of all the shit he’d been trying to avoid.

There was no way he could think or even deal with Cassie being with anyone else, or falling for someone else. She had cancelled and removed her picture from two dating sites, and never went with Greg again. He knew, deep down, that for as much fun as they were having, it wouldn’t be a forever thing. Cassie was a good woman, and she deserved someone who was going to love her for her.

  What he couldn’t do was let her go.

  He didn’t want to.

  For once he didn’t want to share her either. He’d never had these possessive, protective instincts for anyone else, and yet for Cassie, they were out in full force.

  “Are you okay?” Cassie asked a couple of hours later.

  He’d been working in a bit of haze, following William and Jessica pointing to where they wanted boxes to go, and just working through his own thoughts.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”

  “You’re just … acting weird. Has Jessica said something to you?”

  “Are you happy?” he asked.

  “What? Yes, of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “I’m sorry, I’m just not in the right place right now. Everything is fine. Don’t worry about it.”

  She caught his wrist, stopping him from leaving.

  “Jessica said something, didn’t she?”

  “It’s nothing, and no, she didn’t.” He lied with ease. “Let’s get all this done so that we can go and eat.”


  He left the room, and focused on unloading the truck. When all the boxes were distributed around the house, they said their goodbyes to the happy family, and he avoided Jessica’s gaze. He didn’t like some of the shit that she’d been saying, and especially as it was so close to home for him.

  Pulling into the bar, he parked up.

  “I’m not cooking?” she asked.

  “Not tonight. Steak, potatoes, and some dancing is in order. Come on.” He climbed out of his truck, and made his way to Cassie’s side, helping her out.

  “You’re in a real weird mood.” They took a seat toward the back of the dance-floor. He nodded at Bethany, who gave him a wave.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Jessica said something, didn’t she?” Cassie asked. “She’s already given me the whole you’re going to be sad or hurt speech. She’s just looking out for me. I wouldn’t think too much of it.”


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