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Redeeming Page 10

by Gabrielle Demonico

  “I’m glad because as pleased as I am, there is an issue which is troubling me.”

  “Oh?” Daniella replied as she placed her hands on the arms of the chair. “What’s the matter? Is it something with my work?”

  “No,” Kim said as she sat forward in her chair. “Not exactly.”

  As a confused look came over Daniella’s face, Kim got up from her chair, rounded her desk, and closed the door to her office.

  “Daniella…” she began as she walked back towards her chair. “It’s about the man who showed up to see you last night at the fundraiser. Jett, was it?”

  Daniella swallowed hard. “Yes.”

  Kim slid in the chair and rolled it towards her desk. “When I met him, I had the vague sense I knew him but I didn’t recall from where until late last night.”

  “Oh…” Daniella said as she dropped her hands to her lap.

  “Daniella, let me just start by saying your personal life is your own business,” she began. “But, I need you to be honest with me about something.”

  “Okay, anything…” Daniella replied.

  “Has he been accused in this crime yet?” Kim asked. “Do they intend to prosecute him for it?”

  “I don’t know.” Daniella said. “It’s possible. That’s all I really know at this point.”

  Kim cleared her throat. “I see.”

  “I don’t understand,” Daniella began. “Have I done something wrong?”

  “No,” Kim replied. “Not yet at least.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “We have policies in place here, Daniella.” Kim replied. “The bottom line is that if he does wind up being charged in this crime, you’ll need to break things off with him or I am afraid we can no longer keep you here.”

  “What?” Daniella replied as she sat forward in her chair. “Why?”

  Kim reached across her desk and grabbed a large binder. She opened it and then spun it around on her desk.

  “Here…” she said. “Come see for yourself.”

  Daniella got up from her seat and leaned over Kim’s desk. As she did, Kim pointed to the section in the employee handbook that stated they could terminate an employee if a relationship with someone convicted of, or under prosecution for, a felony surfaced.

  As Daniella finished reading, Kim said, “Do you understand what this means, Daniella?”

  “Yes, I think so.”

  Kim gestured for Daniella to return to her seat. As she did, Kim closed the book and folder her hands together on top of it.

  She sighed and said, “Daniella, look… I am happy with how things turned out for the fundraiser. But, when I think back to the weeks leading up to it, I cannot help but recall how stressed out you were over it. But it wasn’t the work at all, was it? It was Jett all along…”

  Daniella placed her hands in her lap once more and looked downward. She shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m not sure what you want me to say. I’ll admit I was distracted but…”

  “Daniella, you remind me of myself when I was younger.” Kim interrupted. “I think you have all the potential in the world to be exceptional at what you do but…”

  Daniella looked up at her. “But…?” She asked.

  “I need to ask you a personal question…” she said.

  “Okay.” Daniella replied.

  “Are you in love with this man?”

  Daniella fidgeted for a moment, swallowed hard and looked Kim in the eye.

  “Yes, I am. Very much…”

  “Hmm,” Kim replied as she bit her lip and nodded her head. “I thought so. Does he love you as well?”


  “Do you believe he’s guilty of what he’s been accused of doing?”

  “No, not at all…” Daniella replied. “Really, there’s so much going on right now. I can’t get into it but believe me when I say that the police gave him a chance to clear his name and he’s working on it.”

  Kim raised her eyebrows. “Well, that’s good news I suppose.”

  Daniella smiled. “I hope so. Kim, I understand the position you’re in but technically, nothing is happening with the case right now. Trust me that if anything was it would be all over the news. If, heaven forbid, any of that did happen…”

  “Yes?” Kim replied.

  “Well, let’s just say my choices at that point would be very clear.”

  “And what would you decide should that come to pass, Daniella?”


  “Yes, of course.”

  “I don’t know. I really don’t know…”

  “Believe it or not, I understand. I do.” Kim said. “But if you choose him after any indictments have been handed down, realize you’ve made my decision as well. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes.” Daniella replied.

  “Alright then, well now that we know where we stand, I will assume you will be honest with me if things change in the case?”

  “Absolutely.” Daniella replied. “So, does that mean I still have a job?”

  “For now, yes.” Kim nodded. “Keep your choices in mind, Daniella. When it comes to your place here, there’s only one that’s correct.”


  On the drive home from work, Daniella’s mind felt like mush. Soon Jett and Owen would leave for Fesser’s Grove and there wasn’t anything she could do about it. And while Kim’s warning from earlier in the day should have made her decision easy, it didn’t.

  She arrived home and headed up the stairs to her apartment. As she walked inside, she noticed a couple of backpacks on the floor nearby. She heard them talking in the second bedroom where Owen slept the night before. Gently, she closed the door and tip toed over to the backpacks. Daniella wasn’t even sure what she was looking for except perhaps for some clue about their final destination.

  She placed her purse on the kitchen counter, glanced once over her right shoulder and knelt down to the nearest backpack. She examined the pockets and flaps for any hints but it appeared as though they sealed them tight.

  “Damn…” she whispered as she tugged one of the zippers. “If I could just…” she muttered.

  “Uhh, what do you think you’re doing?” Jett’s voice called out from behind.

  Daniella swallowed and turned around. Jett and Owen stood about ten feet away and looked down at her with suspicion in their eyes.

  “Oh… I… um,” Daniella began. “I dropped my keys on the ground… behind these backpacks. I was just looking for them.”

  “Mmm, hmm…” Jett nodded as he walked over towards her. “You mean these keys?” He said as he lifted them up off the kitchen counter and jingled them in his hand.

  A sheepish grin came over Daniella’s face as she shrugged.

  “That’s what I thought…” Jett began. “Okay, come on. Up…” he said as she snapped his fingers in her direction.

  “What?” She said as she stood.

  “You know what.” He replied.

  “I don’t understand…” Daniella said. “Are you leaving right now?”

  “Soon…” Owen replied as he walked by her.

  “But I thought…” she began. “When?”

  Jett glanced at Owen and shrugged. “Within the hour?”

  Owen nodded as he stuffed what appeared to be a large knife into his backpack.

  “An hour?” Daniella replied.

  “What’s wrong?” Jett asked as he stepped close to her. “It’s time to go. You knew we were.”

  “I know,” she said as she glanced at the backpacks. “I guess I just wasn’t ready…”

  Jett kissed her on the cheek and hugged her. “Within the hour…” he said.

  A wave of anxiety swept over Daniella. All of a sudden, it was real. He was leaving, without her. She didn’t know what to do but she knew she had to do something.

  “I, um, have to use the bathroom.” She said.

  “Okay,” Jett replied as he returned his focus to preparation for the trip.

  As Daniella walked
down the hall, she racked her brain. “Think, think…” she muttered.

  A few seconds later she entered the bathroom, closed the lid on the toilet, sat down, and dialed Tricia’s number.

  “Hello?” Tricia answered.

  “Hey,” Daniella said in a hushed voice.

  “Hey…” Tricia replied. “Why are you whispering?”

  “Hang on a second.” Daniella brought the phone down to her chest and paused to see if Owen or Jett were within earshot. She didn’t hear anything so she raised the phone back up to her mouth.

  “Okay, I’m back.” She said.

  “Alright, what’s going on?” Tricia said. “Why are you acting so weird?”

  “It’s nothing… I don’t want them to hear me.”


  “Jett and Owen.”

  “Huh? Why not?”

  “Just listen for a second, will you?”

  “Okay, okay…”

  “They are getting ready to go to Fesser’s Grove.”

  “Yeah, you knew they would be.”

  “I know but…”

  “But… what?”

  “I need your help.”

  “My help?” Tricia replied with a hint of concern in her tone. “With what?”

  “They are going without me and well…” Daniella began. Her voice trailed off as she thought she heard one of them walk down the hall in her direction. Tricia exhaled in frustration into the receiver as Daniella paused for a moment to be sure. Convinced it was safe, she picked up where she left off.

  “I want to follow them there.” She blurted out.

  “Daniella, are you out of your mind?” Tricia said in total disbelief. “What in the world makes you think that’s a good idea? You’re pregnant for God’s sake!”

  “I know but I can’t just stay here and do nothing!” She said in a loud whisper.

  “Uh, so, what you are going to go there and get mixed up in whatever that insanity is all about?” Tricia said. “Do you have any idea how incredibly dangerous, not to mention stupid, this idea is?”

  “I know… I know!” Daniella replied. “That’s why I need you to…”

  “No! No way!” Tricia interrupted. “Don’t say it or even think it. There is no chance, zero, I am getting myself mixed up in this. Look, you already put me in a terrible spot by asking me to keep your pregnancy a secret. You aren’t thinking straight, Daniella…”

  Daniella’s stomach was in knots and for a change, it wasn’t because of the child inside of her. Her nerve endings were raw, exhaustion crashed into her. Her thinking, planning, or whatever Tricia wanted to call it might be flawed, but she simply couldn’t just let him go.

  “Never mind…” Daniella said with a sudden calm in her tone. “I’ll figure something out. I gotta go.”

  “No!” Tricia exclaimed. “Don’t you dare say something like that and just hang up. Don’t you dare…”

  “Well, what should I say, Tricia?” Daniella replied. “You just told me you didn’t want to help me so whatever, that’s fine.”

  “Bullshit. Don’t try and turn this around on me.” Tricia warned.

  “I’m not but… I am going.” Daniella said. “That’s all there is to it.”

  Tricia exhaled into the receiver. “Ugh, man, I swear…” she began. “Just wait a second, wouldya?”

  “Wait for what?” Daniella replied. “There’s no time for that. They are getting ready to leave any minute.”

  “Jesus, Daniella…” Tricia groaned. “Wait until the last possible second why don’t ya?”

  “Well…” Daniella said. “It wasn’t like I was planning to do it.”

  Tricia sighed. “Alright, well… Oh God I’m such an idiot for even saying this but… what is your plan?”

  “Hmm…” Daniella grumbled into the phone. Last second espionage operations really weren’t her strong suit. Somehow she and Tricia would have to follow them to Fesser’s Grove in Tricia’s vehicle and then on foot from there. That was all she had so far.

  “That’s it?” Tricia deadpanned. “Follow them in my car and then chase them on foot?”

  “Yeah,” Daniella sighed. “I know.”

  “Do you know the first thing about this place or these shifter things?”


  “Oh my God, Daniella…” Tricia said. “Listen to yourself. This is insanity. I mean, what if they catch us or something? What then?”

  Daniella sighed. The idea crossed her mind of course. She didn’t have an answer. Her silence spoke loud enough for Tricia.

  “Well?” Tricia demanded.

  “Look, I don’t know alright.” Daniella replied. “I’m making this up as I go…”

  Just then, Jett knocked at the door. “Daniella?” He said. “Can I come in? I need to grab something.”

  “Shit…” she whispered into the receiver. She turned towards the bedroom door. “Um, just a second, I’ll be right out.”

  “Okay…” Jett began. “Everything alright in there?”

  “Yes, I’ll be right out.” She said. She placed her hand over the phone and waited until he was out of earshot. “Sorry… I’m back.”

  “Daniella, we can’t do this all alone. It’s too risky.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, we need to at least tell someone else what we’re doing.”

  “Like who?”

  “I dunno…” Tricia began. “What about Billy?”

  “No,” Daniella replied. “Billy will just do whatever he can to talk me out of it.”

  “How do you know that?” Tricia asked. “Listen, if you want me to help you, you are going to give a little here. Otherwise, forget it. I’m not about to put either of us in danger without some kind of plan or something.”

  Daniella considered her limited options for a moment.

  “Okay, fine. You win…” Daniella whispered. “But, I can’t call him. Not with them here. Can you do it?”

  “I guess…” Tricia said.

  “Thank you so much, I owe you big time.”

  “Yeah, you sure do.” Tricia said. “I don’t see any way you’ll ever be able to repay me actually. For the record, I still think this is a terrible idea by the way.”

  “I know. You’re probably right.” Daniella said. “Now get in your car and get over here as fast as you can. I don’t know how much time we have until they leave. I’ll stall for time but hurry.”

  “Okay…” Tricia replied as she hung up.


  “Do you think they suspected anything?” Tricia asked.

  Daniella chewed her lower lip. “I don’t think so. I hope not…”

  For the past thirty minutes, the women trailed behind Jett and Owen in Tricia’s car as they neared the outskirts of Fesser’s Grove.

  “Stop… Stop!” Daniella yelled.

  “Well, I can’t just yet…” Tricia said as she looked in her rearview mirror. “Let me find a place to pull over.”

  “Hurry!” Daniella exclaimed.

  “Okay, okay…”

  A few moments later, Tricia pulled her car over and parked behind an abandoned service station. Up ahead, the women watched as Jett and Owen stopped their vehicle in the parking lot of a trailhead and got out. They walked around to the rear of the car, opened the trunk, and removed their supplies.

  “What are they doing?” Tricia asked.

  Daniella shrugged. “I don’t know…”

  Jett closed the trunk and for several minutes they stood and talked to one another. On occasion, one of them would gesture towards the nearby woods as if posing an idea or suggestion. At last, they shook hands and outfitted themselves with their gear.

  “What’s going on?” Tricia said. “Are they leaving? What’s happening?”

  “I can’t tell…” Daniella replied. She squinted in their direction as her voice trailed off.

  “They’re splitting up!” Tricia yelled.

  Sure enough, Jett and Owen set off in opposite directions into the thick
cover of the trees. Owen disappeared close to where they’d parked while Jett crossed the road and vanished a few moments later.

  “Daniella!” Tricia shrieked as she turned to look at her. “What do you want to do?”

  “I don’t know.” Daniella shrugged. “I guess just drive over there.”

  “What?” Tricia said as she gestured towards the men. “They’ll spot us if we do that.”

  “No, they won’t…” Daniella said. “They aren’t expecting us, or anyone for that matter. Look, if you are scared or whatever just drop me off. I’ll go by myself.”

  “No,” Tricia said as she started her car. “Jesus… I know this is going to end badly, I just know it.”

  Tricia’s car rolled to a stop about twenty yards or so from where Jett and Owen parked minutes earlier. She turned off the ignition and looked at Daniella.

  “Now what?”

  Daniella racked her brain for any hint of a plan. Unable to come up with anything substantial, she blurted out, “Come on, we’ll follow Owen. If we run across the road, we might get spotted.”

  “Oh man,” Tricia moaned as she removed the key from the ignition. “Lead the way, I’ll follow you…”

  The women exited the car and as they did, Tricia absentmindedly slammed the car door.

  “Trriiiccccuuuhhh…” Daniella whispered under breath. She raised her index finger to her lips and widened her eyes.

  Tricia shrugged.

  But sound traveled out here, especially at night. And right now, the two of them were about as stealthy as a pair of Clydesdale horses in a bubble wrap factory. Daniella shook her head and exhaled as they made their way in the direction of Owen’s last sighting. With only the dim light of a half-moon overhead, they started down the first trail they came upon.

  “Did he go this way?” Tricia asked.

  “I don’t know…” Daniella replied. “There’s only one way to know for sure.”

  It didn’t take long for Tricia’s nerves to get the better of her. She stopped dead in her tracks. “Daniella, I… I think this is a really bad idea. I think we should just go back to the car. I’m scared.”

  “Well, I am too…” Daniella said. “But, I’m not going back. If you want to go then go ahead but I’m going to keep following.”

  Tricia remained frozen in place as she considered her options.


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