
Home > Other > Redeeming > Page 15
Redeeming Page 15

by Gabrielle Demonico

  “Uh, yes, he knows but I didn’t tell him.” She said as she threw her arms in the air. “He ‘sensed’ it or something. Hell, I don’t know.”

  Jett shook his head. “I don’t understand. Why didn’t you tell me, Daniella?”

  “Because I thought it was the right thing to do, Jett!” She exclaimed. “It’s not like this is easy for me or something you know? I have this… baby… inside of me that could very well kill me. You think this is a secret I want to keep? I’m scared to fucking death, Jett. Jesus!”

  She fought back tears as she walked back over to the bed. From behind, she heard Jett let out a deep breath and then begin to walk in her direction. A moment later, he placed his hands on her shoulders and pulled her hair to one side.

  “Daniella,” he began. “I’m sorry. Please…”

  Her shoulders slumped for a moment before she turned back to face him. Wordless, she wrapped her arms around his waist, buried her face in his chest, and began to sob.

  “Shhh…” he said as he rubbed her head. “ Everything will be fine, Daniella. I promise. I’ll talk to Owen about what he thinks he knows. But, please, I am fucking begging you… Please leave this place.”

  “Jett,” she began. “I…”

  “No, Daniella,” he interrupted. “Nothing good can come of you being here. As soon as Owen and I get this sorted out, we will deal with the baby. I swear.”

  Daniella swallowed hard. “You didn’t let me finish,” she replied as she looked up at him through glassy eyes. “Okay.”

  “Okay, what?” He replied.

  “I’ll leave, I promise.”

  Jett clasped his hands together in front of his lips. “Thank you, Daniella. Thank you.”

  They embraced for several seconds and after a single kiss, he looked down at her. “Okay,” he began. “Let’s get you the hell out of here.”

  He grabbed her by the hand and they headed out of the bedroom.


  Owen and Tucker stood as Jett and Daniella came back into the living room.

  “Is everything okay?” Millicent asked. “It sounded like you were pretty upset in there, Daniella.”

  “Yeah,” Daniella replied as she walked towards Tricia. “I’m fine…”

  “I told him.” Daniella mouthed to her as she approached. Tricia’s eyes widened as she covered her mouth with her hand.

  “Owen,” Jett began. “Daniella’s agreed to leave. I know we don’t have much time at all to get her out of here.”

  “No, we don’t…” Owen began. “But that’s very good news indeed.”

  “So…” Owen began. “You told him did you?”

  Jett crossed his arms at his chest as Owen spoke. Tucker and Millicent looked at one another with looks of confusion on their faces.

  “What is going on?” Tucker asked.

  As Jett spoke up to provide the answer to their question, Daniella interrupted him.

  “I’m pregnant…” she blurted out.

  “What!” Millicent exclaimed. “Why that’s incredible…”

  But almost as soon as she said the words, she realized how untrue they were. Millicent collapsed back down on the sofa and looked at Owen and Tucker.

  “Oh no…” she gasped.

  Daniella felt her stomach sink as the reality of the situation hit home for Millicent. No doubt, the memory of what happened to Jett’s mother was something none of them forgot.

  “Well, now that we’re on the subject…” Jett said as he looked at Owen. “Daniella mentioned something about a ritual, something the clan might be able to do to help.”

  “Yes,” Owen nodded. “But… there isn’t time for any of that right now. We need to get her to safety, deal with Kane and then the child. One thing at a time…”

  “But Owen… that ritual…” Tucker began. “She could die, the baby could die… both of them. Does she realize that?”

  “Yes,” Daniella replied. “Owen told me all about it.”

  “Daniella…” Tricia said as she hugged her friend.

  “Everyone…” Owen said. “If we are to get them out of here, we need to leave as soon as we can.”

  “Agreed,” Tucker added. “How will you deal with Kane when he discovers they’ve been let free? What will you say? He’ll suspect you have allies. He’ll start with Buck and since we’re his parents, we’ll be the next logical choice.”

  “You’re right, Tucker…” Owen replied.

  “I can take them,” Jett said. “There’s still plenty of time until daylight. I can get them back to the highway, to our vehicle and still get back before the sun comes up.”

  “Yes…” Owen nodded. “That could work. There’s only one problem…”

  “Okay,” Jett replied. “I’m all ears.”

  “Kane’s no idiot,” Owen began. “He’ll know someone guided them to safety. And unless I am the one doing it, Tucker is right; it puts Buck and them, at risk.”

  Everyone listened in silence as Owen paced and considered his options.

  “Jett,” he began. “The location where Millicent and Tucker picked you up…”

  “Yeah,” he replied. “What about it?”

  “When we leave here, I want you to head directly to it.” Owen said. “It’s still secure, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” Jett said. “As far as I know…”

  “Good,” Owen replied. “The girls and I will make our way back to the holding cell first and with Buck’s help, stage a breakout. After that, I’ll get them to your drop off point and you can take them the rest of the way from there. I’ll have them there in a half an hour or less. I’ll leave Buck’s radio behind with the instruction he’s to call in the breakout forty-five minutes later. That should give you enough time to get them to the car.”

  “And what about you?” Jett asked. “Where will you be?”

  “Coming back here, simple as that…” Owen replied. “I’ll surrender and tell them it was all my doing.”

  “Kane will kill you for that.” Jett said.

  “Boy, I’m already dead…” Owen replied. “It’s about time you accept that.”

  But before anyone could react to Owen’s final statement, he hurried them to action.

  “Let’s go…” he said. “There’s no time to waste. Tucker, get Buck back over here as quick as you can. Jett come with me for a second.”

  Tucker nodded and left the room. As he did, Jett and Owen disappeared down the hallway. Afterwards, Millicent got up from the couch and walked over to where Daniella and Tricia stood.

  “It was nice to meet you both,” she began. “I’m sorry we didn’t have time to get to know one another a little better.”

  “I know…” Daniella replied. Even though they’d only just met, Daniella felt a strange connection with the female shifter. “Hopefully, all this craziness will be behind us for good before long…”

  Millicent smiled as she spoke. “I hope so…” she replied. But her tone didn’t match her words. She sounded hesitant, resigned to an outcome that she didn’t want to share. Or perhaps, Daniella imagined it. At this point, anything was possible. Tricia and Millicent embraced and then she turned back to Daniella.

  “Well,” she began. “We should probably make sure you have everything you need out there. It’s cold and the walk from here is a long one.”

  With that, the women made their way to the kitchen where Jett and Owen, now joined by Tucker, talked. As they entered, Jett turned to face them.

  “Are you two ready?” He asked. “We really should get going.”

  “One second,” Millicent replied. “I’m going to get them something to take the chill off.”

  “Hurry up, Milly…” Tucker said. “We’re short on time you know.”

  “I know, I know…” she said as she disappeared into an adjacent bedroom. As she walked into it she said, “The longer you talk, the longer it will take me.”

  Owen and Jett used the time to go over the plan once more.

  “Tucker,” Owen began
. “Is Buck on the way?”

  “Yep.” Tucker replied as he looked at a clock on the kitchen wall. “He should be here any minute.”

  “Good.” Owen replied.

  “Here you go,” Millicent said as she suddenly reappeared. “Even if they don’t fit, they should do the job.”

  As she walked into the kitchen, she extended both hands and gave Daniella and Tricia each an oversized fleece jacket. The women quickly slipped them on and zipped them up. As they did, Tucker’s cell phone vibrated on the kitchen table.

  “Buck is almost here.” He said. “Time to go.”

  With Jett and Owen leading the way, the group made its way back towards the rear entrance they’d come through an hour or so earlier.

  “Millicent…” Tucker began. “The lights.”

  The female shifter nodded and turned them off as the group filed into the hallway near the rear entrance and waited for Buck to make his appearance.

  “I see him…” Jett whispered. “Let’s go.”

  “No,” Owen said as he threw his arm in front of Jett and held him in place. “We wait for the signal. Three single knocks.”

  As the group looked on through the window in the hallway door, a shadowy figure emerged from the trees.

  “Okay,” Tucker said. “Here he comes.”

  The short bear shifter neared the window and stopped at the door. Concealed by curtains, Daniella only saw the outline of his frame. His head turned in both directions and paused for a moment before he raised his arm. He knocked once and a second time but then stopped. He turned his head to the right with his arm still upright on the verge of a final knock.

  “What the…” Jett began.

  “Shhh…” Tucker interrupted. “Wait.”

  Buck waited for what seemed to be five minutes but in reality was probably closer to five seconds before he turned back to face the door and knocked for the final time.

  “Okay,” Owen said. “Go.”

  Leading the way, Jett opened the door and Buck appeared before them.

  “What is it, boy?” Owen asked.

  “Dunno…” Buck said. “Musta been nothing. You all ready?”

  The group said their final goodbyes and, led by Buck, Daniella, Jett, Owen and Tricia began the trek back. After walking for about five minutes or so, a clearing appeared in ahead of them. Buck motioned for everyone to kneel down. They came to a stop and gathered in a small circle.

  “Jett,” Owen whispered. “I’ll see you with the girls in about forty-five minutes or so, got it?”

  Jett nodded as he leaned in to Daniella and kissed her.

  “See you soon,” he said. “Stay safe.”

  “Okay, I will.” She replied.

  Moments later, he vanished from site under the cover of trees and darkness.

  “Girls…” Owen said as he looked at them. “Are you ready?”

  Daniella and Tricia glanced at one another first and then back at Owen.

  “Yes.” Daniella replied.

  Buck motioned for them to continue. As he broke through the cover of the trees, Owen followed close behind.

  “Daniella…” Tricia whispered as she grabbed her arm. “I’m scared.”

  Daniella looked at her friend and smiled. “I am too,” she began as the women fell behind a bit. “But soon we’ll be out of here. We just have a little way to go. You can make it. I’ll be right there with you.”

  Tricia nodded. “Okay,” she said. “I’m ready.”

  Daniella turned away from her and emerged from the thicket of trees with Tricia right behind her. Within a second or two, the women caught up to Buck and Owen.

  “Hurry…” Buck said as he shifted from a fast walk to a slow jog.

  Even so, it looked to Daniella as if there was at least a couple hundred yards to the other side of the clearing. As they hustled across the opening, their feet crunched on top of the dry, hard ground beneath them. Daniella started to feel winded and in the next instant, a terrific pain sent her to the ground in a heap. As she fell, she moaned and clutched at her stomach.

  “Shit!” Tricia exclaimed in a loud whisper. “Daniella, what’s wrong?”

  As Tricia stopped and doubled back to help her, Owen and Buck turned back to look at them. Immediately, Owen spun on his heels and ran back towards the women. Seconds later, he knelt down next to Daniella.

  “The child?” He asked. “Is it the child?”

  “I don’t…” Daniella began as she writhed about in agony. “I… I don’t know.”

  Just then, Buck arrived and knelt down next to Owen.

  “What’s wrong with her?” He asked. “We can’t stay here… out in the open… we must keep moving.”

  Owen raised his hand. “I know.” He replied. He then looked back down at Daniella and said, “Can you walk at all?”

  “No,” she said as she shook her head and clutched at her stomach. “I don’t think so.”

  Without a word, Owen nodded and in one smooth motion, lifted Daniella off the ground and into his arms. He turned, looked at Buck, and said, “Go, go!”

  Like a shot, they took off at full speed. As they neared the halfway point of the opening, Buck did a half turn with his head and pointed to a trailhead directly ahead of them.

  “There!” He said.

  The group picked up their speed once again but just as the entrance of the trailhead came into view, Buck came to a dead stop. Owen and Tricia raced by him and stopped as soon as they could. As they turned back to face Buck, Daniella saw a look of disbelief and resignation on his face.

  “Oh…fuck.” He moaned as he staggered backwards.


  Any pain Daniella might have experienced in the moments before suddenly vanished under the white-hot glare of spotlights pointed at them from all sides. No matter which direction she turned, her sight was blinded incandescent brilliance. Squinting, she lifted her hands to shield her eyes from the unrelenting brightness as it drew closer. Terrified, Daniella and Tricia backed into one another.

  “Please…” Buck started to beg. “I…”

  “Quiet Buck!” Owen yelled. “Don’t…”

  And then, directly in front of them, a split appeared between two of the lights and a figure moved through it. Still clouded with spots, Daniella couldn’t distinguish the mass as it approached. It wasn’t until it closed to within ten feet or so that it became clear at last.

  “Yes, Buck…” the hulking figure said. “Don’t…”

  Half dazed from pain and lack of sleep, Daniella’s ailing attention span came into sharp focus as the shiny steel of a handgun appeared before her. Attached to an immense hand and arm, she looked on in horror as the barrel moved towards Buck’s head.

  Time slowed and before anyone could think or react, a blast of fire and smoke emerged from the tip of the weapon. Buck’s head split upon impact and as it did sprayed blood and bits of flesh and bone in every direction. Tricia screamed at the top of her lungs. Daniella felt as if she were in the midst of a nightmare, one that she would surely wake up from. There was no way that just happened.


  As Buck’s lifeless body collapsed to the ground, the assassin turned back to face the remaining members of the group. Daniella’s eyes trailed up the length of the man’s immense legs and torso until it came to rest upon the sickening, soulless eyes that terrified her the moment she first saw them.

  “Get that meat out of my sight…” Kane said as he spat in the direction of Buck’s body.

  Daniella’s knees gave way as she collapsed against Owen. At the same instant, Tricia scrambled behind him as well. His violence and callousness on full display, the two humans in this foreign world now had to deal with the terrible decision they made to come here. Kane’s chest swelled and his dark eyes narrowed as he stepped towards Owen.

  “You ridiculous old fool…” Kane said. “How many more do I need to kill before you tell me where he is?”

  The women clutched at Owen’s midsection as Kane gl
ared at him.

  “Fuck you.” Owen said.

  Kane nodded and stepped away.

  “Bring them…” he ordered.

  “Sir!” an anonymous voice said.

  Daniella’s head turned on a swivel. The bright lights still burned her eyes as she tried to discern the objects of Kane’s scorn. She heard a clamoring of footsteps draw near followed by a bloodcurdling scream.

  “Buuuuccckkk, nnnooooo!!!” Millicent cried as she dropped to her knees.

  Her hands bound behind her back, she sobbed as Kane’s henchmen shoved Tucker down next to his wife.

  “You fucking animal!” Millicent screamed as she looked at Kane.

  Without a moment’s hesitation, Kane swatted at her head with the butt of the revolver and knocked her out. Tucker struggled to get to his feet but as he did, Kane pulled back the hammer on the gun and aimed it as his temple.

  “Watch it…” Kane warned. “Right now, you need to do the smart thing, Tucker.”

  Tucker looked down at his dead son and unconscious wife. With a tear in his eye, he bit his lip and dropped back down to his knees.

  “Just as I thought…” Kane chuckled. “You pathetic fuck.” He said as he smashed Tucker in the face with gun sending him down like a sack of rocks right next to his wife. As they lay unconscious, Kane’s men approached, tied, and gagged them.

  “I’m finished with this…” Kane said as he aimed the gun as Owen. “Tell me right now or I kill you and these human whores.”

  “If you kill me, then you’re really in deep…” Owen replied.

  “You know,” Kane interrupted as he waved the gun in Owen’s face. “I thought you might feel that way. Perhaps the humans have information you aren’t willing to share.”

  Owen scoffed. “I told you already. They’re hikers. I don’t know them. They don’t know anything about this. Threatening them will get you nowhere.”

  Kane nodded. “Perhaps… But, with the proper motivation, it’s surprising what truths emerge.”

  There it is again. Proper motivation. What the hell?

  Owen laughed aloud… deep and full. “Your ego deludes you Kane. Threatening these women will get you nowhere and lead to nothing.”

  Kane stepped a little closer to Owen and aimed the pistol between his eyes.


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