Together in ruins (The Scars series Book 4)

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Together in ruins (The Scars series Book 4) Page 20

by Rachael Tonks

  “Huh… so what happened in there? You kinda left in a hurry.”

  “Just family shit, you know.”

  “Gotcha. Hey, let me walk you to your car.”

  “It’s just here.” I point over to my red Toyota. “You really don’t need to walk me.”

  “I’d like to know I’ve done my part.”

  With a smile, I start walking with Roach beside me. “Anytime you need someone, just give me a yell, okay?”

  “That’s so kind, thank you.”

  Within a few seconds I’m standing beside the car and rummaging in my purse for my keys. Finding them, I unlock the door and glance at Roach who is still standing beside me, grinning widely.

  “So this is me,” I say sliding into the seat.

  Holding onto the open door, he leans his head in and says, “See you back at the house.”

  “You don’t need to…”

  “I’ve had my orders, ma’am. I am to watch you until Nate is home.”

  Letting out a sigh of defeat, I offer him a smile and nod. “See you there.”

  Something tells me I need to get used to having the guys following me around.


  “Mr. Jeffries, I can see that the notes on your file do confirm that you suffered from mumps when you were fourteen. Now, in some young men, a very small percentage, that can cause a drop in sperm count and in rare occasions complete infertility. But I can’t stress enough how rare that actually is.”

  “There’s a chance I can actually still have kids, right?”

  “Absolutely. We can proceed by doing a sperm count, but I have to be honest and tell you, Mr. Jeffries, that if you are unsure about paternity of an unborn child, that this will not give you the answers you seek.”

  “Is there any way, you know, of finding out in the early stages of pregnancy?”

  “If you’re willing to give a blood sample, then we can offer a prenatal test from as early as eight weeks of pregnancy.”

  “Wow, really. I had no idea.”

  “My door is always open should you need to come back, and if you decide to go ahead with the test call this number…” The doctor quickly grabs a card and starts to scribble something down. Handing it to me, he continues, “This number is for my office.”

  Standing up, I take the card, push it in my pocket, and offer the doctor my hand. “Thanks, Doc.”

  “Oh, absolutely. Anytime.”

  Sighing, I head out of the hospital and toward my bike. Pulling out my cell phone, I check for calls or messages.


  Roach has called. I hit dial as fast as I can, placing the cell between my ear and shoulder.

  “Hey, Prez.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, boss. Just waiting for you at the house. Tara was a little upset after meeting with her mom, so I decided to stick with her, make sure she got home okay, you know how it is.”

  “Thanks, brother. I’m on my way.”

  “You heard from Zane?”

  “I don’t think so, why?”

  “The Deathseekers want a meet. Need to know if the drugs takeover is going ahead.”

  “Impatient motherfuckers,” I growl, dropping back against the seat of the bike.

  “We gotta handle this, man. The longer it drags on the more fucked up this situation is going to get.”



  “Get the guys to meet at the clubhouse. Let’s lock down a plan and handle this once and for all.”

  “Sure, man.”

  Ending the call, I shove the phone back in my pocket and mount the bike. I slide on my helmet, wondering how it’s all going to play out. There’s a storm coming, I feel it in my blood, and I have to prepare. But part of me feels way out of my depth. Sometimes I think about Brax and how he handles every damn situation he faces with military precision. I have to be that way too, only right now, I feel so caught up in Tara that I’m failing the club. Constantly pulled in opposite directions. The love for the club and the love for Tara. It’s like I’m fighting to keep both.

  Fighting and failing.

  I ride the short distance between the hospital and our temporary home. I’ve never lived away from the clubhouse, but I see why Tara likes it. A slice of normality.

  Pulling onto the driveway, I cut the engine, drop down, and walk toward the door. As I look up, I notice a sad-looking Tara staring at me.

  “Hey, baby. You okay?”

  Standing in the doorway her arms crossed over her chest, she gives me a subtle shake of her head.

  “Hey, what is it?” I ask stopping just in front of her. She reaches up, securing her arms around my neck as she sobs against my chest. Reaching up and placing my hands over her arms, I guide her inside, closing the door behind me.

  “Baby, talk to me.”

  Anger and confusion bubbles in my chest.

  “As if things couldn’t get any more fucked up,” she mumbles, finally lifting her head. Loosening one hand, she swipes away the tears running down her cheek.

  “I don’t follow.”

  “Mom. The lies. It’s a mess. Such a mess.”

  “You wanna talk about it?” I press her, trying to get to the bottom of what the fuck is going on here. Placing my finger under her chin, I lift her gaze. “Whatever is going on we can fix it.”

  “Mom had a confession. She told me that she was in a relationship with Brewer a long time ago. Things got heavy and she escaped. The man she told me was my father, wasn’t. She lied to me all these years. Brewer is my father.”

  “No fucking way.”

  “That’s what she told me. Said she escaped but found out she was pregnant with me. The guy I believed to be my father was killed by Brewer.”

  “Jesus Christ.” I exhale, scraping my hands over my face. “Now I understand your mom’s hatred for the MC.”

  “I’m not sure, Nate. How do I know she’s telling me the truth?”

  “Wait… you don’t believe her?”

  Tara turns, stepping over to the couch and falling back into the seat. Pulling her legs up, she rests her chin on her bended knee. “She seemed legit. I mean, it all makes sense, but maybe I don’t want to believe this could be true.”

  Following her lead, I slide down beside her trying to find something to say. But the reality of the situation is that right now, Brewer is a dead man walking.

  “Like, should I tell him I’m his daughter? And what about Hunter and any other siblings I may have.”

  “He ain’t winning any ‘father of the year’ awards, babe. I really don’t think you want him in your life.”

  “I don’t know.” She swallows hard. “I just don’t know how I feel.”

  I place my arm around her shoulder and guide her toward me. “I have some good news.”

  “What?” She lifts her head, her watery eyes meeting mine.

  “Doc says I have nothing to worry about. I was ill, but there’s no reason why I should be infertile.”

  “Oh, Nate.” She places her hands on the sides of my face, kissing my lips.

  “He also told me we can have a DNA test. Noninvasive. Just a blood test from me and you and they can confirm whether I’m the father or not.”


  “Yeah, I have the doc’s number. He said he can make the arrangements. We just need to give him a call when we’re ready.”

  Smiling, she clutches my hand, squeezing gently. “Everything is going to be okay, isn’t it?”

  Her eyes search for my reassurance and I return her smile.

  “Of course. We got each other, right?”


  I don’t have the heart to tell her about the club’s plans for Brewer. That asshole doesn’t deserve my girl in his life. But Hunter, well, that’s something entirely different. Maybe with Brewer out of the picture these two can find each other. Be the family they both need.

  “I need this one last deal from you. That’s the only way I’ll contemplate
sitting down with Brewer and discussing the changeover,” Brax informs me.

  “We do this last deal, then we take care of Brewer, handing the whole operation over to Hunter.”

  “Tonight, Nate. It happens tonight.”

  “Let’s do it.”

  “I’ll text you the address.”

  “Okay, man.”

  Glancing around the room at the eyes fixed on me, I give them a nod. “The last deal with Brax is tonight.”

  The men mumble and murmur between themselves and I know what’s on their minds.

  “What do we tell Brewer? He’s becoming impatient. He wants in on the deal you sold him.” Zane leans back in his seat, pulling one leg over the other.

  “Asshole has to wait. No one said it would be an overnight arrangement.”

  “How exactly are we planning on taking him out?” Davo asks, his eyes narrowed and creases appearing on his forehead. “Because he’s becoming a danger to this club. He already had the balls to show up here making demands…”

  “I know,” I snap. “But we have to get him alone. Away from the rest of his crew.”

  “What about the whorehouse? We have a reopening. Get him alone with one of the girls, then intercept.”

  “Yeah, yeah…” the men all roar in agreement.

  “Good idea, but dangerous for the girls. This new club is supposed to be their safe place. I don’t want to scare them and bring trouble to the club. That’s the last thing we need.

  “How’s the refurb going?” I ask, glancing between Davo and Zane.

  “Should be ready by the weekend.”

  “Good, good.” I nod, feeling like our new business venture is coming together.

  “Melody has done a great job. She needs you to call in at some point. Some paperwork and shit that needs handling,” Davo adds.

  “Let’s pay the club a visit.” I clap my hands together, rubbing them enthusiastically. “Zane, Roach,” I say, tipping my chin, “we ride.” Stepping up from the head of the table, Davo is suddenly by my side, his hand on my forearm.

  “Wait up, brother. You know I’m heavily invested in the club. Shouldn’t I be the one coming with you?”

  “You’re invested in the pussy that you’re burying your cock in, not the club.” Slapping him heavily on the back, his hardened expression doesn’t lift. “But seriously, brother. I need you here to organize things for the deal later.” I pull out my prepay and hand it to Davo. “The deets will be sent here. Location, time, and goods. Get my men organized and ready for my return. I’m trusting you.”

  His nostrils flare and I can tell he isn’t happy. He nods his head and takes the phone anyway. “You got it, Prez.”

  “Listen, as soon as the club is up and running, you and Melody can take some time off to go and fuck each other’s brains out. But right now, I need you both, doing what you’re doing.”

  “Club comes first.”

  With a pat on the back I say, “Thanks, brother.”

  He stiffens but gives me a firm nod. “Say hello to my girl. Remember, assholes…” He points between Zane and Roach. “Hands off.”

  “Didn’t realize you’d made her your old lady?” Roach taunts.

  “Fucking work in progress, ain’t it, jackass.”

  Zane and Roach laugh and Davo just sneers.

  “Let’s go,” I say clapping my hands together. “Duty calls.”

  “Ah, man. We just got started.” Zane laughs loudly and I can’t help but shake my head.

  “Leave the old man alone. We got business to do.”

  “Fucking spoilsport,” Roach shouts after me as I make my way outside and over to my bike.

  “Hey, man. Wait up,” Zane’s voice echoes in the midday air.

  “What?” I turn to look at him all the while sliding on my helmet and fastening the clasp under my chin.

  “How did the, uh, appointment go today?”

  “Fucked up, man. Doc says I could be the father but there’s a test, you know, we can find out. If I am the father.”

  “That’s good, right?”

  “Sure, but what if it confirms the one thing I’ve been in denial about this whole time.” I glance over my shoulder, checking that no one else is around to overhear before continuing. “That the rapist pig is the baby’s father. You know, I could happily accept the child as my own without having to find out. But it’s like Tara has to know. What if the truth isn’t what either of us want to hear? I’m scared the truth will fucking tear us apart.”

  “You can’t live with a lie, Nate.”

  “We have another problem.”

  “What?” he gasps.

  “Tara’s mom decided to tell her today that Brewer is her real dad. She’s kept that shit from her, her whole life.”

  “Whoa, wait… what?” He blinks rapidly.

  “You heard right, brother.”

  “Heard what?” Roach interrupts, lifting his chin as his eyes are fixed on us. “This about Tara? Is she okay?”

  “Yeah, family shit, you know how it is.” I slide onto the bike and start the engine. Roach says something else, but I rev the engine, drowning out his further questions. Accelerating, I set off, making my way to the club, parking out front. Eager to see the transformation, I kick out my stand and slide off my helmet.

  Shit, this place looks amazing. It’s barely recognizable.

  “Hey,” the sweet voice calls out, catching my attention. I glance between the bald-headed security guy and Melody. “Looking good, right?” Melody asks as she stands in the doorway, her arms open to me. I step closer, embracing her lightly.

  “I’m impressed.” I nod, lifting one brow as I scan the outside one more time. “This place is less sleaze and more class.”

  “The look we were going for, right?”

  “Absolutely,” I say enthusiastically. “Only the best for my girls.” Leaning forward, she places a soft kiss against my stubble-covered chin.

  “Thanks for everything, Nate.”

  I shoot a quick glance to the guys behind as they snicker.

  “Listen, I’m flattered, but don’t let Davo see you kissing guys.” I say it jokingly, but Melody scurries back, breaking all contact. “He sends his love by the way.”

  “I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking,” she replies meekly.

  “Hey, no, it was a joke, honey. It’s just that he seems kinda into you.”

  “Please don’t tell him, I, uh, don’t want him to get mad at me.”

  “Hey,” I shout loudly, causing her to jerk, her scared eyes landing on mine.

  “He isn’t going to hurt you. I know Davo. He isn’t that kind of guy. He isn’t Levin.”

  With fear etched across her face I only imagine what that sick fuck put her through. “You’re safe, Melody. Please, don’t be fearful.”

  “Shall I show you inside?” she asks trying to change the subject. Stepping back, she holds out her arm, instructing for me to step inside.

  “Sure,” I say, nodding to the guys behind me to follow along. As we step inside, the smell of fresh paint hits my senses and light floods the once dark and dingy space.

  “As you can see, the whole place has had a major face-lift.”

  “Wow,” Zane gasps as he takes in the look of the club. “I almost feel like I don’t belong here.” He laughs as he strolls over to the granite worktop, running his hand over the bar area. “You’ve really gone upscale.”

  “It’s where the money’s at,” Melody informs him. “Follow me, I’ll show you the rooms.” Leading us through the locked door, she opens the first room. We peer in and gather inside.

  “Better, right?”

  “Like a five-star hotel,” Roach adds. “The guys ain’t ever gonna leave this place.”

  “This isn’t another Savage haunt. This is business.”

  “What?” he all but shrieks. “You gotta be kidding me?”

  “No, man. Well, not once this place is open. I’m sure we can do a private opening night, just for our guys, right?” I turn
to look at Melody, seeking her approval.

  “I think a thanks is the least we can do.”

  “How far from being finished are we?”

  “There’re just two more rooms to finish and the office, oh, and the sign outside. Once you decide on a name that is. You also have some paperwork to sign and the builders to pay.”

  Heading out of the room, I follow her as we make our way back to the main room. Melody steps behind the bar, retrieving a box, digging inside she takes out several sets of paperwork, lining them up in front of me. “This might take a while… beer?”

  Sliding onto the barstool, I scan the paperwork while Melody removes the bottle caps, placing three beers on the counter.

  Zane and Roach take their beers and sit on the brand-new couches in the bar area.

  “I’m trusting you guys to not ruin the brand-new furniture, got it?” Melody declares, pointing her finger between the guys.

  The more I stare at the damn paperwork, the less sense it makes. Melody must see my blank expression. “Hey, don’t worry. I got everything up and running like we discussed. There are no hidden surprises or anything. Trust me.”

  “You’re a good girl, darlin’, but I live and die by the saying ‘trust no one.’”

  She sucks in a sharp breath, her teeth clenched together. “No way to live your life, Nate.”

  “It’s the only way when you’re constantly looking over your shoulder.”

  “But the guys, you must trust them, right?” Leaning forward, she pushes the bottle in front of me, her eyes wider than normal and awaiting my response.

  “Until they give me reason to doubt them, of course.”

  “Hey, hey,” Zane suddenly yells and I drop down from the stool, my head whips from side to side as my hand finds my gun and I’m looking for the cause of the commotion.


  “We ain’t open, asshole,” Zane snarls, getting in front of Brewer, his face practically touching Brewer’s.

  “Back the fuck up, VP. Just here to check out the new establishment.”

  Tilting my head from side to side, I click out my tense neck muscles as I step toward the entrance. “You fucking heard him, Brewer. Not open.”

  “You’re a hard man to track down, Nate. We have unfinished business. I need that deal. The deal you promised me.”


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