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[Anthology] The Paranormal 13- now With a Bonus 14th Novel!

Page 262

by Dima Zales

  "Why are you so insecure?" Amanda asked.

  I cleared my throat.

  "Did you know that everyone at the table has been talking about you two?" Amanda asked.

  Emma nodded. "Everyone's in total shock at how you look. Not to mention how hot Cliff is." She fanned herself.

  "Alexis, do you realize how sexy he is?" Amanda asked.

  "I'm not blind."

  "And you're every bit his equal," Emma added. Jealousy was in her tone.

  I was relieved when the meal arrived. When I took the first bite, I thought I was in heaven. Not only did it taste phenomenal, but for some reason it too was familiar.

  As we left the restaurant, my heart felt like a cluster of butterflies. Cliff took my hand to help me into the limo. I kept my attention on him for the entire ride to the dance.

  We let the other couples get out of the limo before us. They had all run through the gym doors before we were even outside.

  "What a nice night," I said.

  "It's nice, but you are much lovelier," he said. His eyes twinkled in the moonlight. "What was that?" He looked concerned.

  "What?" I asked, but before I could say another word I heard it too. "Oh no."

  "You know what it is?" he asked.

  "Yes. Let's head inside," I replied. I knew that whirring sound anywhere.

  "I see them," he said. "Brooke told me that you were having issues with crows."

  "I hoped they would stay away tonight," I said. "Let's just go in before we have to worry about them."

  "If you don't mind, I'd like to watch them," he said.

  "They're just ugly loud crows." I tugged on his arm.

  He wrapped it around my shoulder. "It'll only take a minute."

  We watched the sky for a moment until the nasty crows were overhead. Other kids around us complained and went inside. They were smart.

  The flock was now circling overhead, and the wind from their flapping caused Cliff's hair to move around. My hair wouldn't have budged in a hurricane.

  One by one, the crows looked down and screeched. I knew they were cawing at me and not Cliff.

  Cliff took his arm from my shoulder and raised both hands high. "Go. Be gone!"

  All of the birds stopped shrieking and flew away.

  I stepped back and stared at him. "Why did they obey you?"

  "I have a way with animals," he said. "Let's go in and dance the night away." Cliff took my hand, and we walked into the gym. I couldn't believe my eyes.

  It was no longer the ultra-bright gym where Natalie played volleyball. It was an undersea wonderland. The walls were decorated to look like water, bubbles and sea life. All kinds of glittery decorations hung from above. It was magical, and I felt as if I had indeed entered a new world.

  "Alexis Ferguson," came a voice from my right. "Is that you?"

  I turned to see Sydney, Natalie's loud and annoying best friend. I faked a smile and said, "Sydney, how nice to see you. Meet my date, Cliff."

  "Now I believe that you're Natalie's sister," Sydney shrieked. "You look gorgeous. Why have you dressed so horribly all these years? Nice job with your date—what a hottie." She winked at Cliff.

  I repressed my urge to slap her.

  Something shattered behind us.

  "What was that?" Sydney exclaimed. "Dude, I think a light bulb just burst. I hope we don't have a replay of the volleyball practice. We don't need all the lights breaking in here again."

  "I see my friends over by the food table," I lied. "See you around." I grabbed Cliff's hand and dragged him away. "Sorry about that. She's my sister's annoying and low-IQ friend."

  Cliff laughed. "Don't worry. I didn't think she was associated with you."

  As we made our way to the food table, which was only halfway across the gym, we were stopped by three separate couples who couldn't believe how I looked.

  "Maybe people will leave us alone if we just start dancing," he suggested.

  I gulped. I knew that we were going to a dance, but I hadn't thought about the actual dancing. "I should warn you that I don't know how to dance."

  "I have no doubt that once you warm up, you'll be a fine dancer."

  "Don't hold your breath."

  "You've surprised yourself all evening," he said.

  We walked to the dance floor, and at first I was as stiff as a board. I started focusing on the music and then I got lost in Cliff's eyes. Everything else melted away, and before I knew it, I was dancing and having fun.

  "What did I tell you?" he asked, smiling. "You're a natural."

  "It's easy to dance with you."

  After a while, I grew tired. I had no idea that dancing was so much work. "Let's get something to drink."

  "That's a great idea," he said. As soon as we stopped dancing, I noticed a lot of people watching us. Again, it took a long time to reach our destination.

  At the drink table, Amanda and Emma ambushed me.

  "Everyone is talking about you," Emma exclaimed. "Everyone."

  "Seriously," Amanda said, "they're talking about you more than the royalty court."

  "I wonder what this will do for our social status," Emma said, laughing. "Best friends of the newest popular girl."

  Amanda rolled her eyes. "Emma, really."

  "I heard people say that they were going to vote for you and Cliff for homecoming court," Emma said.

  "As interesting as all of this is," I said, "we won't make king and queen because I'm not a senior and Cliff doesn't even go here."

  "You could be junior class princess." Emma smirked.

  "You do realize that Hailey Adams would hate us forever," Amanda pointed out. "She's only been princess of everything since the beginning of time."

  "I hadn't thought of that," Emma said. "We'll have to come up with a plan before we end up in a dumpster—or worse."

  "Emma, could you be anymore dramatic?" I asked.

  "Didn't you hear what she did to that freshman who took her parking spot?" Emma shivered.

  Cliff put his arm around me. "I have no doubt that Alexis can handle anything that comes her way." He turned to me. "Would you like to dance again?"

  "I'd love to," I said, taking his hand. "Talk to you guys later."

  We danced the night away, and just when I thought that I couldn't dance another moment longer, the music stopped and someone announced that the tickets had been counted for the royalty court.

  "My sister will be sophomore class princess," I told Cliff.

  "From the sounds of it you could be crowned for the junior class." His mouth curved upward.

  "Doubtful." I shrugged.

  "I'm glad you don't concern yourself with what others think," he said. "That's an important trait for a leader."

  "Leader?" I asked. "I'm not looking to be a leader, unless I become a judge. I'm more interested in being a CSI or maybe an attorney."

  They were about to make the royalty announcements, so we turned our attention to the stage. First, they announced the freshman royalty.

  When they announced the sophomore royalty, I wasn't surprised to hear my sister's name, but I clapped really loud for her anyway. She'd worked hard for the votes.

  "We have an interesting turn of events for the junior class royalty," the announcer said. "There's a tie. I'm told that this has never happened before. There's only one tiara so we'll have to figure out a way to break the tie, what do you say?"

  The crowd yelled and cheered. I laughed, unable to believe anyone could get worked up over something so trivial.

  He called Hailey Adams, which came as no surprise.

  "Now for the other winner. Alexis Ferguson, come on up!" The crowd went wild again.

  "Go on up," Cliff whispered. It wasn't until that moment that I realized the announcer had said my name. I didn't want to go on stage—my feet were glued to the floor.

  "Come on up, Alexis!" shouted the announcer again.

  Cliff linked his arm through mine and walked me to the stage. He helped me up the first step and then I
was on my own. I walked up the stairs and to the middle of the stage, next to the announcer and a very irritated Hailey. The lights were too bright, and everyone screamed like crazy.

  The announcer did a double take when he saw me. "I think we have a winner here! But it's not up to me. It's up to you guys. Applaud and scream to choose the winner."

  "I don't know who you think you are, Alexis," Hailey hissed. "I've worked my whole life for this. You're not going to steal it from me."

  "Believe me, none of this was my idea."

  "You'd better hope that you don't win." Hailey scowled.

  "Yell and clap as loud as you can for the nominee of your choice," the announcer told the crowd.

  "You're nothing." Hailey glared at me.

  "You definitely live up to your reputation," I muttered, loud enough for her to hear.

  "Watch your back, biotch."

  A single light above the stage shattered. I knew then and there, with full certainty, that I had caused the exploding light bulbs. She needed to watch her back. I would learn to control this strange superpower.

  "What was that all about?" the announcer asked, laughing. "Get your clappers and screamers ready, kids. Let's hear it for Hailey Adams!"

  The room exploded with noise of clapping and cheering. She smirked at me and then turned to the crowd and waved, encouraging them to bring up the volume.

  When the noise died down, the announcer told the crowd to cheer for me and the noise level was noticeably louder than it had been for Hailey. I couldn't help but return her smirk.

  She said something I couldn't hear over the noise. I laughed.

  The crowd continued. The announcer tried to get them to calm down, but even with the microphone, he couldn't be heard. He backed away from the mic until the noise finally died down.

  "We have a clear winner here. The beautiful Alexis Ferguson is your new junior class princess!" He walked to the table of tiaras and crowns and picked up mine.

  "You're going to pay." Hailey looked ready to throw a fit.

  The announcer placed the tiara on my head and handed me a bouquet of flowers. I stood next to Natalie, who congratulated me. Hailey stormed off the stage.

  "This is so exciting," Natalie squealed. "Both of us are winners."

  "Who would've guessed?"

  She giggled. "Nobody before tonight. You guys were awesome on the dance floor too. Oh, and you're going to have to tell me why threw yourself into his arms."

  Before I could answer, the announcer called up the next winners. After they had received their crowns and flowers, we all went up to have pictures taken, followed by an exclusive royalty-only dance. I made small talk with my dance partner.

  When the dance was over, I made a beeline for Cliff and my friends. They congratulated me, speaking at once.

  Hailey showed up with a scowl. "Since you stole my tiara and dance, I'm stealing a dance with your date."

  "She didn't steal anything, Hailey," Emma said. "The crowd picked."

  Hailey's face turned red. "Emma, you'll never be popular—or skinny."

  "At least she's smart, and she'll make something of herself beyond high school," I said, glaring at Hailey.

  People around us laughed. I hadn't even noticed anyone paying attention to us.

  "Look," I said to Hailey, "if you want to dance with my date, that's fine. But you'll have to ask him if he's willing to dance with you. Otherwise, you need to leave my friends and me alone."

  "I'll leave you alone when I'm good and ready."

  A couple light bulbs exploded nearby. I could feel a connection between myself and the lights.

  "Would you like to dance?" Cliff asked Hailey. "Perhaps I can convince you that Alexis meant no harm."

  She glared at me and then barked at Cliff, "Let's go."

  As they danced, Emma asked, "How can you let her dance with Cliff?"

  "He's smart enough to see that she's shallow and evil."

  Emma laughed. "True."

  "Let's dance, the three of us," I said. "We'll show her that we can have fun despite her."

  We made our way to the dance floor and danced together. We had fun, and it was obvious that it irritated Hailey.

  Cliff and I danced together again when a new song played. Cliff raised an eyebrow. "She's very, uh, interesting."

  "What did she say?" I asked.

  "She was trying to convince me that you're a beast," he said. "Though all she did was convince me of what a horrible person she is."

  We danced for a while longer until people began leaving. Our group made its way to the limo—without any winged visitors. Once inside, everyone decided to go for coffee since nobody wanted to go home just yet.

  Once inside the coffee shop, we all sat together at the tables that we pulled together. We laughed about Hailey and talked about all the events of the night.

  When Cliff and I were dropped off at Brooke's house, he walked me to my car. He stared into my eyes. "I had a wonderful time, Alexis. I would really like to get to know you better. Will you allow me the pleasure of taking you out for dinner tomorrow?"

  My heart sped up. "I'd love that."

  "Perfect," he said. "I'll call you tomorrow to work out the details." He opened my door, and I climbed in for the short drive home.


  My dreams were of being a princess in a faraway castle. It felt like I was experiencing them as a small child, but at the same time as if I was observing the scenes as my current self.

  I found myself in the middle of a flower garden, on one side of an immense castle. I ran through the dirt, chasing a boy who was about nine or ten. He was significantly taller than me, so I must have been pretty young.

  His clothes were fairly modern, given that we were at a castle. I would've expected different attire. I was wearing a dress that was also more current than I would have expected.

  The boy turned around and looked at me…with the same eyes that I'd been staring at all evening at the dance.

  He grinned wide. "Marguerite, now it's my turn to chase you."


  I giggled, sounding like a toddler, and turned around. I ran in the other direction taking paths along the enormous garden. I looked back to see that he was close behind. Those were eyes that loved me deeply.

  As I tired of running, I dove into a pile of leaves. He jumped in next to me. He piled them over me. I shrieked and threw some at him.

  I heard adult voices not too far away.

  "He would go to the ends of the earth for her."

  "She's devoted to him. Already, everything she does is for him."

  "They're going to lead with a strength that hasn't been seen in thousands of years."

  "They are exactly what our kingdom needs."

  "I hope that they're able to bring peace."

  "According to the prophecies, that's exactly what will happen. It looks like Clifford and Marguerite will be the ones."

  I turned to the boy. "What are the grownups talking about?"

  He jumped up and held an invisible sword. "Someday we're going to fight battles and beat all the bad guys. Pow!"

  "Really? How are we going to do that?"

  "We'll spend years training and we'll develop our special powers." He swung his invisible sword at imaginary people all around him.

  "What are our special powers?"

  "Nobody knows yet," he told me. "The powers will start coming out when—"

  "Children! Time to come inside."

  "Oh," I complained. I got up from the pile of leaves anyway. The beautiful, brown-eyed boy and I walked out of the garden to where the adults were. They were beyond gorgeous.

  "Alexis. Alexis!" My sister's voice pulled me from the beautiful castle scene.

  "Go away." I pulled the covers over my head.

  "Alexis. You have to wake up—I think Hailey did something to your car."

  I forced myself out of bed and looked out the window. Something was all over my car, but I couldn't tell from so far away. "What's

  "Let's go down so you can see for yourself," Natalie said.

  As we were about to leave my room, I stopped in my tracks. My homecoming dress had the exact pattern as the dress in the dream. The dress itself was completely different, but the pattern was identical.

  "What's wrong?" Natalie asked.

  I shook my head. "Nothing. Let's see the damage to my car."

  Dried raw eggs and shaving cream covered my car. It would take several washings to get it clean.

  "Can you believe her?" Natalie exclaimed. "She has some nerve. We've got to get back at her. Maybe we could TP her house or stuff something gross in her locker."

  "I have something better in mind."

  Her eyes lit up. "What?"

  "It'll be good. But first I need to figure out how I'm going to clean this car."

  "I'm sure Dad has some good cleaners in the garage."

  "Right," I said. "Hey Natalie, can I borrow an outfit tonight? Cliff's taking me out for dinner."

  "He is?" she squealed. "I have the perfect outfit. I can help you with your makeup and hair if you want."

  "That would be perfect." I headed for the garage to get supplies to clean my car.

  After I finally finished, I was sore from the combination of dancing the night before and washing the gunk off my car. I decided to go lay down for a while before studying.

  I fell back to sleep and found myself back at the castle. This time it was night, and I was lying in a luxurious bed. I'd been awakened by some noise followed by hushed conversation. I pretended to be asleep.

  "We've got to be extremely careful. No mistakes."

  "I won't make any mistakes. Are you sure the people will be where you say?"

  "It's all set. Don't worry about my end of things."

  "What if she wakes up?"

  "She trusts me. It'll be flawless."

  There were some shuffling noises and then someone picked me up out of the bed. I didn't know what was going on, but I did know one of the people, and I trusted her. I was scared, but didn't say anything.

  Before I knew it, we were outside, and I could hear the sounds of the leaves rustling below and twigs snapping. I heard some animals in the distance and birds nearby.

  They sounded like crows.

  "How much longer?"

  "It won't be long. We're nearing the edge of the woods at this speed."


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