Quick Study

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Quick Study Page 29

by Maggie Barbieri

  I filed through my brain, trying to remember him. “Tall? Gangly? Just misses at handsome?”

  Kevin did a finger gun at me. “Bingo.” He looked around again, obviously afraid of being overheard. But “Wind Beneath My Wings” was reaching its crescendo and I could barely hear him, never mind the people standing at least five feet behind us. “He’s gone. His room’s cleaned out, and he didn’t let anyone know he was leaving. Dean Merrimack has no idea where he is or why he left.”

  Merrimack was the director of student housing and a general douche nozzle, a word I had heard one of my students using. I tried it out in my head and kind of liked the way it fit. “Well, I can’t imagine that RD is that fulfilling of a job. Maybe he got something else,” I said, not really caring what had happened to Wayne Brookwell or why he left so unceremoniously. “Maybe he got deployed?” I said. “Didn’t I see him in a uniform?”

  “Yes, as a limo driver,” Kevin said. “He had a side job driving executives to the airport.”

  “Are you even allowed to do that?” Maybe moonlighting could solve my problem of funding a vacation to France. I mulled over a second career as a barista until Kevin brought me back to the conversation by waving his hand in front of my face. I refocused. “What are they going to do about another RD? Once spring break is over, there’s only five weeks left for the semester.”

  Kevin shrugged. “I have no idea. I know that a couple of the guys who live in the dorm drive limos, too, to make extra money.” He looked around the room, taking in the styles of our colleagues and commenting on their dance moves. “I think this whole thing with Wayne is extremely suspicious,” he said pointedly after he had finished dance-hall reconnaissance, raising an eyebrow at me.

  I stared back at him. “Oh, no you don’t,” I said, finally seeing where he was going with this conversation. “My sleuthing days are over.”

  “But where did he go? Aren’t you the least bit interested?” he asked, working himself up to the point where he had to down his Diet Coke in one swallow to quench his thirst.

  “Couldn’t care less.” The only reason I knew who Wayne Brookwell was was that he bore a passing resemblance to my cousin Armand—quite the cheesemaker and cocksman according to my very proud, and very late mother—from Baie Ste. Paul in Quebec. Other than that, I wouldn’t have known him from Adam.

  Something over my shoulder caught Kevin’s eye and he sat up straight. “Pull yourself together. It’s Etheridge.”

  Mark Etheridge, in addition to bring the president of our college, is also not my biggest fan. He’s mezzo mezzo on Kevin because of Kevin’s lackadaisical attitude toward the pomp and circumstance of Catholicism but has a certain amount of respect for him because he’s a priest. Me, I’m just a nontenured professor who’s been involved in a few too many skirmishes with the law, mostly stemming from my being involved in a few too many murder investigations. See? Nothing serious. I felt Mark’s presence behind me and my back straightened instinctively, too.

  “Father. Dr. Bergeron,” he said by way of a greeting.

  I turned in my chair. “Hello, President Etheridge,” I said, trying my best to hide my disdain. What president of a school with a mere twelve hundred students insists on being called “President”? Mark Etheridge, that’s who. He and I have a tenuous relationship at best; at worst, we’re archenemies, just like in a comic book. I’m “Big Tall Girl” and he’s “Little Short Man” and we engage in mortal combat every so often. I still don’t have tenure and I’m betting he’s behind it because even though my direct boss, Sister Mary, isn’t really crazy about my off-hours pursuits—basically, murder investigations—she thinks I’m a good teacher. And not for nothing, but my doctoral dissertation was a masterpiece, if I do say so myself. That should count for something. But Etheridge doesn’t like the body count and I don’t like that he’s just not very nice to me. I remained seated so that I wouldn’t tower over him.

  “When you get a moment, Dr. Bergeron, I’d like to see you in my office,” he said, turning on his heel and walking away.

  I guessed that meant now.

  Kevin watched in wide-eyed amazement. “Wow. That was rude, even for Etheridge.” He pushed his chair back and stood. “You’d better go. Do you think this has to do with tenure?”

  I took one last sip of liquid courage—flat Diet Coke—and stood. “I doubt it.” I smoothed my skirt and headed across the dance floor. I called back to Kevin, “Wish me luck!”

  He crossed his fingers and held them in the air. “Good luck!”

  I didn’t realize just how badly I would need it.


  I followed close on Etheridge’s heels to his office in the Administration Building. When I got there, Sister Mary was there as was Dean Merrimack, for whom I had decided “douche nozzle” was way too kind a moniker. Etheridge waved generously toward the only open seat across from his desk. Sister Mary kept her eyes on her hands while Merrimack stared at me with his rat eyes as if I were a piece of cheese. I sat, placing myself as close as I could to the edge of the chair without falling off. This wasn’t about tenure and that was painfully obvious.

  “I guess you’re wondering why I asked you here on a Friday evening,” Etheridge said, his eyes glinting behind his Teddy Roosevelt–style horn rims. Out the window behind his head, I could see the bones of a new dorm taking shape.

  I stared back at him until it became obvious that I was going to remain silent.

  He harrumphed a bit and rearranged himself in his chair. “Well, as you may or may not know, Wayne Brookwell, the resident director at Siena dorm, has unceremoniously left his position.”

  I continued staring back at him, not sure why I was hearing about Wayne Brookwell not once, but twice, in the same evening. I could barely pick the guy out of a lineup but everyone seemed very concerned about his whereabouts. And I suspected that I should probably be more concerned about his disappearance, too.

  “And that, Dr. Bergeron, is where you come in,” Dean Merrimack said, close to orgasm in his chair.

  “Oh, my sleuthing days are over,” I said, as much to convince myself as to convince them.

  Etheridge gave me a withering look. “We’re not interested in your sleuthing skills, Alison.”

  I slid a little closer to the edge of my chair, close to tipping it over. “Then why am I here?”

  Etheridge looked down at the desk calendar that took up most of his desk and counted the number of weeks left in the semester. “We have five weeks left in the semester, Alison, and we need someone to take Resident Director Brookwell’s place until school ends.”

  I looked over at Sister Mary, who continued to stare at her hands. Her complexion flushed pink all the way up to the hairline of her sensible, gray permanent. Panic was starting to take hold and I felt a little short of breath. “No, I can’t . . . ,” I said, my voice wavering.

  “Yes you can. You must.” Etheridge pushed back from his desk. “So, that’s settled. Shall we go back to the party?”

  “No, we should not go back to the party!” I exclaimed, jumping up from my chair, surprising everyone. The force of my ejection sent the chair flying backward and everyone in the room regarded it with horror. “I have a life. I have a dog. My best friend is going through a horrible separation from her husband and living with me. I have a boyfriend,” I said, realizing too late how inane that sounded. “I cannot . . . ,” I said, grabbing the edge of Etheridge’s desk, “move into the Siena dorm.”

  Etheridge gave me a steely look. “You can. And you will.” He came out from behind his desk and stood before his floor-to-ceiling bookcases. I had once made Kevin a bet that the bookcases only housed decorative spines, and not real books. I suddenly had an urge to race over and pull one of the books down just to check, but I suspected that action wouldn’t be a big hit. “You can begin to move your things in this weekend.”

  “No, I can’t,” I said.

  Etheridge moved closer to me and the air got uncomfortably warm in the dark-pane
led room. I towered over him by a good four inches. “Dr. Bergeron, your tenure—or lack thereof—here has been marred by your ‘sleuthing’ as you call it,” he said, finger-quoting, “and the people who love this university are not pleased.” We were now just a few inches apart, close-talking to one another. “And by the university, I mean the board. And our donors. One dead body was one thing, but the untimely death of your former husband?” I heard Mary mutter a prayer under her breath for my murdered ex. “That was just too much, even though it had nothing to do with you. You spend too much time in pursuits other than those required of an academic. So being on campus full-time should allow you to focus entirely on St. Thomas, your courses, and your students.”

  “I love this university!” I protested. Just because a dead student had once been found in the trunk of my car and my ex-husband had been dismembered in my kitchen didn’t mean that I didn’t love St. Thomas. After all, I had graduated from here years before. They could question my judgment, but they couldn’t question my loyalty to the school. “And is anyone concerned about what happened to Wayne?” I asked, sounding way more familiar with him than I was.

  “We’re looking into his disappearance,” Merrimack replied.

  “I hope so,” I said. Still, he didn’t sound terribly concerned, which gave me pause. “Did you call the police?”

  Etheridge and Merrimack exchanged a look that could only be described as “fraught,” but with what, I had no idea.

  Etheridge started for the door, not answering my question. “As for your boyfriend?” he said, with a sneer. “Detective Crawford, I presume?” His hand was on the knob and Merrimack was right behind him. “He’ll just have to wait.”

  I ran over all of the options in my head and concluded that I didn’t have any. I decided to go with the path of least resistance with one minor caveat. “Fine. But the dog’s coming with me.” I straightened my spine and attempted to sound unyielding. I really didn’t have anything to bargain with but I hoped Etheridge had a heart.

  Merrimack decided to exert his influence at that moment. “We don’t allow animals on campus.”

  If that were the case, I thought, you’d be out of a job, Rat Boy. I wisely kept my mouth shut and appealed to Etheridge. “Listen, she’s a wonderful animal and very docile. I can’t leave her at the house.”

  Etheridge considered this and decided to confine his cruelty merely to making me move in. “The dog can come.”

  I heard Mary let out a sigh of relief, for what I wasn’t sure. I hadn’t pegged her as a dog lover, but you never know. I also knew that she wasn’t mute, though she had done nothing to disprove that during this meeting.

  Etheridge opened the door and gestured that I should leave. He smiled as I walked past him and into his secretary’s area, vacant at this time of day. “I think this will work out very nicely. Consider it extra credit.” He chuckled. “Dean Merrimack will give you the Code of Conduct folder and all of the other necessary information you’ll need to execute your tasks. We’ll expect you to be ensconced in your suite by Monday morning, latest.”

  “Code of Conduct?” I asked.

  Merrimack rubbed his rat hands together. “Yes. For instance, coeducational visitation ends at eleven P.M.”

  My heart sank. That was going to put a serious crimp in my relationship with Crawford.

  “And we’re, of course, a dry campus.”

  I already knew that, obviously, and I didn’t want to hear anything else. I did know that I was going to go home and mainline Ketel One like an addict on their way to rehab. I looked impassively at Merrimack and held out my hands. “Keys, please?”

  He dropped an ancient-looking set of keys into my palm. “The black key is the front door and the other key is to your suite. The one with the red dot on it is the school master key. It is imperative that you do not lose that one especially.”

  Got it, chief. Don’t lose the master key. It was a wonder they paid me a salary, so handicapped did they consider me. I knew that “suite” was probably a very misleading term to describe my new accommodations, so I didn’t get my hopes up. I had seen one of the resident director’s quarters once, twenty years earlier when I was a student. I was sure things hadn’t changed dramatically since that time.

  I walked out into the hallway outside of Etheridge’s office cursing a blue streak in my head. I stopped by my office and picked up my bag, papers spilling out and reminding me that my spring break was supposed to have been spent grading. But now I was moving, and with the lack of grading I had done, I was up the creek.

  Before I left my office, I clicked on the school intranet and looked up Wayne Brookwell. There was a picture and a bio. He was exactly who I thought he was—skinny, with a square jaw and eyes just a little too closely set. His mouth hung open slightly in the picture, giving me the impression that he was an habitual mouth breather. Just missed at being handsome, as I had reported to Kevin. He was the guy I would have dated in college, while Max, my best friend, would have dated his dumber, yet much better looking, roommate. I read his bio: “Wayne Brook-well graduated from Syracuse University with a degree in art history,” I read. That degree made him perfectly suited to a life as a resident director because, God knows, without a master’s degree, he wasn’t getting a job anywhere outside of the souvenir shop at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. No offense to art history majors. The bio was brief, but to the point. It said that Wayne was twenty-six but didn’t make any mention of his moonlighting career as a limousine driver. I stared at his picture. “We’ve never met, Mr. Brookwell, but you’ve ruined my life. I hope you’re happy.”

  He stared back at me, in all of his slack-jawed awesomeness.

  “Where did you go, Wayne?” I asked, staring at the picture for a few more minutes. When Wayne didn’t answer, I printed out his picture and folded it up so that it would fit in the front of my briefcase. I turned off the computer and headed home to give the news to my new roommate, Max, that I was moving out for several weeks.

  And to let my dog, Trixie, know that we had a new home.

  And to let Crawford know that his level of sexual frustration—at a fever pitch since I had inherited Max as a roommate—was about to increase tenfold.

  Table of Contents






  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine



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