Angels in Seashore Cove (Love and Laugh in Seashore Cove Book 2)

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Angels in Seashore Cove (Love and Laugh in Seashore Cove Book 2) Page 26

by Maggie Van Well

  “Sweetie, what it is?”

  “I just want to go Home.” And she did. She wanted to leave before she saw the hatred in his eyes when he remembered she was the reason he’d died so young. “I’m not used to feeling sorrow anymore. Seeing my sister and now seeing their pain…you may find this silly, but I’ve truly grown to love them.”

  “Not so silly. I love them too.” He rested her chin on her shoulder. “It’s hard to watch them suffer. I’m just glad we’re going Home soon.”

  Angie nodded, hoping he was right. Being here on Earth opened old wounds better left forgotten.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “THANK YOU SO MUCH for dinner. It was wonderful.” Dianna sat in Kate’s car Wednesday night, completely stuffed. Her new strapless white sundress hugged her a little tighter than when she’d put it on earlier, but the amazing meal they’d just had made the discomfort worth it.

  She was very proud of herself for not breaking down when Kate’s surprise dinner turned out to be at Tawdry’s Steakhouse. The same restaurant Sean had taken her to the last night he’d tried to seduce her.

  God, was that only two weeks ago?

  “It is nice to be treated every once in a while, isn’t it?”

  “Indeed. Next time my treat.”

  “No way. You treated me enough before I married Jake, and didn’t have two dimes to rub together. Let me have this.”

  “Fair enough. It’s yours.”

  Kate pulled into her driveway, and Dianna climbed from her car. She met her friend halfway with a big hug.

  “You sure you don’t want to come in for a drink?” Kate checked her watch. “It’s still early and I’m sure Jake won’t mind.”

  “Of course not, he’ll probably hide in Drew’s room anyway.”

  Kate laughed. “Have a good night, hon.”

  Dianna blew a kiss and headed across the street to her dark lonely house.

  Was she too fast to turn down Matt when he asked to see her this weekend? He was a nice guy, whom she really liked, but he deserved better than a woman pining for another man.

  One day her heart would heal, and maybe she could move on.

  With that hopeful thought in her heart, Dianna pushed her door open and hit the lights.

  Then her knees nearly gave out beneath her.

  Sean sat on her sofa, looking cool and dangerous in a shiny blue pair of shorts and matching T-shirt.

  “Sean, what the hell! Why are you sitting in the dark? Where’s your car?”

  “My car is at home, and I’m sitting in the dark because I didn’t want Kate or one of the boys calling the cops because your lights were on.”

  She tossed her purse onto the side chair. “How considerate of you.”

  “Hot date tonight?” He jumped up, but remained by the couch. His smile didn’t appear forced, but damned if that question didn’t sound like an accusation.

  “Sure if you consider Kate a hot date.”

  “Do you always dress like that to go out with one of your girlfriends?” Again with the accusatory tone.

  Dianna glared. “What is your problem?”

  In seconds he was in front of her. “I told you I wanted to talk to you. That was three days ago. You didn’t return my texts.”

  “I was mad. You brought Trudy to our party.”

  “You jumped into Dean’s arms mere hours after you were in mine.”

  “You walked out on me!”

  “You didn’t seem to care!”

  She punched his arm.

  “Ow! Holy fucking shit, Dianna!” He paced the room, rubbing his bicep.

  “Are you really that stupid? You left me to play basketball—basketball—and you think I could just brush that off?”

  Sean lowered his head. “I told you I was sorry for that.”

  “Yes, you offered an apology, what you didn’t offer was the reason why.”

  He stopped pacing, and finally met her eye. “I was scared.”

  Folding her arms tightly against her chest, she shot him a dubious glare. “You were scared. Of what?”

  “Hurting you.”

  “Well congratulations, you hurt me anyway.”

  “I know!” He turned away, shoving his fingers through his hair. He pulled in a deep breath and faced her again. “What would’ve been accomplished if I’d stayed?”

  Dianna fought the trembling in her chin, her eyes blurring, but she refused to break contact. “I wouldn’t have felt like I lost my best friend.”

  His face grew pained and he looked down.

  “I hoped we—” No, what’s done is done. They couldn’t go back. “You know what? I’m tired and we’re talking in circles. Call me tomorrow or something.”

  Defiantly Dianna walked to the door. Twisting the knob, she jerked it open, only to have it yanked from her grip and slammed shut again.

  Dianna gasped as Sean held the door closed with one hand and placed the other against her abdomen, yanking her back against his chest.

  His lips, inches from her ear, caused her flesh to erupt into goosebumps. "Hoped what?"

  Closing her eyes, she scolded herself for allowing him this power over her, but, God, no other man’s touch could make her body spring to life like his could.

  “I’d hoped we’d be even closer.”

  He lowered his lips to the nape of her neck and kissed the delicate skin. “We can still make that happen.”

  Dianna didn’t know what that meant, but at that moment, she didn’t care. She just wanted to feel like she had the night they were together, even if it were just one more time.

  She’d face the fallout later.


  Laying her head back against his shoulder, she reached her arms up to caress his cheek.

  Sean took her move as an invitation to continue. A small voice inside his head was screaming at him to leave, that doing this again would be a recipe for disaster. He didn’t listen. Instead, he obeyed the part of him that rejoiced in having this woman in his arms. Consequences be damned.

  Hooking his thumbs into the top of her dress, he slowly lowered it, giving her every opportunity to bring an end to this insanity.

  She didn’t. Instead, she thrust out her chest, allowing her breasts to leap from the confining material, into his waiting hands. He gently rolled her nipples between his fingers and she let out a tiny moan.

  God, he loved the sounds she made when he pleased her.

  That wild, out-of-control feeling, he’d experienced the first time they were together, returned with full force. But this time he didn’t fight it. He hopped aboard that wave and road along with it.

  His breathing grew erratic as his caresses grew more aggressive. He massaged her breasts more firmly, pinched her nipples a little harder.

  In response, Dianna pushed her ass against his groin, grinding his solid erection.

  Releasing one of her breasts, he found the hem of her dress, pushing it up over the edge of her panties and slipped his hand inside. He was amazed at the moisture there as he found the spot that would send her flying.

  She let out a cry, rocking her hips in rhythm with his fingers.

  His body trembled to the point of violence as he pushed her panties down her long legs and she kicked them aside. He then brought his lips back to her ear. “I’ve never felt this way with a woman before, Princess."

  With that, she spun around, her lips already parted as her mouth sought his. Her lips were warm and soft, in contrast to her eager tongue.

  In a flash she did away with his shorts and briefs allowing her hand access to his dick, which she gripped and stroked with wild abandon.

  “I want you now,” she said against his lips.

  Sean grabbed her bottom and lifted her off her feet. “Are you still taking those pills?”

  She nodded.

  The back of his brain nudged him to ask her why, but he ignored it, not willing to give up this intense feeling; a combination of powerful sexual arousal coupled with an intimate connection he’d
never had with anyone else.

  He wasn’t going to let that go.

  Sean carried her over to the edge of the sofa and was inside her before her ass hit the arm.

  Nothing was slow or gentle this time. He held her close, not wanting her to fall back. She latched her legs around his waist and met his every thrust with equal ferocity.

  Dianna locked eyes with him, gripping onto his neck. Her moans of pleasure becoming more and more frequent until her body tensed and then exploded in orgasm. Just seeing the beauty on her face was enough to make him follow her lead.

  It was hard, it was fast, and it was over a lot sooner than he’d wanted. But the intensity was just as powerful as the last time.

  Sean’s legs trembled from the force of his release, but he didn’t want to ever let her go. He locked his knees, hoping that would be enough to keep him upright.

  But Dianna chose that moment to unwrap her body from his. Without a word, she walked out of the room. A few moments later, he heard the bathroom door click closed.

  That couldn’t be a good sign.

  Standing straight, Sean reached for his discarded shorts and yanked them on, wishing she would hurry up and come back.

  Or take her time and stay away.

  He couldn’t decide which one he wanted more.

  Sean walked over to her front window, staring out into the moonlight night, but he didn’t see any of it. His thoughts made sure of that.

  They’d just had a repeat of the earthshaking sex they’d shared two weeks ago, but now what? He had nothing to offer her, not that she’d ever asked. Why should she? She knew him better than anyone. He would eventually move on. No woman should rely on him.

  Not even Dianna.

  “Isn’t this the part where you’re supposed to sneak out?”

  He flinched from Dianna’s caustic remark, and what hurt worse was he deserved it.

  “That’ll never happen again.”

  “You’re right. It won’t.” She came up behind him, but he could see in the reflection of the window she still kept her distance. “So now what?” The acid was gone from her voice, but that didn’t make her question any easier to answer.

  “I don’t know.” And that drove him crazy. He knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to take her in his arms and never let her go. But he’d felt that way before.

  And he’d always let go.

  “Then I guess you should leave.”

  That statement hung between them, piling onto the tension in the room. Sean closed his eyes, surprised at how much they stung.

  “Please, don’t make me leave. I just want to hold you.” His eyes sprung open when he realized he said those words out loud. The torment in his voice made him grimace, but he couldn’t take them back.

  He turned to face her, and the look on her face was what he’d expected: angst mixed with shock.

  Sean moved toward her. “I don’t know what the future holds, or how this will end.” He stopped in front of her and caressed her cheek. “But for right now, tonight, I want my best friend back."

  Her features softened, and her eyes welled. Reaching up, she traced his lips with her fingertip. He held his breath, waiting for her response, praying he could handle any rejection like a man.

  Then she replaced her fingertip with her lips.

  That’s all the invitation he needed to sweep her into his arms, knowing he would again make love to her before the first light dawned.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  DIANNA WATCHED the sun come up the next morning. She’d tried to sleep. Goodness knows she needed it. Sean had reached for her so many times last night she’d lost count.

  She checked to make sure he was sleeping before getting out of bed, grabbing her robe and then heading for her office.

  The room was still dim, the morning sun not yet reaching this part of the house, but she didn’t need the light. She knew exactly what she was looking for and where to find it.

  Opening the top drawer, she eased out a manila folder that had PARIS printed across the middle in big black letters.

  She flipped up the top and reached for the contents inside. Brochures, magazine clippings, hotel reviews, and sightseeing tours sat amongst a list of schools, and a breakdown of costs.

  She caressed the color flyer with a beautiful view from the Eiffel Tower on the cover. Paris had been calling her for a while. It was time she answered.

  “What are you doing?” came a voice from behind her.

  Dianna quickly replaced the papers, wondering how long Sean had been standing there.


  He stepped further into the room, wearing only his shorts. “About Paris?”

  Okay, so he’d been there a while. “Yes. It’s time.”

  He nodded, but the room was still too dim for her to get a good read on his reaction to her news. There was silence for a few seconds and she held her breath, hoping and praying she could go through with this.

  “So you’re leaving me,” he stated, his voice steady.

  “Not necessarily.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Dianna stood and took a deep breath. Vicky had been right all along. She did love Sean, always had, even if she didn’t want to admit it to herself. She needed to send a box of Godiva and Starbucks gift card to her friend, but right now, she needed to put her heart on the line. “Come with me.”

  “To Paris?” She was close enough to see the shock on his face.

  She grabbed his hand in hers, anxious now for him to understand, to take her offer seriously. “Valarie and Hal are more than capable of running the pub during the off-season. Tucker could keep an eye on them. We could do this, Sean.”

  “To what end, Dianna?”

  “To the very end, hopefully.” With a gulp, she carried on. “I’m in love with you. This could be our new beginning.”

  Sean grabbed her face in his hands, his breath hard and fast as his eyes bored into hers. “You love me?”

  “Yes. We can make this work, Sean. Please tell me you feel the same way.”

  She held her breath. He dropped his hands and turned away, shaking his head. “It’ll never work. I’m not a forever kind of guy.”

  “You will be with me.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because I know you. I have faith in you. You will never hurt me.”

  “I already have!”

  “Because you were scared.”

  “I’m scared now.”

  “But this time we can get through it. Together.”

  Sean kept his back to her. “I should go.”

  He whispered the words so softly she almost didn’t hear him. “So you’re not in love with me then? Is that why you’re turning me down?”

  “No, it’s because I’m in love with you that I’m turning you down.”

  Dianna sank into her office chair, staring at the manila envelope. “So that’s your final answer?”

  “It has to be.”

  Funny how you can feel so much one minute and then nothing at all. “Then, yes, you should go.”

  “Would you prefer I not go upstate next week?”

  Yes, she wanted to scream, but what good would it do? Just have people ask questions she wasn’t ready to answer. “Don’t be silly. It’s your family’s house.”

  He turned to go, or at least she thought he did. It was hard to tell while staring at the floor. But he stopped just as he stepped out of her peripheral vision. “Do you think we can still be friends?”

  Dianna didn’t look at him. She couldn’t. “Maybe one day.”

  She sat there as Sean left the room. She remained still as he gathered his things. Barely flinched when the front door quietly closed.

  She stayed there until she had no more tears to shed.

  Okay, she’d had her mental breakdown. She needed to get away, needed to focus. She hadn’t booked any cakes or dessert the second week in October, knowing she would be preparing to close up shop for a few weeks. October was
a slow month anyway, save for a few Halloween parties, but they usually happened at the end of the month. She could create her cartoons anywhere.

  So what was stopping her from leaving now?

  Dianna hurried to her room and grabbed her cell. She had to do this. She bit her thumbnail as she waited for the call to connect.

  “Hey, Ellen, how much would you love me if I went upstate a few days early and set up the house for visitors?”


  Angie sat in her comfy recliner and stared at the gray clouds hovering in her living room, completely numb. For once, she wished they hadn’t shoved the evil wicker chair into the spare bedroom. At least the discomfort it caused would make her feel something. “It’s all over.”

  Jack came up behind her and kissed the top of her head. “We knew that was a possibility. We can’t force them together.”

  “I just wanted at least one happy ending before we went Home.”

  “What other one were you looking for?”

  It was in the tip of her tongue to shout out, “Us!” but she kept it to herself. That was never meant to be either. All it took was one kiss to bring her memories crashing back to her. What if telling Jack she was in love with him, and always had been, was shock enough to bring back his? He would know she caused his death. She’d rather go back to Heaven without ever revealing the truth than have him go through that.

  For now, she was going to take what she could get.

  Rising from the chair, she reached for Jack, who immediately pulled her into his arms. Being held by him was bittersweet. The feeling of belonging to him was the only joy she’d found on Earth, but it made her sad to think of what she’d missed out on in life because she never told him how much he meant to her.

  At least in Heaven, it would no longer matter. But she would give anything to get a second chance to be with him here.

  He rubbed her back. “We know Adriel, and even Jude, are watching over them. They’ll be okay.”

  “But I don’t want them to be okay. I want them to be wonderful.”


  Dianna dropped her suitcase right inside the front door of the large log home in the Catskills, and rushed around opening windows to air it out. Every fall, Sean’s parents hosted an Autumn Colors getaway during the best week to view the vibrant leaves of the mountains. The gorgeous reds, gold, oranges, and yellows mixed together to make for a stunning display.


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