For the King

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For the King Page 2

by Jenika Snow

  The plunging neckline started at the end of my breastbone, jewels that were priceless snaking up and around my neck. Victor had picked it out, something he said he’d envisioned me in a dozen different times. I couldn’t help how my entire body became warm; no doubt a blush was stealing over me. There were a few people behind me fluffing up the train, one beside me fixing my hair, and another on the other side of me adding more lipstick. I was being pampered and prepped and I felt so out of place.

  And then the double doors were opened and I stood there staring down the long, ornate hallway, King Victor waiting for me at the end. Rows of bodies filled the pews, and the balcony above, curling around the entire room, was the same. People I didn’t know, aristocrats and even royalty, watched me, a commoner.

  I could see my mother sitting in the front pew, but as soon as I entered the room she stood, as well as everyone else. The music started playing but my heart was beating far too loud and I couldn’t hear anything else.

  Taking a deep breath, I walked toward Victor, everything in me strung tight. This was really my life, my reality. I was about to marry a king, become his queen, the ruler amongst the people I’d walked side-by-side with my entire life.

  And before I knew what was happening I was standing at the front of the altar, looking into King Victor‘s eyes, knowing this moment would change my life forever. I glanced over at my mother and I actually saw happiness on her face. Could she see how this moment affected me, how this wasn’t just an arrangement?

  I supposed essentially it was, a proposition made to me by my king. But I cared about him, more than I probably should have given the fact I hadn’t thought I’d ever be in his life.

  How things had changed.

  As the officiate started the ceremony everything around me turned into a blur. Victor had my hands in his, and the feeling of his thumb moving along the back of my wrist was strangely calming and intimate. Amongst these hundreds of people I felt like it just him and me sharing this moment.

  He took a step closer to me and I inhaled the masculine scent of his cologne. Or maybe it was just his natural aroma, one that had me instantly wet and needy. A part of me couldn’t believe I was actually going through with this, agreeing to be his and only his. But another part, one that was far stronger, kept telling me this was right.

  It felt like perfection and I was right in the middle of it.

  And so here I was, about to become the queen.

  * * *

  King Victor

  She was mine officially.

  I didn’t wait to be “allowed” to kiss my bride. I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers, claiming her in front of the audience, letting them all know that Willow was mine and mine alone.

  There was nobody else around despite the roomful of people. With Willow right in front of me, the scent of her perfume filling my head, making me drunk, I knew I’d made the right choice. Never had a woman affected me the way she did. And as soon as I’d seen her, those flowers surrounding her, that smile on her face, no other woman compared.

  She was all I thought about, all I wanted. And I made it my mission to convince her to be mine, to make her see that we were meant to be together. But even though I’d thought I’d have a fight on my hands with her, trying to make her see she belonged with me, I’d seen her desire in her gaze. She stared at me, not able to hide her pleasure, her need for me. It was then that I knew she’d give in, that she’d cave and say she was mine.

  Maybe it would take her time to love me, but for Willow I had all of the time in the world.

  I pulled back, wanting to kiss her for long hours, to just say fuck it and do it anyway, but I knew this was all new to her. I didn’t want her to be uncomfortable and with the pink staining her cheeks I could see that she was unsure of everything.

  The music still played softly, the people silent as they waited for my next move. But my next move was standing here staring at my new bride, at the woman that I’d already fallen head over heels for.

  I took her hand in mine and turned toward the guests. They stood and showed their pleasure from the ceremony with smiles and clapping hands. I led my wife down the aisle and up a set of stairs. Then we were standing on a balcony, staring down at the crowd gathered below.

  The cheers were deafening and I turned and looked at Willow. She faced me, her head tipped back and her eyes wide.

  “What now?” she asked softly, and even though the roar of our people below was maddening, she’s all I heard.

  “Now we start out lives together, My Queen.” And then I kissed her in front of everyone, making it known, officially, that she mine.

  Chapter 4


  The wedding night

  He didn’t say anything, just leaned down and captured my mouth with his. A gasp left me at the feel of his powerful kiss, of his strong lips on mine, stroking, taking what he wanted.

  And he was definitely taking what he wanted.

  His kiss was hard, demanding. When his hands landed on each side of my face, tilting my head to the side, controlling me so that I was helpless against him, I let myself melt even further against him. I gave myself over completely. I didn’t care about anything at this moment except letting King Victor have me. He was the one with the power, with the control.

  Victor was every kind of bad for me, ruthless and powerful, influential and my king. But at this moment all I could think about was how his mouth on mine was doing wicked things to my body, making me feel lost, submissive.

  He pushed me back and pressed his chest against mine, sandwiching me against the wall. Victor grabbed my hips, his big hands making me feel small, petite and feminine. He slid his hands down my hips toward my back, and over the base of my spine. Then he cupped my ass. For a second he just held the globes, but then he let out this low groan against my mouth, curled his fingers against my flesh and had me needy for more.

  He was forceful with his actions and I assumed this was how he always was, how he got what he wanted. Victor stroked his tongue along mine, took possession of me in ways I never imagined. I was so wet, my panties soaked clean through from my arousal.

  And then he was moving his hands down to grip my skirt, the material rising up my legs. The wedding “dress” I wore was made up of two sections. The skirt and train were encrusted with jewels, emeralds and sapphires that sparkled under the lighting. The top was lace with the same jewel detailing along the bust line. It was heavy, expensive. It didn’t feel like something I would ever see myself wearing.

  But I was no longer the flower shop keeper. I was the queen.

  I didn’t stop him, didn’t even want to. I wanted to be naked, to give myself over fully to him.

  He groaned hard against my mouth, his long, thick, and huge cock digging into my belly. It was like something snapped in him, something making this controlled man break and become an animal. He was moaning, his actions more frantic, feral. He couldn’t control himself with me and I loved it, needed it.

  “You like my hands on you, don’t you?” I couldn’t answer, couldn’t even think straight. “Tell me. Tell me all the dirty fucking things you want me to do to you.”

  I found myself nodding because I couldn’t answer, couldn’t form words.

  “Tell me. Admit that you want this, Willow. Admit you want your king to break in this little virgin pussy, pop your pretty little cherry and make you mine.”

  Saying what he wanted would only give King Victor more power. But maybe that’s what I wanted? Maybe fully giving myself to this man was exactly what I needed. I’d been in control for so long, making sure everything was in place, that being with Victor meant I didn’t have to do any of that but let him control the situation.

  “Tell me,” he demanded, his voice hard, unyielding. He grabbed onto my ass even harder, making me gasp out from the pain he caused. But the pleasure that followed was surprising, welcomed.

  “You like getting what you want, don’t you?” God, was I really saying this to the king?
He could have me killed for much less. But he didn’t say anything, just smirked and pressed his cock against my belly.

  “Fight it. It only turns me on more.”

  Before I knew what was happening he had my skirt all but torn off of me and curled his hand over the mound of my ass. He grabbed the edge of my panties, pulling the material taut until it gave way and was free from my body.

  Victor brought the tattered material to his nose and inhaled deeply, right over the saturated part that had been touching my pussy. This low, animal-like sound came from him.

  “Fight all you want … you’re mine.”

  Chapter 5

  King Victor

  I inhaled her panties again, that sweet scent of her pussy making my cock jerk in response. I was going to tear up her pretty virgin cunt, make it mine. She’d take all of my cock as I filled her womb with my seed, putting my heir deep inside of her, making sure she was linked to me forever.

  Placing my hand between her thighs again—right over her now bared pussy—I added pressure. “Your cunt tells me you like what I’m doing, that even if you’re trying to be strong you know that I’m the only one who can give you what you need,” I growled out low. “You’re fucking soaked and it’s all because of me.”

  I held up my hand, my fingers glistening from her wetness. “Open for me, Willow.” She widened her eyes but did as I said. I slipped my fingers into her mouth, made her taste herself.

  “Lick them clean.”

  She ran her tongue along the digits, sucking the cream off of them, and couldn’t help but make a small noise in the back of her throat.

  “You like it, don’t you?” I said low, wanting to hear her say the words. I removed them from her mouth, took a half a step back, and dropped to my haunches in front of her, her pussy on display, my face right there, seeing it all.

  “Fuck, I like that your cunt is mine now, that no one will ever fucking taste you, know how tight you are, how wet and pink you are when you’re turned on.”

  I blew a warm breath on her pussy. I lifted my hands and framed her cunt, and pulled her lips apart with my thumbs. My groan was deep and filled with an arousal that no doubt matched hers.

  “Spread your legs for me, Willow. I’m going to lick and suck at this little pussy until you come all over my face.”

  She did as I ordered and I gripped the back of her knee and brought it over my shoulder, having her pussy spread obscenely wide. And then I had my mouth on her cleft, my tongue parting her folds as I ate her out almost violently.

  I had one hand back on her ass, keeping her pressed to my mouth as I did exactly what I wanted with her. Squeezing the fleshy mound, I groaned against her soaked pussy at the same time I dipped my tongue into her body. Fucking her with my tongue and lips, I gently scraped my teeth along her flesh.

  I lifted the hand that I had on the back of her knee and moved it between her thighs. As soon as my thumb touched her clit she came for me.

  “That’s it,” I said against her swollen flesh as I continued to eat her out.

  A low cry left her and she speared her hands in my hair and ground her pussy into my face.

  “Fuck,” I groaned.

  I gave her pussy one last long lick, like I was sucking on a lollipop, making sure I got all of her flavor, and then I stood. I grabbed her ass again and pulled her forward, letting her feel the hard length of my erection pressed into her belly.

  I pressed my lips against hers again, ran my tongue along the seam before plunging into her mouth. She no doubt tasted herself on my tongue. She moaned in my mouth and wrapped her arms around my neck. She wasn’t able to stop this.

  I broke the kiss and leaned back to stare at her. “I need you, My Queen. I really fucking need you.” I reached down and palmed myself again, an obscene gesture, but one I couldn’t stop.

  “Victor,” she whispered.

  I was hard as a fucking steel pipe. “You want me to fuck you? You want my big cock plowing into you, making you mine?”

  She didn’t answer me and it made me desire her more. “Say it, Willow. Tell me.”

  “Yes.” She said that one word with wide eyes and a breathy tone. I smoothed my hand over her bottom lip and she closed her eyes. It was only when I reached down to unzip my slacks that she opened them again.

  I rubbed myself through my slacks for several long seconds, just watching her, not moving or speaking. But then I pulled my cock out. She lowered her gaze to the monster I unleashed, the massive erection that was long and thick, no doubt the biggest damn cock she’d ever seen. The slit was wet with pre-cum, ready for her to lick it off.

  “I want you on your knees.” My command was rough and left no room for argument. She knew I’d stretch her so good, so much that it would hurt, but only in the best kind of way. “Don’t think, just do as I say.”

  I was addicted to her.

  She dropped to her knees. The thick jut of my cock was right in her face, the slick tip begging to be sucked, to be cleaned off. She tilted her head back and looked up at me.

  “Go on,” I ordered, urged her.

  I could see her whole body become tense. I ran my fingers along the edge of her face, tracing her cheekbones, her chin, and moving lower so I could gently pull her bottom lip down, opening her mouth. I slipped my thumb inside.

  She thought she was wrong for me, not good enough. I’d show her that to me she was the world, the only one I wanted. … the only one I’d ever have.

  I took myself in hand again, stroked my cock from root to tip, and then brought the head to her mouth. “You want my dick, don’t you?”

  She nodded, not daring to defy me even if she did hold so much fucking power over me.

  “You want to suck me off until I fill your mouth with my cum? You want me to make you gag because my thick cock is shoved in your mouth?”

  Damn, I was a filthy fucking bastard.

  The tip brushed against her lips, and I made her open up wide without saying a single word. She had her eyes closed and got ready to suck my dick like my queen.

  She used gentle pressure at first, dragging her teeth along my length on the upstroke, and then used a hard suction on the down stroke. For a virgin she knew how to drive me insane with need.

  Willow used her tongue to tease the crowned head, then moved back down the thick vein that ran on the underside. I groaned and gripped her hair as I steadied her, starting to thrust in and out of her mouth. My actions must have spurred her on because she started moving her head up and down like she wanted my cum down her throat.

  I might have had her on her knees, submitting before me, but at this moment, with my cock in her mouth, Willow held the power.

  I tangled my hand in her hair, keeping her head immobilized as I slowly thrust my hips in and out, shoving my dick into her mouth. “God, so fucking good, baby.” She lifted her eyes, her mouth still wrapped around my dick.

  I was completely focused on her mouth, at the way her lips were stretched wide around me, at how fucking sexy that looked. I tightened my hand in her hair to the point I knew she probably felt pain, but her moan told me she liked it regardless. I knew she was the right one for me, a perfect half to make me whole. And when she hummed around my cock I sucked in a stuttering breath.

  “That’s it, Willow. Suck my cock. Take all of it in until it hits the back of that pretty throat of yours.” I groaned after I said that, feeling the suction of her hot, wet mouth increase, then feeling the resistance of the back of her throat at my shaft head. My balls rested against her chin, my cum threating to shoot out of my cock and fill her mouth. But no, I wanted to do that in her pussy.

  Forcing myself to take a step back was hard as fuck, but this wouldn’t be how I got off. Neither of us moved for several seconds. I was still a fucking fiend for her and would have her no matter what, in any way I saw fit, and would show her that the king owned her.

  I helped her to stand, pulling her into an embrace and kissing her hard. I pulled back only long enough to say again
st her lips, “I need to have you in my bed, under me, your tight little cunt gripping my cock.”

  She stared at me, knowing I spoke the truth by the way she looked at me, her eyes wide, her need clear. “Say it.” She was silent. “Say it, Willow.”

  “I’ll be owned by the king.”

  Chapter 6


  “I want you lying in the center of the bed and naked for me. I want you spread for me, showing your king exactly who owns this body … who owns you,” Victor said with a commanding voice. I was standing by the door, my hands flat on it, my body on fire. “Now strip for me. Fully.”

  I didn’t bother trying to fight this, not just because I didn’t want to, but because Victor was ruthless when he wanted something, and what he wanted was me.

  I had sweat dotting the valley between my breasts and was so aroused I was shaking with nervousness and anticipation.

  He was still fully dressed, which only made me feel even more exposed. He was just so big, at least a foot taller than my own five-foot-four frame. Being in the king’s presence was intimating, but knowing I was now married to this imposing beast of a man had other feelings consuming me.

  I started to breathe harder the longer I stared at him. He met my gaze with a dark, penetrating one. The lights were dimmed in the room, but I could see him well, could see every part of him. He proceeded to remove his clothing, his ornately tailored outfit from our wedding coming off in pieces to reveal his large, muscular body.

  He started taking off more of his clothing, all the while never taking his focus off of me. He went for his slacks next, unbuttoning them, pushing the zipper down, but he didn’t take them off right away. I was transfixed at watching him undress, getting more turned on by the second.


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