Spirit Sorceress: Spirit Sorceress: Book 1

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Spirit Sorceress: Spirit Sorceress: Book 1 Page 14

by D. L. Harrison

  I offered, “Let me know if you want a drink.”

  Ted growled from across the room, “We don’t drink on the job.”

  I nodded, “Right, but I meant soda, or water. We have cola, seven up, or the clear stuff. Is it just you guys?”

  Jared replied, “Thanks, we’ll let you know. And no, we got a couple more coming with the bar piece and the front window glass.”

  Jared grunted, and then he and Bob pulled up on the bar piece pulling it free. Was it getting hot in here? My gaze wandered to his neck, and my fangs dropped. Crap. I really needed to feed soon. I made a strategic retreat to the office and grabbed a bottled water, and tried to calm myself down.

  I was hot, and all I could think about was sinking my teeth in his neck, and all the interesting things that might happen after that, which he could introduce me too. I wasn’t sure what exactly, but whatever it was I’d let him do it. His scent was delicious, he smelled of the forest. I’d been attracted to him yesterday, but nothing like this. It had to be a combination of him, and my blood thirst, that had me all hot and bothered to this extent.

  I sighed and took a long drink of water, and then headed back out there with a firmer grip on my emotions.

  Bob asked, “Smell get too bad for you?”

  I laughed, and blushed a little. How could he be so wrong and so right at the same time?

  “Just thirsty, but maybe we should get a cross breeze in here.”

  Actually, it really had been getting warmer in here, maybe they kept the air conditioning at a higher temp during the during the hours when the pool hall was closed. It wasn’t me, or rather, not just me, that was feeling hot. I thought about putting the air conditioner down a bit, but there was no point. Jared and Bob moved toward the front and started to remove the frame with power tools to take out the big front window. I was about to get that cross breeze I’d mentioned, at least for a few minutes.

  A white van pulled up with a frame off the side to hold glass, and two guys got out. Definitely more of the pack. My mouth dropped open when I saw them, they were twins. Both at least six foot two, black hair, and green eyes. The only difference I could see was one had a smile on his face.

  Jared unlocked the front door, opened it, and called out sarcastically, “Cade, Harris, glad you could make it.”

  Harris’ face pinched, but Cade grinned, “Sure thing boss.”

  Jared waited while the twins unsecured the window from the van, and then he came back in. I watched as Bob and him lifted the window and turned it sideways to walk it right out of the store. The twins grabbed the new one and tilted it to get it inside, and then set it in the frame, while Jared and Bob put the cracked one on the van. It looked almost choreographed, obviously these guys had been working together a long time.

  Once they secured the window to the van, they opened up the back and pulled out the replacement piece for the bar and carried it inside. I finally looked away, I was really having trouble not staring at Jared. I looked at the twins instead, they were almost done reframing the window already.

  I felt a little disappointment, that this was all happening so fast. The idea we had to go to two other places cheered me though. It didn’t take long for the five of them to finish up, another ten minutes and the bar and front window was fixed. Even Ted seemed to be done with the wall.

  Ted said to Jared, “I’ll have to finish up tomorrow, need to let this dry. Then we need to sand and paint.”

  Jared nodded, “Alright, why don’t you go back with Harris and Cade.”

  Ted narrowed his eyes, “Why?”

  Jared shrugged, “I don’t think Miku drove, and I’ve got to work up two estimates. Joe will make sure she doesn’t make off with me.”

  I wondered if joe could be bribed.

  Ted looked mutinous at that idea, but couldn’t hold eye contact with Jared for more than a few seconds. Jared was clearly the alpha here.

  Ted grunted, “Alright, let’s go Harris, Cade.”

  I waited until they were gone, then I said, “I could’ve just walked, it isn’t that far.”

  Jared shook his head, “Vampires make our wolves tense, but Ted turns into an absolute asshat around them. It was just an excuse. Just give us a minute to clean up and we’ll go to Legends first.”

  I was curious to ask why Ted was that way, but held my tongue. I also wondered why I hadn’t read any of the wolves yet, especially Jared. Was it because he was my soulmate? It was my power, and sometimes even my responsibility to read souls, but mostly I didn’t care what I found out. Maybe that’s why I hadn’t, because in Jared’s case I would care very much. Which would make it feel wrong, like eavesdropping, or crossing a line.

  Maybe I was just nuts.

  I watched them pack their truck, and clean up a bit where there was plaster dust, and then I locked up, and we went out back. That’s when I realized the flaw in the plan, as I got into the cab of the truck and was sandwiched between Jared and Bob. Not that I even noticed the Bob part.

  I was too focused on the scent of Jared’s skin, the forest, fresh air, and the undeniable call of his blood. I’d never even kissed anyone before, much less been intimate, but I wanted to run my hands on him and sit in his lap. I clasped my hands tightly before my hands could betray me, and my heartbeat jumped as I blushed at the skin to skin contact of our legs.

  This was impossible. Note to self, always feed before meeting the werewolves when I’m thirsty. It was harder than I’d expected, this was my first full third day. Last time I’d fed had been after two, and I couldn’t even remember it since I was so drunk. It kind of made me wonder if I didn’t have to feed more than a normal newborn, maybe every other day, simply because I was as powerful as a fifty-year-old.

  The theory is the elemental air magic that makes us what we are increases slowly, and at the same time the blood craving decreases with time. It occurred to me that taken in those two parts, it didn’t make any sense at all. Increased healing and speed should mean more blood, not less. So what if the magic also changes the body, makes it able to tolerate more magic over time.

  That means I have the magic of a fifty-year-old vampire running through me, with the body of a five-day old vampire. Which… implies it would take a higher toll on my body, so more blood. I’d have to talk to Lisa, or maybe Ceara about it, I might really have to drink blood every other day, for probably a long time until my body can catch up to my power. After all, nothing is free, especially power.

  Either that, or I was a wimp, and this level of thirst was normal on day three.

  Bob asked, “Do we make you nervous little vampire?”

  I shook my head as my pulse raced, “Nope, not at all,” I lied. Sort of, it was the truth too, because he clearly didn’t mean that question in the way that Jared made me nervous.

  Thankfully they rolled the windows down, and some fresh air blown in my face cleared some of the irresistible scent from my nose as we sped down the street…

  I managed to survive the short drive to Legends, and we piled out to both my relief and disappointment, I was so nuts. I was barely paying attention as I tried to calm myself down, but before I made it to the thumb pad at the back door I felt another vampire, and one with an unfamiliar soul. He was on the rooftop across the street. He was about three hundred and it took me a few seconds to thread his shields, then I read him.

  Bob and Jared were staring at me wondering why I stopped moving.

  I held up a hand and said, “Hold on, we have a problem,” and pulled my phone out.

  I dialed Lisa, she answered on the third ring.

  She said quietly, “I’m on shift, what do you need?”

  I sighed, “Is Ceara there too?”

  Ceara said, “Yes, I’m here, what is it?” and I had no problems hearing her from across the room.

  “Remember that magnet comment? The rogues, I’m guessing no one has been at Legends since the fire? They set up some explosives, and there’s a three-hundred-year old vampire across the street on a
roof. He plans to blow us up. The plan is to kill Jared, the pack alpha, and cause a war of sorts between us here. Just another trap and distraction. Mark was actually here, in the city an hour ago, but he’s long gone now.”

  Ceara asked, “Can you take him out?”

  I chuckled, “Absolutely, he plans to blow me up, so it’s all good. Umm, can you send someone to pick him up, he’ll be asleep. I don’t have a car.”

  I was already inside his shields, it was easy to start wrapping him in spirit energy, and manipulate his soul to put him to sleep. It only took a few seconds, and the bastard passed out. I kind of wanted to fight him, but even with my training a three-hundred-year old vampire was probably fast enough to compensate and be out of my league. Plus, this way the explosives didn’t go off.

  Joe asked, “How did you know?”

  “I’m not just a vampire. I was a sorceress when I was turned by a piece of shit rogue against my will,” I flashed a genuine smile, “But I’m not bitter or anything. Anyway, I could sense him up there when we got out of the truck.”

  Jared grunted, “That explains it.”

  I tilted my head, “Explains what?”

  Jared coughed, “That you smell like a vampire, but don’t feel like one.”

  I smiled, couldn’t help it, I was so setting myself up for a world of pain. Hope was evil that way.

  “Be right back. It should be fine now, but please wait.”

  Jared didn’t look happy about me going in there alone, but he conceded with a nod that it was a vampire issue. I didn’t read too much into it, werewolves had a protective streak a mile wide, especially an alpha.

  I thumbed the pad and went inside. There were four sets of charges, two by the doors, and two on the load bearing beams. Thanks to reading the guys soul, they were simple to disarm. Just a switch to disable the remote detonator, and then pull out the blasting caps. Easy or not, they still made me nervous. In my defense, they were my first bombs.

  I threw all the stuff in an empty box, and set it by the back door, it would make a nifty gift for the security guys.

  I popped the door back open, “It’s safe, it’s also a mess.”

  Bob whistled when he got inside, “That’s a lot of water damage.”

  They both went in, and started to examine everything, and give each other opinions back and forth. It sounded like most of the stuff even in the main room had to be ripped out and replaced, and the bathrooms would need to be torn out as well, including what remained of the walls, and completely rebuilt save the plumbing.

  They were very thorough, and it actually took longer for them to finish here than the repair work had taken at B and B.

  While that was going on, Matt arrived in a car, and retrieved the unconscious vampire, restraining him heavy metal cuffs and a gag before putting him in the trunk. Once I was sure he was secure I released the power I’d had around him. Matt also relieved me of the explosives. I wondered if we would place guards at all the locations twenty-four seven, just in case they tried something like this again. I also wondered if we had enough guards to do that.

  I managed to control my traitorous body a little better for the ride over to Pulse. I still wanted his blood, but they say you can get used to anything. It didn’t take very long when we got there, just the hole in the hallway, and the bathroom wall that was slightly singed. It was less than five minutes later when they finished up.

  Jared assured me he’d send the estimates in sometime today, and I watched, a little too wistfully, as they drove off.

  It was the middle of the day, but I didn’t care that much, I couldn’t wait for tonight, plus I’d be working anyway. On the walk home I stopped at an alley that had a lot of nooks in the cement, and a likely dumpster to hide behind. I was faintly disturbed by that idea, but too thirsty to really give a crap.

  I picked out a likely target, he looked about twenty-two, and I could read that he was healthy. It only took a moment of eye contact and he willingly followed me into the alley. I got a little carried away, and pushed him into the alcove, out of view of the busy street, and bit into his neck. It was even better than I remembered from the first time. Pure liquid pleasure, and the taste was better than chocolate. When I’d drank my fill, I was completely pressed up against him, I was more than a little turned on, and could feel he was too, obviously so.

  It was both highly disturbing, and felt completely natural at the same time, as my mind tried to reject my vampire instincts. I wasn’t overwhelmed by it, it was easy to step back now that the blood thirst and craving were out of the picture, especially since he wasn’t the one I really wanted.

  I commanded him to forget this ever happened, and sent him on his way. Still, I knew I’d need a cold shower when I got back to the coven. Maybe it wouldn’t be so pronounced if I feed every other day, I’d let it go on too long. I supposed I’d find out.

  Chapter 25

  I smelled like smoke, sawdust, and a little of the aftershave from the guy on the street. So I went straight up to my condo for that shower I’d promised myself, although it was hot instead of cold, and then I pulled on a change of clothes. In hindsight, I was glad Lisa had made me get more than just a few outfits, seemed like I was going through two or three changes a day.

  I put on some black jean shorts, a clingy tee, and calf high boots which I was able to conceal some blades in. I probably didn’t need the steel, not with my powers and being a vampire, but I felt better with them on.

  I looked over at my sword a little wistfully, which was on display. I wondered why I was even taught how to use it. I couldn’t exactly run around the streets of Seattle wearing a damned sword. Or at least, not yet. Maybe when I was stronger I’d be able to hide it with a spirit illusion, but it would be a while before I gained that power.

  And by a while I mean a century or so. I supposed I could carry that pool cue case everywhere, but people would make fun of me. It only worked that one time because I knew I was headed to a fight, usually I don’t know about it before hand.

  Hmm, maybe I could ask Tina if she could arrange something. I wasn’t sure what a witch could pull off. Something to look into another time.

  I checked myself in the mirror one last time, and then headed down to lunch. The nice kitchen in my condo seemed like a waste, but if I didn’t have to cook I wouldn’t complain. I grabbed a tray of food, and spotted Lisa sitting alone and looking a million miles away and ready to pass out.

  I sat across from her.

  “Hey, have you slept?”

  She shook her head, and her usual smile wasn’t in evidence, “Nope, worked a double shift and then some. That’s why I didn’t show up last night at Pulse. There aren’t enough of us to go around with the increase in both people at each location, and now guarding locations when they’re closed just made it worse.”

  “Maybe things will improve once we take out Mark.”

  She shook her head again, “Why do you say that? It will just be one rogue issue after another.”

  I nodded, “But our cells are bursting with Mark’s turns. Some of them might make good guards once they’re freed from Mark’s compulsions as their maker. Granted, they suck at fighting, but we can train them up some, the ones that stay anyway. Last I checked we still have fifteen condos free.”

  It used to be thirteen, but those two vampires died.

  “That’s…” she paused a second, “A fairly brilliant idea. Maybe. I’m too tired to think straight.”

  My phone dinged and I pulled it out, Jared sent in the estimate already. I took a moment to forward it to Eustice, Karen, and Daniel, and then got back to my lunch. A tray was set next to me and I looked up, it was Melody.

  I smiled, genuinely glad to see her, “Hi, what brings you by?”

  I blushed then, realizing how invasive that question might be. Was it really my business?

  Melody smiled though, and said, “Just visiting, mainly for the free food.”

  Another tray popped down next to Lisa, and it was Ceara.
I’d never seen her in here before.

  “Good catch on the bombs Miku. I have good news, Tina figured out a spell and she’ll be here in a half hour. Will you come with us? I need to know if he has any plans in place in the case of his death, and what exactly he was planning to do. What resources he had… all of it.”

  “Sure, sounds like fun,” I wasn’t about to say no.

  Melody laughed, “Fun?”

  I shrugged, “He tried to have me killed several times, and blown up once, I wouldn’t miss it.”

  Ceara asked, “Do you think you can get through his shield? He’s about twelve hundred years old.”

  I honestly didn’t think I could, but that wouldn’t matter.

  I smiled in anticipation, “Nope, but that’s okay. I can read him after you rip his head off. Once he’s dead, his soul is mine until I let it go.”

  Ceara nodded, and I looked over at Lisa who was clearly torn between wanting to go along, and finding the nearest bed.

  I asked Lisa, “You trust me?”

  She nodded, a little warily.

  I threaded her shields, and started to pull elemental spirit magic and poured it through the link, feeding her soul. She straightened up a bit as it recharged her energy.

  She grinned, “That’s amazing, I feel like I slept for days.”

  I nodded and then burst her bubble, “But you haven’t. You’ll have to pay for it tonight. Think of it like a magical energy drink, eventually you’ll crash.”

  She asked, “Is it dangerous?”

  “No. Well, if I kept doing it over and over yes, your body would eventually rebel, but not dangerous just the once.”

  I switched tracks, “So, as long as you’re here, I have a theory I’d like to run by you.”

  I explained my theory about me needing blood more often than a normal baby vampire, and why.

  Ceara nodded, “That sound right. It does change the body over time. More than just related to blood as well. Imagine punching someone at my speed. If my body was the same as a mortal’s all the bones in my hand, and possibly my arm, would shatter at the impact. The skin is tougher too, nothing that a knife or bullet couldn’t break, but tougher.”


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