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Portals Page 24

by Wilson, Maer

  “It matters, my dear La Fi, because if it is science, we can look at the physical area this world is traveling through and determine how it is different from the area before. While the galaxy spins slowly and solar systems make their slow march around the galactic core, we should be able to see what is different from where Earth currently is versus where, say, Avalon is. If the power source is indeed different, as I suspect, then we can find what makes it different and attempt to chart when this phase will end. For that we would need our expert astronomers. Perhaps even some of our astrologers, who are quite different from those here on Earth.

  “Conversely, if the spontaneous portals are a result of wild magic, then we have experts who can study what has prompted the change. More importantly, if this is indeed magic at work, does it herald an age of magic for humanity? Does it add in new parameters that will affect human evolution into more magical pathways?”

  “So you think if it’s science, then there will be no evolutionary change, but if it’s magic then there will be?” Reo asked.

  Jones shook his head. “Even if it is science, it could influence a change in humanity to some small degree. Life adapts, after all. But if magic is indeed being introduced to Earth, I believe it will act as a trigger to jumpstart an evolution of magical abilities never before seen in your species. So far, I am not seeing much difference from times past. Humans are using the same power sources they always have. That is why I am leaning toward the scientific explanation. This is all speculation, mind you, based on my studies of humans, as well as my study of magical races.”

  “Why couldn’t it be both?” I asked. “Why couldn’t it be that we are traveling through a part of the galaxy that is magical? So our traveling is scientific, but where we are going is magical?”

  Jones looked at me for a long moment. “That is possible. To be honest, we had only discussed an either/or situation. We had not thought of the possibility of a melding of the two.” He gave a rueful smile. “Sometimes, I think we have lived too long. As they say, ‘out of the mouths of babes.’ I shall pass on your idea.” He gave me another long look, hands together and fingers steepled. “You have had an uncanny knack for bringing up interesting theories lately, La Fi. Perhaps we should look a bit more closely at your innate abilities.”

  “No!” I protested immediately. “No studying me!” I stared at Jones, as I held up an admonishing finger. “Not happening.” My tone was grim, and my voice was very firm and deliberate.

  “We do not have laboratories where we lock our subjects up, La Fi,” Jones replied mildly. “Even Sloane could probably discover some things, but let us set that aside for now, shall we?”

  “Oh, yes, let’s set it aside. In fact, let’s forget it completely, shall we?” Sarcasm dripped from my tongue as I frowned at Jones, who only laughed and looked away. I changed the subject.

  “I have some questions for you, Jones. Why did the portal between your world and Neva close when you went through, and is anyone going to open it back up?”

  Jones shook his head. “To answer your last question first, no, the portal has not re-opened, nor is anyone on our side attempting to open it. I doubt that the Light Ones are trying from their side, either. They have enough to contend with as they continue to stabilize their society. Belus said that things have calmed down considerably and they are in the process of getting back on track. The spell worked well.” He smiled at me. “As to why it closed when I went through, we are not certain. It is thought that the portal, which has existed as long as I have been alive, was to be used by Light Ones only. At least that is what we thought since our attempts to close it failed. We have been unable to trace the portal’s origins.”

  “What about the daemon rebellion? Was Satorah’s mother part of the plot?” asked Thulu.

  “No, her mother was taken along against her will. Satorah held her prisoner, but she was freed soon after Satorah’s death.”

  “I felt sorry for her,” I said.

  “Well, I have a question myself,” said Lassiter. “How does this all tie together? I mean the mutated daemons and portals openings and magic?”

  “Those are the big questions, are they not?” Jones answered. “Are the mutated daemons orchestrating portal openings? Or simply taking advantage of them? Either way, they are extremely dangerous and very powerful. If they are simply taking advantage, as I believe, then we can monitor and guard against them. If they are orchestrating, then we have no way to predict their opening a portal and must take extra special care to find a way to guard your people from them.

  “Okay, Jones, we need to talk about these other worlds you mentioned a while ago. You said ‘worlds,’ plural. That sounds like you think there are other dangerous worlds out there besides this one that could get connected to us.” I looked at him steadily.

  “The possibility exists, of course. The magical races do not know every world. How could we? The fact that this other world, which we have had no contact with for thousands of years, has connected to Earth is cause for concern. It is a prime example that perhaps we may see connections to other new worlds. It would be natural to see portals to the known magical worlds that have been previously connected to you. However, it is also possible that we will see brand new connections to almost any world. That is, assuming my theory is correct. I would rather be wrong. I would prefer that our mutated brethren turn out to be the cause behind these portals, but I am not optimistic in that hope.”

  “Why, Jones? Why do you think it’s random?”

  “Because the portals that have been opened are to other worlds. None of the ones that we have seen so far have been to the banished world, although we know one must have opened to allow them through. The banished would have no reason to open portals to these other worlds. Far less reason than what we attributed to Gabriel. And their behavior so far speaks of intelligence and cunning. Whatever they have become, at least some of them are intelligent. Of that we can be sure. There wasn’t a lot of reasoning going on when they were banished, so perhaps they have evolved out of their madness.

  “There were some of our people who were not mutated who went with them into banishment. Altruistic types and those who cared too much to let loved ones go. I did not have much hope that they would survive, but it is possible that some of them did.” He paused, obviously preoccupied with the idea of the banished, since he seemed to be gnawing on it, like a bone.

  “Anyway, that is what I think. That it is random. That your world is going to be increasingly connected to other worlds. I have talked with Aurelia and Belus and the leaders of the other magical worlds about this. We are all in agreement that the leaders of your world need to be notified. Your people need to be educated and taught to never go through a portal. There is no way to know if the world it connects to is safe. There are many dead worlds out there. I myself have been to lifeless worlds and for a human to attempt to go there would mean immediate death. We may not have many facts to convince your leaders, but we must be prepared as your system passes through this area, assuming that is what is happening. The more I think on this, the more I believe this is what is going on.”

  Lassiter spoke up. “How long do you think this will last?”

  Jones was silent for several moments. “There is no way to know. I do not know how long this has been going on. At least one year, perhaps as many as one hundred or even two hundred years. There is no way to tell. Not until we identify whatever markers there are to tell us what is causing the portals to open.

  “However, that is a topic for others to deal with. My job and yours, if you will assist me, is to identify and stop the banished ones from spreading out on Earth. It has been decided that I should make contact with them. I have also sent a message to my brother, in hopes that some of our chroniclers and masters will also come and lend assistance. The elves, of course, will be looking for others.” He took a long drink of his water.

  “I do not think that it is an accident that they are here in San Francisco. I do not believe
that it was an accident that they attacked Sloane and Reo or kidnapped another human with supernatural abilities. I believe they are attempting to find out as much as they can about me. I am sure they would very much like to meet up with me, but on their terms.”

  “So, they’re after you, Jones?” I asked. “And why, pray tell, is that?” I knew I wasn’t going to like the answer because Jones took his sweet time. We waited, no one saying anything, everyone watching him.

  “Because it was my idea to banish them. I am the one who created the portal to their world. I also made sure that world had no portal access to any other worlds. And once they were all through, I am the one who sealed it behind them.”

  Lovely. Just lovely.

  “I would imagine that they would like to repay me for that.”

  “Oh, hell, Jones, whatever gave you that idea?” I asked, sarcastically.

  He only smiled ruefully in reply.

  “So, you can see why I would prefer you to stay safe. If they have identified Reo and the other supes, you can rest assured that they will know who you are. They are not able to breach the wards on your house. I doubt much of anything can do that. I made sure that your home and the homes of your loved ones are well-protected. A nuclear bomb might be able to take them out, but certainly nothing less.”

  My mouth dropped open. Jones shrugged.

  “I felt it was the least I could do. I only wish I had done it earlier.” Of course, he was referring to the barbeque, but he had no way of knowing Gabriel would attack. I thought it interesting that he felt guilt over that. Hell, I found it interesting that he felt guilt at all.

  “Anyway, I want to find and neutralize any threat to my friends.” Jones turned to Thulu. “They are adept at blocking you, but I think you can use the blank spots to tell us where they are and if there are more.”

  Thulu shook his head. “I don’t know about that, Jones. It didn’t work before. I couldn’t get a location at all. I tried to focus on Daria, as well as the energy blocking me, and I couldn’t get either one.”

  Jones looked thoughtful for a moment. “I’d still like you to try to find the groups. They may not be as focused as the location was with Daria.”

  Thulu shrugged. “I’m willing to try again.”

  Jones nodded and turned to Lassiter. “As to those two banished ones in your custody, Detective. They are remaining there because they choose to. Please be aware that they can leave at any time. I am certain of that. Whatever reason they have for remaining in custody, they are up to something. Your people need to understand that they are very dangerous. When they do decide to leave, they will. No one will be able to stop them. No human, that is. I can only hope they are able to teleport or portal out. Otherwise they will use force to leave.”

  “They could have simply gotten out on bail. However, they have not even asked for their attorney call,” mused Lassiter.

  “As I said, they have a reason for being there. Although we may never know what that reason is.”

  “We should warn the other supes,” said Thulu. “Daria will be on her guard, but she should contact her group and let them know to be careful.” He had already pulled his phone out and was dialing Lilia’s number.

  He rose and went into the hallway while he made the call. He needn’t have bothered. The rest of us weren’t inclined to talk much. It seemed that ever since we’d met Jones I lived in information overload. For well over a month now, there had been so much to absorb.

  Sometimes, I thought my brain would explode from all the new information that seemed to be crammed into it. I even missed the old days when all we dealt with were the dead and a few Earth-type supernatural beings. Days when Thulu and I spent hours online playing our games and life had seemed far simpler. What was that old curse? May you live in interesting times? Um, yeah, well we had those, that was for sure.

  Thulu came back after only a few minutes, letting us know he’d spoken to Daria. She had agreed to immediately let the rest of her circle know to be careful.

  “So what now, Jones?” asked Reo.

  Jones gestured to Thulu. “We get our resident finder to find the blank spots. Once we’ve identified them, we contact Aela and her warriors and have her reconnoiter the area. I shall also talk to Belus and Aurelia and the others to see who is going to come with us.”

  My mind turned to more immediate matters. “Well, we need to alert our families to stay extra cautious. Reo’s parents should be warned, since they’re supes, too. And I want Carter here, Jones.”

  He looked at me and slowly shook his head. “I can arrange protection for them, but Carter should be perfectly safe with Ally.”

  “Is the rest of our family safe? Do you think they would go after any of them?” My heart sank deep into my stomach at the thought.

  “I do not know, La Fi. I believe they are safe. I think the mutated daemons’ purpose in attempting to attack Sloane and kidnapping Daria was to get my attention. Of course, I am speculating and do not know this for a certainty.”

  “Well, we need to let the family know to stay home. I’ll start with Ally.”

  I pulled my phone out and moved to our study with Thulu behind me as I called Ally’s cell phone and put her on speaker. I filled her in on the short version of what was happening.

  “How dangerous is it?” she asked, after I told her I’d get Carter once they were home and we could open a portal directly into their house.

  “We think they are only after supes, but they now know Jones is aware of the situation, so maybe even supes are safe.” I paused before filling her in on what Jones had said about protection on all of our houses. “You should be completely safe at home. Jones insists Carter is fine with you. I just don’t want to impose on you and Brent. I know you have to work in the morning.”

  “You aren’t imposing, La Fi. There’s no reason to pick Carter up. It sounds like you have a lot going on and perhaps it would be better if he stays the night with us.”

  I was torn, as I thought about it.

  Thulu was watching me as he said, “I agree, Ally. Jones said to tell you to expect protection. We can also have Parker or one of the others check in with you. In fact, we should probably call in all our dead and have them patrolling the family.”

  I brightened as I thought about that and nodded.

  “Okay, thanks, Ally. Since we really don’t know what’s going to happen maybe it is best Carter spends the night. Let me know if you need anything. And remember to go straight home.”

  “We will. You guys be careful.”

  We ended that call and started our family phone tree, beginning with Erik. We kept the explanation very short. Just that all family members were to stay close to their homes and not go out that night. Also to not open their doors to anyone they didn’t know.

  When we returned to the family room, Reo had already notified his parents, but had to leave to make his show that night.

  “Sloane plans to stay with me, but we’ll both be back as soon as my show is over.” Reo was frowning and had a slightly glazed look, one that usually meant he was picking up on something.

  “Something is flitting about at the edges for me, and I can’t quite grasp it.” He shook it off. “Anyway, we’ll see you guys later.” He gave a smile and a wave as Sloane took his hand and ported them both out.

  “I’m going to start on locating those blank spots,” Thulu said, as he headed into our study and closed the door.

  Lassiter looked at me, with a rueful smile. “People sure come and go around here quickly.”

  Jones gave a low laugh, “More incoming.” He called in the fairies and Lassiter’s expression was priceless as he watched tiny Aela fly in on point for her little squadron of warriors.

  Our house had started to feel like an armed camp. While Jones filled Aela in, I went to the kitchen and called in Nana Fae and the rest of our dead.

  I gave them a bit more information than I had the living relatives. They promised to fill in the closer friends, like Jane, E
mily and Devon, to help watch out for our family members. Nana Fae and Mama Deb were excellent at organizing things when they were alive. They applied those skills to organizing all the dead into a tight little group that could look after anyone we thought might be at risk. Parker would rove and act as messenger, a role he was becoming quite adept at.

  Even Jenna and Sophie had a job and were assigned to Carter, Ally and Brent. Jenna was perfectly capable of letting us know if anything went wrong, even if she was only four. I called Ally back to let her know, so they wouldn’t be startled when Carter began talking to thin air. Another thought crossed my mind before I disconnected.

  “Ally, is Brent okay with all this? I know he has been wonderful and super supportive, but is he freaking out at all?”

  “No, not at all, La Fi. Don’t worry. Brent is a rock, and he is taking everything in stride.” The sounds of traffic sounded faintly, and I knew they were still in the car.

  Brent’s voice came from the background. “You guys take care of what you need to. We have things under control on this end. Don’t worry about us.”

  I blew out a small sigh of relief. I didn’t want our crazy life to drive a wedge between Ally and Brent. A lot of guys would have already hit the road, after the slaughter at the barbeque. I was glad Ally had found one of the good ones.

  “Okay,” I replied. “Just let Jenna know to come to us if you need anything. Even though you can’t see her, she can see and hear you. She’s great at carrying messages. Just be prepared.”

  Ally agreed they’d be on the lookout, so I hung up. My stomach rumbled, and I realized the snacks hadn’t made much of a dent. I also noticed that there were some tantalizing smells coming from the front of the house and went to investigate.

  Jones had opened a portal. A box sat on the coffee table and Stuart appeared carrying another box. Jones closed the portal, while Lassiter picked up the box from the coffee table and followed Stuart into the dining room.


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